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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]Well, the whole guy make-up thing is beyond me...I don't know why any guy. gay or straight would wear makeup unless he was on stage or at a costume party... As for eyebrow plucking...if you have a uni-brow, do us all a favor and get rid of it. I have bushy eyebrows, but I don't have a busy eyebrow. Unwanted body hair? If I had back hair I'd get rid of it...I even up my the little amount of chest hair that I have (it grows uneven) and in the summer I get rid of it...I don't want to be mistaken as a gorrillia and shot when I take off my shirt.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]What the airlines call a Near-Miss[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]First off...I don't understand how "fashion" has a direct correlation to music. If someone likes to dress in wife beaters and baggy shorts it doesn't mean that they enjoy punk music...maybe that is how they are comfortable...I had several friends that dressed in the typical "Goth" style in Highschool, but, besides NIN I doubt they listened to typical industrial music (they were mainly Beatles and Zepplin fans). Second...In my opinion (which is only valid to me) Good Charlotte stinks. They are horrible song writers, the lead singer has an awful voice, they are horrible live, and their instrumentals are pathetic...[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Tobacco company execs meet one last time before launching the new "Truth" campaign[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]I'll retire my bra as soon as you give up your panty hose and while you are at it lose the lipstick and the rest of your girlie close glance in the mirror fool you look like a played out transvestite that has Parkinson's disease got the shakes, and couldn't put on her makeup right I saw you the other night trying to work the street hustling cab drivers trying to make ends meet you say that you are Eminem but you look more like Bubba Sparx why don't you get on weight watchers and put down that Ball Park I know you were last on the Oprah diet you had to eat a whole cow just to keep your stomach quiet By the way if I am Barney you are defiantly Big Bird I'm gonna devour you then crap you out like a turd the stink still won't be as strong as your lame *** rhyme that stench permeates the air and makes me want to commit a hate crime and beat you to death with a tiny silver spoon I'll hit you so hard you'll go straight to the moon You are like N'Sync your rhymes are bubble gum mainstream my lyrics are fresh everywhere I go people scream "Why are you wasting you valuable time trying to teach ECW how to bust out dope rhymes? doesn't he know that your flo doesn't quit Charlie your words could fight cancer why don't you pop him like a zit" I tell them that every punk needs to be put in there place and when I'm done tearing him apart you won't recognize his face Quit your crying and your little tantrum fit you think you are dope JUST BRING IT![/color]
  6. [color=indigo]It is pathetic how many people lack common grammar skills. I wonder if they realize that one day their going to have to compose a letter in the work place. They're won't be any hope for them and more than likely they will be fired from there job. My eyes, they burn...[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]1. Spots now realizes that she should have confessed to her affair with Mr Whiskers during her pregnancy... 2. Charles, we told you not to be so affectionate with Spots, look what you've done this time... 3. Adopted children tend to emulate their new parents...[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]As fatigue sets in and dreams mingle with nightmares the sandman attacks and though you are beside me I yell for her[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by klinanime1 [/i] [B]Ether (stars, heavens): Mysterious, aloof, and deadly. You hold yourself away, but only until the moment before you strike. "I am an outcast, who's fangs hold poison. I do not know the stars by name or consult them, for I am one with the stars and know all they know already." [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Although I tend to have qualities of all of the elements, I definatly think that ether best represents me. I am very aloof and very independant, and, despite kowing a lot of people, very few truly understand me. I am an outcast only by choice, and, though I feel comfortable in a group, I am always feel like I am an outsider looking in. I rarely share my problems, and very seldom do I ask for advice. However, I the true reason I feel like ether best represents me is because it seems to reflect how I handle relationships. Although I am by no means mysterious, I could see a female ten or twenty times before I talk to her, but once I do my poison is sweeter then the purest honey...but eventually my loner mentality, my self centered nature always ruin things...