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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
RPG The Rap Battle: Charlie versus Charlie: Playa Discretion Advised
Heaven's Cloud replied to Charles's topic in Theater
[color=indigo]Cut the music while I bust a dope rhyme Chaz, you best back up before you cross that fine line you say I'm on the run but you are full of crap you better shut your mouth before you get biatch slapped So you think you are tough So you think you are hard you best watch out cause I am a wild card you ain't no Neo This ain't no matrix you are just a little gimp and I'm the dominatrix you wear a leather suit and I got a big whip get on your knees before I bust your lip Since you are in position Lets discuss yours you might be an admin but I find you quite a bore You aren't to bright a little light in the brain you are just a frail version of a man named James You think you have class you think you have power but you called me out and now your shiat's gone sour This is my time so enjoy your last hour you just cower in the corner while I bust mad skills I bet all of this abuse will make you pop pills here take my gun and end your farce I'm the one true Charlie you are just an arse WORD LIFE![/color] -
RPG The Rap Battle: Charlie versus Charlie: Playa Discretion Advised
Heaven's Cloud replied to Charles's topic in Theater
[color=indigo]Chaz Mataz you just a big punk you've messed with me and now you'll get skunked though you already need a shower cause your fear stinks like rancid clam chowder rancid clam chowder rancid clam chowder with every new word your rhyme grows sour you made a false move now you'll be douvoured I ain't Al Roaker I'm Oprah and your antacid powder. And though your stomach churns I ain't the cure for the burn I am just an old teacher so sit down and learn how to bust phat ryhmes time after time you've commited a crime you've stolen my dime your like Rowdy Piper fighting Hulk Hogan it may end in a draw but I got the best slogan "Eat more Cat" will leave you dead and groaning WORD, LIFE![/color] -
[color=indigo] So that is where babies come from...[/color]
[color=indigo]Oh...the bad thing is that I have actually made several of these types of CD's... Well, my songs tend to be older songs...but there are a couple recent ones [b]1.My Cherie Amour[/b] by Stevie Wonder [b]2.Lets Get it On[/b] by Marvin Gaye [b]3.Silk Sunflowers[/b] by Cravin' Melon [b]4.My Girl[/b] by The Temptations [b]5.The Dance[/b] by Garth Brooks [b]6.You Put A Spell On Me[/b] by CCR [b]7.Yesterday[/b] by The Beatles [b]8.Angel[/b] by The Rolling Stones [b]9.Drops of Jupiter[/b] by Train [b]10.Wonderland[/b] by John Mayer [b]11.Cowgirl in the Sand[/b] by Neil Young [b]12.I Left My Heart In Sanfrancisco[/b] by Tony Bennet[/color]
[color=indigo]Well, Amphion, according to your profile you are a seventeen year old guy. Dude, grow some "used in this context the intended word is a curse word, please use your imagination"!!! Kiss the girl. If she doesn't want you to kiss her then you may have one of two problems. 1. You suck at kissing, but practice makes perfect 2. She doesn't like you, so find another girlfriend More than likely she is waiting for you to remove your head from your read and pucker up. Good luck.[/color]
[color=indigo] Although I am not Bush?s fondest supporter, I am not foolish or naïve enough to blame him for our horrendous welfare system. America has not had a decent welfare or health care system since the 1940?s. And, although I am smack dab in the middle when it comes to party politics, I tend to blame the left for our horrendous situation. Many democrats, and republicans, feel that by mimicking Australia and Canada, the US will find a solution to our welfare and healthcare troubles. Unfortunately that solution is doomed to fail. America is substantially larger than either country and our current system is already FUBAR. Forcing the national government to solve these problems is neither practical or smart. I think that the only feasible way to reconstruct our welfare and healthcare system is to completely start over, rebuilding from the state level with specific government guidelines. I think that we may have a better chance of incorporating some of Canada?s and Australia?s system as well as creating a strong, capitalistic based health care system. [/color]
