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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]Recently, I have been recieving several PM's asking whether or not another Hellsing series is being created. I thought I would address the issue here because many of you were interested. To the best of my knowledge there are no plans on creating or continuing the Hellsing series that have been announced on the Pioneer website or on the Hellsing ( [url]http://www.hellsing.net/[/url] )home page. Good news for fans of Hellsing music...RUIN, Hellsing OST II will be in stores in September... [/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by XBebop [/i] [B]-__- (do i need to say anything else?) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Yes you do. Please read/review the rule forum, and try not to write short, brief posts that make no sense and add little (if that) to the conversation. I get deja-vu all of the time, and I have always found it to be very disconcerting. Usually, I get it when I see a particular person (stranger) in a particular place...my brain seems to be telling me "this has happened before, but is it important?" I think that is why I find it to be such an uneasy feeling, I can never figure out if I am not seeing something I should...[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]I?d like to thank everyone for participating and apologize for the delay. Hopefully the kinks are worked out for the next round so we won?t leave you blowing in the wind for so long. So I guess I?ll start at the beginning and end at the end? Deedlit: I liked the style of your poem. It was very neat and organized and the rhyme scheme was done well, which is not always an easy thing to do. Lady A: Again, a very neat and precise poem. I enjoyed the rhyme scheme. I thought you did a good job with language usage in your poem Braidless Baka: [i] And then the heat took to the sea Raging tempest morphed to steam the water sizzled and cast away No more important than our dreams[/i] I liked that. Your poem was well written, although it seemed as though you attempted to organize it but didn?t entirely accomplish that goal? Ravenstorture: I thought your idea was the most unique, however, your poem read more like a story then a traditional poem (not a bad thing). I think that the lack of symmetry was unintentional, which defiantly takes away from the poem. AJeh: I thought your style was very interesting, for some reason I thought it read like scripture. I don?t think the language that you used did an adequate job conveying your poem. Juu: Juu, you are a great writer, but I think that your submission was the weakest. It seemed that you discarded the poem?s meaning and hoped that rhyme scheme alone would make it work? Zidargh: Your poem was solid throughout, the rhyme scheme and the organization were good, and the language was fair?all in all it was a good poem I guess that is that. The member that I choose to vote off is Juu. Good Luck![/color]
  4. [color=indigo]There is already another thread discussing Love Hina, and there are several topics about dubbs. Please post in one of those topics. Thread [strike]closed[/strike][/color][color=hotpink] Merged[/color] [color=indigo]~HC, your friendly neighborhood mod[/color] [color=hotpink][size=1]I just merged this thread with the existing LH thread, because I wanted to discuss a bit of this about the dub sucking. ^_^; *QA*[/color][/size]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GhostofSalvtore [/i] [B]Have ya ever had that fear or wonder that you were going to just be a nobody when you got of age. Like you would be in a going-nowhere-job, never really making any sort of impact on yourself or anyone around you? Like maybe your in highschool and you really don't have plans for the future..(not saying thats its me, because I am goin to college to do something) But the thought has crossed my mind a few times. Or maybe you are in that sort of situation. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I've been through college and I still feel that way...often. Unless you are born wealthy and have absolutly zero motivation, I think you just have to work hard and set goals. I know that my biggest goal right now is getting a promotion so I can save up enough money to move to NYC. The one thing I learned by supporting myself during my final years in college is that you can have all the brains in the world, but if you don't work hard it'll catch up to you later in life...[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Personality is overrated... I am a shallow, egotistical individual. I care not how my significant other for the week views politics, religion, ect... I care only how they look on my arm. If a girl is not attrctive enough to make everyone else in the room envious of me, then she is not worthy enough to be at my side... To be honest I really think that I look at the girl in her entirety to decide. I have seen really beautiful girls that I am not the least bit attracted to and I have met girls that are both pretty and that I get along with that I would never date...[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][size=1] Heh. These are some different poems, I guess. All I can say is it has been [i]really[/i] hard to write lately, so I'm glad I have something to share. I do admit, in the second poem especially, these could use work, but I like the rawness, I guess. [/b][/size] [color=indigo]Heh, Mitch, I really liked [u]let it go there[/u], It gave me a "panicky" feeling and, at the same time, it made me laugh ([i]buoyancy in my gall bladder[/i]...great line) I've had trouble thinking of anything the least bit creative to write poetry wise...I have a poem that I am working on now, so I'll edit this thread and add it tomorrow...[/color]
