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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo][B]How often do you visit?[/B] I guess I visit about every day...although I tend to post very little, I feel compelled to read nearly every post. [B]What's the average length of your visits?[/B] I guess I am on the boards for about an hour a day, although I usually have the boards pulled up at work. [B]What's been your longest stay?[/B] I have no idea, I'm sure that there were days when I was active for three or four hours. [B]Which forums do you visit?[/B] I visit the Lounge, the Poetry forum, and the anime forum daily...if I aminvolved in an rpg I'll visit that forum daily as well. I usually visit the other forums every two days or so. [B]Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards?[/B] It is the only message board that I have grown attached to, so I keep coming back. [/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]I forgot to mention that I'm an incredibly talented genius. I don't know if that counts as a personality trait or innate characteristic, but yeah, I like that. Though it does get annoying always being the most intelligent person in the room. Heh.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Obviously you have never been in a room with me :shifty: Although I guess being highly delusional (moi) and truly intelligent are two entirly different things...[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]I promise [i]nothing[/i]! Lady Mac, the only answer I have for you is that the contest could encompass any writing theme. This includes editorial articles on the health benefits of edible underwear, journalistic articles about flesh eating zombies, poems that rhyme, poems that don't rhyme, poems that both do and don't rhyme at the same time, first person fictional narratives, third person nonfictional essays, and yes, perhaps haiku's about Martian clowns. I want to leave all doorways open so that the contest is equally fun and challenging for everybody that participates. So why not submit an entry and then worry about what the contest events will and will not include?[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Under the hills of Carolina A hugger pudge did dwell and every suday evening he would toll his iron bell. The deep melodic sound carried through the land singing through the rivers and dancing on the sand. Every sunday the hugger pudge rang his iron bell, until he turned one hundred when to the earth he fell. And though he could have gone to heaven he chose to fall to hell and there he sits, tolling for souls his old iron bell.[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]Nah, Vegeta would definatly have to be Billy Idol...although I can see the Wayne Static (If thats his name) thing because of the wild hair[/color]
  6. [color=indigo] Yeah I was refering to you Charles and not me Charles (I wonder how many people I confused with that statement)...and we all know the real reason you killed me, I stole your hash and gave to the M&M's...c'mon, it was worth it, just look at the picture :p Anyway, here are my submissions 1. After their success in commercials, the M&M pair are set to make thier movie debut in [b][i]Sugar High[/i][/b] 2. Red:"Dude, I got mad munchies" Yellow: I hear ya bro, lets go score some Reece's Pieces Just thought of another one 3. A new scientific study proves that pot leeds to cannabalism...after smoking an incredible amount of hash Red and Yellow ate their fellow M&M, Green...[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]Charlie?s desk was cluttered with magazines and DVD?s that explained aspects of Azure Sea, its items, and its characters. Pictures of his skin, Lucius Cord, littered the cubicle of his office. A bottle of energy boosters sits amongst a river of Red Bull and Jolt cans. At 6am on a Saturday morning, Charlie is slumped at his workstation, logged onto [b]Azure Sea[/b]... Lucius Cord walked the marbled streets of ?Azure City?. Advertisements for potions and items cluttered the store front. Although still new to the game, his experience was higher then most of the players he passed on the street. He guessed this was a combination of a ton of newbie?s entering the game and his dedication to battle and self-improvement. Lucius stopped into the armor store and bought an armor upgrade with some of his credits. He also stopped into a weapons store to have his sword upgraded. The store owner laughed when Lucius showed him his Blade. ?Although your weapon is very crude looking,? the shop owner said, ?the designer did a fantastic job on its code, actually your entire skin is very well done?it is beyond my craftsmanship to improve your blade.? Lucius sighed, he wanted to grow strong before he explored the rest of [b]Azure Sea[/b]. Noticing the look of disappointment on his customers face the shop owner spoke once more. ?If you truly wish to find a person to create a superb blade for you, visit the Silver Oyster. A man name Marhallus frequents that area, he will be able to point you in the direction of a master weapon coder.? Lucius thanked the shop keeper and slipped him a few credits on his way out. In the street, the digital blue sky emitted an air of electricity. Lucius would go to the Silver Oyster and find Marhallus. It was his first quest since entering Azure Sea, and his first step to finding a new life?now all he needed was to form a party?[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]I could definatly see Asuka as Fiona Apple...another one I thought of is Hibeki (?sp?) from Vandred, he reminds me of Justin Timberlake just because he has so many hot girls drooling over him, but he doesn't know how to handle it.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]Boy, did you ask for it on this question... [b]What do you like most about your physical self?