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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Well I love the good old ferris wheel. Ever since I was little. I live 30 mins from Australia's Wonderland which has great rides, but I've always loved the ferris wheel:D [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]When I was little I loved ferris wheels, however, when I was eleven or twelve, I got stuck on this old rickety on for three hours...firemen had to come and get us down, it was horrible (I bet the ride was operated by one of those horrible mongolian carnival midgets...no wonder I fear them so). My favorite ride, well that is a tough one...I guess it would be the Vortex at Carowinds...it isn't the fastest or coolest ride, but I think I enjoy it the most... [/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B] I've always wanted to go to Cedar Point too... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I live about an hour away from Cedar Point, but I have yet to go, I hear that it is quite wicked...if you ever decide to head over there you are more then welcome to bum out on my couch...[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by XBebop [/i] [B]-_-;; well, well, well. All you HAD to say thast she was wrong, not spen a whole post telling why in a very rude way. I mean, hell, 12 year olds are a little too young to date but it does give them expeirience, to date people only people you are in love with. I have found love, found out she doesn't realy love me ( well, i dunno, it's just an estimate.. ). I'm 13, i'm going out with that girl and she's amazingly perverted, i won't say anything more. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]1. Love has nothing to do with dating, especially at age twelve. 2. While I'm sure you guys care about each other as friends, you two aren't in love...you might have a puppy infatuation, but most likely what your feeling is due to hormones. 3. I agree with absolutly everything PoisonTounge had to say to Dayday. No offense but you really shouldn't attempt to pick an argument with someone named "PoisonTounge" when your logic is as faulty and as twisted as yours is. There is absolutly no point to date at twelve...you aren't going to find your soul mate, you shouldn't begin kissing and making out (If you are making out with someone at twelve then I can only imagine seeing some young girl pregnant at fifteen or sixteen). The only thing you should be doing is hanging out with your friends, if one of them happens to be of the opposite sex then so be it. 4. Although I'm sure it is possible for a twelve year old to be as bright as a twenty-three year old, you are still lacking in experience and maturity. [/color]
  3. [color=indigo]I heard a really good quote on "Spider-Man" that stated "College is just High School with ash trays". I thought college was very similar with the social stereotypes. I tend to think that there are just so many more people that you can clique with in college that the steotypes don't seem to matter as much. To be honest, an outgoing friendly person is usually easily accepted throughout most cliques as long as you are friendly and have a good sense of humor. In high school I was definatly more Abercrombie and Fitch Jock then Goth, yet I tended to hang out with more goths, "band geeks", and "Drama nerds" then any thing else...I guess it is just best to associate with those that have similar intersts...[/color]
  4. [COLOR=INDIGO]Go play tag, tackle football, video games, monopoly and forget about girls until you are a freshman in highschool (and even then don't make a big deal about it). You are to young to be worried about girls...[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]I can only attempt to awnser the questions about the series because I have yet to read the manga...anyway, here is an attempt 1. As I stated earlier in this thread, I was unable to find any plans or announcements to a second season or series of Hellsing. This doesn't mean it isn't being made, just that nothing has been announced. [spoiler]2. I think that the split-face was used to depict Arucard as Dracula...I noticed the Alucard/Dracula spelling as well, the only strange thing is that the charecters name is spelled "Arucard" on all of Pioneer's press releases and on my DVD boxes... 3. Arucard is not really Victoria's master anymore, because she drank Arucards blood (on the floor in front of Enigma)...at least that is the impression I got 4. I always thought that Arucard and Integras' relationship was quite interesting. They were both elitists and considered themselves far more noble then ordinary riff-raff. I think that Integra would have only allowed herself to become a vampire out of love for Arucard, she would never has allowed a lesser vampire to taint her noble blood.[/color][/spoiler]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chou Long Kai [/i] [B]Yes,when I first saw an ad for it i thought it was an anime,until I saw the title...(Hopefully)No anime is going to use a title that SIMPLE. The commercial annoyed me for some reason,I mean that Star Fire person looked so much like a generic over emotional anime clutz,and Raven seemed like almost an insult to Hiei..."This party is pointless"*Acts all dark and cool* I haven't seen it yet though..So I plan to see it next time it comes on CN...That song sounds catchy!*Gets in whiny squeky high pitch voice from theme* TEEN TITDANSS!! And incase anybody cared,there is this old comic that went by the same name,but it had totally different characters,I dunno what happens in it,I just have an ad thing. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]First off, every charecter in the Teen Titans television show was a member of the Teen Titans comic book. Second, Japan doesn't have a license on dark, brooding charecters; if I remember correctly, Batman had been around for quite some time before Yu-Yu Hakusho was even a concept. I thought the show was okay. It had a decent mix of humor and action, and I like the whole theme of the show...despite the fact that I never enjoyed the comic book. I still think it pales in comparison to X-Men: Evo (of which I am a pretty big fan). [/color]
