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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]-Everyone will get a complimentary holographic button with a picture of myself and Jesus with the line: "If you like Jesus, vote for Drix. You don't want to be against Jesus, do you?" [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I'd vote for you just because I find that idea absolutly hilarious...I guess that I am just another fickle American voter...[/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by James[/i] [b]In any case...I think Mr. Powell would definitely make a good President. He'd be conservative AND palatable for Europeans.[/b] [/quote] [color=indigo]Because the first things that Americans think about is "I wonder if Europeans will approve of our new leader?"...joking aside, I also think that Colin Powell would make a great president, mainly because he doesn't seem to eager to want the job. I think that it is admirable when someone works for the political machine becuase he knows he is the right man for the job not because he desires the job...[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]I don?t understand what money has to do with honor. Who is to say that a man that makes millions of dollars a year isn?t an honorable person? Sure he may have a BMW and swanky clothes, but he also may employ hundreds of people, be incredibly generous with bonuses and benefits, and organize several charity events. I find that the wealthy people I know are the most honorable, I don?t think that living comfortably has anything to do with giving back to the community. I do think that honor, or at least the concept we view as honor, has changed quite a bit since the dark ages. Although we don?t slay dragons to protect fair maidens and longer, honor can still be found in the details. You can find it in the mother who watches other families? young children while their parents go to work. It is evident in people that work at soup kitchens during their lunch hour. Honor is even in the man that held the door open for you at the grocery store when your arms were filled with bags. In the end all of the definitions for honor boil down to having respect for your fellow man.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by elf_gurl_kagome [/i] [B]HA HA STUPID KID!!! CANT EVEN GET A GIRL FRIEND....MAYBE U SHOULD JUS TURN GAY... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][sarcasm]Yeah, we all know that all of those good looking gay men decided to ?turn? gay because they couldn?t find a girl that would go out with them? ?elf_gurl_kagome I think that you?ll fit right in?:worried: [/sarcasm] [/color]
  4. [color=indigo]I remember All my rage Fueling impetuousness Stabbing my progress A product born Of fortune?s folly Darkness consumed My very essence I was not the stone Steadfast in comfort Sternly smiling Surviving the shore break My former Is but a fragment Of what I am INVERSE I am But a fragment Of my former Calm am I My rage has subsided Leaving only The embers of destitution A by-product Of folly?s fortune I shrugged off my shroud For comfortable grey I am just a dune With finite energy Slowly eroding To the constant shore break[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]We have a "Senior Skip Day," and seniors aren't [i]allowed[/i] to be in school.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I'd encourage you to organize a sit in, but I doubt it would a be popular event :p[/color]
  6. [color=#993333] There is no need for me to debate evolution because everything I know about the subject has already been discussed in this thread. For the last several years I have come to terms with the idea that there probably is a greater presence, regardless of whether or not evolution fits into the puzzle. I came to this conclusion after being presented just one scenario, hopefully I can present it in a satisfactory way here? If you look back at what humanity has accomplished in the last four thousand years, it is astounding to see what we have created, and the technology that we can manipulate. Imagine a species similar to ours that was given a billion years to evolve. What could they become? The possibilities are impossible to fathom. Could they create life? Could they build a Universe? Could they create the human soul? The answer is: who knows? To entirely discount evolution because of the flaws in its principal is close minded, at the same time, it is equally foolish to disregard theories of a supreme being because of evidence discovered to support evolution. I know that is a pretty moderate position to take, not unlike most of the opinions that have been presented here, but it surprises me how vehemently people argue a point that they cannot prove or even hope to validate. I also think that it is funny that most people don?t understand how their electrical systems and plumbing work in their own homes but they don?t stress over it nearly as much as they fret over the origin of our existence?and the funniest thing is that I am as guilty of doing it as anyone else.[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]Too many titles to check out. I'm just glad I can read these comics for free. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I am the same way, I'll read comics for an hour or so at Borders, although I usually but a few just so I don't feel like I'm the reason that the comic goes out of print...I guess I am just paranoid that way :) I've been reading New X-Men for some time, and I thought it was a pretty good concept to see Xaviers dream begin to take shape and develop. I also really like the twist they created with Xorn...I honestly never saw that one coming... Manic, if you like cartoonish type comics you should check out Runaways. It is drawn with a more open feeling and looks slightly cartoonish, but the artwork is still extrordinary, especially the covers. I caught the newest issue last night and I thought that the series was still developing pretty fairly.