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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Now here the team I'm interested in seeing this year: The Redskins... now I know you all think they suck, hey they beat the Jets lol. But i'm interested in seeing their rookie QB and how Spurrier changes his method of coaching this season. I like Spurrier, I LIKED the Gators... till they completel blew their lead against Miami on Saturday.... I lost all hope in them after that.... but Spurrier is good... he can make this team something.... Something like they used to be back int he day when i lived in DC. They are my hometown team... I will always like em. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Heh, I used to live right outside of D.C., and I've been a die hard Skins fan since '84 when Doug Williams and Joe Gibbs won the Super Bowl. When they won again in '88 I became convinced that the Redskins would win the Super Bowl every four years... Anyway, this year I'll just be happy if they have a .500 season. Spurrier will be an awesome coach for them [b]if[/b] Snyder doesn't royally screw things up. Personally, I think that signing neon Dion a few years back really messed with there draft picks and ended up hurting the team. Hopefully Spurrier will make the team contenders again.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]Hmmm, interesting theory. I stalk...I mean follow... Michelle Branch around. But just because I stalk...I mean follow... her, I don't think I precieve her as a diety...::[i]hides his various Michelle Branch icons behind his makeshift alter::...[/i][/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1] I don't know...I just don't want to go by myself...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]That is such a weak excuse! Go one night and meet some new people, make some friends...I mean, even if you hate it, at least you know you hate it. If you never go because you don't know anyone then you'll just regret it later on.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]It's not a theory, perhaps by definition, but my scientific method it is not. In order to have a theory, you must be able to conduct an experiment in a controlled environment. You cannot take a species, and change it into another species, it isn't possible. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Well, you definatly could try. Actually they are trying with fruitflies. They actually have already made one big leap. A professor at UCLA or Berkly (I don't remember whch I saw it on a "Comics Come To Life" special on TLC) created a false enviornment in which fruit flies were forced to mate at a later period during their life span. The fruit flies adapted to this enviornemental change and drastically increased their life span, which perpetuated to their offspring. This adaptation carried on even when the fruit flies were incorparated back into a normal enviornment where other flies had about half the normal life span. I would definatly call that an acheivement in Macro-evolution. However, if you wanted to experiment on one species evolving into another you could easily create an experiment and observe an attempt to recreate evolution on a large scale, it would just take several million years of observation. I do understand what you mean by stating that believing in either divine creation or Darwinism takes a degree of faith. It is a good outlook to have, regardless of what you believe in. On another note, my high school literature classes taught the basic principles of the major religions (including various creation belifes) just so we would have a better understanding ot the literature we read. In my biology class they taught the principles of Darwinism (I was lucky enough to have a teached that emphasized that Darwinism is by no means a fact) so I guess in school I had recieved a good mix of both.[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1] [b]Batman's[/b] big yearlong storyline is finally starting to slow down, but a huge mystery remains. Who is this "Hush" person, and how have they managed to manipulate nearly every character in Gotham City? The writing in these new Batman comics is very solid, and the artwork is fantastic. There is incredible attention to detail, and every panel manages to blow me away. I'm very excited to see how this storyline will conclude, because this is one of the more interesting mysteries I've ever read in a comic book. My personal theory is that "Hush" is the Riddler; solely because the plot feels like one giant puzzle. What does everyone else think about the identity of "Hush?" -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]This one threw me for a loop...I shocked when I found out that it was [spoiler] the second Robin (his name escapes me), doesn't anyone stay dead in comics anymore?...redudant question[/spoiler] Batman is done by the fantastic Loeb/Lee combination that worked on my favorite comic series of all times, "X-Cutioner" crossover (although I think I have mentioned that before). The more I read Fantastic Four the more I like it. I like how well they are developing every single charecter despite the team having been around for years. I really enjoy how vulnerable the team seems, they always seemed to be a little to strong for my liking... Runaways is still incredible, I think that I would like it even if the plot was horrible just because the art work is so amazing (talk about a run-on sentance). X-Static is also still wonderful...X-Force TPB is out, so anyone can catch up and understand what the series is all about. I read the Nick Fury TPB at Borders the other day. I think that any fan of comic books should read this...just be prepared for some explicit material. It basically charecterizes an old war vet and his inability to cope in a world free of war. It is a really cool book...I think I actually may go buy it tonight. [/color]