[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]you are right I am a ballerina right now I'm dancing on your grave you've been buried under my rhymes ain't no way you'll be saved and you do remind me of that crazy road runner you better run away before I hit you with a stone cold stunner what WHAT you can't think of anything to say you don't even have one half the talent of Kid & Play but I'll give you some credit you are an unconventional rapper the only applause you get is when your roommate cuts the lights with the clapper clap on clap off I rhyme hard but you are soft I can't be beat I'm fresh from the streets you are just the cat from deliverance playing the banjo in the trees you mention Mitch, Shinobi, & Ajeh but all I need is Lady Mac I'll line you up and she'll give you all a B**** smack you best watch out cause that angel don't have wings she'll kick you in the crotch and make you sing like Michael Jackson that Ertha Kit wannabe the only pedophile on earth that can afford caviar and brie speaking of smelly cheese your rhymes sure do stink who did you learn to rap from Brittany Spears or Pink You remind me of Dorothy following the yellow brick road getting crapped on by flying monkeys that need to lighten their load so why don't you tap your read shoes and head back to OZ before I break you in half and you end up like Droz I guess its too late my rhymes have broke neck I gave you whiplash like a high speed car wreck why don't you go off and delete someone's post I don't think you want to stick around cause right now I'm gonna boast but to be honest I'm do all this praise I knocked you down and put you in a daze I am the best there was the best there is I am the Micheal Jordan of this biz my rhymes pack a harder punch then Oscar De La Hoya they are spicier then hot sauce made by Goya dude even if you joined the army and became "the best you can be" that wouldn't be enough to best me PEACE OUT![/color]
  11. [color=indigo]1. General Briggs tortures the Somalian spy by pointlessly destroying good fruit... 2. "This is what we do to Watermelons with too many seeds...HIYA!"[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Metatron [/i] [B] And martial arts were originally an art to defend or to kill... not for fun... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Fencing was originally meant to be used to defend and to kill, but you don't see members of the Olyimpic fencing team walking around town wielding swords defending others from bullies. If you want to defend yourself, buy a can of mace or a taser gun. If you want to learn a form of art and a lifetime sport takke martial arts.[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Forgive me if this rap Isn?t as dope as the others I got a hangover while drinking with your ma Sally Struthers During the evening She asked me to do a charitable thing She asked me to feed the poor While she stuffed her face with ring-dings My head really hurts But it is not from the booze It is from those lame rhymes That you consistently use I am my own man You are just a puppet Your raps sound like nursery rhymes Who are you? Little Ms. Moppet? Or maybe you are Kermit the Frog That makes me Jim Hanson My lyrics are more deadly Then that fool Charlie Manson Speaking of death Your last rap put me in a Coma It had less skill Then a street hooker named Lola I bet you are a sensitive guy and women intimidate you That?s why the MasterDeBator Debates until his balls a blue I really shouldn?t insult you And mess with your mind You punish yourself enough You?ll probably go blind Oh was that a subject I already touched I guess you are just one dimensional Winning this battle is fun for me but for you it is essential I?ve made my mark in life You haven?t even made a dent Let out all you anger And frustration and vent You might as well get some use out of this game, get some therapy cause the prize is going to the one true Charlie and that is me? WORD DOGG [/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080]Actually, I wouldn't say that it's ludicrous to compare the United States to Australia in terms of education. Perhaps you have misconceptions about how [i]our[/i] education system works? ~_^ Our system is much like yours, in the sense that school policy is not something dictated by the Federal Government. In fact, the Federal Government essentially plays no role in either primary (elementary) or secondary school education. Rather, the states themselves are responsible for school policy. And specifically, state boards of education are responsible for setting cirriculum guidelines. My state, for example, has totally different systems for dealing with University entrance than say...New South Wales. Of course, both states are using different educational systems, but both are essentially arriving at the same goal. Secondly, what do size and "demographic region" have to do with it? I mean, it's not like we have the same number of schools as the USA but with less people in each school; we obviously have a level of schooling that services our population, the same as the USA. So that argument seems a bit moot to me - it's a relative issue. And I don't know what you mean by demographic region. That's a very vague term and you haven't really specified what you mean by it. Having said all of the above, I don't feel that your point about the education system in America being controlled on local levels is any excuse for poor school performance. As I said, Australia has a similar system. The only major difference that I would really point to would be the fact that the Federal Government works with the states to set up robust standards that schools need to meet. That creates a business-like, competitive environment for all schools (where schools invariably benefit by competing in a sense). I get the impression that the Bush Administration actually wants to increase accountability in schools -- an idea which several public servants in the USA have not liked. But Bush is right; more accountability is always important, particularly when it comes to creating national standards (whereby all students can reach certain levels of accomplishment within a certain timeframe). So, I personally don't think I have any misconceptions about the American education system. You might have been referring to someone else, but you quoted my post, which is why I'm responding now. I hope that I've at least clarified my viewpoint.