[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Although I enjoy all kinds of music, I tend to listen to artists like Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, the Beetles and Dave Matthews more than anything else. I just like chill, low-key music that I can sing to and strum my guitar with. Well, back to the purpose of this post, one artist that I am quite fond of right now is Jon Mayer. I have been a fan of his since I first heard ?83? on a local radio station, I bought [b]Room for Squares[/b] and fell in love with the album. Soon after I purchased ?Room for Squares? the song ?No Such Thing? broke through on the radio, a video was released, and Mayer was on his way to becoming a pretty well known pop-star. I think the reason I enjoy his music so much is because it is similar to the music I [b]try[/b] and write (I am usually not too successful, as I am sure you can tell by the thousands of records I have sold :p). His songs are pretty simple, usually formatted in the typical verse, verse, chorus, verse, bridge, chorus pattern, and his lyrics, although incredibly meaningful and nostalgic at times, are not masked with complexity. He is actually a really good guitar player, and fuses simple and complex chords together with astounding clarity in a way that compliments his voice. Although he doesn?t play too many solos in his albums, I heard him play a duet with his guitar player at a concert this summer?it is too bad that he doesn?t incorporate more solos in his music. His new album, [b]Heavier Things[/b] recently came out. It isn?t as good as his previous two albums (mainly because it seems as though too much of the background music was computer generated) but it is still a decent record. If you enjoy his music, or like similar artists like Ben Harper, Dave Matthews, or even bands like Counting Crows, check out Mayer?s live album [b]Any Given Thursday[/b], it is a very solid record?[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]Well, it?s like that song says ?everything sucks when you?re young?. That?s just the way it is for so many young people, myself included when I was your age. I?ve given all kinds of advice and tips based on how I would live my life if I could do high school over with what I know now. Unfortunatly, no one really wants to listen to my advice, but I will give it again just to be fair. Become enthralled in an activity, whether it is playing a guitar, drawing, or going to the gym and lifting weights. Do this activity for several hours a day, until you have little time for anything but your activities and school. Love will eventually find you, but by creating an activity that consumes most of your time you can take your mind off of thinking about it constantly.[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]Day Break I met a man named Dusk While dancing on the edge of my shadow As the day broke to night We recanted tales of drunken moons Of falling stars and comet tales Reveling in the similarity That we shared the sun as a tailor As days and nights ebbed with the tide I danced on the edge of my shadow As Mr. Dusk sulked in the corner We passed wine and passed stories Polar opposites yet best of friends We popped the same pills Yet our vices lay in different thrills I have always been a creature of night But Dusk loves the angst of early morning And while I dance on the edge of my shadow The enigmatic Dusk sat pensive And as the earth spun And the drunken moon waxed and waned We waited as our tailor Completed our shroud[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]Excellent idea. Which generation of Connery? Early Bond years? Or today (gray beard). I'd suggest the Early Bond years, as you might be going as Miss Moneypenny. It'd fit better. Connery was young when he played Bond, meaning interacted with Moneypenny. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I dressed up like Bond two years ago. I rented a tux with a white jacket, folded a black four-in-hand into my pocket, and combed my hair with an old fashioned part. I can actually do a fairly good imitation of Connery's accent (actually it is nearly identical to Darryl Hammonds impression) but I am not a big fan of vodka martinis. I saw the coolest Halloween costume last year. I went to visit my buddy that attends a college notorious for their parties, and I saw a girl dressed up as a Stoli Vodka bottle. On her head was a silver cap, and around her torso she was wearing a clear plastic cylinder with a small Stoli symbol on it. The remarkable thing was the clothes...well, actually lack thereof... that she was wearing beneath. Two stamps and a rubber band would have supplied twice as much coverage as her undergarments...[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vicky [/i] [B][SIZE=1][I] Who are you jealous/want to be on OB? [/I][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I am jealous of Thimoc. Even if I desired, I doubt I could ever be as notorious as he was...[/color] [size=1]once again it looks as though only I find my sarcasm humorus...[/size]
