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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]Organizing emotions In a puddle of ineptitude The gypsy lady Chants mantras Whispering wheat grain Absolutions whole-ized In uniqueness And as the emotions tumble And un-jumble Into a quilt of representation Life is whole-ized In wheat grain whisperings And mantras chanted By the gypsy lady[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]I am resurrecting an old thread, so feel free to crucify me if you?d like (although the crucification usually occurs before the resurrection). I finally found [b]Viva! la Woman[/b] and [b]Stereotype A[/b] in an FYI in Cleveland about a week ago. My initial reaction to [b] Viva! la Woman[/b] was one of absolute horror. I thought it was pretty terrible, mainly because of Miho Hatori?s vocals. Halfway through the album, however, I had become a neutral fan, and by the end of the album I was frantically ripping the plastic off [b]Stereotype A[/b] so I could listen to it as well. Although I enjoyed [b]Viva! la Woman[/b] a bit more than [b]Stereotype A[/b] both are enjoyable albums that have the unique quality in which the whole is better than the sum of all its parts. In other words, I doubt that I would listen to one or two songs off of [b] Viva! la Woman[/b], but I love listening to the album in its entirety. If I was to categorize this band I would say that it resembles Bjork meets the Chemical Brothers, however it really doesn?t sound like either. It sounds unique in a blatantly odd yet incredibly marvelous kind of way. I think that it would defiantly appeal to people that enjoy all different genres of music, especially those that enjoy listening to something that sounds like nothing else.[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]Okay, I don't really know the situation other than what I read in this post, but I have been around here for awhile and I have seen threads like this come and go with nearly every banning. It is hard to get banned from the Otakuboards, actually it is impossible as long as you show some basic manners and a little bit of common curtisy. James and Charles tend to be the ultimate distributers of second chances. Magdelena already had one and blew it, end of story, case closed. There are a billion and one other message boards out there for her to post on and make people angry.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]Weren't both Hawkman and Hawkgirl memebers of the Justice League in the comic? The makers of the show were going to use both of them, but there's really no point in using both hawk-people. They needed another woman in the team in addition to Wonder Woman, so they decided to use Hawkgirl. Batman isn't that young in the animated series. He's got to be close to pushing 40. The timeline for Justice League animated follows the timeline to Batman: The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures. At this point, Batman is so old that he's already on his third Robin. And I thought Wonder Woman [i]could[/i] fly. The only times I've seen her use that invisible jet of hers is in the old Superfriends cartoon and the live-action 1970s TV series. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Actually, I think that Hawkgirl was in the JLA comics for quite a bit longer than Hawkman, who was her husband, mainly because she was avenging Hawkman's death. Wonder Woman has always been able to fly in the comics, at least she has been able to for the last seventeen years or so. I think that the Justice League is a great cartoon, it is well animated and the plot lines are usually very entertaining. I have always liked how DC stuck to a similar form of artwork throughout their shows (Batman, Superman, JLA). The only changes that I would like to see occur throughout the series is the addition of Steel, the Atom, and Kyle Rayner as the Green Lantern (mainly because the possible dialogue between Rayner and West, the Flash, is so good in the comic).[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]While they are somewhat of a one hit wonder in the radio sense, they've been putting out stuff for several years now. They haven't really just come out of nowhere, did one lackluster album and disappeared forever like most other one hit wonder bands. That said, I think even Fountains of Wayne fans agree that Stacy's Mom is an overall crappy song. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Yeah Semajaza is right on both accounts. The first being that Fountians of Wayne have been around for awhile, actually the lead singer won a grammy for the "That Thing You Do" song from the same titled movie. Second, Stacy's Mom is a really crappy song...it just has a very hot woman in the video...[/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]Even better. Accuse the other candidates of taking bribes from the school admins. Start your own Monica-Gate. Kiss the women, shake hands with the babies. Turn the electoral process into a circus...literally. Get a guy in a bearsuit to balance on a little red ball. Get some clowns to advertise. Scantily-clad contortionists will get votes, especially male votes. Be sure to get lesbian contortionists, too. Then promise the male voters that if you're elected, each male will get two lesbian contortionists. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I like it, I like it. Just make sure to by yourself a top hat and tails and insist that all the other candidates refer to you as Barnabus, the Ringmaster. ...you may also want to trim the bears claws before you bring them to school, they tend to be sharp.[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WW2 [/i] [B]Well I read a book based on the Salem Witch Trials, called the Crucible. It was pretty good, and the explanation it gave was that all the people were indeed acting. The people mainly started accusing others, just so they can gain something in return. Me, I really don't know what to think, and have never given it much thought. Oh well:D [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Arthur Miller's [b]Crucible[/b] was a great parable on the McCarthy hearings but I don't know how true to the real Salem Witch trial events it is... I personally think the hysteria was generated by religious leaders manipulating the masses. At the time in Salem, religion was a way of life for people, they ate, drank and breathed the church. When people are dedicated to a cause it can become blinding, especially when a charismatic individual or group of individuals is organizing a group against a member of society that is considiered a bit of an eccentric...[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]Precisely why you shouldn't care, and if you do run for anything, be sure to freak them out. Don't run to win. Run to totally **** up the school's social order. Trust me on this. People get really weirded out when you say you're a Marxist Pythonian, or Socialist, or Communist, or Marxist, or Cuban, or Royalist, and even say you're from Tralfamadore...that gets people agitated. Tralfamadore, in case you don't know, is an alien planet some 4,000,000 lightyears away, created by Kurt Vonnegut in his novel Slaughterhouse Five. Excellent book. Highly recommend it. But, considering you won't win if you run, don't worry about winning. Just have fun during the electoral process (I think it's "electoral"). [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]You know what would be really incredible, if you were to campaign on the principle that the whole election is a farce and that you were already vested with the authority of ?Supreme Dictator? by an elite group of intellectuals that have the best of intentions for the school in mind. That way, regardless of whether you win or lose the election, you can attend the student council meetings under the title ?Supreme Dictator of Mrs. Hurley?s (I took the liberty of inventing your teachers name) Eighth Grade Class?. Edit?If teachers or administrators attempt to halt your infiltration of the student council adamantly insist that it is student ?government?, and since only one form of government is represented you thought that by diversifying you were broadening the learning process? [/color]
  9. [color=indigo]I found the bow set at Suncoast for about fifty dollars, so I am sure you can purchase it pretty cheaply. It is a realtively decent anime, the dubbing was done pretty well and the animation is very good. I thought that the series ended rather abruptly, but I always hear rumors of a second season.[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]I guess it all depends on what I am trying to do with the story, how I want to explore characters, and how I want to reveal certain elements to the reader. Lately I have had the tendency to write in the first person, mainly because I have been attempting more character intense works and I find it simpler to write from my point of view utilizing my outlook on life. If I am writing in an overall descriptive manner, especially when it comes to symbolism and scenery, I tend to use third person. I?d like to become masterful enough at both the first and third person point of views so that I can intertwine the two in an artistic manner, but I haven?t reached that point (I may never reach that point, lol). I have never been a fan of writing in the second person; I guess I always figured that I am not talented enough to get away with it. [/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I have never been a big fan of haunted houses, haunted trails, or any other charity type haunted hoopty-goop. Usually the groups that sponsor these events put very little effort into their project?at least that has been my experience, I am sure there have to be quite a few good elaborate, well thought events. When I was eleven one of my uncles took my cousin and I to a creepy, old, condemned white farm house, and I remember being so incredibly frightened. We walked through the house and there were noises all over the place, it turned out that my dad had snuck ahead and was running through the house tapping on the walls and exposed pipes. I am sure that I had nightmares for several days afterwards. Now there is a Wal-Mart where the house used to be, progress huh?