  7. [color=indigo]I like some anime and I dislike some anime, just like I like and dislike certian cartoons. I don't find japanese anime to be superior to american animation at all, however, I do think that there are japanese anime productions that are better then the majority of american animation productions. So I guess the reason I like certian anime is the same reason that I enjoy certian movies...they just appeal to me for one random reason or another...[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Right now I hang my hat in Eastern Ohio...smack dab between Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Until 5 months ago I lived in North Carolina in various places depending on what school I was attending. I grew up in Maryland, however, so I always will consider my self a Terp.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]Crickey! this thread has turned into a full blown comics thread! Anyway, I did my weekly Border bust yesterday and I checked out a few of the new titles. One of the comics that I am very interested in right now is Batman. I was never a huge fan of the Dark Knight but his new self titled comic features the writing of Loeb and the art work of Lee (not Stan, Jim). Lee and Loeb made an incredible team at Image and also did some astounding work on the X-Men...they were responsible for the X-Cutioner story line that is one of the finest X-Men crossovers ever created. Anyway, the story line is very well done...they have allowed the charecter of Batman to go nearly berserk and (so far) he has been relying on his gut and his brawn rather then his brain. I definatly suggest checking it out. I also picked up Spectacular Spiderman 1, it seems pretty good. They do a good job with plot, allowing action to flow secondary...it seems that Venom is back (an idea I wasn't too thrilled with at first) but this time he is a little different (the difference is what is going to make this series...)[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]As much as I love Cowboy Bebop, Berserk, and Trigun I think that the best battle or fight has to be Goku vs. Vegeta in the Saiyan Saga. It is just such a cool fight to watch over and over again. I think I liked it so much because the villian is such a likeable, enjoyable charecter...he contrasts Goku so well. And the fighting is actually decently drawn.[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I guess that Voltron would be the first anime that I ever saw...although I was quite young when I first saw it. The thing I remember most about Voltron was the cool Lions that I used to have...they were like a more difficult version of the constructocons. The anime that first got me interested in anime was either Demon City Shijuku or Akira...they used to play anime on Sci-fi network every Sunday morning when I was thirteen or fourteen...[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]Just to clear up a bit of confusion for those that don't quite understand what the "Remastered" edition of Evangelion is. It is just a cleaned up, digital version of the original series with slightly better audio and a cleaner picture (maybe a few extras). The same thing has been done with other classic animes including Akira and Ghost in the Shell. There are no plans for an new Eva series or additional Evangelion episodes...hence "End" of Evangelion. Sorry if I bursted anyone's bubble[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Hendrix has a lot of warmth in his playing, but he isn't an amazing technical player at all. He's more about rhythm and hitting higher notes at the right spots. The group has some mostly guitar pieces, but none have ever stood out for me. It depends on what you prefer, I guess. Personally, I can't say playing guitars with teeth has something that would make me pick Hendrix (or anyone) over anything else. In that case I should list Peter Frampton because he talked with his guitar. I'm surprised no one mentioned Zappa. He might not have been the absolute best, but he knows a hell of a lot more than most about composition and what really works. Most people don't seem to remember the guy anymore, from what I've seen. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I have always disagreed with the conception that Hendrix wasn't technically sound. Playing with his teeth and burning his guitar was ritualist, I know, but all of his accoustic blues song are amazingly technical...they go from being subtle to incredibly bold and I think that he has some solos that are ridiculously hard yet sound incredibly graceful. By the way, Frank Zappa rules, his compositions are outstanding...I can't believe I forgot about him, damn! I even have Sheik Yourbouti in my car CD player right now![/color]
  14. [color=indigo]I play the guitar, although not nearly as frequently as I used to. I haven't been getting any better, so I have gotten a little frustrated with myself. I used to have a [i]cherry[/i] J185 twelve string...but I ran into some money problems in college and I had to sell it, it was a real bummer. I also had a Seagull Accoustic that was trashed by a friend is a drunken fit...so right now I am stuck with my good ole Peavey Predator. But its not the equipment that makes the musician, its the musician that that plays the equipment, and at my level the predator suits me just fine :)[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]We had a Weib Krauss thread not to long ago but I think discussion kind of fizzled out. Feel free to try and ressurect that thread if you would like to continue its discussion! Topic Closed ~HC, your friendly neighborhood mod[/color] Edit...uhm, I think I deleted the last thread about this once it became overly spam filled, and got it confused with another topic! My bad guys...Auki was right to open this back up ~HC, your friendly, but slightly senile, neighborhood mod
