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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]It scares me how strong Cena is though...he looks so much smaller then guys like Brock, Goldberg, and Stiener, but he is freakin powerful... That is one reason I don't see a feud between Goldberg and Lessnar...I think Lessnar and Cena are going to go at it at Backlash...[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]I have to agree with Mitch. People ask why now? Why now?...we've known that Saddam has been a horrible, ferocious leader for years, why are we going after him now? The first reason is obviously because he broke his treaty with the UN (yes, I know we can go around in circles debating the justifications for going to war for the UN even though the UN doesn't back the war...but I am sure that all of you agree by now that Saddam did breech the treaty). The real reason is that the events that occured on 9/11 were so tragic and scared the American govermental infrastructure so horribly, that a crusade against terrorism was the governments only alternative. I believe that this war would have occured no matter who was in power, it was a logical step after the events of 9/11 (especially since funding for Al Queda has been traced to Iraqi's within Saddams regiem, although that is another moot point, because America has also funded Al Queda...). I am not trying to confuse anyone with my post. I am pro war, and I do think the mission we have in Iraq is an important one. As I have said before, we should have gone into Iraq and overthrown Saddam's regime then...we did a half-assed job in Kuwait, and it is biting back years later.[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]'Kay, here are my predictions for WMXIX. [B]Rock/Austin:[/b] It is the Rocks turn to shine at Wrestle Mania. The heel always seems to win between Austin/Rock in Wrestle Mania. The first time they faced each other Stevey boy got McMahon's help. The second time Austin was still the heel and the Rock was out for the Rattlesnakes blood. [b]Angle/Lesnar:[/b] I am up in the air on this one. I think that the match will end in dissary, leaving the belt up for grabs...but if I had to choose, I would go with Lesnar. [b]BookerT/HHH:[/b] BT has his one locked. Trips hasn't had a break for quite a while. [b]RVD/Kane-Storm/Morely:[/b]: Kane RVD will take this one home only to loose it (and get boken up by) to the Dudley Boys. [b]Mysterio/Hardy:[/b]Matts got this one locked thanks to assistance from Jeff... [b]WWE Tag Team Titles:[/b] Benoit and Rhyno, although I forsee a short title reign... [b]Womens match:[/b] Jazz...although I wouldn't mind getting a little Stratisfaction [b]Taker/Jones- Show/Train:[/b] Who cares!!! This match is garbage. Taker should retire...he just isn't impressive anymore. He doesn't look badass just old and crabby. [b]HBK/Y2J:[/b] Y2J will win and stop being a heel for awhile. [b]Hogan/Vince:[/b]MI honestly don't know. Shane O'mack coul return and help out his father...and then the contrct could be rescinded due to Vince forcing Hulk to fight. This could also give way to a new, loved NWO. Or Hulk could win, Vince forgive him, and he could retire...[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]The other day I was in FYE getting a couple pieces of anime, when I noticed this album on the shelf. I remebered how so many OB members said that they were fans of AFI and I gave the album a shot. I really enjoy the instrumentals, they are really solid (especially in Silver and Cold). The lyrics were alright, they didn't really move me, but they were genuine (which seems to be harder and harder to find). The only thing I disliked was the lead singers voice. Although he had great range, I personally thought that he sounded too much like a mix between the lead singer from 3rd eye blind and the guy from Styx... That aside, I can see why so many of you like them. They are a very solid group with good instrumentals, talented writing, and a singer with a vocal range (although, when I hear him, all I can think of is "come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me...)[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]I ually think the book wll help you understand the movie...I could see how one wouldb left to ponder after the theatrical ending (and the more I think about it, the more I think that I would have enjoyed the movie a whole lot more if I hadn' read th book first...readingthe book second is the way to go.)[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]The hues of blue burst through as doors of smoke release the white light of heaven to cascade upon the red ichor of those fallen...[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]I think I would have liked this movie much more if I hadn't read the book. They cut out way too much of the story line in order to abbreviate it to movie length. Now that you have seen the movie Veggito4, read the book (if you haven't already)...[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]When my libido kicks in to hyperactive mode, that is when I truly know that spring is here...okay my libido is always hyperactive... Actually I think spring arrives when we start getting thunder storms and the smell of ozone permeates the air.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]Update: I know most of you have been as bombarded with news as I have. A few minutes ago it was confirmed that the US and the British have had there first casualties. A chopper carrying 16 people went down in Southern Iraq. It has been reported that all of the soldiers perished. I hope that many of you will include these soldiers in your thoughts and prayers tonight, as well as the countless others that will be directly affected by this war...