[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]Many of the all male or female private high schools in America are steeped in tradition and prestige. Attending one of these schools certainly can open opportunities for students that may not have been otherwise available. For example, I attended Landon, a private all boys school on the out skirts of DC, for a year before moving to North Carolina. The year that I attended the entire top twenty percent of the graduating class was accepted into Ivy League colleges. Although I doubt that all of them attended Ivy League schools it is a shocking figure, especially considering that no one from entire public high school division was accepted into an Ivy League school, although quite a few applied. Granted, this example has more to do with prestige than lack of members of the opposite gender, but overall, I remember attending Landon and being absorbed in academics. At the public high school I attended I was much more concerned about what the pretty girl in the corner thought of me than my grades and my studies. I think, and this thought is based purely on personal experience, that most adolescent boys would probably learn more in a class that lacks females. At all male schools there are usually plenty of chances to interact with girls, actually it forced me to approach them because there is so much pressure to ask girls to dance or talk at mixed school functions. The little amount of social grace I developed from being forced to converse with women helped me tremendously in coping during high school.[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]If there was a redo button on life I honestly would probably have used it too the point of breakage. Although I believe that every action that you take, especially those that you regret, help to shape your life I also am aware that I am a very weak man, and often instant reprieve would be a welcomed comfort. I would probably use it to modify nearly every aspect of my life that I have caused me the loss of sleep, I would say every word that I regretted not saying and silence those that I regretted saying. I would probably do two or three takes of certain parts of my life just to get it right. [/color]
  14. [color=indigo]I don?t know if I embarrassed that I like any of the music that I do, but there is a lot of stuff that I like or have liked that I guess doesn?t fit my musical personality (if there is such a thing). I used to be a huge Boys 2 Men fan, I think I actually own every one of there albums made before 1994, and I still think that they are the greatest boy band ever. I know all the words to Ace of Base?s [b]Sign[/b] and Brittany Spears? [b]Slave[/b] and Beyonce?s [b]Crazy In Love[/b] because I have watched the video?s several million times. I have tempted to buy Michelle Branch and Nora Jones albums several times because I enjoy their voices and their songs. I am a proud fan of Bon Jovi, Poison, Motley Crue, as well as A-Ha, Boy George, and Elvis Costello. I think that The Calling wrote some pretty catchy ballads, Lenny Kravits will always be cool (except for that [b]Let Love Rule[/b] song, that blew), and Jimmy Eats World writes some decent pop rock. I listen to alt-country bands like Son Volt, Uncle Tupelo, Wilco, and Cravin? Melon quite frequently. Wait, strike my first comment, I am embarrassed by one band that I used to like, 311. They are a horrible band; I admit that I listened to them because a girl that I liked was into them?I am such a poser?[/color]
  15. I guess it is time to cast my stone and submit my vote for the Otaku idol finalist. I?d like to thank all the contestants for competing; I appreciate you guys sharing your writing with us. Deedlit, your story was very well written. Once again you took the initiative to post your work first, and I really respect that. However, I thought that Lady A?s entry was better. She did a little better job capturing the spirit of a snow storm and her writing seemed slightly more refined. So my vote goes to Lady A. Again, thank you both for participating and remaining in the competition.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]HC and some other guys (...and Mystique, from X-men...figure that one out) were on the other team. I was "assigned" to tag HC every time he tried to get into our...bunker, I guess. He was very persistent. / I don't remember a lot of it, but it was pretty long, and a lot of fun. ...I had just stopped HC again, and he was pretending not to try to run off again. Tori was having difficulties getting...I think it was James...over to the "jail" area. HC mimed pulling out some kind of large, imaginary gun, and went through the motions of shooting it at James. James fell over. I started, and turned to HC. "You...You killed him!" I said. Pretty confused. First of all, you can't kill people with an imaginary gun; and second, if you could, why would you kill one of your own teammates? HC laughed. His text (voice?) was light green, not indigo. He was very friendly. And then he shot me, too. -- And honestly, that was a perfectly normal dream. / *laughs*[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I do tend to act very strangely when my text (voice) is green...sorry about shooting you with my imaginary gun Sara, I refuse to apologize to James though...every guy in the world that is better looking than I am should be aware that they run the risk of me shooting them with my imaginary gun in Sara's dreams...that is just the way the world according to HC works...