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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [quote name='Blue' date='23 August 2010 - 03:18 PM' timestamp='1282591125' post='699769'] I am surprised no one has mentioned this guy yet. [center][u][b]Ito, Makoto [/b][/u][/center] [center][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_f-viBbVOAVw/RqEzBlZ6vkI/AAAAAAAAAAk/_QvR81CvfaE/s320/vlcsnap-5755546.png[/img][/center] Warning: Contains spoilers [spoiler]This guy is the very definition of "asshole *****". Girls if you think your boyfriend treats you bad, you have no idea how good you actually have it compared to what this guy does to girls. He first starts off with an innocent crush on a quiet decent girl, Kotonoha. However, he is too wimpy to take any initiative. So one of his good friends Sekai decides to help him out. Together they practice going on dates, and Sekai tries to shape Makoto into the ideal guy (oh how this fails). Eventually Sekai manages to give Makoto some back bone and he goes and asks out Kotonoha. The two hit it off but eventually it develops into a love triangle. Sekai realizes she likes Makoto and using the "help him with girls" guys she gets more intimate to teach him things. Eventually the two have sex. When Makoto realizes the world of sex he feels that things are going too slow with Kotonoha so he starts ignoring her. Eventually Sekai and Makoto are going at it like bunnies until whoops, she gets pregnant. Instantly Makoto ditches all responsibility. He acts out, hits Sekai and ignores her because getting her pregnant is totally not his fault. He then proceeds to **** other girls, even in threesomes because rumors went around that Makoto was good at sex. He ignores Kotonoha and the pregnant Sekai until Sekai seems to convince him to take some responsibility. Once again Makoto goes into rage and tries to run away from his responsibility by ******* around. Biggest ***** in anime history ever. I won't go any further because this is already spoiler full.[/spoiler] [/quote] [color=indigo]That actually sounds like my favorite anime character ever ;p[/color]
  2. [quote name='Gavin' date='12 August 2010 - 02:15 PM' timestamp='1281636910' post='699309'] [font="Tahoma"][size="2"]Sort of depends on your interpretation of an arc, stuff in Karakura finished a couple of weeks back although the storyline hasn't changed very much at all.[/size][/font] [/quote] [color=indigo]That kind of bums me out. The one thing the writers have done well is put characters in place that could have plots develop around them. For example, they could easily suck out a few dozen episodes on Ichigo's father. After watching 283 I have to harp on [spoiler]the whole Aizen/Halibell scenario. I mean really? What exactly was the purpose of using the Arancarr if you just planned on slaughtering them? After all, if Aizen can move forward with just Gin and the blind captain whose name escapes me why ever bother with them?[/spoiler][/color]
  3. [quote name='NeedMoarRope' date='22 August 2010 - 01:39 AM' timestamp='1282455576' post='699727'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]Isn't there a Dane Cook monologue about that?[/font] [/quote] [color=indigo]Yep, it is the Karen, monologue, and it is hilarious. I often wonder why Dane Cook went from being so beloved to so hated so quickly. I really think that people don't like how popular he became (and the fact that his movies all suck). His stand-up is still really solid, and he is a great story teller on stage. As far as the original post goes, I don't really have much in a way of comment other than what I believe to be a fairly obvious question. If you are able to ostracize this person from your group aren't you worried that you'll become the most annoying person in your circle of friends? I'm only saying this because if I found out one of my friends was totally slamming another one of my friends (even if I found her extremely annoying as well) on the internet I would probably develop some serious trust issues. [/color]
  4. [center][img] http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/belle.jpg[/img] [img] http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/dianaross.jpg[/img] [img] http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/edwardharries2.jpg[/img][/center] Belle perched on the old oak tree, preening her feathers with practiced care. She remembered when the old oak tree that she had lighted upon was sapling. There were oak trees in the forest where she had grown, but they were a smaller variety, shadowed by the enormous fir and pine trees that were more suited to grow beneath the shadow of Mt. Olympus. She remembered her youth, flying and hunting with lammergeyers, golden eagles and small falcons. She could recall stalking stags and goats and the occasional human, and then swooping down upon her pray from above. The stagsâ?