[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by nichire [/i] [B]i hate us leaders... i hate all leaders... cept jean!!! he's fu**in cool! and the only one of em that's makin anysense. Since when did the US get power to control other countrys????? NEVER!!!! THEY NEVER DID!!!!! But us pride has a lot of em thinking that they own the damned world!!!! If they want Iraq to disarm, us sould have to disarm their weapons too!1 all they're using em for is bulling around smaller countries! damn i hate ppl who think this war is the rite thing!!! I hate the us!! stupid stupid ppl!!!!!!! ~nichi [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Well, self loathing is a horrible thing. I have no problem if you are anti-war, but please state your case in a rational manner. Iraq is supposed to have disarmed because early in the nineties they aggresively attacked Kuwait...hence the Gulf War, hence the war we are involved in now. It is wierd that someone who is anti-war hates the people that support this conflict...kinda ironic...[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] Eps - [i]Watching Golf War 2[/i] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Yes, the fate of Democracy rests on the hands of one man. Can Tiger Woods overcome adversity, protesters, and Scud Missles leading the US to a final victory over Saddam Hussien? We'll find out in "Golf War II"... Sorry, I found it too funny to resist taking a cheap shot. Remeber that if a weapon has the ability to destroy roughly two city blocks it is also classified as a weapon of Mass destruction under the UN treaty with Iraq...[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]I also thought of an angle that may come into play. When have we ever seen Vince Mcmahon fight fair? Do you think it will be any different at WWXIX? I think that would be a great match to introduce a new alliance or a new wrestler "hint, hint"...[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]The only reason I am postingin this thread is because I am about to rip my hair out of my head due to frustration. I don't like getting involved in these threads too much, but I have to vent. I have lost nearly all hope in our country...are the people here as dumb as I think? For the past two days all I have been hearing is this stupid anti-war sentiment that makes no sense at all. People keep yelling that the war is about oil, the war is Bush's vendetta against Saddam. Yet they have no logical support. I heard an interesting argument between Joel Silverman and Bill Maher on a talk show the other week. As many of you know (and many of you don't), both Joel Silverman and Bill Maher are staunch liberals...shoot they part their hair on the left. However, they were arguing about the war; Joel supporting Bush's actions, Maher condeming them. Silverman was actually citing that president Clinton said (on PBS in 1997) "If Iraq is suspected of harboring weapons (of mass destruction) the UN will not negotiate, we will go in full force and attack Saddam's regime". This is one of the mot liberal of liberals saying this. He also made comment addressing that if the issue was over oil the US could easily lift the embargos with Iraq. People argue that we are going to go slaughter a country...we are protecting ourselves from a known threat. This is a country that has been known to be aggressive towards the US. We have given them many chances to work towards peace...all they truly had to do was not produce any weapons that could be of a mass threat to other nations. I don't understand how American's say that we are killing tons of innocent people, and blather on and on about how wrong we are. If we took no action knowing that their is a threat towards our country (from Iraq) and thousands of Americans died at the hands of our enemies weapons how would you feel. The events of 9/11 are still too fresh in my mind. Too many people close to me could have died in that tragedy. We can't afford another on like it. Nine people I care deeply about are in Iraq right now. One is my cousin, Rocky, who is a brother to me. We grew up together from birth. Right now he, along with Brian, Mitch, Scott, Ming, Nate Dogg, Steph, Gary, and Tony are putting there asses on the line for this country, so that many of you can sleep easy tonight. Tonight my prayers are with them...especially Rocky, who is a demolitions expert in the Marines. So why many of you lose a few minutes rest thinking about how many innocent Iraqi lives could be lost, forgive me if I pray that the bombs destroy every last home hiding a soldier or a weapon. I only want those dear to me to come back home and a feeling of safety to once again blanket our country.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][size=1][b]1) What do you collect?[/b] Pez Dispensers [b]2) How much of the item(s) do you have?[/b] 50-60(?) [b]3) What is your favorite out of all the items?[/b] The last one I bought, which is "Joe Cool" from Peanuts. [b]4) How long have you been collecting it/them?[/b] Since my trip to Washington D.C. in the 8th grade. -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Heh, I collect Pez dispensers too, well I don't actually collect them. It kinda started as a stupid joke, but now nearly all of my friends and family give me pez. If you don't count the duplicates I have 276 dispensers, counting duplicates I think I am right around 450... I also used to collect comic books...I still have around 700 comics at my folks house...I think some of them are kinda valuable, most of them have been reada gazillion times though...[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]I bought the first two DVD's (or at least the first part of the original series, I think it is original anyways), but I was never sure where to continue on from there. The episodes ended with Kenshin's lover [spoiler](who had original intentions of killing Kenshin b/c he had killed her husband) sacrificing herself for Kenshin[/spoiler] Could anybody familiar with the series tell me where to go from here. From the DVD backs that I have read it seems that the story line changes dramatically.