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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]For three days Charlie trained his character, Lucius, in the grove. He spent all of his free time logged into ?Azure Sea?. He was barely sleeping, and at work he looked horribly disheveled. His co-workers were not worried, however, Charlie was still turning a huge profit for the company, and he seemed happier then ever. And he was happy. For so long Charlie?s life had lacked excitement, and he, in turn, lacked motivation. ?Azure Sea? had created him a doorway to a new life, one of constant adventure and limitless possibilities. Lucius was advancing in leaps and bounds. After nearly thirty hours of intense training, Lucius was able to adequately wield his huge blade. Lucius also experimented on minor gymnastic moves that Charlie would never have dared to try in the real world. In no time he was doing handsprings, back flips, and cartwheels with cat-like confidence. On the fourth day Lucius decided he was ready to test his skill against some low level monsters. He left the newbie training grove and headed westward through town. He had heard from other players that the hilled western grove was a good place to train. The Will-O-Wasps and Grangmier were solid low-level creatures that provided players with a fair amount of experience and a small amount of credits. The outskirts of town drifted away and Lucius found himself in a small field surrounded on all sides by large, grassy hills. He walked uneasily through the thick grass glancing nervously to the left and right. Out of the corner of his eye he caught some movement in the brush. He turned, faced the rustling grass, his huge blade poised readily in front of him. A Grangmier burst from the brush, launching its tiger-like body at Lucius?s exposed head. Reflexes took over, and Lucius dove onto the ground, shielding his face. The angry Grangmier flew through the air, missing his target, yet landing softly on his feet. Lucius glared at the ground. ?You are not a coward, you are not a coward,? he mumbled. The words empowered him. He returned to his feet, staring angrily at his feline opponent. ?I will not be a coward!? Lucius roared, ?Not in this world, this is my last chance to dream!? In a sudden burst of rage Lucius sliced the Grangmier in two. Following the momentum of his cut, Lucius bolted off through the Grove, hacking every beast he saw in two. Once, Lucius ran through a battle between a young knight and a Will-O-Wisp. Unable to stop his blow, he sliced through the beast, sending it to data heaven. ?Hey,? yelled the young knight, ?that was my battle!? ?Sorry,? muttered Lucius. He turned, embarrassed, and sprinted back towards the town. [/color]
  2. [color=indigo]What did we tell you about those crazy experiments Charles? Not in the house![/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Only for manga that is fan-written. Otherwise, manga is not poetry NOR fanfiction. It is a form of anime, only you read it in a book. Therefore, I don't see how that forum could be of much use at all as a manga forum.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]it has always been my understanding that the poetry/fanfiction forum was meant to be used both to post original works of writing and to discuss works of literature and manga. Maybe we should title that forum so that is more clear.[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Charlie, now known as Lucius Cord, walked slowly through the busy town, making his way to the newbie training ground. He was so enthralled by his surroundings that he nearly bumped into a dozen different people. Everything was clean and every one had such a beautiful appearance. Knights walked by in glittering suits of armor. A beautiful female heavy axe sauntered by entirely naked except for small piece of deer skin covering her crotch. Lucius even noticed a wave rider that resembled a half man, half dragon. After walking for several minutes Lucius arrived at a large open field the size of several football fields. He knew instantly that this had to be the newbie training ground. He saw people everywhere, some barely able to walk, due to their incredible new mass. Some soared out of control through the air, confused by their new strength. Turning towards the North side of the field Lucius noticed several people saying odd phrases really loud. One young knight yelled ?Sword of destruction? in a loud timbre. All of a sudden, his sword flurried in an intricate design, carving patterns into the air. It looked unnatural and uncannily painful. ?So that is what a PCC looks like,? Lucius thought. PCC or ?program combo command? is a verbal command code that causes a skin to move instinctively through the world. The only problem with PCC?s is that a skin cannot stop it in the middle; therefore, if an opponent evades the attack, the skin is vulnerable. Charlie did not add any PCC?s to his character, he wanted Lucius to grow and learn throughout the game. Standing at the southern edge of the field, Lucius began awkwardly swinging the giant blade. Its weight was not nearly as heavy as he expected, but he attributed that to the enhanced strength he added to his skin. He felt light and strong, and more importantly, he felt at home. [/color]