¦she remembered the stags and how their entrails tasted, so different from the deer that she feasted upon now. Memories of her youth also carried memories of her capture. She had taken a small child and feasted upon its brains. The following day people had poured from the town with torches and roused her nest. Screaming and startled she tried to take flight but they brought her to the ground with a volley of arrows. The people caged her and set her on top of a pyre. She remembered bellowing in fear. Then a man and his soldiers took her and her cage off the fire, much to her captorsâ?? dismay. They man put her on a boat and brought her to this place while it was still being constructed. For decades she lived in an atrium, her shackles confining her to a small area. She could still take flight, but her days of soaring amongst the clouds were over. Her keepers fed her live deer and goat and she was content enough. Then something changed. Her confines began to deteriorate. Her keepers rarely brought her food, and when they did they would bring her humans. Eventually the food stopped coming altogether. Belle grew hungry and panicked. For the first time in nearly a century she tested her shackles. The once mighty chains had corroded over the years and with a little struggle she was able to break free. Though free of the atrium, Belle found it impossible to wander off of the grounds of the manor. She often tried to fly away, towards the forests and mountains she could see in the distance, but she always simply circled the manor. It called to her, compelling her back to its grounds. Fortunately there was food; rabbits, squirrels, and deer all seemed abundant enough. And, of course, there was the occasional human. Belle watched the small one struggle below her as she cleaned her feathers. She was waiting for her to lose a little more blood before she struck again. When she saw the girl slip and fall in the moss below she knew it was time. Belle leapt from the tree. Spreading her wings wide she glided over her prey and then dropped upon her, pinning an arm and a leg with each of her razor sharp talons. The girl screamed and kicked, Belle looked into her preyâ??s hate filled eyes and hissed, and then she dug her face into the girlâ??s stomach. She feasted on her blood and entrails, tearing the flesh apart with her teeth. She took a few more mouthfuls and hopped away from her prey. She knew the human was still alive. Her prey had stopped screaming but was still breathing in a haggard fashion. Belle wanted to gorge herself upon the human, but she also wanted to hear it scream as she cracked open her skull. Perhaps it would wake once more before it died. *** Edward Nelson watched in horror from the kitchen door as the monster dug its face into the womanâ??s stomach. Though he felt invigorated, as if he could get the better of any man, he knew that he didnâ??t want to startle the creature while it was feeding. That would be suicide. Still, could he stand and do nothing? The monster hopped off of the girl and he watched it flutter up onto the low branches of an enormous oak tree. Edward looked back at the woman. She was still alive, but her insides had been torn asunder. She was dying, but she was dying slowly, painfully. It was too much for the old man to take. He grabbed a butcher knife off of the kitchen counter. It was old, and the blade was loose, but it would do the job. Edward walked into the courtyard to Diana. She had woken and was trying to scream, but her vocal chords had failed her. Edward looked down on her, the terror in her eyes was haunting. Tears stung his eyes and flowed down his cheeks. [b]Girl, girlâ?¦Iâ??m sorry, I donâ??t have long. Thatâ?¦that thing is gonna come back and feed again. You donâ??t, you donâ??t want to be awake for that do you?[/b] Edward saw the resignation fill Diana Rossâ?? eyes. She grasped his free hand weakly, and he squeezed hers trying to bring her a little comfort. Diana nodded her head slightly and Edward plunged the chef knife into her temple violently. Tears flowed freely from his eyes onto the young womanâ??s cheek. Behind him the monster landed and screamed. [center][img] http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/death.jpg[/img] [img] http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/dianaross.jpg[/img][/center] *** Belle was furious. She had not finished playing with her meal before it had perished. Something had killed it, but Belle hadnâ??t seen or heard anything. One moment the human was breathing, the next it was dead, a large piece of metal protruding from its brain. She screamed in confusion and turned in circles hoping to find what killed her prey. A door opened and closed but she saw no one go through it. She screamed once more, and turned back to the corpse. [i]No need to let so much meat go to waste[/i], Belle thought as she cracked Dianaâ??s skull and began feasting on her brains.