  16. [color=indigo]Although it is impossible to say who the best guitarist is, it would be ridiculous to include Steve Vai and Eddie Van Halen in those catagories...they are both phenomenal guitar players but neither have done anything to revolutinize guitar playing. The Guitar God will always be Jimi. He was so friggin innovative it was amazing. No one had ever heard a guitar played the way he played it before. A close second would have to be Stevie Ray Vaughn...both guitarists could make their instruments wail playing them in the dark, blindfolded, and behind their backs. They each revolutionized music in relevant ways...Hendrix led the thick, distorted, augmented chord revolution that leant heavily from two-finger blues riffs while Stevie combined Jimi's blues ability with twangy southern rock and pretty much developed a method of Hybrid chord picking that gives his songs a lightning quick sound. There are plenty of guitar players that are excellent, Clapton, Paige, Vai, Van Halen, and Allman...but I don't think any could truly compare to either Hendrix or Vaughn.[/color]
  17. [color=indigo] As funny as Charles' and Sara's sigs always are, the funniest sig (in my opinion) will always be TN's "Lets get this straight; I'm Not" sig[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]Despite what many people have said, dieting does work...it just depends on what you need to change in your existing diet. Most people just need to eat smaller portions and restrain themselves from snacking on poor foods. I lift weights regularly, however I haven't had a good diet or cardio routine since highschool. I was gaining a bit of weight so I decided it was time to shed some pounds. All I really did was slightly cut down my food intake per meal, and changed my snaking to carrots, apples and oranges instead of peanut-butter sandwiches. I also began a cardio routine where I run two miles, bike three miles, and then use an eliptial machine for 15 minutes...the whole routine takes forty minutes and I do it three times a week. Weight training is also a great way to burn fat. You can use low weights and do high reps to avoid getting bulky. The more lean muscle you develop he more fat you burn...focusing on large muscle groups in the legs, back, and chest will help the most[/color]
  19. [color=indigo][center]complex, convex shapes invade my horizon and what borders dreams and sleep are skewed by hues of infinite and my dreamline lies under a comfortable comforter in a room where false wind screams through 110 volts of nature rippling the water glass finicky faeries pirouette pouncing perfunctualy on balls of grey fire their shimesens play to Oberon's slumber and my dreamline lies with both infinite and intimate as a thin sheet nooses a fetal fortunate soul's breath rippling the water glass portraits of portable profiles of those never met swagger and saunter unhumiliated and uninvited behind the eye's mind my dreamline lies beyond the sea past the gates of Narnia and Hell as reality is but a grain of sand on a wind swept beach[/center][/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B]..Cartoon Network line-ups? This is on Fox.. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Yep, but we are going to keep all of the line ups in one thread from now on...topic moved. ~HC your friendly neighborhood mod[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]I don't want this discussion turning out to be a "what did you see in New York?" topic. Next time you have a question like that, Eddiesgrand2000, please pm the other member. I usually buy my anime online or at Suncoast. I tend to find the best prices online...I usually get box sets on ebay, however, I tend to save money by using my replay card at suncoast if I just am buying two or three random titles...[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]I have always found that being alone is a very sharp double edged sword. I am a very independent person and I mainly enjoy keeping to myself. I have no qualms about sitting in a movie theatre alone or eating by myself in a restraunt. Since I moved off on my own, I really don't know too many people in the area, and the few I do know I am not sure if I really like. I enjoy being by myself and not having to deal with other people's drama and BS on a regular basis. On the other hand, it gets lonely. Sometimes I get tired of not having anyone to go to the gym with or to go out drinking and womanizing with. I guess that moving off on your own makes you truly appreciate your good friends...[/COLOR]
  23. [color=indigo]Although I hate the swarms of misqutoes that plague summer nights, they don't bother me nearly as much as those friggin house dwelling insects. I am glad that the only insect species I have had to eradicate in my new house are the army of ants that tend to march in. As soon as I see a beetle, roach, or silverfish in my house I'll freak out for several hours. It seems as though after I murder one of those disgusting creatures hundreds of their dead, ghostly cousins haunt me...making me feel like insects are constantly crawling on my body. Stupid phantom insects...[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]At one point in life I owned this CD. I think it was early in highschool...but, along with Jane's Addiction, The Toadies, Primitive Radio Gods, and a host of other CD's they got jumbled up and lost. The song Pepper was one of those constantly played songs on my hometown alt station, so I think I was a bit over-exposed to the song. I remember it being a pretty good album. Next time I am at my parents I'll have to find it, it could be another Blind Melon (which is one of those CD's I liked before but I really like now).[/color]
  25. [color=indigo][b]Just a Boy[/b] Ordinary boy is all I wanted you to be to skip and jump and play in the sand in the warm summer breeze. Extraordinary Boy is all I wanted you to be calculating complex algorithms staring lonely at a green computer screen Artistic Boy is all I wanted you to be coloring sketches of your musical dreams in Hemmingway's margins Athletic Boy is all I wanted you to be hurdling opponents on the grassy field with the greatest of ease A Mother's Boy is all I wanted you to be to have and to hold to cherish and give my entire soul My loving child is what you will always be no matter where you go until the stars grow cold my love for eternity.[/color]
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