  8. [color=indigo][b]1. Why live for God? To devote yourself to him I understand, but to live for him...I don't think that is even what he wants, after all, he sent his son to die for you...[/b] Since I am not a devout Christian (I guess it is debatable if I am even a Christian) I don't see why you would devout yourself to God. If God is real, then I have no idea why an infallable being desires that his imperfect creation worships him. I do think that being a good Christian encompasses being polite and considerate to your fellow man, no matter the flaws that you preciev in him. [b]2. Why codify spirituality in Religion? Do you look at the words, or the message? Why?[/b] Its like my Dad always told me about teachers growing up...just because they say so, doesn't mean it is right...I think I look at religion as a basis for set ideals and ideas. [b]3. Did you like the title of this thread (I thought it was kind of funny)?[/b] I thought it was hysterical, actuall the whole thread was great. Going through high school and college in the Bible belt it was always a motto of me my friends to look out for girls that "hide [i]Hay-soos[/i] in the bushes"...[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zeh [/i] [B]Methinks you like Lady M ;) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Duh!, everybody likes Lady Mac...she is the living embodiment of the often used "TN" phrase [i]uber[/i] ;) Despite the fact that I have made some terrific friends on the boards (friends that I value just as much as my non-internet friends), I don't think that could ever really develop a true "crush" due to lack of physicality...[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]I actually just started re-watching Hellsing (I tend to cycle through the anime I own every couple of months) and I think I forgot how much I enjoyed this series. I always found the charecter of Arucard to be facinating and I thought that the premise of the Iscariot foundation, sponsered through the Vatican, was a nifty idea. The series has great music and art and the dubbs are very good...[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]First off, I hate the elitist attitude that many people have. I don't understand why so many people believe that those who have just gotten into anime are not as big of fans as they are...it is a very ridiculous and childish attitude in my opinion. The popularity of anime is just a fad. When I was young there was a similar popularity with baseball cards and comic books. The fad will end, however anime will always be around because so many people truly enjoy it, just like comic books and baseball cards...right now it is just being overly saturated[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]I have HBO inDemand right now, so I would [b]assume[/b] that the Anime channel is the same (many of you, however, know that assumption is the mother of all bumblers)... Although HBO inDemand is included in my HBO package, I would guess that you would pay a flat fee for one month of service...probably $5 or $6...probably a good buy if you really like anime.[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]"c'mon guys, I swear I can touch my tounge to my nose...[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]Bloodlust has been one of my favorite animes for quite sometime. I love the artwork in it, and I think that the plot is pretty cool as well. I agree with both above statements...both the begining and the end are quite breath taking. However, my favorite scene has to be when D catches the arrow in his hand...[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]I have a [b]big[/b] crush on somebody on the boards. This person has always been super cool, and is absolutly gorgeous...I know that this revalation will break many hearts so I decided that I would put spoiler tags around it I am madly in love with [spoiler]Heaven's Cloud[/spoiler] I doubt that anyone could be a more perfect match for me...we really were meant for one another...[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]Deb, I am so very sorry. I know how important Christophe was to you...I don't know what else to say... Take care of yourself...I send you all of my love and prayers... ~Charlie[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]I am a huge fan of Marvel comics, and I really enjoy the entire revamping of the [b]Ultimate[/b] series. I've read just about every issue of every series (mainly because I go into Borders once a week, get a cafe mocha, and read all of the new comics...ah the life of the idle, it is true bliss) and I think all of them are incredibly well drawn. Individually [b]The Ultimates[/b]: I never really liked the [b]Avengers[/b] because by the time I began reading comics they had so many rotating characters that I found it a very confusing series (I am glad they killed them off and revamped during Onslaught). Therefor, I wasn't excited about the new series...until I opened the first magazine. I love how they reinvented Nick Fury, they have made him a great new character, instead of a pale imitation of himself. My favorite scene since this comic began has to be the one between [spoiler]Giant Man and Cap. I love how they depicted Cap beating the crap out of a man ten times his size[/spoiler] [b]Ultimate X-Men[/b]: I thought they did a good job telling an old story, yet I don't think that they really changed anything. I like how they created a bond between Colossus and Wolverine. I think my favorite part of this series is when [spoiler]Colossus kills his opponent, causing Xavier to evaluate his belief system.