  5. [quote name='Shy' date='20 August 2010 - 04:07 PM' timestamp='1282334845' post='699659'] Okay, two new cards have been played. The [b]Fate Card[/b] and the [b]Creation Card[/b]! As the Fate Card says, one of the two characters targeted must be killed with a Death Card (or some similar card) within the next FIVE posts or both characters are killed. My posts do not count towards this, so you still have five posts. - Shy [/quote] [color=indigo]Bummer, I was hoping that I would get to float the effect of the Fate card under the radar for five turns! I think I need to post again this evening, I'm not terribly happy with my last post. I haven't participated in an RPG in so long I forgot that sometimes it can be hard to coherently keep with with all of the various plots and story lines. [/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Most of my favorite cartoons are not anime. Actually I would say that my liking of anime was simply and extension of my love for cartoons. My favorite cartoon right now has to be [i]The Venture Brothers[/i]. Its animation is interesting, the plot is always great, there is a little violence, a lot of absurdity and it is flat out hilarious. I'm also a big fan of [i]The Boondocks[/i], even though this season wasn't quite as strong as the previous two. And, of course, you cannot forget [i]South Park[/i], which is easily the best written comedy on television. Of course, I'm attracted to any television show that deals with supers, so I was obviously a big fan of [i]X-Men[/i], [i]Batman[/i], and [i]The Justice League[/i]. Another cartoon that I love, simply for its style and art, is [i]Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends[/i]. It is easily one of my favorite cartoons due to its visual appeal. [/color]
  7. Byron stood in the library watching the game unfold. The people in the room, the people in the game meant nothing to him; their deaths did not sorrow him nor bring him joy. He watched Diana Ross, still suffering from the GLOOM that he had cast upon her earlier, head-butt Kevin Andolli and break free from his grip. As she darted from the room Byron moved to intercept her. He was still a specter, invisible and intangible to all. She passed through him none the wiser, but Byron had taken something from her. Byron removed her afflicted status, now any sense of despondency she felt was her own, not an artificial, mystical ailment. Funny, while Byron felt no pity or sorrow for these people, he was interested. How would their deaths play out? Would they be quick and merciful, or would they suffer as he had? Perhaps he should spur things along, after all, the games climax couldnâ??t be too far away! Byron spoke so that those left in the library, Daniel Mathis, Evelyn Decoeur and Kevin Andolli, would hear his strained words. [indent][i] And the deaf tyranny of Fate, The ruling principle of Hate, Which for its pleasure doth create The things it may annihilate, Refus'd thee even the boon to die.[/i][/indent] [center][img] http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/kevinandolli.jpg[/img] [img] http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/evelynnedecoeur.jpg[/img] [img] http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/fatecard.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]FATE CARD: If one of the two characters is not killed within FIVE posts both characters are killed. If one character is revived both are revived.[/i][/center] ****** [center][img] http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/dianaross.jpg[/img][/center] Diana Ross sprinted down the stairs taking them two at a time. She felt remarkably alive. A few moments ago she was on the brink of despair but now, well now she was terrified, confused and enraged. What had possessed her to act the way she just had? This house, it has to be the house! It is possessed by ghosts or witches, or ghosts of witches. As crazy as the thought was, she latched on to it. In that moment she knew that if she left the mansion she would be safe. She kept running, darting left and right through rooms, past the moth eaten furniture and the molded bases boards. She ran through a large dining room into a kitchen and found herself face to face with an open doorway leading out doors. Diana stepped into the cold, damp night air. The storm had subsided and wind whistled gently through the trees. Diana walked quickly away from the open kitchen door, towards what she believed to be freedom. The kitchen door slammed shut behind her. She turned and her pulse quickened. Clouds rolled in the twilight, uncovering the Cheshire grin of a waning moon. Diana began to shiver. The moonlight revealed that she hadnâ??t escaped the confine of the mansion. Instead she was now trapped in a massive courtyard. Overhead something screeched. The sound of beating wings descended on Diana Ross.