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Maybe my post was not clear enough. I was not admonishing the federal government for the wrong donigs in the american educational system, in fact, I was noting the variation between blaming the fedral government opposed to blaming state governments. As for demographics, you have entirely missed my point (although maybe I did not clarify the point that I had wished to make). I am well aware that Australia is broken down "sectionally", I know that they have areas, or states, that have political prowess. I quoted your post because you specifically mentioned "American states", and it indicated that no American States have strong educational systems, which is ludicrous. Some states have extremely good educational systems some have extremely poor ones. Increasing accountability in schools is a great idea, but who is going to be in charge of keeping tabs on the standards? State governments? They haven't done too good of a job so far. What makes you think a similar program to work? What the government need to do is cut ALL federal aide to states that don't meet minimum fedral critereia. [/color]
  15. [color=indigo]To begin, I think fighting is mostly pointless, especially over an insult or a slight. I wanted that to be clear before I make the following comment. I think that most of you are blowing smoke out of your ***. All I am reading is that "it is sooo pathetic that these two didn't know how to defend themselves". I seriously doubt that so many of you (by so many, I mean in general terms,because every time a thread about fighting rears its head everyone is Ali) are studying "blah and blah's" style of martial arts. Most of you (I'm sure there are some exceptions) have been exposed to martial arts via TV and nothing else. So quit stating that it is pathetic that people don't know how to fight. I pretty much guarentee that if someone the size of myself or Ken (DK) hit you it would really hurt, and I know that if someone attacked me the only leverage I have is my athleticism and my minute amount of wrestling ability from Jr. High school. The best way to defend yourself is to not pick fights...studying martial arts should be no different then playing basketball or lifting weights, you should do it because you enjoy the sport, not because you want to defend yourself or hurt people. [/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080]And Harry...as far as public education goes, I think you'll find that Australia is an example of a strong public education system (unless you're talking about American states, in which case my comment is irrelevant). [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I think that there are several misconceptions about the American Educational system. Public schooling varies from state to state and county to county. It is ludicrous to compare the educational system of Australia to that of America. Our country is too big large to be designed in a similar way. Because of Australia?s size and demographic region, their educational system does not suffer the same degree of variance that schools in the US do. If public schools in your area are poor, then you shouldn't be blaming Bush and the national government. You should be blaming governmental policies that are made on local and statewide levels. The school district that I came from in Maryland was one of the top districts in the US. Many of my elementary and junior high teachers held master's degrees in teaching. They were encouraged to attend teaching workshops and their salaries were near the highest in the country. The district that I came from was not a wealthy district (it actually had the second lowest income per capita in what is considered the D.C. outskirts) the board of education for the county just placed education high on their priority list. In stark contrast, there is the school that I attended in Davie county North Carolina, which, at the time, was one of the poorest performing districts in the country. The school had a difficult time attracting teachers, because they had the lowest pay rate in the entire state, and an even harder time keeping them. One of the biggest problems they had (which they now seem to have resolved) was that they didn't rise above government standards. For example, I read the Odyssey in 6th grade (in MD), and then I read it again in the ninth grade (in NC). I never remember any of my tar-heel state teachers attending workshops. The teachers lacked encouragement and financing from our county and state government (we couldn't even get a bond referendum to pass) and most of the grants we received were mismanaged and used on pointless things (like the construction of a brick wall surrounding the outside of the high school). It is this huge variance between states that causes nationwide befuddlement about our educational system. The thing is, this is not a national problem, this is a local problem...that is why I find it so odd that no one pays attention to there local elections and their bond referendum votes. [/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Did you see that fool Iceghost? I guess he thought he was a playa but his career had less highlights than James Spader but now that the fool?s been throw out the door it is time for me to settle an old score. I may be an underdog but you are a three legged cat I?ll throw you in a bag and beat you with a bat I?m like Barry Bonds and your still in little league your rhymes are nursery mine are filled with intrigue I am sure you are an ace and you?ve probably been spaded your mom listened to Bob Barker and became quite Jaded She was going to take you to the vet but you squirmed too much instead she lit a fire cracker between your legs there was a bang and a crunch At first I felt sorry for dissing a castrated feline but then you made a dumb move and hit me from behind dude, you should a swung harded cause I?m still on my feet you better turn and run before you get beat oh wait it is too late you already are beat you didn?t know it? you must be delirious from all of my heat I?m on fire my rap is so hot this rhyme is more dope then three ounces of pot so Charles let me leave you with one little phrase My rhymes see right through your cheap masquerade [/color]
