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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]Recently there have been several Love Hina Threads...please feel free to post in one of those existing discussions... HC, your friendly neighborhood mod[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]Not a big fan of Sailor Moon. The show is a bit too cutsey/girly for me...and I really have never been a fan of the humor or the art in this show (I really hate Tuxedo Mask, what a lame idea for a super hero). Anyway, I am going to put Sailor Moon in a caption on the title of this thread.... HC, your friendly, title adjusting, neighborhood mod[/color]
  3. [COLOR=INDIGO][b]What was your first job?:[/b] When I turned 16 I spent the entire summer and fall semester of school as a camp instructer at the local YMCA. I was a pretty fun job, and I got to warp...I mean mold some young kids' minds in the process [b]What job do you have now?:[/b] I work inside/outside sales for a master distribution company...(mainly I sit in a cubicle and make phone calls to customers and prospective customers all the while sporadically visiting the OB) [b]What do you think of having a job in general?:[/b] If I didn't have to work I wouldn't, but I have found that bill collectors call you quite frequently if you don't pay them[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]I am glad that you know, because knowing is half the battle! (although, if you loose, I guess that knowing is quite worthless :p) ~HC, your friendly, GI Joe, neighborhood mod[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]Please do not post in general context (ie: last night) in reference to an anime...Trigun is an old series and many people have watched it at various times. Please reference by the episode name or by a critical event that occurs in that episode. Also, there is a large, general Trigun thread where you can post general discussions about the series that won't last longer than a couple posts. ~HC, your friendly neighborhood mod[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]It is a tail...he uses that tail as a weapon to fling Inuyasha into a wall...please direct all further questions and discussions that can be breifly awnsered to the Inuyasha thread ~HC,your friendly neighborhood mod[/color]
  7. [color=indigo] Real Name: Alexander Charles Schafer Real Age: 26 Delta Name: Xander Delta Age: 26 Team name: Giga Omega Ki Class: Warrior, knows some white magic Player Rank:3 Weapon: Heavy Axe Personality: Xander is an out going, gregarious young man. He is neither friend or foe of Callipso, but he has never been timid when arguing with him. Many of his fellow Giga Omega Ki believe that he has something to do with Callipso's kidnapping, although none are daring enough to accuse him out right. Picture: [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/sthin.bmp[/img] [/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Just a tip...during spirit/homecoming week, skip school on thursday...that is the day that seniors decide which freshman will be sacrificed and fed to the football team in order to appease the gods of the pigskin...[/color]
  9. [color=indigo][center][b]Blonde Bombshell[/b] The stench of sexuality Mingles with the mask Of predatory perfume As she eloquently eludes My glance Her evening eyes Bid bedroom tithes In two hued blue baubles Lithely lit a flame By desire A blonde bombshell Whose mesmerizing mascara Teases and taunts This brown-eyed bohemian With false promises The desire of desperation And poetry of passion Ignite as two become infinite Through a kaleidoscope of kisses And more intimate intricacies Envelope us A blonde bombshell Whose mesmerizing mascara Teased and taunted A brown-eyed bohemian Falsified her false promise[/center][/color]
  10. [color=indigo]The funny thing is, as soon as hurricane "Deshawn" came around and ended up being the most distructive hurricane ever, Rep Shelia Jackson Lee would claim that the name was racist because they only used an "ethnic" name because it was an uncommonly violent hurricane...therefore creating the assumption that all people of ethnicity are violent. [/color]
  11. [color=indigo]This is a pretty general topic...from now on, please refer to the gigantic Kenshin thread to receive awnsers to your Kenshin Questions...by the way, I missed the episode to, so thanks :p ~HC, your friendly, absent for yet another Kenshin episode, neighborhood mod[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]Now that the question has been awnsered...Thread closed. ~HC, your friendly, janitorial, neighborhood mod[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Sorry, but this topic is becoming way to frequent. As always, you can research anime on various sites including *shamless plug* [url]http://www.theotaku.com[/url] or you can try PM'ing members for suggestions. ~HC, your friendly, otaku promoting, neighborhood mod[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]This has absolutly nothing to do with the Anime Lounge. There are quite a few good artists on OB, if I were you I would probably check out the art forum and PM any artists that you like...maybe they will give you a hand ~HC, your friendly neighborhood mod[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GhostofSalvtore [/i] [B]Good ep tonight, one of my favs, well at least the Randy Newman part.... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=INDIGO]The best part of that episode is the incredibly long fight scene between Peter and the chicken that gave him an expired coupon...that entire scene is ridiculous...[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]I was at a MacDoh's (McDonald's for the unenlightened) one time when I nearly devoured a small, metal rod. I bit down on my double cheeseburger, but instead but my teeth sinking into a juicy processed meat patty they collided with a tiny metal monstrosity. Who inserts a tiny, 1/8 inch metal rod into a hamburger? The worst thing about it was that the manager didn't even offer me my money back, she just asked if I wanted another hamburger...yeah right, do you think I'm stupid? There probably would have been a syringe lodged in the next burger...[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Maybe because you said the wrong things. When you knew what would happen. You even started that suicide thread knowing what peopel would say. Why do that when you knew all the answers yourself? If you were hoping for pity, it will not be very forthcoming. Several of the older people here, like me, all think that you're rather young for this foolishness of love. It's not exactly the smartest thing at your age. Or come to think of it.... any age. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Amen. When I read these types of threads I wonder if I was ever that pathetic when I was young (granted, I am quite pathetic now, but is a cynical way, not a whiny one). I hate to write this Taylor, but I view this thread as comic relief. I find your problems and attitude very humorous, and I find every sucide lementing post followed by a calm refrain insanly hysterical. [size=1]PS. I don't hate you, actually I quite like you...your over-exaggeration of minute situations never fails to make me laugh (at you not with you, but is there a difference?)[/size][/color]
  18. [color=indigo]Cheif Wiggam thought that it was a giant rat, they even released a tiger to catch it (it got distracted by a ball of string). If that is correct: Question...In the Halloween parody of the Shining the Simpsons have to make three trips to get to Burn's mountian mansion because they forget things. What did Homer [b]refuse[/b] to turn around and pick up?[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]Heh, I've gotten my dad hooked to Cowboy Bebop. Im actually going to visit my folks this weekend and I am bringing "Knockin' on Heaven's Door (CB the movie)". I think he is more excited about seeing the movie than he is about seeing me :p[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]Tank always gets me pumped up to watch Cowboy Bebop. I remember sitting mesmorized in front of the TV several times watching the openings of various episodes. Sometimes it took me a good fifteen minutes before I realized that I don't need to watch the commercials on CN, I have the stupid collection right next to my tv... I also really like the opening to Hellsing, though I haven't ever had the desire to find out what the song is called or who wrote it...[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]I'm with Asuka here, I think that most anime should be left alone. Most of the time live action movies based on comics (or anime) turn out less than stellar...[/color]
  22. [size=1]:::cough:::sticky:::cough[/size] [color=indigo]Gun Slingin? Gypsy Floating from town to town You look awful murderous In your Gucci gown Is your fortune buried? Entombed in the ground? Or in the wallet of the man Your arm is wrapped around? Smoke Stealin? Sister Preaching to the choir Have you saved any sinners? From eternal fire Or do you plot them shallow And exhume them for your pyre You tell them that your god is honest But you are a crafty liar Mask Totin? Madonna Stealing lust-filled glances Your world is void Of dealing second chances Do you enjoy the chase? Or the torrid romances? Your ballet of one night stands Rarely end with a dance.[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]I do a body balance class twice a week, which is kinda a mixture of yoga and pilates. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]My buddy and I took a similar class in college...it was like going to heaven without dying. We were the only two guys in a class room full of lithe, attractive young women (I still have dreams of the class). The only downside was that I am about as flexible as a brick wall. I would leave the class feeling a though I had been quartered...but it was worth it...[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]Whoa dude...maybe you should lay off the coffee... I have never really been heart broken to the point that I felt despondant. I guess that I always expect things to not work out so when they don't I am never that surprised or hurt...[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I think it would be neat to live the life of a wandering [i]shugyosha[/i] (a student of the sword) but I don't think that I would want to be samurai or ninja. I guess I have a real problem with giving a person the right to make me commit suicide. A samurai was expected to fall on his sword with but a word from his master, and most ninja clan members were used for one mission and were then expected to commit suicide as well...it doesn't seem to glamorous or honorable to me...[/color]
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