  8. [color=indigo]I saw this movie a few hours ago and it as excellent. It was funny, and exciting, and super-duper action packed. Really, it was the most fun I've had at the movies in a long time. [b]The Expendables[/b] reminded me what an action movie should be: kind of cheesy, kind of bad (yeah, the best action movies are sort of bad...you really don't want to think too much about it), kind of funny, but really, really packed with with adventure. It is the kind of movie made before [b]The Born Identity[/b] came out and every action movie decided they needed to be full of intrigue and suspense (or over the top robots and lots of CGI). The two brightest beacons of awesomeness in this movie have to be Dolph Lundgren and Mickey Rourke. Rourke's Tool (his character's name not his, y'know) is a fantastic ancillary character whose speech to Sly helps kick start the movies climax. Lundgren's Gunner, well, lets just say that Dolph should be making more appearances in movies. He is awesome. If you had interest in seeing this movie GO SEE IT! The more people that get behind films like this, the more chances there are that we will be able to see more of these old-style action films in theaters.[/color]
  9. [quote name='Shy' date='12 August 2010 - 08:23 PM' timestamp='1281658998' post='699322'] [center][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPccPjay-ss[/media][/center] I think I need a baby pig as a pet. Does anyone have a pet pig, or any experience with them? -Shy [/quote] [color=indigo]I never knew I wanted a pig (well at least not as a pet, as food, that is a different matter) until now.[/color]
  10. [quote name='The Tentacle' date='04 August 2010 - 03:46 PM' timestamp='1280951214' post='698818'] It's going to be a hard choice to make next weekend; Expendables or Scott Pilgrim.  I'll probably see both but one is going to have to take a back seat to the other for at least 24 hours. Seriously though, this is a pretty decent cast they've lined up.  Terry Crews and Eric Roberts, I don't really know much about and I couldn't care less about Randy Couture (not a fan of UFC) but the rest of the cast reads like an action move dream team.  The only thing that could have made this any better is if they'd managed to add Jean Claude Van Damme and Vin Diesel to the cast. [/quote] [color=indigo]You'd know Terry Crews if you saw him. He played President Camacho in Idiocracy. You'd definitely recognize Eric Roberts, he has been in a billion and a half movies and shows. Though he is one of those actors you recognize but cannot name. I saw an interview with Sly yesterday and I am even more pumped for this movie than ever![/color]
  11. [quote name='CaNz' date='12 August 2010 - 01:39 PM' timestamp='1281634794' post='699304'] i dunno Hc... a lot of games can be free games with the right downloads. such as my new (old) game is X-men Vs Street Fighters. I love how the game barley changed at all from here till Marvel Vs Capcom 2. the only big difference is about five times the amount of characters. [/quote] [color=indigo]Obviously you have never played [b]Robot Unicorn Attack[/b]. I know this because there is not a man or woman, sane or insane, that would say anything other than "OMG, Robot Unicorn Attack is the best game in 4ever! Lols" (yes, they even say the LOL as 'lahls'). Seriously, go play it right now at AdultSwim.com. You thank me after you have killed you Robot Unicorn a few dozen times.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]I'm currently ignoring my work and playing [b]Robot Unicorn Attack[/b]. If you haven't played it you are missing out on one of tee best free games around.[/color]
  13. [quote name='Gavin' date='12 August 2010 - 08:22 AM' timestamp='1281615756' post='699298'] [font="Tahoma"][size="2"] /facedesk[/size][/font] [/quote] [color=indigo]I don't keep up with the manga, does anyone know if the Aizen/current arc has even been completed yet. If not I guess it was inevitable that there would be more fillers. I wouldn't really mind them if the fillers made sense or at least provided a detailed backstory.[/color]
  14. [quote name='PiroMunkie' date='11 August 2010 - 06:57 PM' timestamp='1281567439' post='699262'] [color="#006400"][font="Arial"] At the very least he might get a good fling out of it.[/font][/color] [/quote] [color=indigo]This. Though I don't think that is likely. One more chance for a date dude! If you don't go in for a kiss at the end of your next date it isn't going to happen.[/color]
  15. [quote name='CaNz' date='11 August 2010 - 09:59 PM' timestamp='1281578395' post='699270'] i wanted to join the killing children club... posting in this really does make me feel like a bad person... so lets keep it up! [/quote] [color=indigo]Ditto. A thought. I was thinking that if you are composing a post (especially a long winded one like mine) it might be smart to put a place holder with the pictures of the characters that you are using. I wrote my post at the same time as Canz and we got lucky that we didn't use each others characters.[/color]
  16. [center][img]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/mileshaw.jpg[/img] [img]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/madeahall.jpg[/img][/center] While most of the other guests rushed towards Cindyâ??s now muffled screams Miles Shaw went after his daughter. When the phantom had made his entrance he noticed his daughter heading towards the stairs. Now that the commotion had died down he was sure that she had slipped away upstairs. He had to go to her, he had to make sure she was safe. He started up the stairs when a voice called out from behind him. [b]â??Wonâ??t you help an old woman up the stairs?â?[/b] Miles looked at the old woman torn. He couldnâ??t refuse to help her, that would be rude, but he knew that he needed to hurry and find Diana. [b]â??Of courseâ?¦are you sure that you want to go upstairs maâ??am? Donâ??t you think it would be safer to stay with the group?â?[/b] The woman laughed, [b]â?safer, lord I donâ??t think any of us could be any less safe right now.