  13. [color=indigo]What ever happened to political families drifting off into relative obscurity after their stint at presidency? Sure there are tidbits of news about Reagan writing a book, about Bush Sr. buying an oilfield, or about Ford erecting an African monastery with his bear hands (Ford is such a beast), but the Clinton fiasco is filled with more drama then the cast of MTV?s real world hyped up on peyote. I lovingly refer to it as the ?Clinton fiasco? because that is what the right wing press has dubbed it, however, I find it ironic how the both the right wing and left wing media have been pimping out the Clinton?s like the cheap media sluts they are. Was Clinton always like this? Has he always been a political joke prostituting himself to the likes of Barbra Walters and Oprah Winfrey? Well, for lack of a better answer, yes and no. All politicians seem to crave the limelight these days, they have to because their lives are scrutinized constantly by the ever probing eyes of video cameras and the all hearing ears of boom microphones. Clinton had the capacity to be an extraordinary leader, he had an incredible gift of communication and speech that made him likeable to all but the most steadfast conservatives, and he surrounded himself with incredibly smart and capable people. If whitewater hadn?t reared its ugly head before being swallowed by Monica Lewinski, our country (well, our country [b]if[/b] you reside in the US) might be better off. Unfortunately, his constant struggle with legal battles made it a bit difficult for him to accomplish any real good. I guess that is what happens when the public expects our political leaders to portray a mediocre amount of moral fortitude, or at least have the common decency to be a wee bit more private about receiving oral in the oval office. Although I believe that Bill Clinton?s moral compass is a wee bit off, I do think that be is basically a good guy with an overactive sex drive. On the other hand I think that Hillary Clinton is the antichrist. Hillary is a smart woman; every bit Bill?s equal if not better. Despite her intelligence, she won her political post on a platform that was vaguer than Arnie?s ?googanatorial? candidacy. The aspect of Hillary that bothers me more than any other is the fact that she will suffer any indignity to realize her political goals. She remains married to Bill despite his numerous amorous pursuits elsewhere. She has had numerous ?shady? business dealings (which really don?t bother me, because every business person tends to have ?shady? business dealings these days) including various questionable campaign funding scams. The thing that disturbs me the most is that she treats all these accusations like they are entirely unfounded, scandalous conspiracies that were created by conservatives, all the while attempting to remain a matriarchal figure. There are hundreds of women that are talented, brilliant, and engaging enough to become the first female president?Hillary Clinton is not one of them.[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]Creeping, crawling forward Yeat?s beast snarls conformity As acidic promises Drip from his jowls Intended to strip humanity Of humanity The slouching messiah Realizes that what saves damns And humanity Was always Okham?s Most profound razor So the antichrist conformed To modern man Standing erect Living both in sin and salvation He becomes a member Of American normality With an apple pie wife And 2.3 children And he broods over his brood As his progeny progresses An Antichrist family At the alter of reverse altruism They embrace their humanism And their modular unit And the tidal wave Of the approaching apocalypse Crashes harmlessly On the shore of Americana[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]Heh, I just finished typing a word document on "The Rundown" when I noticed your thread... Anyway, I thought this was one of the better action/comdey movies that I have seen in a long time. Christopher Walken does a fantastic job delivering his dialouge, all of his comedy is so dry and comes out in that fragmented speach that he is so famous for. The Rock's performance is incredible, at least twice as good as the one he made in the Scorpion King. You can't help but to like his charecter by the end of the movie. Sean William Scott is just Sean William Scott, his charecter is funny because he does such a good job of accentuating the smart-assed attitude that us youngsters are known for. Anyway, it is a fun movie, if you didn't get to check it out on Saturday it opens this weekend...[/color]
  16. [color=indigo][u]Cellphones[/u] - When I worked retail I always hated how people would expect me to help them while they were carrying on a conversation on their phone...however, if the customer has what they need, dosen't require any help, has their credit card or money ready, and is all set to check out I have no problem when they talk on their phone, then I am not expected to converse with them... [u]Dividers[/u] - I have never used these before, and I doubt I ever will. I just leave a large space on the belt... [u]Hurry The **** Up[/u] - I am moving slowly because I waited in line for fifteen minutes because the cashier had to go and do a price check, plus, why the hell are you in such a hurry, you get paid by the hour [u]Bring Up The Damn Carriage[/u] - I agree with this one. [u]Don't Ignore Me[/u] - Well, when I say hello, and the cashier is too busy glaring at the laser-eyed scanner I tend to become a bit stand-offish [u]I'm Not Your *****[/u] - I understand this sentiment. I hated when people wanted me to answer stupid questions like how thick the denim gauge is on a pair of jeans. They are friggin jeans, pants you wear for fashionable purposes, not a potective covering for your genitals. Buy a cup and leave me alone. [u]Don't Bring Attention To Me[/u] - I agree with this one as well. I don't want you telling the entire store that I am buying pineapple scented condoms...and I am sure that ypu don't want me telling everyone how great a job you did ringing my rubbers [u]Don't Try To Scam Us[/u] - But I am a cheap ***, I want to scam you [u]Don't Use My Name On My Nametag[/u] - But I love you Jennifer, and I want to know your name, that way, when I stalk you too your house, I know what to call you as I breath heavily in the phone...it is pretty creapy when a person that you don't know refers to you by name... [u]Don't Rush Us[/u] - I agree... By the way, the best thing to ever happen to grocery stores was the automated check outs. I hated dealing with those sanctimonious (Y2J baby!) cashiers and baggers...you think that you are sooo much better than everyone else! Well guess what, I can operate a check out line as well. Booyah! [/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Well, I think that your first problem is that you are too straight forward with your emotions. You should never tell a girl that you love her (except in a playful, meaningless manner) unless you have been dating her for quite awhile. I am unsure why girls go out with me. Usually I am crippled by a paralyzing fear when I ask them on a date?I guess good looks and honest charm go a long way with most girls. [/color]
