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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
[color=indigo]This thread has grown really pathetic really fast. Both ILoveBebop and EdtheHackerGirl really need to try a bit harder. I'll leave this thread open for now, but if it digresses further I'll have to shut it down[/color]
Anime Boogie Pop Phantom on Anime Unleashed! *dramatic fanfare*
Heaven's Cloud replied to Shinken's topic in Otaku Central
[color=indigo]Guess what! There already is an active Boogie Pop Phantom thread one page back...therfore "SHAZAM!" topic closed ~HC, your not feeling very friendly neighborhood mod[/color] -
[color=indigo] Although my site is linked in my sig, here is another link for those of you too lazy to look that far [url=http://www.myotaku.com/users/heavens_cloud/]My Site[/url] [/color]
[color=indigo]The power outage missed me by about thirty miles. So last night I payed homage to those without power by consuming as much electricity as possible. While I simultaneously basked in the cool breeze of my a/c unit and the warm glow of every light in my house, I played my electric guitar to loud abusive music on my CD played while watching cartoon images on my TV and frequently checking the washer, and dryer which were laundering my clothes. Yep, Americans like me have a motto: "waste not want not" ...and I want a whole boatload of crap...[/color]
[color=indigo][i]A shimmering slant of light danced off the tip of Xander's immense axe. Pirouetting across the forehead of his opponent, the light slowly immersed the trembling adversary's left eye.[/i] "Now let me get this straight,"[i] Xander sneered,[/i] "you think that I, Xander, proud member of Giga Omega Ki, had something to do with Callipso's disappearance?"[i] Xander's foe visibly trembled. The young Giga Omega Ki member was known for his poisonous tongue and rapier wit, but he was notorious for the his skillful use of the giant axe that was pointed directly at his fellow player.[/i] "No, Xander, you got it all wrong. My cap..., my captain told me, he told m-me t-to find you an-and ask you if y-ou h-heard anything new abo-about Callipso"[i] Xander grinned a wolf-like grin. The player was nervous, and Xander's grin was not at all comforting. The light reflecting from Xander's axe had ebbed, but the player still seemed to be squinting. [/i] "Is that all? No, I haven't heard a thing from or about Callipso for several days now."[i] Xander turned to leave, much to the relief of the other player. With his back turned to his foe Xander raised his axe slightly, again causing reflected light to flood the other player?s eyes. A moment later a startled player was confused and disoriented, wondering why he was now standing in front of a starting gate. Xander watched his experience meter move up sixty points.[/i][/color]
[color=indigo]Good luck Seph, boxing takes a lot of commitment, determination, and hard work. I took instruction for several months at my old YMCA (more to stay in shape then for competiton) and I thought it was really fun and insanely challenging, unfortunatly my work schedule conflicted with the classes to much. Again, best of luck.[/color]
[color=indigo]Emme888, I have absolutly no idea why you didn't post this in the other Boggie Pop Phantom thread [b]that you created[/b], it is only one page back. You have been around long enough to know the rules. Please use common sense. Anyways, I hope juna helped you out some. ~HC, your friendly neighborhood mod[/color]
[color=indigo]Manga does not belong in the anime forum, also thee is another Fruits Basket discussion in a similar thread.[/color]
[color=indigo]There is already an active Hellsing thread that specifically discusses whether or not you like this show. ~HC, your friendly neighborhood mod[/color]
[color=indigo]Every time your brother steals something from you give him a swift kick in the groin. I guarantee that he'll stop stealing your stuff (or he will break your arm for repeatedly kicking him in the crotch)...[/color]
[color=indigo]Yep, Shamman king is a pretty popular series, and you are more than welcome to discuss it in its open, active thread. ~HC your friendly neighborhood mod[/color]
[color=indigo]Okay, great,it is back on CN. Whoop-de-doo. A couple things. First off, this topic should definatly be in the Cartoon Network lineup thread. Second, Cowboy Bebop is great but they have played it to death, they really need to license some new shows. Three, I have no problem if someone starts a general CB thread agian or focuses on an aspect of the show, but this thread is closed. See ya Space Cowboy ~HC, your friendly, cliche spewing, neighborhood mod[/color]
[color=indigo]I don't really have too many online habits. As soon as I get to work I usually log onto the OB, even though I rarely post or read posts at work. I also immediatly vosot Columbia House and make [b]sure[/b] that I am not being sent anything I don't want. Once on the OB, I regularly check to see who is signed on...depending on who it is I may stalk that member around the boards...reading all of their post...I'm just weird like that I also tend to use "..." quite a bit, which is odd because I definatly don't use it when I speak[/color]
[color=indigo]My highschool colors were orange, black and grey; our mascot was the War Eagle...I don't know what made our Eagle "warlike"... In college my school colors were teal and white and our mascot was the Sea Hawk (ie: seagull)...[/color]
[color=indigo]As cool as it might be to hang out with Semjaza and dig through his vinyl (all the while refering to him as "Peach Head") and music collection in Chi-town, or as much as I'd like to meet Charles and smack him for besmirching my name, I think the person that I would choose to hang out with is Lady Mac. I owe her a jam session still...[/color]
[color=indigo]I love good food, so I find it hard to pick a favorite. I really like good steak, there aren't too many things better then a nice fillet or New York strip cooked medium rare. A really good Italian Cold Cut sub is a rare find, but they are awesome as well. I guess another favorite is pizza, I love deep dish pizza...I need to go to Chicago again soon and get some...mmmm...food...[/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo][center]You better watch out the man in the black rain slicker is one smooth charecter he may not be the devil in diguise but, despite his angelic eyes he frequently hears Beelzebub whispering his sweet nothings You better watch out the man lounging behind the counter is a one cool customer he may not be the biblical antichrist but I saw him shoot dice in the alley with J. Edgar Hoover surrounded by spooks You better watch out the man you see in the mirror cannot be trusted he may not be a shallow reflection no where in my recollection have your eyes looked nearly as paranoid as his[/center][/color] -
[color=indigo]I base all of my feminist view points on a short comedy sketch by George Carlin. I am all for total equality between men and women; and I think that, throughout the centuries, men have caused horrible atrocities. However, if you are a feminist and truly believe in feminist ideals, then I hate to tell you that you aren't aiding your cause by becoming a part of corprate America or working for Ms. Magazine. If entering the evil corparate entity created by us sexist males is the most noble cause that you women can apply yourselves to, well [b]welcome to the club[/b] :p[/color]
Writing Ultimates (Pseudo-Official Comics in General Thread!)