â?[/b] Miles shrugged and took the old ladyâ??s arm. They walked up the old flight of stairs and came to a series of rooms. They entered the largest, a huge sprawling library. [b]â?I hope I donâ??t seem too anxious maâ??am, it is just that Iâ??m trying to find my daughter, Iâ??m worried that she might be hurt.â?[/b] [b]â?Gauging her reaction to you when she saw you in the foyer I donâ??t think she is anxious for you to find her.â?[/b] [b]â?Noâ?¦no, she isnâ??t. It was hard on her growing up. I tried my best for her and her mother but I just didnâ??t do either of them right.â?[/b] The two of them huddled around the fireplace, neither of them stopping to think how odd it was that there was a roaring fire crackling beneath the archaic, time-worn mantle. [b]â?That isnâ??t quite the truth is it Mr. Shaw?â?[/b] [b]â?Iâ??m sorry?â?[/b] [b]â?Well, the way I figure you never wronged your daughter in any real way. Sure you were a vile drunk, but you always fed her and kept her clothed. Maybe if your wife hadnâ??t been such a tramp, things would have been easier on all of youâ?[/b] Miles stared at the woman. He wanted to be angry, he wanted to be confused, but a deep sadness overwhelmed him. [b]â?Maâ??am, I donâ??t know who you are, and I donâ??t know how you know the things you think you know, but if we find my daughter you best keep your opinions to yourself.[/b] [b]â?No, I donâ??t think so![/b] The young woman appeared in the doorway. Diana was drenched in sweat, her hair was frizzy, and her eyes were wild. [center][img]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/mileshaw.jpg[/img] [img]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/madeahall.jpg[/img] [img]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/dianaross.jpg[/img][/center] [b]â?Tell her how it really was dad, tell her what you were really like! Tell her about the time you beat mom and broke her nose! Tell her about all the times you would get drunk and curse at her for hours in the middle of the night!â?[/b] [b]â?Daina, honey, I donâ??t thinkâ?¦â?[/b] Diana stepped towards her father and pulled out a derringer. It was small and steel and glittered malevolently in the fire light. She pointed it at her father. [b]â?TELL HER NOW!!!â?[/b] Miles turned toward the old woman. [b]â?She is right. I beat my wife, I called her awful, awful things. One night when I was drunk I hit her so hard broke her nose. I loved her, but it wasnâ??t enough.â?[/b] [b]â?YOU NEVER LOVED HER!![/b] [b]â?Honey Iâ?¦â?[/b] [b]â?DONâ?T CALL ME HONEY!!![/b] Diana extended her arm fully, the derringer was inches from Miles nose. Madea hall broke the silence with a snort. [b]â?Hmph, one of you are lyinâ?? to the other, the other is lyinâ?? to themselves. Honey, your father might not have been a great husband, and he may have been a mean drunk, but your mama had it coming. â??Where do you think your mama got those fancy clothes in her closet? Where did she get those new shoes? She was running into the arms of another man. And not just one other man, lots and lots of them.â?[/b] [b]â?YOU LIE!!! DONâ?T YOU DARE LIE ABOUT MY MOTHER!!![/b] Diana turned the gun on the old woman. Her arms trembled and tears streamed down her face. She didnâ??t want to believe Madea, she wanted to think that the old woman was some two-bit schemer that pretended to be a psychic. Everything she said made so much sense though. Her mother would disappear for days at a time and come back with nice things, things that her father couldnâ??t possibly afford. And her dad never once raised a hand to her. He had always tried to comfort her and was interestedâ?¦at least when he wasnâ??t drunk. [b]â?I, I donâ??t believe you,â?[/b] Diana whispered. [b]â?Girl, you believe me, you just donâ??t believe yourself.â?[/b] Diana dropped to her knees and let out a wail. From the far corner of the room a man began laughing. It was a deep laugh, filled with cruelty. The man had a mane of white hair and deep blue eyes. He was dressed in a perfectly tailored suit. Something was off though. His trousers were rolled up and his feet were covered in mud. The man disappeared as if he was never there. Then, magically, he appeared behind Diana. The phantom whisperedâ?¦ [indent][i]â? And thou art dead, as young and fair As aught of mortal birth; And form so soft, and charms so rare, Too soon return'd to Earth! Though Earth receiv'd them in her bed, And o'er the spot the crowd may tread In carelessness or mirth, There is an eye which could not brook A moment on that grave to look.[/i][/indent] [center][img]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/dianaross.jpg[/img] [img]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/gloom.jpg[/img][/center] Byron disappeared leaving Diana in a heap. She was hyperventilating, the look in her eyes despondent. She pushed the derringer against her temple and shuddered closing her eyes. Miles was on top of her in a flash wrenching her arm away. The shot went wild and Diana fainted. Miles cradled he head in his lap. [b]â?My sweet girlâ?¦why would you do thatâ?¦why would you do that?,..[/b] he cried as he rocked her back and forth. Miles heard a thump behind him. He turned to find Madea on her knees. The slug took her in the right cheek. Her lower right jaw had been blown off of her face and now dangled loosely near her breast. Her eye socket was shattered and oozed white. The back of her skull had been blown clean off, and bit of bone and brain glistened on the fireplace mantle. The fire blow cracked and spat and reeked of burning flesh. [center][img]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/death.jpg[/img] [img]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/madeahall.jpg[/img][/center] Eerily the voice of the specter whispered all around themâ?¦ [indent][i] The all of thine that cannot die Through dark and dread Eternity Returns again to me, And more thy buried love endears Than aught except its living years. [/i][/indent]
