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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]The perfect date...that is a tough question. I guess it just depends at what I am looking for at that particular moment. If I am in one of my "looking for a girlfrind" phases, I usually just try and find someone that is fun to be around and that I find attractive at the time...If I am in a "I want to go through women like tissue paper phase" I tend to try and find girls that have just gotten out of a relationship and don't want any commitment...[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]I'll let this thread live a little longer, at least until the posts become overly pointless and redundant. I tend to think that anime encompasses all Asian animtion, not just Japanese. I think that I would definatly consider that the cartoons I have seen from both Korea and Taiwan are anime, or at least similar to anime. I think limiting its meaning to mature cartoons is not an appropriate thing to do. South Park and The Simpsons are not produced for younger audiences but I would not consider them anime.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1]HC, your car wrecks are nothing compared to mine. You pale in comparison to my wrecking prowess. Just check out this link, then you'll see. MUCH MUCH LATER: Okay, I couldn't find it. But the basic story is that I stole my dad's car and wrecked it while on 4 differnt kinds of drugs. So there. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]But did you donate your damaged car and the rest of your drugs to the Make a Wish foundation...I think not! I do submit to your car wrecking prowess though :p[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Well, this thread has been done before, however, it was quite some time ago... What Scares Me Mongolian Carnival Midgets: The idea of wierd little marauders working on carney rides and in stands, smelling of garlic, garbed in pierecings and odd tatoos, really disturbs me for some reason.... Clowns: Yes, even Ronald McDonald...I read IT at age nine and I have bee traumatized ever since... Roaches: Not stubby joints, the beatles...I hate roaches, actually I hate all bugs with multiple legs except spiders, spiders never bothered me.[/color]
  5. [color=indigo][center][b]Saybrook[/b] It seems as though I live my life staring in the rear view mirror dreaming of regrets and pining over my Juliet?s pondering over what never should have been and what will never be It seems as though I stare over my shoulder gazing behind looking for things that remind me of a past down a distant street trying to remember which cul-de-sac I lost my baseball glove in It seems as though I am still staring at your window casting pebbles at the window pain searching for that first sixth grade kiss and wrestling my best friend for your school yard honor It seems as though I left myself on the front porch of my childhood house swinging gently in the breeze listening to cicadas and smelling fragrant pear trees pondering over all that may be and all that could happen [/center][/color]
  6. [color=indigo]I tend to agree with pretty much everything that has been said...however I have a question for you. How do you know he loves you? I think you two are very familiar with each other, probably too familiar. I think you two should break up, if he is your true love, you can wait until you are a little older to realize it ;)[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]My biggest regert is not investing in Microsoft when I was 8 years old...think of the money I would have now... Seriously, like Lady Mac I have way too many regrets to list in this thread. I guess one thing I regret often will always be the fact that I was too self conscious to start weight training in High School...I don't want to be the Hulk or anything...but I like to keep in shape and it would have been easier if I started good habits earlier...[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Did you seriously donate them to the Make a Wish Foundation? I am dying to know.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Yeah, I rally did...and if you are dying I can probably arrange for you to take posession of an old, beat up Olds. The make a wish foundation restores damaged cars and gives them to families that have sick children and cannot afford transportation. Although it is a good cause, I honestly only donated the cars to get rid of them...I didn't know of any other place that would tow away those cars for free...[/color] [size=1]EDIT: By donating the car, I am allowed to write its full blue book value off of my taxes...so I am better off donating old, wrecked cars, then selling them for parts...especially since you have to pay for a car to be scrapped...[/size]
  9. [color=indigo]I'd donate my enormous..........................................ego. A person with this many good qualities should definatly have an ego like mine :p. Or I could donate my arms, they are massive, they are almost the size of Hulk Hogans (divided in half).[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]Noryko, you remind me of?well me. I have had more car problems during the seven years that I have been driving than most have in a lifetime. My first accident occurred before I even had a driver?s license. I was fifteen, had just received my learner?s permit, and I was practicing reversing in and out of my driveway. My driveway is shaped like a T and there is a basketball goal where the lines intersect?I am sure you can see where this is going?there is now a different basketball goal in my driveway. Luckily the car escaped unscathed. [i]Lesson Learned: If you hit something, don?t get nervous and jam your foot down on the accelerator.