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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]Although I only vaugely remember the show, I know that I was obsessed with it when I was young (much like He-Man). I actually had all of the Voltron toys, they combined to create Voltron (yes I had both the lions and the cars, I also had the constructacons...but that is another story), but they didn't form quite right. My friends dad often traveled back and forth between DC and Hong Kong...he bought the toys for me as a birthday gift. I remember that when power rangers first came out, I thought it was a cheap, live action rip off of Voltron.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]After gazing into the mirror for three hours, Albert came to the conclusion that he has to be the sexiest man alive. [/color]
  3. [color=indigo]I like the comic a ton, and I am going to look for some CB parralled stuff to add to this thread. Just a notice, however, the moment this thread gets spammy I will close it. I understand that Gokents is trying to create a valid thread and I don't want it corrupted by the inevitable "I love cowboy bebop, I love spike, I just graduated to training pants" posts. I am going to try and dig up some good fan fics and comics to add to this thread over the next couple days.[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Probably...actually, I am going to attempt to immortalize my greatness in prose right now (this is a daunting task, am I great enough to capture my own grandeur?) I watch all the people pass me by staring at the ground averting their eyes afraid of being blinded by my powerful presence all of them envy my very essence. Oh! to be me is go very grand better then being rich or ruling a land It is infintly better then finding true love, winning the lotto, or soaring with wings of a dove. The best part about me, however, is what most people dread, the delusions of granduer that dance through my head. [/color]
  5. [color=indigo] I once wrote a short story titled "The Only Girl I Ever Loved" for my college English Essay class. I whish I still had a copy because it captures my feelings about love perfectly. The paper pretty much stated that I have never had stronger feelings about a girl then I did when I was 13 years old. Those hard cases of puppy love seem much more complete and concrete then any feelings I have had for a girl in the last seven or so years. So I guess, to make a long explanation short, I think that love is an infatuation, an undying case of puppy love that nags at you constantly and makes you both complete and helpless at the same time. Of course, I could be wrong, I've never been in love.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]I don't know about e-dating, but I have definatly made some good friends on the Otaku Boards. I would love to hang out with Del, every time I talk with her I get the feeling that she is a cool, down to earth girl. I have every desire to go present Lady M's child with his/hers first guitar when he/she is born. And, though I have only conversed with him a few times, I think it would be cool to hang with Charles...I mean think of the possibilities, A Crazy White Boy and an Odd White guy with the same name, shoot we could have our own sitcom. As for e-dating, if two people are honest with each other (that is a big IF) then it is probably the truest form of dating, because your relationship is not based on physical attraction.[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]Harlequin, I realized moments after typing my post, that you probably had not read the entire thread. I had full intentions of coming back and editing my previous comments, unfortunatly I could not access this page. Although I have never talked with you directly, I have read enough of your posts that I should have instantly realized that you were not generalizing and probably had not viewed the whole thread. Therefore an off handed comment begat another. I hink this will be my last post in this thread (unless something dramatic happens), I've already blundered two posts, I have no intetntion of goofing up a third.[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Wow Sara, I really liked that one...it was short but revealed quite a bit...that honestly might be my favorite poem I've ever read on the boards (I better stop the praising, I'll end up enflating your ego so much it will rival my own...) Anyway, here is one for today For some reason the season changes without warning this morning was frigid An incomprable grey blankets the day with a chill and what was green has lost its sheen to autumn snow [/color]
  9. [color=indigo]I think he is refering to Lady Sazuka...now that I think about it their voices are similar...I tried to compare credits from the DVD Sets today, but the voice actors aren't listed, I'll check the DVD's tomorrow (this is really bothering me...)[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] Late in high school and early in college I suffered from a severe depressive disorder, mainly deriving from a mixture of social stress and genetic inheritence (my family has a history of both depression and alcholism, which tend to run hand in hand).[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Hmmm, and here I always thought that by suffering, and continuing to battle for it is never truly gone, a severe depressive disorder I had gone through a mental disorder. I guess I am wrong, my daily hell must have been incredibly sugar coated. Harlequin, while I am sure you were attacking this thread in a general way, I think your post is way out of line. Your right, maybe I don't know what you've been through, but you don't know what I've been through either. I hate when people take a "my pain is worse than your pain" attitude. You should be using your experience to help sympathize with others that have a similar circumstance to your own. While my earlier joke may have been callous and crude, I find your remarks to be personally insulting.[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I think that the creative process is kind of lost when a band goes mainstream. Too much emphasis is placed on time constraints by the record company that the creative process suffers horribly. That is why you have to respect groups like the Roots and Wilco for remaining true to their art form, despite pressure to force them mainstream.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]So thats what Scotts have hidden under their kilts...[/color] Sara, I think this one is gonna be yours...