[/b] What is there not to like!?! Well, I dislike my belly...it has grown a little bit since I moved to ohio...but I am pretty happy with the rest. I guess the best part of my body is my legs, they are pretty strong; my arms are okay too. [b]What do I like most about your personality?[/b] My odd sense of humor. Though no one else may find me funny, I think I'm hilarious...[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]I could definatly see Faye as Madonna (even though I dislike Madonna), she is definatly a strong, independant woman, that is trying to find herself. As for other anime charecters, I could Ash Catchum as Haley Joe Osmont...mainly because I equally loathe both of them (but I guess that is where the similarity ends). I also would compare Vash the Stampede to one of those blonde haired boy band singers (or maybe the leadsinger from Emerson Drive)...he is always so light hearted, yuck...[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]From what I understand (I understand very little,so take what I write witha grain of salt) you can get the director's cut, with English subs, from amazon.com. I also believe the perfect series with English Dubs [b]contains[/b] the directors cut...but, as I stated before, I may be mistaken. You can buy the Perfect collection from any anime store, Suncoast, or FYI (although suncoast and FYI are really expensive).[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]I have always thought of file sharing programs like Kazaa, Napster, Aimster, and the rest, to be a double edged sword. Kazaa has introduced me to a lot of bands that I would not have otherwise listened to. One example is NIN. I downloaded a few songs off of the internet a couple weeks ago. I actually do the same with nearly every band I hear about on the boards (or at least the ones that I am interested in). However, after sampling the music I could easily download the rest of the album, I have a highspeed connection, it would only take a few minutes. For some reason I never do though. I always end up buying the CD's...AFI, the Pixies, the Flaming Lips, All the friggin Cowboy Bebop Music...the list goes on and on. I guess when it comes right down to it, I don't mind borrowing the music, and occasionally stealing it (hey, some of the music I have downloaded is pure crap), but I feel that if you enjoy an artist to the extent of liking multiple songs, you owe it to them to buy the record. That way they continue making good music and Justin Timberlake gets booted out of Hollywood on his rump.[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B][color=darkgreen] The funny thing about that is in my class, we were watching a historical video about Italy and they showed 'David' the statue of that man in Rome, I think it is. (I'm pretty sure that Leonardo de Vinci sculpted that one) and the whole class started making noises and faces like some children...and we're all 14 and 15. So immature...and then the boys turn around and have a porn mag in class. Eh, but they're men. They really just can't seem to control themselves sometimes....[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I don't know what is worse, being a man and not being able to control yourself, or being a female and not knowing that "David" was sculpted by Michelangelo after watching a movie on it...seems that your attention span is no better then those boys commenting on Davids "ahem" equipment....:p[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]Playboy isn't porn, it is a magazine. It is the [b]only [/b] magazine (in my opinion...and as we know, my opinion isn't worth much) of its type that I wouldn't consider pornographic. I think the mag is too tasteful in its entirety to be degraded by such a word. Sure, there are photos of naked women, but the photos are very tasteful (although, I have a dirty mind :p). And, if you actually get around to reading the articles, you can find some of the most well written short stories and news articles enveloping the incredible centerfold of Tori Wilson...did I say Tori Wilson...er, uhm, I saw that she was in Playboy on WWE one night (that?s the ticket, don't tell them about your lifetime subscription...) [/color]
  15. [color=indigo]Caption 1: You know that hell has frozen over when the "Caption Contest" thread devolves into a "Stupid Pictures of Cats" thread. Caption 2: I [b]told[/b] you Elvis lives[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tatum-X [/i] [B] We straight Transtic Nerve? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I'm sorry, this was too good to not quote... Back on subject. I have always had strong senses of "deja-vu". I tend to encounter "situations" that I feel familiar from a dream or a prior action. It is quite a disconcerting feeling, but I usually chalk it up to emotional fragility.[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Well, Backlash just ended, and you have one pumped-up (and slightly inebriated) cloud. I had to witness [b]The Man[/b] come back with my own eyes. It was an electrifying night boys and girls. My two favorite wrestlers clashed, [spoiler]Goldberg[/spoiler] was left standing. Incredible, I was so excited during the watch that I was shaking. Afterwards, I was so excited, I speared my waiter (he is one of my few friends here in Ohio, and I am sure my spear didn't hurt him, he weighs 65+ lbs more then I do). Backlash was almost as good as Wrestle Mania, the matches were well done, and the highlights were incredible. I didn't have high hopes for Backlash but three hours, 18 buffalo wings, and three pitchers of beer later (personal consumption) I left thoroughly amused.[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]From the creators of [b]Air Bud[/b] and [b]Air Bud 2[/b], the heroic tale of a cat that followed her dream...[b]Point, Game, Cat!"[/b][/color]