  6. [color=indigo]I really don't care if anyone likes anime anymore. I'll have people come over to my house, see my anime next to the TV and make a comment like "Dude, do you really like this stuff?" And I usually reply sarcastically saying that I really don't like it, I am just oddly compelled to buy dozens and dozens of anime DVD's. Then I usually go into my spiel about how anime is just like any other movie genre, some are better than others...some are action, some are comedy...blah, blah, blah. One thing is certian, I have never met anybody that didn't like Cowboy Bebop once I forced them to watch an episode...[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]This may be off topic, but did you ever see any of the soilders protesting? Ever? No! They had more reason to protest han anyone, but none of them did because they were thinking about surving there country and not out in the streets, ditching work to say, "I don't beleive i nthe war becaue it is sensless violence." and crap liek that. How aobut we send them to Iraq for a day or two. when they come back, your gonna here "This amry needs to kil lthat Saddam son fo a #$%@!", that is if they survived the torture camps. You could ask any one at my school, on my post, or in my town if they agreed with the war. The ywould all say yes! I haven't heard anyone in my school even metion they disagreed. So, please don't degrade my father's knowledge. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Uhm, soldiers don't have the right to assemble peacefully in protest...that is why you don't see or hear of them doing so. I am sure that quite a few soldiers disagreed with the reasoning behind our war with Iraq. But they are soldiers, they take orders and they follow orders and hope that they are protecting our country in the best possible way. I am not saying the war in Iraq was wrong I am just saying that your reasoning is flawed. Also, please try to clean up your posts a bit...it is very hard to decipher what you are trying to say at points...[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Slavery wasn?t the main reason the Civil War began, it was a secondary factor and a main reason the war perpetuated. The south seceded from the union mainly because southern leaders believed in a Jeffersonian economy, based mainly on agriculture, while the North was beginning to depend on various forms of industry to support their economy. Economy always ends up becoming the focal point for government in the U.S., so obviously there was a huge rift between the North and South and the South eventually tried to (temporarily did) secede. Most historians agree that slavery would have been abolished by 1870 even if the Civil War did not occur; slavery just became an issue in the South because the North abolished it (I?m sure that the consensus in the South was that those damned Yanks were trying to oppress Southerner?s rights to own property). Don?t get me wrong, we accomplished a great thing by abolishing slavery and keeping our nation whole; just don?t think that the war was begun because of slavery. As far as your theory that wars are begun out of love, I don?t think that is any more valid than saying wars are begun because of greed, hate, lust or any other human emotion. I tend to think that wars are usually begun because of fanaticism in some form or another?[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]Favorite threads that lack any real purpose and cannot create discussion get shut down. Please read the sticky about favorite threads posted in this forum. ~HC, your friendly neighborhood mod[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]If you were going to pigeonhole me into a sterotype I'd have to say I definatly fit right into the eighties hair-band clique, even though I don't have long hair nor do I wear make-up or spandex...[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]Well, I?m at work and bored but busy so I figured I?d jot down a poem in between various meetings and calls? [b]Overture of Enchantment[/b] Ask me over for the night Because what is wrong Feels so right We?ll talk about your dreams Your life And your tragedies Act out your every dirty fantasy And in the morning When you walk away After you?ve begged me To let you stay You?ll remember My poisoned kiss The dirty way That we moved our hips You?ll lock them up In your secret heart And with it you Shall never part[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]I really don?t like ?Fiddy? (as his name seems to be pronounced), his raps all seem really monotone and I find his lyrics to be insanely trite. I respect (I don?t like) Eminem just because he can be funny one moment and serious the next?not too many song writers (although calling him a song writer might be a bit over the top) can do that. I think there were better albums and musicians that could have won the awards. The Roots had an album this year that was excellent, but I guess they aren?t MTV enough?[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B]I love this mind cramping talk. It could simply lose momentum and stop, thereby causing it to no longer spiral down the bowl but fall down it in a straight line. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Not really and yes at the same time, considering that our entire solar system, perhaps the entire universe moves in a correlating spiral dictating the flow of time (at least according to the theory that I borrowed from somewhere). The momentum of one person is moot, because the entire solar system still forces the person to have momentum. If the marble dropped straight down it would mean a rapid demise into the end of existence or time. Perhaps if a planet stopped orbiting correctly or was to loose momentum then the curvature of time would be affected?or at least our conception of time. If a planet did stop, the delicate gravitational balance that effects our solar system would be obliterated, therefore causing the demise of time in the solar system that we know. Again, this is just a theory that I?ve pieced together from various things that I was taught, heard, or read?so obviously my opinion doesn?t mean too much.[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]I think that there is a huge difference between evolution and Darwinism. Evolution is just a creature?s ability to adapt and reform to its set environment. It happens all of the time and is apparent in even the simpilist organisms. So in that respect I defiantly think that evolution should be taught in school. Darwinism is a theory based on observation, with a conclusion stating that all organisms share a common ancestoral background. In the school system Darwinism should be treated as a theory, and nothing more, despite its popularity throughout much of the scientific community. I think that far too many teachers give students the impression that man evolving from monkey is fact (which defeats the purpose of Darwinism in a sense because the theory emphasizes that man and monkey have similar ancestoral triats). I don?t think that Darwinism should be emphasized the way it is in schools but I think it should be mentioned along with creationism or at least the idea that a supreme being but us on this earth (I think that schools are often scared of allowing students to be given a choice in what to believe in).[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]I think that you made the right decision. If you are not interested in that position then why would you jump to take it just to get your foot in the door? If you took the position and got stuck in it for four years and absolutely hated it you would end up regretting not chancing the position that you originally wanted. Don?t regret your choice, patience and determination pay off in the end.[/color]