  17. [quote name='CaNz' date='10 August 2010 - 09:06 AM' timestamp='1281445585' post='699190'] i doubt bleeping it out would really help the people that are offended either... i would take it as being historicly accurate, but i can see where you are comming from and would like to keep everyone comfortable. plus the person who made that character probably wouldn't want her to be known entirely for being racist. perhaps being a bit uncomfortable, but not blatant rudeness. [/quote] [color=indigo]You were allowed to introduce whatever characters you wished, therefore, it seems kind of pointless to worry about whether or not a character you chose develops in a way you are comfortable with. Both of the characters that I created already have stories and pasts that I wouldn't have intended. It is what it is. If I want them to progress differently it is my job to write a post for them that forces them to progress differently. Gavin, I'm sorry if offended you by using the term "colored folk". I thought it was a natural plot device to bring the two musicians together and have one feel as though they were terribly slighted, while the other is more or less oblivious to the whole situation. Besides, I do feel that the fact that the character didn't realize that she was being rude, her racism stemmed from naivete, presents an entire theme that can be played upon throughout the story. If this doesn't appeal to you I would urge you to write it out, just create a post that makes the future scenario implausible and we'll all be forced to move from there. [/color]
  18. [quote name='Humaru' date='07 August 2010 - 07:54 PM' timestamp='1281225258' post='699056'] I dont think you understood what I was saying when I made that comment. I wasn't saying that telling his opponent how he beat them is tactical....I was speaking of the events prior to his revealing of how he beat them. Byakuya telling his soon to be dead opponent exactly how he beat them is quite brilliant. You forget, he is quite arrogant and prideful, so revaling how he saw through his opponents best techniques is a boost for the ego. [/quote] [color=indigo]I understood exactly what you meant, I just don't agree with you. You are stating that he is tactical because we have seen him use kido combined with other attacks and that we saw him humiliate Zoomari in his fight. This might be more tactical then Kempachi, but not much. A tactical soul reaper with Byakuya's abilities would have imply used his Bankai while hidden from a distance. He was there to kill hollows and save lives, not play a game of who can kill who using the least amount of strength possible. I get where you are coming from, out of all the soul reapers, he at least mixes things up. But to say he is tactical...that is a reach. The only real tactician that I have seen so far in Bleach is Urahara. [/color]
  19. He stood in the old library trying to remember how long he had been in the cursed place. Decades? Minutes? He remembered the passage of time and how relevant it had seemed when he was alive. Now it no longer seemed consequential. Byron moved to the huge window and spread the once ornate but now moth riddled drapery apart. People were converging on the house, not spirits but real flesh and blood people. A malice filled smile played at the corner of his mouth. His voice broke the silence in a hoarse whisperâ?¦ [indent][i] And War, which for a moment was no more, Did glut himself again: a meal was bought With blood, and each sate sullenly apart Gorging himself in gloom: no love was left; All earth was but one thought--and that was death Immediate and inglorious; and the pang Of famine fed upon all entrails--men Died, and their bones were tombless as their flesh; The meagre by the meagre were devour'd, Even dogs assail'd their masters, all save one [/i][/indent] [center][img]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/wyattbishop.jpg[/img] [img]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/harrietmercer.jpg[/img][/center] Wyatt Bishop was a vain man. He prided himself on his appearance and made sure to never leave his home without a careful primping. Today was no different. Before leaving the inn Wyatt had made sure that he was perfectly attired for the malevolent storm raging outside. The pebbled grain of his calf-high black boots not only looked stylish but would repel the rain and disguise any dirt or mud in its pattern. His plaid mac would repel the rain while its upturned collar gave him a roguish look. The ivory handle of his umbrella was recently polished and stood out in the storm like a shining beacon. As he sauntered toward the mansion, carefully avoiding mud-holes and puddles, he thought of the letter he had received and the promises that it made. Would their truly be riches waiting inside? Would someone really gain a fortune? He twirled the small ruby in his hand, staring at it with greedy eyes. It had accompanied the letter and he immediately recognized it for what it wasâ?