  5. [color=indigo]All wrestlers have certian moves that they preform night after night. I always thought that Goldberg had a pretty good amount of moves, his matches just didn't last long enough to showcase most of them. Unless it was a pay-per-view Goldberg was only in the ring for a few seconds, during which time he would utterly destroy his opponents. Obviously, during pay-per-views, he would showcase more moves. The two instances where I saw Goldberg do a phenomenal job in the ring was when he wrestled Sting and when he wrestled DDP. He gorilla pressed Sting over the top rope, it was wicked cool. Another Goldberg match that stands out in my mind was a triple cage title match featuring Booker T, Sting, Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner (I think there were a couple other wrestlers as well). At this time Nash also had help from Pallumbo, O'Haire, Gingerack, and Staziak. It ended up with Goldberg getting handcuffed in the bottom cage, while Booker T fought his way to the title. Goldberg was just manhanling the other wretlers why he was chained up, throwing them across the cage. He has so much brute force it is incredible. C'Mon, he Jackhammered the Giant (Big Show) cleanly.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Ordinarily time grows it ebbs with tides and expands in the dawn it grows and feeds on the vast nothingness and consumes and confounds all hearts and minds But today time shrank and I hid it in my pocket no longer befuddled or confused I shrug off the world with one last thought[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]I felt the same way (and sometimes still do) about several people that I have lost during my life. I guess the one that comes to mind most often is my grandfather, who passed away a year and a half ago. My grandfather was my second dad, he raised me and was my best friend. I am more like him then anybody else in my family. I still get emotional when his birthday comes, or during the summer holiday when we visit the family vacation spot. I guess the only thing I can advise you to do is seek closure. Visit her grave or the place where her ashes have been scattered...I think that finite proof is the only way you can truly cope with such a horrible loss, especially since your friend was so young. Good luck, Elite. I wish I had some good advice to give you, but I think time the only way to heal emotional wounds.[/color]
  8. [color=indigo] [b]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] The only feature that I think I would enjoy is a prefernence feature for font and color (although we could very well have this already and I just have no idea how to use it)... [b]If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b]I don't think we need any more forums. I think that any additional forums created will have the same problems that the anime lounge sub-forums had. I think we have a place to talk about nearly everything. [b]Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com?[/b]I think it would increase volume within the OB community and give theOtaku.com more exposure. [b]Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards?[/b] No, although I realize that many members have message boards (shoot, I even created one once), most of the time they are just mirror images of this site (topic wise). [b]Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards?[/b] I have only used the chat syatem once or twice...I really didn't understand what the people that were using it were discussing. I do think it could be put to good use if we linked to the boards, especially for open ended discussions in real time that tend to get spammy (ie: war topics and anime "clubs") [b]Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards?[/b] I have always felt that the OB prides itself on spam control. I think we do as good of a job controling it without imposing entrance criteria for members. [b]If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way?[/b]Not now, it is too expensive to acccess the web via cell phone at this time, it always kills my minutes. [b]Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins?[/b] I think having a few high-quality skins is much better then having tons of skins...I love the skins we have right now. [b]Would you prefer to have animed/gaming-themed skins or completely original works?[/b] I think I would enjoy original skins better, but, I am pretty sure the community on a whole would enjoy theme based skins like Zelda, DBZ, and FF. [b]Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB?[/b] Well, if I can't fix it, someone has to. [b]Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies?[/b] I think they are fine, please, just remember that I am a dirty, codgey, self-absorbed old man.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo] [b]conformity[/b] Balance your hope on the head of a pin balance your truth on a line that is thin and hide your lies inside your pocket and take your dream and and spend it For tomorow only comes if you want it and today will only end if you let it no use cherishing what you can control life ain't a road there is no toll no exit or off ramp no shoulders or street lamps only the infinite to fathom[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]It took him four hours, but Charlie had finally set up his skin. It was a grueling process, but he was able to create a skin that was a near perfect replica of him. The three small changes he made were basically a necessity to prepare for the world. He modified his clothes, creating a more heroic garb of suede and wool. Because his character was a Heavy Axe, the most physical of the Worlds characters, he had to add enough strength to his upper body to swing the gigantic metal blade that would be strapped to his back. With his skin completed and the ?Azure Sea? software set up in his computer he was ready to dive into the world for the first time. With a few quick keystrokes he was logged in. A sensation not unlike falling asleep overtook Charlie. Blackness intertwined with electricity, as he spiraled into oblivion. After a moment, Charlie began to panic?what if something had gone wrong, had he been sucked into oblivion? That was when he ?awoke? to the world for the first time. He felt his hands and his hair, gently brushing his destroyed suede jacket. It was unbelievable, he felt