  18. [color=indigo]Why don't you just ask your friends who else your boyfirend is dating and then call up that named person. In a very polite manner, ask her whether or not she is dating (or fondling)your boyfriend...that way you get the truth straight from the whorse's mouth :)[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Just how many times is this going to be brought up? I mean honestly. The same exact things are said every other week this thread comes up. It's always "there's no such thing as normal", "normal is just what the media wants you to believe", "I'm too cool to be normal" blah blah blah... we've seen the same statements made over and over and over again. Nothing has changed. I don't know why you people keep bringing this topic back up. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]And the most ironic aspect of this thread is the "normal" way in which people keep pointing out the fallicies of normallity...[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]I know that I have yet to even attempt to?well?attempt to reach my full potential at any meaningful life task. I think this is because I am still unsure of what area in life I want to pursue, I guess I am really just not [i]passionate[/i] about anything yet. And, if you are going to attempt to strive to reach your full potential, I believe that effort should be directed towards something that you truly enjoy doing. A good example of a person striving to reach their full potential is Baby Girl. She is incredibly passionate about her photography and she is taking the necessary steps to unlock her full potential? ?so I guess what I am saying is, don't worry about not putting forth all the effort you are capable of unless you are truly passionate about something?[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]I prefer watching dubs over subs most of the time and I am really not to picky. Some are done better than others; Cowboy Bebop, Grave of Fire Flies, and Gundam Wing are a few of the anime series that I believe are exceptionally well dubbed. The only horrible dub that hasn?t been mentioned is ?Demon City Shinjuku?. I have absolutely why they dubbed a short Japanese roller-skater punk with a poorly mimicked Hispanic accent?[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]It looks like it will be a pretty good piece once it is cleaned up a little. I always wondered who bought or played those Dance games. It seems a bit too active for my video game tastes, usually I play video games when I want to sit on my rump?[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Well, since I've never seen the series, I am a bit curious. And PLEASE, only ONE person answer me this: But what's the story behind Julia/Spike?[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I am going to put this whole thing in spoilers just in case someone doesn't wish to know about the relationship until after seeing the series...it won't really ruin anything though... [spoiler] You really never get the true story about what happened between Spike, Julia, and Vicious, but the writers allude to a love triangle of sorts. All three were members of the same crime syndicate. Spike and Vicious were fast friends and head enforcers in the syndicate. More than likely (again it is never said outright, just alluded to through brief flashbacks) Vicious and Spike had a falling out when Julia and Spike became an item. When Spike decides to fake his own death and leave the syndicate, Vicious finds out and forces Julia to betray Spike. Much of the series revolves around Spikes inability to cope with the past and develop a relationship with another woman (despite his obvious attraction and compatibility with Faye). [/spoiler] If you get a chance Asuki, you should defiantly check out this series. Its main theme revolves around a cast of characters that are attempting to come to terms with their past so they can move on with their lives? [/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1]Poison. Lots and lots of Poison, lol. Good older style metal. I do not really know what else there could be to say about them, but I do reccomend them since so far no one else has mentioned them.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#993333]Poison rules, and if you are going for hair band metal don't forget the Crue! Another group that is pretty heavy that I enjoy sometimes is Soul Fly. They have some pretty good songs (ome pretty bad ones too), but you would be better off checking out Metallica or Pantera first though...[/color]
  25. [color=#993333]I I gave back everything I could give Sold my soul To let you live The way you wanted The way you desired But now I am weary To tired To keep moving you I I never had what I needed I just wanted to breathe Gave my breath To make you strong The way you took The way you take But now I?m done For heaven?s sake I can?t move you anymore Let me be I can?t push you anymore Leave me alone My body aches My back is broke I carried you way too far I can?t move you anymore You asked for too much You took even more I am distorted and fatigued My body aches My spirits spent I carried you way too far I can?t move you anymore[/color]
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