[/spoiler] [b]Ultimate Spider-Man[/b]: I love Spider Man but I am still not the biggest fan of this series. I think that the artwork is fantastic but I don't like certain aspects of the story line...especially some of the Gwen Stacy side stories. I think that the Venom story line was okay, but not nearly as good as the original one was. I guess it is going to be pretty hard to please me when it comes to Spidey...I am a huge web-head. If you like comics, defiantly check out the new series [b]Runaways[/b]. It is about a group of kids that discover their parents are super villains...it is very well written and drawn.[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]Omigosh....Congratulations Deb!!! I am glad that you and the baby are safe. I can't imagine how frightening it must have been to go into labor so early. But the important thing is that both you and Christophe are healthy. Thank you for sending a messanger to relay the good news, I am sure that everyone here sends their thoughts and prayers...I know that I do! Congratulations again!...by the way crazy uncle charlie has a really good ring to it, don't you think?[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Why is it ignorant? Is it ignorant she recognizes that this country has a problem? Is it ignorant that she has more balls than you and every man here to stand up and speak her mind in a free country? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I don't think it is ignorant, I think it is a stupid, illogical approach to a very real problem. Hand Guns are a problem in America, not toy guns. If we take realistic looking toy guns away from children, the gun problem is not going to get any better. If anything there will be even more curious little ignorant kids rummaging through daddy's closet, finding real guns, because they are not outside playing with toy guns...okay maybe a little far-fetched but still, you get my drift... I don't applaud her bravery either...I think she is a stupid woman fighting for a stupid, pointless cause. There are real problems in America, toy guns is not one of them. As for the child that was killed, I think the officer should be arrested for murder. I think that if someone 13 years or younger pulls a gun on a cop, that officer has the moral duty to wait until actual shots are fired before returning fire...if he/she has to take a bullet to make sure they don't accidentally shoot a kid, tough. Who said being a police officer was without risks?[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]Squirrely Potter and the adventures of the Great Glass Water Bong[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]Your friend is eleven...tell her to go back to playing Barbie or hide and go seek for three or four years before she tries to start a relationship...by the way, he is only eleven, it is doubtful that he even has the reproductive organs to two time her...[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]and the winner is[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji Ikari [/i] [B][size=1] Amish moving with the times. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE]
  23. [color=indigo]I think I would have an easier time awnsering "what is the [i]least[/i] stupid thing that you have ever done...[/color]
  24. [color=indigo][b]What genre/s of music do you listen to?[/b] I am fairly ecclectic...I listen to pretty much every genre (yes, including some country) although I tend to listen to more "blusey" rock than anything else. The only genre (well, [b]sub[/b]-genre) dislike is EMO punk...but I really don't have any reason to hate it, I just do. [b]What are your Favorite bands[/b] My favorite bands are quite a bit different than the bands that I am listening to right now so I'll list a few of both. A few of my favorite bands are: The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, The Grateful Dead, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and The Beatles...and the bands/artists that I have in my CD player right now are: Ben Harper, Jon Mayer, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson and Alice n' Chains [b]Why do you like them?[/b] I usually like bands for their instrumentals (or innovative instrumentals) or if their lyrics just speak to me in a certian way. It just kind of depends...I like different types of music during different times of my life.[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I understand the point you are trying to make, and I am not going to throw anything at you. Personally, I think that influences are going to emerge in any artistic style. Many anime artists have been influenced by american comics and Disney, and I am sure that many aritists that work creating american cartoons have been influenced by anime...[/color]
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