  18. [color=indigo]I go through varying stages of addiction. Sometimes there are periods where I drink two or three litres of coke in a day. Sometimes I go through times where I drink two or three pots of hot tea is a day. Right now I am trying to slim down a little for summer so I have cut back on the amount of caffine I intake...[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]Zelda was pleasently surprised when she found out how sexy the erotic cake she bought for Link turned out.[/color] [size=1]Sorry I just thought of another one that is too good to pass up.[/size] [color=indigo]I always thought Link was an elf...but I guess elfs can be faries to...[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]I guess you can't understand what I've got planned with that little pea brain that's made out of sand I am a master of lyrics you are just He-Man on Ice I'll slice you in half with out thinking twice So you're the MasterDeBator I think you added a "De" you didn't listen to your Mom and now you can't see if you don't mind will you stop your stroke release your choke show me some respect before you go up in smoke your time in this world is growing short your Mom should've listened and pressed abort oh, I'm sorry was that line to hard well when you mess with me you shouldn't let down your guard I'm like Muhammed Ali with one exception, I'm rabid I charge like a thousand hornets swinging not jabbing I'll tear out you heart bite off your ears take my foot and plant it in your rear I'll rip off your face and wear it as hair just like Steve Buscehmi did in Con-Air As for a battle royal we can do an RPG but this little scuffles between you and me We both know there can be only one Charlie I'm gonna leave you dead, fat and bloated just like Chris Farley WORD LIFE[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]Well, Caddyshack is the funniest movie ever. That is a fact, not an opinion...there was a study done on it...::cough bs::... Besides Caddyshack, Billy Madison is a great movie, so are Trading Places, and Coming to America...there are honestly too many good ones to list[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Please do not double-post. I think the reason that no one has responded to your thread is because of the lack of effort that you put into the post. I know that there are several Teknoman fans on OB, but I doubt any of them will respond to such a poor post. if you revised your initial post I am pretty sure you'll get a resonse. ~HC, your friendly neighborhood mod[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]Submit to your wit? But you are just a little twit you say you can?t be bested I haven?t even been tested Your whole rhyme?s a joke are you high on coke? your lyrics make no sense you ain?t got no defense you are being slaughtered like a cow butchered like a sow why don?t you take a bow? and run home right now and hide under your bed before I get in your head cuz my lyrical ability has unlimited agility I?m part Super Man Part Super freak I?ll hit you so hard you?ll be unable to speak I broadcast revolution I preach evolution I leave you lying in the gutter while your peeps all mutter how I took you down like a rodeo clown I speared you like a fish now I bet you just wish that you left me alone that you should have got stoned or died a quick death doing crystal meth cause I know you?re in pain I?m driving you insane I am like the two Duke boys and you are Rosco P Coltrane So catch me if you can Mr. Hugh Jackman you rap worse then you act and that is a stone cold fact. WORD LIFE [/color]
  24. [color=indigo]Well, I am not going to post any spoilers, I am just going to give you ladies and gentlemen my thoughts on the Matrix:Reloaded. It Kicked I thought that it was the best action/sci-fi movie that I have ever seen. I was a bit skeptical, being such a huge fan of the first, but I was incredibly impressed. The effects were amazing and I wouldn't be surprised if Reloaded was up against Revolutions in next years Oscar hunt. just a note...for those of you that haven't seen the movie, sit through the credits. There is a brief preview of Revolutions at the end...I was one of four that remained through the credits, the rest of the audience walked out when they began rolling...[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I am confused by any word that uses "ph" together. Doesn't "F" sufficently cover that sound. Imagine how horrible "F" must feel, knowing that it can be replaced by "ph" at any time. "ph" has already invaded "fat"..."phat"...and redefined the word. What is next, maybe alcohol will be referred to as "phormula", or hash as "phern". Eventually "ph" will take turn all bad things into good things, we'll start reffering to Ford Pintos as "pherraris" and phrases like "you have a Phat Pherrari"[/color]
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