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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]hmm...well here are some songs that are on the compiled CD in my car: Dave Matthews Band: Grey Street John Mayer: Neon Pearl Jam: Black Mad Season: Wake Up Incubus: Warning Cravin Mellon: Silk Sunflowers Yoko Cano: Rush Doors: Roadhouse Blues Credence Clearwater Revival: Proud Mary Miles Davis: Someday My Prince will Come Stevie Ray Vagaun: Texas Flood Kinda a chill CD, but I've been in a laid back mmod lately.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo] the mountain Taunting haunting the wind passes me by gaily whistling a merry, mocking tune. And though a juggernaught am I the wind knows my weakness time. And while it comes and goes dancing and whistling always taunting I slowly erode into a small mound of earth.[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]Definatly Goldberg if they allow him to put on a show. They need him to start wrestling and reprove his prowess before he goes toe to toe with the great one. Also, the return of the jackhammer will be great...[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Actually, I noticed the huge billboard when I was in Times Square. I was shocked to see such a large add for Cowboy Bebop (I guess I am always amazed at how popular anime is), I also thought that the billboard would make a cool back drop in my house.:D[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]Villian: Femto (Griffith) Anime: Berserk Info: Griffith was the unquestioned and well reveared leader of the White Hawks. It is hard to imagine that he could [spoiler]betray his group and Guts in such a horrible way. In order to become Femto, Griffith does the unthinkable to Guts's true love.[/spoiler] Reasoning: His rise to power and his fall all add to Grifiths dimentia. It is unclear where he stands for so long in the series, but his actions make him one of the most vile villians in anime history.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Ted Kennedy on child rearing[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]Well I didn't catch most of Raw tonight. I only really saw the Rock match with the Goldberg finish and the end when Kevin Nash came out. I'm glad to see Nash back, unfortunatly the new angle seems kinda stupid...maybe a new DX/NWO type orginization will form. The Goldberg story line was kind of stupid. Why did Christian come out? Did they wrestle later on?[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]So as not to go blind, young Billy always dons his Spancto mask before searching the internet for porn...[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]I tend to like older cars...late fifties to around '72. I really like GTOs, Cheveles, Chargers...anything that throws a ton of muscle. My favorite car, however, has to be the convertible impala of the early sixties. It has some power..not too much...but it is a great crusier, an incredibly laid back automobile. As far as new cars go, I really like the Avalanche, but I think it is highly impracticle. I also like the Landrover Freelander...that SUV is cherry. Right now I am stuck with my '98 Saturn coupe...it is a good little car, all I really need (and can afford).[/color]
  10. [color=indigo] [u]Heroin[/u] Your tears tore holes in delicatly woven humanity releasing a beast possesed of rage and hate and passion and desire so tangible so, so real that the tremors caressing your body will haunt and satisfy you for an infinite moment. And in your dreams of pain you'll call for me in your moments of rapture you'll long for me I am your everything your abyss your sun your God your demon your Infinite.[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I thought most of those were great, especially TN's...you gave me a good laugh buddy. I think GinnyLyn took the cake though...[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]"Finally...that &#$%#$ itch is gone." [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I laughed so that milk came out of my nose, which was really strange because I wasn't even drinking milk. Oh well, it is your turn to post a picture Ginny.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]I tried to dismiss you but you wouldn't leave; so I abandoned you on the cold, lonley street. And though I turned my back towards you I couldn't help but hear your heart skip a beat. Just remember, tomorrow will bring another maybe a sister, a brother a long lost jilted lover smiling at the doorstep of a befuddled, demure hitch-hiker[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Well, after pouring through countless pictures I found this really bizarre photo of me...just kidding. Sorry, nothing anime struck me funny, but this kinda did. I hope we get some good captions for this one.[/color] [img]http://www.members.aol.com/shadowedcloudx/strange[/img]
  14. [color=indigo]Well, why not... "Link, remember that night we drank waaayyy to much blue potion...well, uhm, congratulations, you are gonna be a dad!"[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]I don't even remeber why I joined the boards. I think I wanted a question awnsered about an anime (maybe Trigun or Cowboy Bebop...). I remember that I lost my email confirmation, so I didn't post until almost two months after I joined. I guess I just tagged along with the boards ever since.[/color]
  16. Heaven's Cloud

    Punk Music!