[/i] My second accident occurred driving to school the day after an ice storm. I was sixteen at the time and driving my first car, ?The Grey Ghost? a huge old, grey Oldsmobile, when I slid on some ice and rear ended the car in front of me (an even older grey Olds) traveling at maybe 3mph. Besides a small dent in my car, neither automobile was injured. The two passengers of the struck vehicle were another story, however, were another story. When the ambulances arrived they both acted as if they were the sole survivors of a nuclear holocaust. Despite being issued a clean bill of health, the two injured gentlemen wanted to file a suit with my insurance company. I was lucky, however, the suit was settled for $100 when the two men were arrested the following day on minor drug charges and needed bail money. A week later the grey ghost died of heart failure (ie: transmission failure) and was donated to the Make a Wish foundation. [i]Lesson Learned: Plant Weed on Victims of car accidents and you can get off easy[/i] The third accident I was involved in was a single car accident. I was following an old lady up a very large hill (maybe a little too closely, but she was driving so slowly) in my Mercur Scorpio, the nicest looking car I have ever owned (though it had well over 200,000 miles when I purchased it), when the lady began to make a left hand turn. I say began, because she never finished the turn, she came to a dead stop in the middle of the road, and sat there, rummaging through her glove compartment. Being a seventeen year old boy, with all of the patience of a fruit fly, I drove around her, maneuvering about three feet of my car through the six inch thick shrubbery that can often be found along roads in the south east. Unknown to me, a fire hydrant was deviously buried and then covered by the shrubbery. The top of the hydrant was five inches above the ground; just enough to catch my chassis and rip open the side of my car. The estimate to fix my car was $3,500, since I bought the car for $500; I decided I was better off donating it to the Make a Wish Foundation. [i]Lesson Learned: don?t take low riding cars off road, fire hydrants could be lurking anywhere![/i] Intermission: DUI?most of you know that I had a DUI?lesson if you are underage, don?t drink and drive?no matter how little you drank Finale: When I finally got my license back I bought another Oldsmobile, a big blue whale of a car. One day I was driving it and a lady hit me head on, totaling my massive car?I was overjoyed that the accident was not my fault. My car?s remains were donated to the Make a Wish foundation. I then received my third Olds, a hand me down from my Grandmother, it lasted one year before it passed away due to congestive heart failure?the engine died. It was donated to the Make a Wish Foundation. I am now on my fifth car, a nice little Saturn sports coupe?the greatest lesson that I learned from all of my driving experience is this: [i]If you are a child with a terminal disease and your final wish is to receive a beat up old Oldsmobile, then I am making your dream come true[/i][/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I tried to narrow it down to one specific duel...but I was unable to do it, so her are my top three duels... 1. Spike vs. Vicious: The final episode of Cowboy Bebop ends with one of the coolest fight scenes in anime history. I had to include this as one of my favorite duels because it seems so realistic, and it is really cool how he repeatedly blocks Vicious katana attack by using his gun. 2. Vegeta vs. Goku...Saiyan Saga: The greatest DBZ saga has the best fight scene. The first fight between Vegeta and Goku establishes who the two key strong men will be the entire series...Vegeta's biting remarks and Goku's Kaioken tecnique really make this fight really cool. 3. Guts and Griffith: The first fight scene between Guts and Griffith does not end in bloodshed, instead it ends with Griffith leaping on Guts' sword and pointing his own blade at his adversary's throat.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo][center][b]For a Friend[/b] I wear your comfort on my shoulder and your praise in my smile. My heart jumps when you speak as I read your voice from miles away are you real? or just a phantom haunting me with honeyed words?[/center][/color]
  13. [color=indigo] It is your life, but, personally I would avoid sending a poem declaring your love in such a bold fashion...it seems as though you are writing about dying in the arm's of your love. I'd try to be a bit more subtle...talk about the girl, the curve of her neck, her musical laugh, the way her hair falls on her shoulders, the way she moves...just don't write about you dying in her arms, I think that will scare her away.[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]Okay, I merged this thread with the previous "Reign" thread...next time keep similar topics in the same thread please. As for Reign, I never made it through the entire series but I did enjoy the few shows that I saw. I thought it was designed very well, and the story line was quite interesting...I like how they tied bith mythilogical stories, historical facts, and historical hypothesis together. Being an Aeon Flux fan, I enjoyed the animation. [/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1]I'd try to figure out a way to swindle all kinds of money out of the government for my personal use, smoke a huge blunt in the Oval Office just to say I did it, plant bugs all over the place so I would know what the actual President is saying at all times from then on and become a famous reporter, and all that other stuff Heaven's Cloud said. I'd also invite Heaven's Cloud, because those were his ideas and I'd hate for him to miss out.