¦a solution to all of his problems. He didnâ??t notice the small, plain girl until it was too late. Plowing into her he thought for an instant that he would knock her down. But she was a strong girl, she bore his weight and pushed him back upright, away from him. [b]â?Watch where youâ??re goinâ?? you bloody ass!â?[/b] Her accent was thick and drawn out, she had the drawl of the uneducated and the carriage of one that worked hard for her meals. She was not the type to be trifled with. [b]â?My apologize, please excuse me, I should have been paying more attention.â?[/b] The girlâ??s cold, hard look softened a bit. [b]â?â??S alright. I suppose youâ??re headed to the fancy old house as well?â?[/b] [b]â?Uhm, yes, yes young lady I am. How did you know?[/b] [b]â?Iâ??m no oneâ??s lady, the name is Harriet, youâ??d think a proper gent would at least introduce himself. And of course I know you are going to the old house, you have the same letter in your hand that the rest of us got.â?[/b] [b]â?My sincerest apologies Miss Harriet, my name is Wyatt Bishop. Did you say others?â?[/b] [b]â?Course, you didnâ??t think we were the only ones? We better get inside, no point in standing out in the rain when it is dry inside.â?[/b]
  20. [quote name='Raiha' date='08 August 2010 - 12:50 PM' timestamp='1281286229' post='699092'] [font="Times New Roman"][size="3"][color="#9932cc"] I am not for one convinced that this ruling will stand on it's own for very long, because it has yet to go to the federal level, and here's where the intellectuals try to tell me that the federal government can't interfere with the rulings of the state and blah blah blah blah blah but we all know it's going to happen anyway so why bother celebrating now. All of this is premature until the bolt from Mount Olympus [that'd be the Supreme Court for you unimaginative types] comes crashing down into our bedrooms. [/color][/size][/font] [/quote] [color=indigo]I agree with you on this point. The federal government constantly interferes with the powers of the state (education, drug enforcement, and traffic laws come instantly to mind), they hold the nations piggy bank, if states don't tow the line then their allowance is forfeit. The good news for the gay community is that it seems pretty doubtful that the Supreme Court will actually hear a case regarding gay marriage. I think it is a very unpopular topic amongst the judges right now because, while many don't support it politically, none of them wants history to remember them as the Justices that are later remembered for approving laws that may be perceived as violations of Americans' civil liberties.[/color]
  21. [quote name='Humaru' date='07 August 2010 - 12:41 AM' timestamp='1281156112' post='699004'] . I love it when Byakuya kills someone and tells them exactly what happened as if it was gonna help them. Haha. [/quote] [color=indigo]That still isn't very tactical. It would be much more tactical if he simply defeated his enemies and never told them how they were defeated. Since it seems that he rarely ever actually kills anyone (case in point, Renji) he would be far more menacing (and save himself a plethora of rematches) if he just stayed mute about his Zanpaktou. Really, the Soul Society is the least tactical fighting force ever. Even their assassination force attacks head on. Maybe the lieutenant with the mustache could read old man Yammamoto some Sun Tzu between naps or something. I really don't think Aizen comes off as some sort of tactical/diabolical genius in the series. He is just the only soul reaper that possesses average intelligence. [/color]
  22. [quote name='Allamorph' date='07 August 2010 - 12:26 PM' timestamp='1281198389' post='699031'] [FONT=Calibri]Not necessarily. If you know something to be a sin, the just thing to do is not to do it.[/FONT] [/quote] [color=indigo]You are not wrong but neither is Lady Shy. The big problem with Christianity, one that is not so prevalent in Islam, Judaism, or Buddhism, is the duality of the religion. There is a huge contrast between what is stated in the Old Testament and the New Testament (especially if you read from an older copy, as opposed to the newer drastically altered copies that most Pentecostal and Baptist churches use). In the Old Testament God was a vengeful bastard. Scripture like "For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer" makes it clear that if you are sinner than you better run for the hills because God is itching for a smoteing. In the New Testament Jesus has really mellowed out his dad (medical marijuana perhaps?) and he preaches less about avoiding sin and more about repentance for the sins that you have, and undoubtedly will, commit (check out Luke 7:36-47 for an example of how Jesus feels about all us sinners). So what does this have to do with both yours and Lady Shy's posts? Well, your out look of what Christians should act like is very logical and is rooted in both Old and New Testament thought. No rational pasture, minister, priest, or preacher would disagree with you. However, Lady Shy is also right, as her thinking is firmly rooted in New Testament philosophy. After all, how are sinners supposed to repent if they don't recognize a sin as a sin because of the law allows it? Regardless of either views, it is horribly short sighted of Christians to be so damn homophobic (there really is no other word for