  16. [color=Indigo]I don?t think that the two characters could be more different. Ed from [b]Ed, Edd, and Eddy[/b] is a moronic oaf that is overgrown for his age. Because of his size and gullible nature he is often the experimental subject for the majority of Edd?s schemes. Ed is also distracted from simple tasks by shiny objects and chickens. Ed is written the way he is to personify the stupid third stooge. Ed from [b]Cowboy Bebop[/b], on the other hand, is a child genius. She is a free spirit that enjoys being challenged, both online and hunting for clues about bounty heads. Ed was written to have the characteristics of a stray cat; that is why she moves around quite a bit and acts the way she does. Ed is written the way she is to help explain and characterize her background story.[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B] They truly are an excellent band. And like you said, once you read the lyrics, you like them that much more. They're like Marilyn Manson in that sense (although I guess that depends on if you can stand him)... Where you can just listen to it and enjoy it a good deal, or you could read what they are truly saying and figure out what it means. Apocalypse Hoboken is far deeper at times than even I expect. There's of course tons of just goofy, fun songs too. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][b]Microstars[/b] arrived in the mail (compliments of BestBuy.com, I was unable to find any of the bands CD's at retail stores) on Tuesday, so I threw it into my small entertainment system and listened to it while I washed dishes. I was really pumped up and excited by the time the CD arrived, however, my initial reaction was "ehhh?!" It wasn't that I didn't like it, I just didn't understand what all the hubbabaloo was about them. After I finished washing my dishes I started the CD from the begining while I read he lyrics...I liked the CD a lot better after that. I find the lyrics on [b]Microstars[/b] very creative, in a Zappa-esque (oddly unique) kinda way. The vocals were pretty cool as well, the lead singer (I'm sure Semjaza knows his name) does an amazing job changing the way his voice sounds in various songs. As far as instrumentals go, I thought they were a bit better than typical punk power chords, but I wasn't really blown away. It is definatly a CD worth picking up if you tend to enjoy unique sounding bands. [/color]
  18. [color=indigo]Sorry Chabichou, but other members are turning your thread into a spam fest already. I'm going to close it, but first I want to thank you for responding to Queen Asuka's request in such a respectful manner. Hopefully your next thread won't be overridden with such horrid posts.[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]Heaven's Cloud dislike Konojo Remind Heaven's Cloud of poorly dubbed Tarzan Movie Konojo never die but novlelty of fragmented posts wear thin Heaven's Cloud... ...Oh cripes, I'm getting a headache writing this way and my attempt at humor was weak at best. Back to the subject of death, a famous lyricist wrote "Death Stinks"...or was that love, I always get those two confused...[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]The kids aren't necessarily staying up. They are setting their VCRs and recording it when their parents don't know. Then, they watch it when their parents aren't around. If their parents come in the room, they turn it off. Just look at the VanWagoners. They do it all the time. The youngest one of them is 10. So yes, there you have it. You don't see ADULT swim stopping all of these kids. Which is my entire point.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I still disagree. If a child is sneaking behind their parents back to watch a tv show, you can't blame the tv network or the parents, you can only blame the kid. It is really no different then if two thirteen year olds are dropped off at a PG movie by their parents but sneak into an R-rated one instead. The movie did its job by giving the movie an R rating, much like Cartoon Network shows a disclaimer before adult swim starts. I guess it all falls back on the kids will be kids rule...when you are young you always think that you are mature enough to handle things that you really aren't...[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]I managed to wade through the first manga at Borders one night. I thought the story was very well done, but I doubt that I'll read any more of them. The plot is just not for me I guess...kinda like how I think Sydney Sheldon is a great writer but (besides "Doomsday Consipracy") I won't read the novels...[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]I think that the music from Bubblegum Crisis is hysterical because the lyrics are so bad...it just goes to show that language does not transcend all barriers. It is a pretty funny series and has some near laugh out loud scenes. It also has quite a bit of action. The only thing that I think the story is lacking is charecterization...I never felt familiar with any charecters despite the excellent job they do on giving the girls such flamboyant personalities...[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]I have to disagree with you a little bit Asuki. Fooly Cooly was aired late in the evening (I believe at eleven o'clock) and I don't know to many responsible parents that have children thirteen or younger that allow their children to stay up that late and watch television...especially when the programming is called [b]Adult[/b]Swim. Too many parents leave parenting up to the school system and television these days... That being said, Fooly Cooly only had six episodes (I think, I have never seen the show) so I am sure that it has been replayed 4 times by now.[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]I have no idea why some of you have such a morbid fascination with death. I am quite a bit older than many of you and it rarely, if ever, crosses my mind. I tend to be more concerned about whether or not I?ll be a good father, if I?ll be happy and successful when I am in my thirties, and if I?ll be able to take a long weekend off of work next weekend. Dwelling on an uncontrollable aspect of life like death is a huge waste of time. All you can so is make random speculations and there is no way of knowing whether your faith or lack thereof has any validation. If you have to dwell on death, at least dwell on a positive, constructive aspect of it like ?how would others view me if I was to die today?? [/color] [size=1][color=669999]hehe, I said nearly the same thing as Semjaza...no plagarizing intended...[/color][/size]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][SIZE=1]That would be very cruel.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]But hilarious... I have an uncontrollable fear of mongolian carnival midgets. Luckily I very rarely encounter those wee folk...[/color]
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