real. Glancing at his surroundings he realized how colorful everything was and how clean. His nostrils flared, and the sweet scent of food and soot from the surrounding town enveloped him. ?First time, huh?? a voice spoke. Charlie spun around quickly. Leaning on a post was a thin man that had the face of an elephant. ?So, you chose to be a Heavy Axe. That is an odd choice for a first timer. Usually they choose to be light warriors or knights, it allows for the best balance of power.? ?I have no desire to be a light warrior, I wanted to be strong, to create an outlet for all of my pent up aggression,? Charlie replied honestly. The stranger laughed, causing his trunk to wave around spastically. ?I?m Coran,? said the stranger, ?I just thought I?d let you know that the practice area for newbies is in the field just north of here. You?ll want to get acquainted to handling your weapon and using your characters enhanced attributes.? Charlie looked puzzled, ?My character doesn?t have any attributes, and I only upped the strength enough to wield my own blade. I just wanted the game to be an extension of life.? Coran, the elephant like man, smiled. ?Well then, you are one step ahead most of the newbies then. You realize that this game has no beginning or end, your fate is up to you. What is your name, newbie?? ?My name??Charlie paused, ?my name is Lucius Chord.? [/color]
  11. [color=indigo]Just because I am a half-demon doesn't mean getting kicked in the go-nads isn't horribly painful...[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]The small cubicle was cluttered and disorganized. Papers and books littered spilled off of the desktop and onto the floor and into the open filing cabinet. A pyramid of soda and juice bottles leans against one of the cubicle walls. Red lights from the phone system cast an urgent glow, resembling the glare that police and ambulance lights cast on busy roadsides. Charlie Schafer reclines lazily in his desk chair. Oblivious of the telephone screaming at his desk, he stares anxiously at a well lit computer screen. A silly grin creeps across his face and his eyes dance with excitement. His enthusiasm is so immense that he fails to notice his boss, Chick Haering, walk up behind him. ?Charlie, what are you slobbering over?obviously not the phone lines?? Charlie barely responds to his boss?s growl. Leaning forward slightly, he disconnects his phone line and returns to his computer screen. ?You?re lucky that we?re related,? Chick continued, ?or you would have been out on your *** long ago.? Charlie chucked slightly, ?Chick, you are lucky I am so damn good at my job, or you guys would never be able to turn a profit?plus it?s after six, those morons should know better than to call after six.? Chick looked surly for a moment and then broke into a fit of laughter. Charlie shook his shaggy head and joined in. His voice was musical, and his laugh sounded incredibly kind and light-hearted. ?So what were you so preoccupied with a moment ago?? Chick asked. ?The world,? Charlie answered cryptically. Chick gazed at Charlie quizzically, he knew that his nephew was a tad bit eccentric, but he didn?t realize he was full blown nuts. ?The world? What the heck is that supposed to mean?? ?The world is the world. You know, the MMORPG that is so popular?they have a new expansion pack called ?Azure Sea?. I finally saved but enough money to buy the whole package and gain access. I?m logging on for the first time tonight?it is almost like beginning life all over?? [/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Unless Brock has injured himself more then we are led to believe, I think he will retain the title. Although Cena will remain a contender, I think this match is just a way to place Cena in the hiearchy of the WWE. Goldberg will knock out the Rock, Rocky is just there to put him over the top for his introduction...I really liked how Rock beat the snot out of him last night though. I don't want Goldberg to be an indestructible charecter that shrugs off chair shots with a growl. Sean O'Haire will beat Rakishi and Los Gueraros will defeat team Angle. I also think that Test and Stiener will rumble, with Test Stiener edging out Test. I also think that the Clique will be reformed at Backlash...any time HHH talks to someone behind closed doors schemeings going on, the whole angle with Nash last night was just a fiegnt so Booker T won't know what hit him...also Jerhico is going down as well.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Elite [/i] [B][b][size=1] "Well, honey, I got drunk over in the barn, and one thing led to another.."[/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Well it was a toss up between this one and Ginny's Spam one, but Elite, its all yours buddy. sorry for picking such a lousy picture...I thought it was a wierd pic, but I guess there isn't that much you can say about it...[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]I think it is just a very solid anime series (although I ony have the first two DVD installments, the rest of series could fall apart). I would probably consider the artwork very traditional as far as style. The colors, however, are amazing. They do tons of light pastel colors on dark backgrounds. The music is very good...not exceptional like Cowboy Bebop or Escaflowne...but it is interesting and fits the mood of the story well. The plot line is incredible. It is just a neat concept, very suspenseful, it reminds me of Cowboy Bebop in the way you get a little bit of the main charecters background in every episode.