it). Homosexuality is not a big sin. Actually it is no worse than any other form of fornication between two unmarried people that is not for the sole purpose of procreation. Truly, adultery is the only type of fornication that is singled out as "worse than" other types of fornication in the bible, and how many Christians have cheated on their loved ones? Exactly. According to the big G upstairs, those guys are far more vile than gays. Personally (and if Sara reads this she will rebuke me for my redundant use of "personally"), I don't believe in the Bible. However, if someone chooses to believe in it, it is of utmost importance for them to read and understand the damn thing. This is what gets me so angry at religiously minded people, they follow something that they not only fail to understand, but something that they fail at attempting to understand. [/color]
  23. [center][img]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/mileshaw.jpg[/img][img]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e366/nifty_fifty/mansion%20cards/elyssajanovica.jpg[/img][/center] Lightning flashed blue-yellow, illuminating the ferocious rolling coal black clouds. If Miles Shaw didnâ??t know that such things were impossible he would have sworn that the mass of cumulonimbus were converging over the disheveled old mansion. He tapped his feet, twice on the left, once on the right, and turned nervously away from the old wrought iron gate. Shivering he stared down at the items in his hands. In his right hand was a letter written on aged parchment paper. It read: [indent][i]Mr. Miles Shaw, You are cordially invited to take part in an unusual competition to determine the future fate of Rosengard. Be warned: This is not a game for the weak of spirit. Your skill, strength and integrity will be tested at every turn, but he who succeeds will inherit both the massive estate and the family fortune that comes with it. I wholly encourage your participation, and look forward to meeting you in exactly three weeks time. - G PS: Enclosed is a trinket expressing my sincerity in this matter.[/i] [/indent] In his left hand the trinket glittered in the lightning. Tinged with dried blood, the thin strand of piano wire reflected serpentine neon hues of blue, green and yellow. Miles Shaw knew that he should have thrown it away three weeks ago. He should have thrown it into the river and burned the letter. He did not. He was far too frightened of the potential consequences and far, far too tired of hiding from his past. He turned back towards the gate and tentatively pulled it outward. Behind him a shrill voice called out: [b]â??Boyâ?¦boy!â?[/b] Miles turned. His face darkened. A woman stood before him wearing a large floppy hat, fur coat and pearls. The face was familiar, it was a face that had haunted him for years. His grip on the piano wire tightened until it bit into his skin. [b]â??Ah, boy, my bags, take my bags. Lords am I glad that the estate still has help, though from the look of it not much. Would it kill the Rosengardâ??s to hire a gardener?â?[/b] [b]â??Iâ??m not the help.â?[/b] [b]â??Ohâ?¦oh dear, well do forgive me. An honest mistake, it isnâ??t often that you see colored folks at such an estate when they are not help. Iâ??m sure you understand.â?[/b] [b]â??No,â?[/b] Miles said simply as he turned back toward the mansion. [b]â??Besides, I donâ??t think anyone has lived here for years, let alone picked up after the place.â?[/b] The woman frowned, taking a closer look at the Rosengard estate. [b]â??I guess I didnâ??t get a good look at it until now due to the storm. It is in a sorry state, isnâ??t it?â?[/b] [b]â??Yes.â?[/b] [b]â??Well, do you mind helping me with my bag?â?[/b] Miles clenched his teeth, grinding them together, forcing the words of anger on his tongue back into his head. He turned back towards the woman. Silently he scooped up the bag and headed toward the mansion. [b]â??Ah, thank you, you are quite a gentleman after all. My name is Elyssa Janovia.â?[/b] [b]â??Yes, I know. Miles Shaw.â?[/b] [b]â??Miles Shawâ?¦that name is familiar, so familiar. Perhaps we have met before?â?[/b] [b]â??Yes, yes we have,â?[/b] Miles whispered to himself, his back turned on the woman. He walked quickly towards the old building, his fear quieted. In its place the nearly deafening roar of fury rolled through his body.
  24. [color=indigo]Lately I have become a huge fan of vintage Porsche's. Their is something about the clean lines of an old Porsche that is timelessly beautiful. [img]http://www.classiccarpartsgiant.com/includes/images/Classic_Car_Parts/Vintage_Parts/v-porsche.01.jpg[/img] When it comes to more recent automobiles, I truly dig the R8. It is a really cool looking car, though I think it will look dated in 10 years. [img]http://www.carversation.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/audi_r8_2_01.jpg[/img][/color]
  25. [quote name='Lady Shy' date='06 August 2010 - 05:56 AM' timestamp='1281088580' post='698962'] There's just obviously enough in the Americas who wanted to stride forth as paladins and save the world from its own doom. [/quote] [color=indigo]Yep, but...[/color] [url="http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/c0cf508ff8/prop-8-the-musical-starring-jack-black-john-c-reilly-and-many-more-from-fod-team-jack-black-craig-robinson-john-c-reilly-and-rashida-jones"]...that isn't what Jesus and NPH think.[/url]
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