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]I really enjoyed the two Japanese versions, I actually rented both last week. I had originally thought that The Ring (Am. Version) was based on a movie made in New Zealand...it wasn't until after I bought the movie that I found out differently. The Japanese (original) versions were quite intriguing, although I thought of them more as a sci-fi suspense thriller then a horror movie. [/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Yep, Raw sure was weak last night...the only high point was that the Rock got the upper hand on Austin. If Austin beats the Rock I am going to be livid. As for Goldberg. I went onto the Goldberg site last night and it looks like nothing is planned for Wrestlemania...although he could make an appearence,you never know...[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]Are you male or female?[b] Last time I checked I was a guy...[/b] How long has your longest relationship lasted?[b] 6 months[/b] What was the worst ending to a relationship you have been in?[b] I have only had one relationship go sour. The girl that I was seeing became jealous of a girl that I was friends with. Needless to say one day she made a snide remark to the tone of "if you like her so much why don't you go out with her?" So I did.[/b] What is the one thing you hope to find in your perfect mate?[b] A pretty face[/b] what is your pet peve about the people you date?[b] I hate stupid people[/b] Have you ever used a pick up line?[b] Yes; Hello[/b] -if so, did it work?[b] about 55% of the time[/b] Have you ever had a pick up line used on you?[b] Not besides hello[/b] Guys only What do you think women want?[b] Some want a man that can make them laugh, and a man that will show them a good time; others want total dedication from their partners. I tend to prefer the first.[/b] In your opinion, what is the general behavior of women? [b]They are wonderful, irrational creatures.[/b][/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][color=red] Just realize that all Mankind has done since his appearance on the Earth is nothing grand. We aren't wonderful ourselves. We're ruining this planet, but none care. I just wanted you to at least [i]realize[/i] that the Earth is dying because of us. Just fathom that yes, you care about it in the distance, even though you can do nothing about it. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Again, I have to disagree with you. I think man has done many grand things. We have built buildings that strech to the heavens, we have created incredible works of art and composed beautiful music. Human kind has created machines that can almost think and revolutionized technology by mimicking mother nature. Personally I think that human kind has had some pretty grand achievments; I also don't think the world is nearly as frail as you think. I don't think that the earth is dying either...we may be killing the ecosystem as we know it, there by canceling out our existence, but life is not that frail. Oh well, that is my last rant on this issue...I don't want to go too far off topic...[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]My thoughts on piercings and tattoos are not that far different then then George Carlin's view on earings 15 years ago. I used to think that people with tatoos and piercings were making a strong statement on how they refused to conform to society's "norm". Today, a couple years later, I think that while it is still a way to express yourself, you have definatly not shown rebellion towards the status quo...not with all the tiny bopper girls and guys getting their faces stuck and their ink done.[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][color=red][i]That[/i] is why the Earth is where it is now. People like you, Heavy. Oh well, I for one care. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Yes people like me have made this world a horrible place to live in right now. It is so horrible to have creature comforts like Gellatto and Starbucks coffee. It stinks that we now have the ability to fly to different countries in a matter of hours. Our little creature comforts sure do make this world a horrifying place. I am sick and tired of people complaining about the energy we consume and the enviornment we are destroying. Let us all take a moment and admit to ourselves that we are all a bunch of hypocites...if you are so horribly concerned about the enviornment quit messing around on the computer, watching anime, and playing video games; go plant some trees. I, on the the other hand, have more then enough faith in man's ability to overcome nearly any adversity, including our enviornmental problems. I think it is much more prudent to worry about my progeny and the world that I am creating for them then pondering the habitat my great great ect. grandchildren will inherit. So please don't use me as the basis for your "its people like you" posts. Go plant some trees and let me drink my Starbucks coffee and watch my favorite anime shows in peace...I've had a hard day at work and I know I've earned my creature comforts.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]I think that in the year 2525 I will rule all in my rencarnated half man half ant form...mwuhahah!! Just kidding...to be honest, I really don't care whether or not the earth is here, I will be long dead and gone by then....[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]I was kinda confused at first because Big Bad Voodoo Daddy was a band formed in the early nineties. I think they are a pretty good band, and since I love the movie swingers, I have to give them a little respect.[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]Why would you show her this thread? Just leave well enough alone. In any type of boy/girl situation it is best not to give advice or help that you don't want to give.[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I begin to end happily, listfully for what greater purpose is there for life than death? And though his hand is oh so cold I shall accept it a brotherly embrace, a spiritual kiss that wisks me away to the nether realm.[/color]
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