[color=indigo][b]1) If you could have any super power, what would it be?[/b] A tough question. It would be Hulk-a-rific to have superhuman strength. Spider-like agility wouldn't be bad either. It would be quite nice to have the speed of the Flash or the wings of Angel. And I have often thought that it would be nice to be able to make a girl "ahem...y'know" with a simple kiss (betcha never thought of that one did ya?). But I think the power that I would most like to have is the ability of telekenisis. The possibilities of utilizing that talent are limitless. [b]2) What would you do with your powers?[/b] I am not sure that I can think of all the possibilites. [b]3) Would you use it to do good, or evil?[/b] Both, although I think of myself as a genuinly good person, I am sure I would succumb to some of the "perks" of being able to fluidly move thins with my mind.[/color]
[color=indigo]Sorry to open a thread that you closed Shy, but I wanted to add one more thing to your list of rules, although it isn't really a rule, it is more of a creed that all members should adhere to while visiting the Otakuboard community. Heaven's Cloud's general motto: Elaboration is a [b]good[/b] thing. Allow me to explain. Lately the Anime Lounge has been plagued with favorite topics. The first post is usually well written, so I (as well as the other moderators, although I don't want to speak for them) allow them to continue. Unfortunately, there are always those posts that lack any real thought, and it is slowly driving me insane. Please put a little bit of time and effort in to your post. Not only will it make the conversations better, but it will earn you the respect of your fellow board members. Thanks for allowing me to rant. ~HC, your friendly neighborhood mod[/color]
[color=indigo]My mom is an overbearing Martha Stewart-[i]esque[/i] woman that is very talented, very friendly, and, at times, very, very mean. She is very caring yet very nosey and often exggerates her problems. Despite all of her faults she is the best ma in that world (of course, my opinion is a bit biased).[/color]
[color=indigo]"Their Dragon style is strong, but our tiger style is unbeatable"[/color]
[color=indigo]As long as this topic is used for intelligent responses, I will keep it open. But if charecter bashing and/or plain "posting sloppiness" occurs, I will forward it to data heaven. As good as Kenshin is, I don't believe that he would be able to defeat Guts from Berserk. Guts is incredibly powerful and adept, he has no qualms about killing, and his sword is huge. Kenshin fought several opponents at once, but Guts defeated 100 men at one time and killed several demons. Another charecter that should not be left out is Jubei from Ninja Scroll. He killed several demons, and although he may not have the talent of the other two, he is incredibly cunning.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pressure [/i] [B][color=purple][size=1] Heaven's Cloud, that was absolutely hilarious. I'm glad you two shared some nicer kisses after that. I have to ask though, did you miss? [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I didn't "miss", but I didn't hit the mark either. I kinda caught the kiss on the top instead of to the bottom of the center. Still, it was incredibly odd kissing someone that wasn't kissing back...[/color]
[color=indigo]Oh, yeah, I guess I am supposed to pick a winner. Sorry, I journeyed to a land without computers this weekend...feel free to hit me with a dead fish (please, no halibot). [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]"Ha ha, the yolk's on--! Ewwww..." [/B][/QUOTE] Ginny, you win because this caption reminds me of those horribly bad jokes that you tell when you are six...[/color]
[color=indigo]I just remembered my worst kiss. I was lounging on the couch with a girl I had just begun seeing. She was kinda sprawled face down on top of me (yes, I was thinking of Rush Limbaugh and Yoda, most of you guys know why you think of those things when you have a beautiful girl that you are still familiarizing yourself with lying on top of you). Anyway she leaned forward, looked me in the eyes, and brushed her hair away from her face. It was the approaching first kiss, and I was going for my usual slow, soft kiss...no tounge, emphasis on her lower lip. I closed my eyes and leaned forward...the moment was almost perfect. I say almost because she was not attempting to kiss me. She had leaned forward because she had to get up and use the bathroom. The kiss was not well planted (mainly because she didn't expect it) and I felt like the king of morons)...we dated for a couple of weeks and shared some nice kisses, but I should have realized that the relationship was doomed after my horrible attempt at a first kiss.[/color]