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo][b]Online Character Name:[/b] Lucius Cord [b]Character Base:[/b] Heavy Axe [b]Weapons:[/b] A Giant Steel blade, as tall as Cord [b]Appearance:[/b] Charlie created Chord in his image, only modifying his appearence by creating a virtual outfit of beaten suede pants and a short cut suede sherpa jacket. He also painted blue zig-zag marks below his eyes...they resembeled tears of lightning [b]Sex:[/b] Male ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Real Character Name:[/b] Charlie Schafer [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Occupation:[/b] Sales man for an expanding tech company [b]Location:[/b] Ohio, USA [b]Biography:[/b] An avid video gamer all of his life, this will be the first time Charlie has ever logged into the World. His outside life is pretty mundane. He goes to work Monday through Friday, after work each night, he goes to the gym, goes home, showers, then logs onto the internet for several hours. He was excited to find out about the world...it will give him something to fill his free time both at home and at work. [b]Personality/Appearence:[/b] Charlie is a friendly, quiet young man. His intrests often wander from one area to the next, but his passions have always been involved in the arts. He has dark hair that curls when it gets long, and a pair of kind, intelligent brown eyes. He is slightly larger than average in stature standing six feet tall and weighing slightly under two hundred pounds, his well muscled physique makes him look slightly larger however. Despite his physical appearence, Charlie never truly excelled in any sports, nor does he feel himself pyhsically gifted in any way, that is why he chose to play the charecter of a heavy Axe, so he could finally portray his aggresive side. [b]Interests:[/b] Writing, music, Weight lifting, playing video games[/color] [/B]
  17. [color=indigo]Well, knowing my sick and egotistical mind, many of you would guess that when I read the opening question to this thread about one dozen smart*** awnsers came into my head. But I decided to halt any "witty" replies and I came up with this simple response. I think women want you to figure them out for yourself...I mean they are al individuals, and they are all very different from one another.[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]If you liked the movie then you should definatly check out the story it was based on by Stephen King. The Shawshank Repemption is part of a collection of short stories that appear in "Different Seasons". Three of the stories in this collection, The Shawshank Redemption, The Body, and Apt Pupil, have all been made into major motion pictures (the Body is called "Stand by Me"...and yes, Jerry O'Connel is the fat kid). The fourth story in the collection, The Breathing Method, is also a good read.[/color]
  19. [color=indigo] COMA Running parrellel to my tragedy is the nagging urge to erupt, to explode to finally complete my metomorphisis. My overdose distributed in tiny ganuals by sir Sandman himself, keeps me inebriated dibilitaed from the worlds horrors. But I still taste my hearts beat and I can smell my lungs fill but when will I hear your musical voice?[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]Wel, here is a dog with some pigs...[/color] [img]http://www.members.aol.com/shadowedcloudx/piglets[/img]
  21. [color=indigo]yep...what do you expect, I am going to approach a women, make them laugh, and enjoy myself...I am going to be confident, no matter who I am with. The "nice guy" is going to sit around pinning over ways to impress his love (hey numnuts! try saying hello!) Don't get me wrong, I'm not a horrible guy, I just don't consider myself nice: I drink, I've done drugs, I can be mean spirited every now and again...[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]I was robbed once in college...well not really robbed, it was more like an attempted burglary. One of my classes was canceled and I came home early to one of my "friends" emptying out my apartment. I am sure it was quite a shock when he saw me leaning against his car, gazing at my tv, ps2, both of my guitars, and a bunch of other stuff. I was nice, I made him unload his car and then I told him that I would't call the cops but I was going to tell everybody we knew that he was trying to steal from me.[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]Well, here are the song lists for OST 1 and Blue. You maybe able to find them at an anime/ comic store, or an import music store... [b]OST 1[/b] 1. Tank 2. Rush 3. Spokey Dokey 4. Bad Dog No Biscuits 5. Cat Blues 6. Cosmos 7. Space Lion 8. Waltz For Zizi 9. Piano Black 10. Pot City 11. Too Good Too Bad 12. Car 24 13. The Egg And I 14. Felt Tip Pen 15. Rain 16. Digging My Potato 17. Memory [b]Blue (v.3)[/b] 1. Blue 2. Words That We Couldnt Say 3. Autumn In Ganymede 4. Mushroom Hunting 5. Go Go Cactus Man 6. Chicken Bone 7. The Real Man 8. N Y Rush 9. Adieu 10. Call Me Call Me 11. Ave Maria 12. Stella By Moor 13. Flying Teapot 14. Wo Qui Non Coin 15. Road To The West 16. Farewell Blues [/color]
  24. [color=indigo]I tink there are four or five cds that have been created fo CB. There is OST 1, OST 2, Blue, Vitaminless, and Future Blues (movie soundtrack). I have both OST 1 and Blue, they are great CD's...[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I don't really understand why anyone would care if anime went "mainstream". The more popular any genre of art becomes the better it is for fans as a whole. Granted, we may get overloaded with a lot of what I call "rubbish anime" (ie: any of the "mons") but there is already quite a bit of that being produced. The more popular anime becomes, the more able and willing production companies and studios will be to produce higher quality work. Regardless of how popular anime becomes, there will always be two classes of it in my mind. Those shows that are more of a cartoon, made to appease the masses, and those created by artists who wish to express their creativity.[/color]
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