Heaven's Cloud replied to Semjaza's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]X-Statix is a tremendous comic book if you enjoy comics that are based more on charecter development and plot then action. Okay, I went to Borders for my weekly comics and coffee fix. I read a bunch of comics that have already been reviewed (unfortunatly, Borders is slow with updating there shelves...I need to find a local comic book shop) however, there are two series that I'll breifly write about. First is Fantastic Four. I have always hated FF, I don't remember it ever being interesting or well drawn, its only redeeming aspect was Dr. Doom...until now. The last ten issues or so of FF have been fantastic, and the art is also quite well done. I definatly recommend picking up issue 501...it is a really good starting point. The other series I wanted to talk about has actually been completed for sometime. Sandman is one of the most spectacular and innovative comics ever created. Over the last month I have poured through the ten trade paperbacks that make up this series and I was blown away by the plot. Not that I expected anything less from Neil Gaiman, who is the author of some incredible books like American Gods and Good Omens. If you are unfamiliar with this series, definatly check it out.[/color] -
[color=indigo]I sat down and watched this movie the other night on HBO because so many people raved about how good it was. The movie was incredibly wierd yet very, very interesting. Although I think I probably need to see the movie a few more times before I get the whole "gist" of the movie, I do have one speculation about the movie that I thought was interesting. The movie the Donnie and his girlfriend saw "Eaters of the Dead" (or something along those lines), however, there is a deliberate shot of another movie that is playing in the theater, "The Last Temptation of Christ"...a reference I feel can be used as a direct metaphor to Donnie and the plot line of the movie. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the entire movie is a spiritual reference, I just think that there are similarities that the writer included blatantly. The first similarity is the charecter of Donnie. Donnie stands up for those weaker than he is and also stands strong in his belifes, despite being persecuted for them by the schools administration and other students. Also, despite having friends and family, Donnie has the constant feeling that he is alone in life. I also think that Frank (or at least the manifestation of Frank) can be viewed as a version of the devil "tempting" Donnie. Frank is portrayed as a demonic figure and more or less convinces Donnie that he must do unthinkable acts, that, though on the surface seem good, end up causing horribly catastrophic events. I guess that the final comparison that I would make, is Donnie's sacrifice. At the end of the movie, by not succumbing to the temptations of Frank/hallucinations, Donnie saves several lives by sacrificing himself and not giving into temptation. Anyway, that is a quick, rambling, and more than likely incoherrant theory of one aspect of charecterization and metaphors in the movie. I am sure that there are quite a few more underlying themes that I'll pick up on after watching it a couple more times...[/color]
Most Influential Person in your Life
Heaven's Cloud replied to Patronus's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo]Well, unfortunatly I tend to be the most influential person in my life...I end up talking myself into all kinds of stupid situations... Besides myself, my parents have definatly been a huge influence on my life. My parents have always been a central part of my envionment, and even though I live nine hours away from them, I still talk to them every couple of days, and to be honest, I rarely care how anyone except my parents and my little sister preceive me.[/color] -
[color=indigo]I am truly the embodiment of the word "cool"...at least until fads change again...wait they are changing already, drat![/color]
Anime Cartoon Network the new place for anime.
Heaven's Cloud replied to Pex's topic in Otaku Central
[color=indigo]Wow, I could have sworn that we used to have a Cartoon Network Sticky, Hmmm, it must not be there right now...no, wait, it is still at the top of the forum, right where it is supposed to be. I guess it must have disappeared or something... yeah right, from now on, please make sure a thread doesn't exist already before you create a topic... ~HC, your sarcastic neighborhood mod[/color] -
[COLOR=INDIGO]If you are getting tired of threads like this, then you shouldn't bother posting in them :) Regardless Kilanime1 is correct, this topic exists already. ~HC, your friendly (well, not really) neighborhood mod[/color]
The Terminator/Politician (Arnold runs for Governor)
Heaven's Cloud replied to OtakuSennen's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo]I almost started a thread about the California recall a few days ago...but I was to lazy. Anyway I am all for Arnie running for govenor, I also encourage all the various celebs, porn stars, construction workers, and plumbers in California that are interested in running to do so. Maybe Democracy in its purest will finally destroy the one glitch in our political system: Politicians running for political office...[/color]