[color=indigo]After reading this thread and hearing about this incident on the news I have come up with a wonderful business idea. I am going to go from school to school and charge students to allow me to kick them in their face and then urinate on them. It is a win win situation. I get to be mean and sadistic and they get to be harmed and humilitated.[/color]
[color=indigo]The Ring wasw quite freaky...for some reason I found it thoroughly disturbing. Cape Fear (With Mitchum not DeNiro) is quite suspensful, I thought IT was scary when I was eight (I still hate clowns because of it), and Hitchcock's movies (besides the birds) are pretty scary.[/color]
[color=indigo]I still have yet to find an anime series that comes close to comparing to Cowboy Bebop (although, if Noir keeps progressing like it has been, it could become a close second). The entire series is incredibly well written. All of the charecters go through a lot of development in a short period of time. It is humorous, it is serious, and it sparks the imagination. The music is arguably the best in any anime series ever. The drawing and animation is incredibly crisp and the colors are remarkable. They even managed to DUB the series well. Eva is good, it is thought provoking, but it just doesn't "do it" for me. Hellsing was entertaining, but lacked good charecterization. Vandread was hilarious, and the computerized mech designs were cool, but it was lacking. Berserk is an incredible series, but it lacks the humanity that Bebop has. Bebop is just such a strong an anime series because every aspect of it is good. Well, at least that is my opinion...but you know what they say about opinions...[/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo][center] The suggestions that you made embroider what I am they shape shadowed lines tattoo a broken man. With a eulogy of life you put me to sleep and lace all my dreams with demons I keep. I suffer through your breath as you taunt me with a kiss your acidic tongue brings me overwhelming bliss. Night fades to dark when you draw me near and your catatonic voice is the last thing I hear.[/center][/color] -
[color=indigo]Ahh, the Whitney and Chad story line on [i]Passions[/i], how could I have forgotten? :p[/color]
[color=indigo]I don't know if it is right or wrong, I just think it is wierd. I don't understand why anyone would knowingly date someone that they were related to...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B]My favorite animal is the mighty beast known as the--dog! O_o;; [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]It has all been just one big lie, hasn't it! We believed in you Charles, I beleived in you and in cAttitude...::runs away crying::... ...::comes back, wiping his eyes, on his face rests the look of a broken man::... Although I like all animals, I'd say that I am quite partial to squirrels. I don't think that they recieve the credit they deserve. I also like any animal that likes me...when someone's pet attacks me, I usually don't ever become to fond of it. As for my sign, I am a Gemini, or I am Gemini...that is quite confusing...we could only imagine the spelindor that two of me could bring to the world, but for now we shall have to make due with one shattered Heaven's Cloud who has lost all faith in the ideolgy that he has dedicated the past three minutes to, cAtitude...[/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo][center]The faded shade washes over broken glass cascading rainbows of grey on the lean, green grass. As ants dance in the stream of red they converse with the demons that inhabit my head. As all the lights dim And the room fades to black I turn towards the clouds and never look back. And what I've known will progress to white and I'll know if I chose the path that was right. [/center][/color] -
[color=indigo][size=1]Wooohoooo!!! Ah, I got to find another pic...I'll post one late tonight[/size] Well, here is another pic, I hope this one is better than the last one I posted:p [/color] [img]http://www.members.aol.com/shadowedcloudx/eggs[/img]
[color=indigo]Little Cindy's parents became awfully concerned when they saw the appetizers at their daughter's tea party[/color]
[color=indigo]I am off to see the movie in about an hour, so I am glad so many of you said it was good... I do have a question, for any X-heads out there, that pretains to the X-Men but not tho the movie...when and how did the X-Man comic end (by x-Man I mean the comic revolving around Nathan Grey, X-Man). The last I saw, he had teamed up with Spidey a few times, and his power had consumed him so much that he recreated Madalyne Prior...I know that marvel execs planned on ending the series but I never found out how they ended it.[/color]