  13. [color=indigo]Earlier, I made a snide remark awnsering the question "is suicide ever justifiable"...it wasn't really an attempt to demean those who have contemplated suicide (I wasn't stating that stupid people commit suicide, I was trying to say that only stupid people should kill themselves, remember I've always been a tactless, tasteless person). Although my attempt at humor was callous, I tend to try and shed humor an demons that I have faced in my past. Late in high school and early in college I suffered from a severe depressive disorder, mainly deriving from a mixture of social stress and genetic inheritence (my family has a history of both depression and alcholism, which tend to run hand in hand). I contemplated sucide many times, however, no matter how bad things got, I always realized how it would effect my parents and my kid sister. Suicide is a horribly selfish act, a cowardly act; a person that contemplates suicide needs to seek counceling quickly because they are not in a sane and logical frame of mind. On a different note, I don't consider euthanaisa suicide (even though it is o form of sucide). Take the people who jumped from the trade center during 9/11 (I would consider this a form of self euthanaisa). They chose how to die, rather then facing a possible agonzing death by fire or being crushed, they picked a swift, merciful death.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Anyway, If animals are bred to be killed (ie: cows, chicken, etc) I tend to have a different feeling for that. I eat meat. I eat chicken. But these weren't things that were out trying to feed their children who were shot. These were born by a butcher, fed by a butcher, and killed by a butcher.... I tend to think differently of them. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Well, TN, I doubt the cow that is killed is thinking to itself "hmmm, the butcher fed me...I guess it is alright for him to eat me". I just find your logic kind of faulty, my parents raised me, fed me, should they be allowed to sell me to others who want to eat me I guess. I understand your opinions, personally I don't hunt...I couldn't bring myself to shoot an animal. However, if you eat meat, you are a tad bit hypocritical in saying that hunting for food is pointless.[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]If you shoot for sport, at targets, not animals, like Gokents, then I also really don't see a problem. It's an Olympic sport, shooting that is. But I think collecting and shooting non-living targets for sport is about the absolute only reason ever to have a gun. And I think you should have strict limitations on that alone. Shooting animals is a big no no. I don't see why this is not considered murder int he US. We shoot and kill animals it's fun, a sport whatever. An animal kills your little kid, that animal is a EVIL being who should be killed... It's absolutely ridiculous. I don't see any difference between killing any animal and killing any human. We are all animals, we all have lives, we are all living, there is no difference but we have the ability to create horrible weapons to kill those other things. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]If I shoot an animal, then I eat it, I am providing myself with nurishment. If this is murder, then I guess it is also murder to tear a potato out of the ground, boil it and eat it...I mean both are living, right? I think it is stupid that hunting for food is considered a "no no". Someone has to kill that chicken you ate last night, I think it is kind of noble to kill your own food... However, gun control needs to be revamped. In my opinion, all hand guns should be outlawed (except for those carried by law enforcement officers). This wouldn't help crime terribly (68% of all handgun shootings are made by unregistered or "stolen" weapons) but it would help to keep down accidental deaths (y'know the ones you here about on the news, the ones when junior grabbed daddys gun from his dresser and shot his friend playing Cowboy). [/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BigCajones [/i] [B][color=teal]I would say and hope it's a one off! I'm not really fond of this track and whenever it's on the T.V I tend to change it over if I can be bothered heh. What can I say, it's just not Kid Rock, hence 'rock'. It was probably an enjoyable experience for both Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow, but it was too mellow for me.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I am not sure how you can claim this song is not Rock...Rock is not necassarily rowdy, upbeat music; it is also blusey stuff like this song. Anyway, I think this song is pure crap...I don't really like Sheryl Crow or Kid Rock...while they both have undeniable talent, the song is just to blah for me.[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tasis [/i] [B][COLOR=003399] Hmm, i gotta make it a point to think of some ideas for events, i got a lot of free time for the next few weeks.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Actually, a new event will be begining in just a couple days...I am hammering out the details right now. Tasis, drop me a PM if you would be interested in lending a hand.[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]Heh, this is like the fifth Haiku contest/game thread since I've been here...maybe one will finally last A gentle flutter from her celestial wings ignites perfection [/color]
  19. [color=indigo]The voice actor that does Spike's voice does the voice for the doctor in Vandred as well I belive...[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]Fluffy realized that it would take a few days to become acclamated to the Cousteau residence...[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]Who was your first kiss? My good friends sister, who will remain nameless How old were you? 15. How was it? It was nice What were the circumstances? (Where, Time, etc): In her car after a movie, she was a couple years than me. We were good friends and she knew I had a huge crush on her...she just kissed me... What was your Worst/Best Kiss?: My first kiss was definatly the most memorable. I've gone out with a couple girls that were incredibly kissable, however, there have been a few that think their toungue should be jammed through my skull.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]I think it would be awesome if they created a device that could destroy MTV...my goodness, the world would such a happier place if there weren't shows like "the Real World" and "Sorority Life"[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]Yet more proof that hot dogs are, indeed, made of dog. ~~~~ I know I wanted a hot dog, but this is ridiculous! ~~~~ This should solve that wretched dog to bun ratio problem. ~~~~ Made hot, fresh, and golden. Just the way you like it. *wanders off* [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Ginny all four of these were hysterical, however, I think this one by TN is my favorite...[/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/i] [b]A normal day inside Mr. Wang's Chinese Restaurant[/b][/quote] [color=indigo]So TN is the winner of this round...[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]Well, I guess everybody is waiting for a picture, so here it goes, I get hungry just looking at this one...[/color] [img]http://www.members.aol.com/shadowedcloudx/puppy[/img]
  25. [color=indigo]Why wouldn't Saddam allow the statues to be torn down? What would he do, yell out a window and say "hey! don't rip down my statue!" Regardless, it was cool to see such an open display of rebellion against Saddams rule. Whether you are for or against this war, you have to agree that it is good thing that the Iraqi people are free of his regime.[/color]
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