[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Pitter patter Pitter patter My heart is racing Pitter patter Pitter patter My heart is racing Pitter patter Pitter patter My heart is racing The boy in blue footy pajamas Beams before The sunrise Teetering on the stair top Pitter patter Pitter patter My feet are racing Pitter patter Pitter patter My feet are racing Pitter patter Pitter patter My feet are racing The boy in blue footy pajamas Sweetly smiles At the milk stained glass And cookie crumbled plate Pitter patter Pitter patter My mind is racing Pitter patter Pitter patter My mind is racing Pitter patter Pitter patter My mind is racing The boy in blue footy pajamas Gleefully gasps At the radical red Faux fire truck Pitter patter Pitter patter My breath is racing Pitter patter Pitter patter My breath is racing Pitter patter Pitter patter My breath is racing The boy in blue footy pajamas Bouncingly bounds Up, up, up! the stairs To his parents Pitter patter Pitter patter My heart is racing Pitter patter Pitter patter My heart is racing Pitter patter Pitter patter My heart is racing The boy in blue footy pajamas Cries Christmas tidings To Morning?s mother And Fortune?s father[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]Nice work! Kudos. I know what you mean about sources. Some papers, I just listed the books I checked out of the library, whether or not I actually used them. Mmm...thirty pages. I'm looking forward to mammoth papers like that. I'm a bit sadomasochistic in that respect. I enjoy writing papers. I wonder, if a topic like "Sanitation and Containment Procedures in London" would've been adequate. The topic is pretty narrow. Heh...depending on the instructor's comedic edge, one could incorporate Monty Python. But yeah, nice work, indeed. I'm planning my Dissertation paper/book. I may or may not go for a doctorate after my Master's, but I'm going to write my Dissertation anyway. Granted, it won't be called a Disseration if I'm not a doctorate student, but my idea intrigues me. Off-topic, weren't you a Mod before? Or am I just going gloriously, fantastically, hop hop hoppingly mad? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I guy in my class had a topic like ?corpse removal and burial procedures? and he apparently incorporated one of Monty Python?s sketches, I never read the paper but my professor mentioned it the following semester. I too am a glutton for scholarly punishment; I plan on pursuing my master?s degree this spring. I don?t plan on writing any more thirty plus page research papers in three days though, it is just too frustrating when you are on the thirtieth or so paragraph and you realize that your language usage throughout the paper is not consistent, lol. And though you maybe ?gloriously, fantastically, hop hop hoppingly mad? you are right, I was a mod ;)[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]I don't like going out with people that tend to agree with me. It ends up being boring an conversations grow mundane. I think I would have to marry someone that has a differnet view on life than I do, someone that likes to debate, talk, and express [b]their[/b] opinions not reflections of my own. On the flip side, I couldn't see myself with an over zealous left or right winger. People that blindly follow a political party wierd me out...[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]Here's something. Your health instructor didn't even read the articles turned in. You got a good grade simply for turning something in. I've done it before, and it happens especially in Health/Phys Ed classes...Health classes more than anything. Now, as for me... I've turned in total ********, 8 page papers on Shakespeare, written in 2 hours, and gotten B+ or A on them. I've written a 12 page paper comparing Dante's Inferno, Heart Of Darkness, and Apocalypse Now and gotten an A on it. I'm still revising it, adding to it, making it a scholarly article to be available for publishing. I've improvised lectures off the top of my head. I can quote verbatim, Monty Python And The Holy Grail. I'm writing an epic poem that is 52 pages long, and only halfway complete. I formed my own government with my high school friends (Viva La Cinnaminsonia). I created my own political system within Cinnaminsonia. I am in complete control of my emotions and mind. I can will myself into calm. I could go on, but I'll stop there...I'm tired. Oh, and I've got pretty much the entire English Department in my pocket. Not the most proper way to say that, but it fits. Ask and ye shall receive. You asked for other people to list success. I just did. Cheers! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I got one for you. I took a history class called the Black Death in college. It was a grad level class and I was under the impression that it had to do with various outbreaks of horrible diseases and there historical implications, the title for the class "Black Death" being but a reference to one of these instances. Nope, the course title descibed the class, which focused on the Black Plauge during the 1400's. Our grade for the entire class was based on an essay that was a minimum of thirty pages and had no less than forty sources. The paper could not be broad, in other words you couldn't write about how the rat population carried the plauge, you had to be very specific, such as "Sanitation and extermination proceedures for rat infestation in London" (which was my topic). I meant to withdraw from the class, but I missed the deadline. I wrote the paper in three days, two of which I spent looking for sources (I found forty-three when all was said and done but I only used three or four of them). I ended up getting my only A for the semester in that class...[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]I love South Park...besides the Simpson's and the Tick I think it is probably the greatest cartoon ever. My favorite charecter by far is tweak, there is just something about a twitchy, coffee drinking, ADD riddled 3rd grader that I find hilarious. Towely is pretty funny too, just because his charecter is so ridiculous. The best episode is the one when they convince Santa to drop presents over Iraq and he is taken hostage. Jesus and his Rambo impression is just so twisted...[/color]
  22. Stagnant air Reeking of compressed concentrated phobia Exfoliates the soil Permeates my pores And saturates the sounds Of the busy city The hustle and bustle Of ordinary common commotion Coordinates confusion Mystifies the morose Of the busy City Tormented time Delayed by displays Of day-glow neon indigo Telegraphs temptations Of the busy City
  23. [color=indigo]First Name: Charlie Age: 23 Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown Height: 6'1 Wardrobe: I have a pretty versitile wardrobe...I don't like anything real baggy though... Personality: I usually overcompensate for my timid narccisim with self-depreciating humor. All in all I am a pretty normal relaxed person that finds joy in everything Hair Style: Messy Favorite Music Type: I like good music, regardless of the genre. However, you might think that music that I think is good is absolute garbage, proving that everyone has an opinion but only mine is correct... Favorite musical Band/Artist: Beatles, Stones, Pearl Jam, Jon Mayer, David Bowie, Garth Brooks, The Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Metallica, Cravin Melon, ect... Hobbies: Listening to music, playing various instruments, working (not my favorite hobby :)), oogling women, ect...[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i] [B] One Asian candy I always really liked was Tino. Has anyone ever heard of this? It's like ... sort of like Jolly Ranchers, but they came sixteen (or so) in a pack, and all the same flavor. They're flatter and wider than Jolly Ranchers, and they have a sticky flavored center that was just really enjoyable to crunch through. I haven't seen them since I was like twelve, though I have seen a different brand that's exactly like them. Possibly, they merely evolved into a different name ... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=INDIGO]My friends mom used to get them for us all the time. I remember loving them, and I remember them being very, very sweet, and very sticky. I also remember that my friend ate these sweet wafer like Asian cookies...but they weren't very good... ...personally I like Ben and Jerry's Ice cream better than any Asian des(s)ert (edit: forgot ans "s"!) I have ever had...[/color]
  25. [color=indigo][center][b]love In the abstract[/b] But you said but You said but you Said that we were to be together forever and ever for Ever? Does that mean does That mean does that Mean the dead don?t stay dead even though they are Dead? I am aware i am Aware i Am that there are varying degrees Varying degrees varying Degrees of Death like life of Life like death Like the life of death? though we Belong together and we do Belong together in longing longing in Together Longing to Belong i have transcended you Your love has transcended you you have Transcended you and you, who are Physical and i, the Metaphysical and our Love both Physical and metaphysical is follies Fortune is fortune?s folly a Fortunate folly for us both Though we belong though we Belong though We belong together?[/center][/color]
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