  19. [color=indigo]The form of Jujitsu that I studied when I was young was brazilian Jujitsu. The best way to describe it is a healthy combination of punching and kicking mixed in with an emphasis on leverage and grappling techniques. As for kenjitsu...there are very few true places to study kenjitsu in the US because it has always been very japanese. Kenjitsu is usually only truly taught to scholars that dedicate their lives to the study of bushido and have had a strong martial arts background. As old-fashioned as it sounds, it is still taught like this in Japan (to a small minority). Kenjitsu in the US, and I assume other "European" countries, is basically a hodge podge of sword fighting techniques from various schools. I am not belittling it at all, I am sure the schools in the western world can be quite good...but it is not true kenjitsu [b]as was intended[/b][/color]
  20. [color=indigo][b]Red to Grey[/b] The blue-orange glow of a thousand candles sends spinning vinyl memories cascading through my tears. The yellowed-black sky of an autumn's eve taunts the treetops with a breeze adding darkness to my fears. On a pallete rest my hopes and fears in hues of green and bronze, my courage and hate mingle with them fade in pink and brown yet nothing is as vivid as my shame streaked from red to grey. I see magenta flush porcelin as you stand in the breeze watching the salt sea beckon gulls as it makes love to the shore. Auburn-steel slinks down your neck with a feline purr my body spasms with the tide are you real or old mans lore? On a pallette rests my truth and compassion in scores of the brightest gold, my lust and envy leer at them in tints of ivy and snow yet nothing is as vivid as my shame streaked from red to grey.[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]When I was in grade school I studied jujitsu. My neighbor was an instructor, so all of the neighborhood kids took a couple years of martial arts under him. He moved away when I was 12, so, obviously, nothing sunk in. I wrestled some in high school, but I gave it up for swimming. My wrestling team was really good (a few wrestlers always made nationals), I wasn't :p I'd like to take kung-fu now that I have a steady schedule and a fair-paying job. It seems to be a relaxed, low-stress workout. Unfortunatly, there aren't too many teachers in the immediate area.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Charlie had changed. Although it was only two weeks ago when he first logged into ?Azure Sea?, Charlie felt a deeper sense of being in the world. For the first time he felt that he had a purpose. Charlie?s whole life revolved around his obsession with the World. His performance at work suffered, but he was still the company?s top sales rep, and none of his coworkers would dare mention his lack of effort. His physical appearance was beginning to change as well, his face was a little thinner, and his muscles were not quite as toned as usual. Large circles tattooed his eyes, and his dark hair was even more unruly than usual. He spent so much time logged into ?Azure Sea? that work seemed to be the only time for him to catch up on sleep. Although his physical characteristics had slightly deteriorated, all of Charlie?s friends and co-workers agreed that they had never seen him so happy. His buddy Mike had asked him if he had a new love interest. Even his mother, who constantly doted on Charlie, commented on how content he sounded on the telephone. Lucius seemed to be changing and growing along with Charlie. He had become fairly formidable with his huge blade, and his unorthodox fighting method seemed very effective. Six days after Lucius first arrived in ?Azure Sea? he was challenged to a duel by a knight that had a considerable amount more experience then he. At first the knight pummeled Lucius so badly that he was sure this was going to be the shortest fight in history. In a move of desperation, Lucius used a [b]Fairy Feather[/b], and enchanted his huge blade with the [b]float[/b] ability. The giant blade became so light that Lucius was able to swing it with incredible speed. In no time, he brought the Knight to his knees. After his battle with the Knight, Lucius began engaging more and more monsters in battle. His experience levels had dramatically increased and by the middle of his second week he had earned enough experience to wonder from the outskirts of the town and begin his journey. [/color]
  23. [color=indigo]I fell out of a dream last night when the moon sat low and heaven?s star caressed the sky. In that dream last night I waited for you softly speaking slowly breathing. And though I waited last night you only appeared to say goodbye to speak goodnight. And when we kissed last night you left me cold lost an lonely waiting to rediscover myself.[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]This is more of a motto then a quote...it is a rule that all should live by. "If it doesn't taste good, don't eat it."[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]Miyazaki is an incredible director; I loved both Kiki's Delivery Service and Princess Mononke. About a week ago, I bought Spirited Away. I loved it. The movie was so powerful and magical that I felt like a young child enthralled in a Disney cartoon. As good as Miyazaki's films are, Watinabe is my favorite director solely because of his work on Cowboy Bebop. There are some scenes in Bebop that are absolutely breathtaking. The one that comes to mind most frequently is when the scenes flash from Jet frying his "special beef with bell peppers" to Spike's silhouette training against the vastness of space. The music, the choreography for the fight scenes, and the entire plot is absolutely stunning. [/color]
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