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Cool, thanks for the invite :)...in the oval office do we pass the dutchie on the left hand side or the right?[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]I think they are pulling a "Pearl Jam", (make a good album, make a fair album, make a bad album...repeat) their next album will hopefully make up for this one...[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Actually, I have a couple three day passes to summerfest and I am planning on going...although I am not sure what weekend I'll attend. I'd like to go the weekend on the 28th because both Tom Petty and Blues Traveler will be performing...but July 4th weekend looks pretty promising too...I have more time off, and Morris Day and the Time are performing...[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]If I was the president I would use your hard earned tax money to throw elaborate parties. I would various Rock Bands to travel with me and play "Hail to the Cheif" when ever I walked into a room. I would use Airforce one to travel to exotic, foriegn vacationing spots and make sure that the natives understand that america is the greatest country on earth...I would pretty much be the worst President ever...but its not my fault, you guys voted me into office :p[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]I think there is a huge difference between a good villian and a perfect villian. A perfect villian is evil personified. A good example of this would be Femto from Berserk, his actions were so atrocious [spoiler]killing all of his followers and murdering and raping his best friends love[/spoiler] that he could be classified as the embodiment of evil. Another example of this would Vicious, who murders and kills out of greed and personal pleasure. A "good" villian is just a villian that is interesting, usually due to his charecter flaws. Magneto's love for Charles Xavier causes him to be quite an interesting charecter in the X-Men. Another example is how Vegeta's pride causes him to be the most dynamic charecter in DBZ[/color]
  20. [color=indigo][b]Last Call[/b] Shadows grow heavy and the air has gone stale the remaining few rise with eyes of despair inhaling they breath the staunch, smokey air and head out the door stumbling on rickey stairs as I clean the glass and pour the last ales I ponder how humanity grew so frail[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]First off, I would like to thank all of the participants for their entries. I know that many of you worked very hard on your stories. I felt that it was only fair that I give share my thoughts on all of your stories. Remember, these are just my opinions?they don?t really mean too much? Na?dou: I thought the whole concept for your story was interesting; however, I thought it lacked solid character development. I felt that the dialogue lacked any true focus, and did little to advance the plot. You also switched between past tense and present tense throughout the story. This inconsistency caused the story to become confusing at times. Deedlit: Your story seemed to borrow a lot of aspects from the Lord of the Rings. I think this both helped and hurt the progression of your story. It aided your story by giving you a set format, a road map, on how to write the story. It hurt your story by taking away some of the creative aspects of the story line. I also felt that you tried to compress a lot of information, especially about the various trials, so that you would have a nice short story. Juu: Very Romeo and Juliet, however, I really enjoyed your story. I thought that you did a very good job with the description early in the story; I really liked the ?vanilla light? description. Ravenstorture: Your story was very interesting, and didn?t end the way I thought (which is not a bad thing). I did think that the structure of the story (where your paragraphs began and end) was a bit muddled, and caused me a little confusion. Your characterization, plot, and description were all pretty fair creating a fairly good story. Lady A: ?This statement ? while I?d never admit to such a thing openly ? did not shock me. After all, what child hasn?t wanted to kill their parent?s at one time or another?? I liked this statement quite a bit; I thought it deserved a quote. I didn?t think that the story was spectacular, however, it has a few lines that really surprised and impressed me. I am looking forward to your future submissions. Braidless Baka: I don?t like the ending of your story, therefore, it is hard for me to like your story at all. The ending reminded me of a bad movie, when a character magically reappears for no reason. I also thought that many of your sentences read the same way and lacked variation. That being said, your concept was original and I thought you did a pretty decent job capturing Calum as a brave, emotional, coward. Lady Mac: I found your story to be the most original and the most enjoyable to read. Although it lacked some of the poetic statements that Lady A?s story contained, its simplistic tone allowed the reader to easily follow the stories plot. AJeh: I enjoyed your story, but I thought that it borrowed too many elements from Snow White?at least that is the impression I got. I didn?t find your piece remarkable but it was good enough for you to remain in the competition. Zidargh: Your story was hysterical?every time I see a dancing piece of meat (which, oddly enough, is quite often) I will think of you and this story. Good Job. Unfortunatly, this is a contest, and I have to select to vote someone off. Although it was a tough choice, I select [b]Na?dou[/b] to be voted off for the reasons in my previous blurb. [/color]