    [color=indigo]I am suprised so few of you mentioned Pennywise and Dropkick Murphys (besides Cyco, I don't think anyone did), these are two of my favorite bands, and they are fairly mainstream. I'm also a big Social Distortion fan, I enjoy NOFx but I prefer the Clash, and the Ramones rock, but I hate Melincolin (don't know why)... As far as what is punk, well I think punk is whatever you want it to be. If you think that Blink 182 is punk cool, if you think only hardcore bands like The Sex Pistols and the Vandals are punk, that is your thing. Personally I don't like punk music as a genre, I like good music...and we all know that good music is all comprised ofpersonal speculation...[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Hey Mark, good posting buddy, don't put too much thought into it 'kay... Alright gents (and ladies), I just got finished running around my house screaming Goldberg (yes, I probably will get evicted tomorrow, but the person that serves the notice will definatly get a big spear), and I thought I'd comment on RAW. Tonight lacked the drama of a typical post WM Raw. The matches were, ehh; Stone Cold got fired (he'll be back or he'll head to Smack Down), Triple H and Jerhico extracted revenge on the Book Man and HBK, and there were a couple blah matches. It was nice to see Kane and RVD win the titles, but it will stink if the Dudleys break up again. I thought the highlight was definatly Goldberg...did you hear that chant, it was insane. As I have stated before, I am a huge Goldberg fan (My freshman year of college my roomates and I would wait outside the elevators and launch "sneak attack" spears on each other) and I am stoked that he and the Rock (my second favorite wrestling personality) will be going toe to toe. At first I was worried, Bishoff said the contract was still wet, but I thought he may be reffering to Deisel returning... Oh well, that ismy two cents on Raw GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG!!!!!!!!!!![/color]
  18. [color=indigo] I thought this years Wrestlemania was one of the best in years. All the matches were fairly long and entertaining...I personally partial to the Rock's match. I am glad he finally beat Austin at a wrestlemania, even though it took him a stunner, a people's elbow, and three Rock bottoms (yeah it was a little excessive, but it was a cool match) I also thought the HHH/Booker T match was pretty cool. I love how Trips worked the Indian death lock on the Book Man. It seems like HHH picked up a few things form Nature Boy. I think Brock Lesnar probably hurt himself doing the shooting star press...When the match was over he was bleeding from the nose pretty heavily. There were only two downsides to WWXIX: Goldberg not making an appearence (just some stupid ad) and Limp Bizcuit.[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]I think it is going to all depend on the story lines that are created this year. If they start bouncing charecters back and forth between the splits, they could do a really good job marketing superstars this year. Hopefully, the addition of Goldberg and Nash (and possibly Sting...who is rumored to be negotiating terms with the WWE) will allow the writers to come up with some better story lines (personally, I'd love to see the streak again...but I guess it has been done before). Just a side note...the RVD/Kane vs. Morley/Storm match will now be broadcast before Wrestlemania on Heat...this leaves more time for some intresting developments tonight (prehaps a Big Poppa Pump/Goldberg match...)[/color]
  20. [color=indigo] If you are a guy, you should never be sexually frustrated... By the way, having sex with a girl that is angry about one thing or another is incredible...I would elaborate, but, well some of you aren't old enough to read my posts yet you do so anyways...naughty pre-teens...[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]I like the radio in the morning when the talkies are on. I usually find those quite entertaining (plus they introduced me to the Toast song), especially when comedians are on. I used to love the classic rock stations, however, it seems as though many of them play nonstop Rush, Styx and Skynryd (I like LS, but the radio beat Gimmie Three Steps into my head three two many times). I still tune in, but only when I am out of CD's.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo] Sorry, it isn't playing in Nevada, however, the movie will be released in June (or so its been stated) so you won't have to wait too long to see it.[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]I don't understand how you can call ANY Cowboy Bebop episode a filler. That is just ridiculous, there are only twenty-six episodes in the entire series. SithChange, I think you really are just arguing for the sake of arguing here...Ballad of Fallen Angels is the true introduction of the main conflict of Bebop. The interwoven connection between the Bebop charecters lies in the past. Every member of Bebop struggles to come to terms with there past in order to continue with their lives. Since Spike is the obvious main charecter in Bebop, any story that deals with his past is important to the series...[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]I definatly agree that pushing wrestlers (especially with lots of debut promos) is a bit on the overkill side. You get sick of people like Cena and Nathan Jones before they even wrestle. I really think that there are some good wrestlers that could be decent cards if the WWE marketed them right. I used to think Shawn O'Hare was a great wrestler...but now he is doing shadow matches. Another wrestler that is under spotlighted is Maven. It is almost like the WWE said "well he won tough enough, what do we do with him now?" Hopefully, with the new "split" WWE, we'll get to see some better writing for the younger card wrestlers...[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by S@bretooth [/i] [B][b] I think the Kurdish people need their own country. A piece of real estate they can call their own. Just like the UN did for israel, and what they should do for the Palestinians too. [/b] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]The kurds need to learn to live with other muslims in a peaceful fashion. Dividing religous groups into territories has never been a good idea. That is why we have such a mess in Isreal. [/color]
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