  22. [COLOR=INDIGO] I rented this on iNdemand yesterday (mainly because I am very poor right now and it is cheaper for me to rent and tape then to buy) and boy was I impressed. Although every short film was good (the animation in Program and World Record was stunning) I was really impressed with these three stories: [b]Matriculated[/b]: It not only captured the duality of man, but it gave the machines that same charicteristic...the need to strive for peace through war and the charecteristic of destroying what you create. It helped to lend humanity to the machines in the Matrix [b]Kids Story[/b]: The artwork in this story impressed me. It reminds me of so many comic book illustarors that I enjoy, everything looked rough, grity, and incomplete. I thought that sense of incompleteness carried over to the story line... [b]Detective Story[/b]: This was my favorite story. I liked its darkness, like James said, very "film noir". The end was so fascinating, especially when the agents attempted to take over the detectives body and he tried to fight them...[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]Although Super Mario Bros is by far the "catchiest" video game theme song, the music for "Full Throttle" (an old PC game) truly rocks. Its soundtrack is by the Gone Jakals, a band that fits the motorcycle genre of the RPG. The best anime score is Cowboy Bebop...hands down. The music not used to complement the anime, it is part of the show itself. It is what makes the anime so exceptional in my mind. [/color]
  24. [color=indigo]1. Hey, its evolution baby! 2. The conception of Charles[/color]
  25. [color=red][b]PERSONAL[/b][/color] [color=indigo][b]Member Name:[/b] Heaven's Cloud [b]Former Member Names:[/b] never had another name [b]Member Since:[/b] Don't remember, about a year and a half [b]Current Status:[/b] Mod: Anime Lounge [b]Nicknames:[/b] HC, the [i]other[/i] Charlie [b]Favorite Forums:[/b] Otaku Lounge, Poetry ect..., Anime [b]Favorite RPG:[/b] None available [b]Favorite Threads:[/b] [i]What's your favorite type of sock?, Charlie vs. Charlie: Rap Battle[/i] [b]Favorite Smiley:[/b] I don't really use any of them but I guess this is my fav :drunk: [b]Most Memorable Moment:[/b] I have trouble remembering my name, let alone the most memorable thing on the OB, however, the one moment that sticks in my mind is Deb announcing her pregnancy [b]Quotable Quote:[/b] Any remark in a conversation between TN and Mnemy [b]Words of Wisdom:[/b] Trying hard leads to failure [b]Wish to be remembered for:[/b] For the love of god I hope you can forget me! [b]Desired Epitaph:[/b] [i]I know you wish you are as cool as I was[/i] [b]Favorites:[/b] Indigo, Wrestling, Guitars, Pointless Conversations [b]I will....[/b] .......the [u]color indigo[/u] to [u]Sara[/u]...[i]so she can add some color to her graphite imagination[/i] .......a [u]box of cookies[/u] to [u]Juu[/u]...[i]I am sure you are running out[/i] .......my [u]collection of musical instruments[/u] to [u]Lady Mac[/u]...[i]to give to her child so he becomes a Rock God[/i] .......an [u]annual Birthday Card[/u] to [u]Del[/u]...[i]For some reason I never miss your birthday[/i] .......all my [u]talent[/u] to [u]Charles[/u]...[i]Because he needs some desperatly[/i][/color] [color=red][b]MOST AND BEST[/b][/color] [color=indigo][b]Most likely to succeed: [/b] James [b]Most likely to secede: [/b] Chaos [b]Worst spelling: [/b] Kuja [b]Best poster: [/b] Shy, Lady Mac [b]Cutest couple: [/b] Ryan and Tori [b]Best writer: [/b] Shy [b]Best artist: [/b] Don't know [b]Best...spar-er?: [/b] Raiha, Harlequin [b]Craziest: [/b] Charles [b]Funniest / wittiest: [/b] Sara, the queen of witty one-liners [b]Interesting-er-ist: [/b] Delian, and of course Lady Mac [b]Random award: [/b] If you feel the urgent need to award someone a title not listed here...Gokents gets the "always sticks to his belifes" award [b]Digimon...something....award.: [/b] I have never been to this forum before...I hate all things "mon" [b]The "Give me my Name Back" award[/b]: Charles, I'm not joking, quit besmerching my name [b]Other Disappeared Cool People:[/b] Navi, Seph, Nerdsy[/color] [color=red][b]SIGNATURES[/b][/color] [color=indigo][i]Delian[/i] My favorite aussie. If you come to the East Coast I will meet up with you and force you to hang out with me. I miss seeing you around the boards, but I know that you are busy with your new job. Drop me a note sometime and we'll catch up [i]James[/i] Damn you and your logic! Honestly, you do an incredible job with the boards...thank you [i]Charles[/i] Let me holla at ya playa, the rap battle is probably the most enjoyable thing I've done since joining the boards. I always enjoy our random AIM conversations too, you really are very odd...maybe as odd as I am [i]Shy[/i] Although I have never had any form of communication with you other than the boards, I think I have read nearly every one of your posts. You are an incredible writer with a really good sense of humor and sarcasm. [i]Deb-[/i] I don't know what to say to you. You are one of the most interesting people that I have ever spoken to. I regret that we never had a chance to meet when I lived back in NC, but one day we'll have to get together and jam. I am so excited that you are about to become a mother...your soon to be son is a lucky guy, he is going to have a great mom.[/color]
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