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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]Well Captian Trips may claim most of us but for the remainder, just remember (in the words of the immortal Neil Young), "Rock and Roll will never die!"[/color]
  2. [color=inidgo]Well, most of my more embarrassing moments have already been posted, but since we began with a tennis moment, I'll add a tennis moment. My senior year I was playing in a match at a rival school. The guy I was playing against hit a wicked topspin lob that ran me right into a light post...stupid post almost broke my nose...[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]Yeah, I am Brody from "Mallrats" (except I don't care about the condition of my comics). I am sarcastic, eccentric, I love comics, I used to be a huge Mall rat, and I know really odd people. I even loathe taking girlfriends to meet my mom. Looks: I don't really look anything like Jason Lee[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Hey Sushi, Cyko...whatever your name is now...I was only harsh in order to dissuade you from doing any of those stupid things, there is an age to begin doing al of those stupid things, and that age is 17. That being said, it is your life, do what you want with it. Reading all of these back and forth bickering comments has definatly dirven me to want to drink today...[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]If I had a trillion dollars I would buy [b]you[/b], and make [b]you[/b] dress up like a monkey and do mundane tasks for me.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Oh great another thirteen year old experimenting with sex and drugs. Do me a favor kid, try some really heavy stuff and OD...you'll save all of us hardworking taxpayers some money in the future. You are not old enough to be having sex or experimenting with drugs, let alone partying, why don't you stay at home and derive your "high" through sugar rushes and late night video game marathons. I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but you are a loser, and, by highschool, you'll probably be one of those kids that can't remember his own name.[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]Although I do think I am fairly adequate at transposing my thoughts to writing, it is not in my nature to convey thoughts of a scientific nature, so please forgive me if this post is erratic and irrational. About a month ago I read a book called ?Prey? by Michael Crichton. It is a fictional book based on how man-made nano-technology evolves to form a ?swarming? consciousness. Although the plot line was quite good, the scientific and evolutionary aspects of the book intrigued me much more. Over the next several weeks I spent many hours in the local Borders (unfortunately we don?t have a Barnes and Nobles) pouring over books cited in ?Prey?s? bibliography, attempting to comprehend evolutionary ideas that I had realized. One of the first theories I read dealt with the ?survival of the fittest? theory so many of you have commented on, and, though it doesn?t rule it out, it explains how evolution is not really ?survival of the fittest?, but instead, evolution and survival depends on a creatures ability to form a symbiotic relationship with other organisms. Although several of the books explained this on a micro level, I?ll have to do with a simplistic explanation (mainly because it hurts my head to ponder it on a micro scale). Humans have a symbiotic relationship with domesticated cattle. We use it to provide us with nourishment, and they use us to provide them with food and protection. The evolution of humans and cattle can be coordinated easily (mainly because humans did domesticate the cattle), as men grew less nomadic, cattle grew increasingly more docile and domesticated, there is also an inverse question to this: would humans have become less nomadic if farm animals had not become domesticated? Before you dismiss my post as ramblings of a mad man, I?ll give you a different version of a symbiotic relationship. This is nearly straight from ?Prey?, yet I read it in many other books as well. The Ant/Aphid relationship is as symbiotic a relationship as any other. Many types of ants raise aphids as a food source, they take the time to protect them, nourish them, and shelter them, and then they use them as a staple food. They do the same thing with fungus; they grow it within decomposing bodies of other ants and then feed on it. It is a classic symbiotic relationship, both groups benefit. I know these are all small examples of symbiotic relationships, but many of you are bright, young individuals and hopefully my meager writing abilities have allowed you to extrapolate on the principle. If I haven?t lost you yet, I am probably about to. Now I am going to attempt to explain the theory of swarms. If I am able to do this right, it will give you something to ponder for quite a while. For a long time the study of insect biology was done according to a certain school of thought. Scientists believed that swarms of insects had appointed leaders (for example the queen bee). In recent years, however, more and more scientists have come to believe that a swarm of insects does not function on a leader system, instead each individual functions as part of a whole (much like coding in a computer program), each individual is given a set of rules and objectives that is passed down genetically. This becomes obvious when you see that insects have created structures over several generations?in size and design time, many of these structure rival works like skyscrapers and pyramids. I know this seems like a trivial observation, but if you break it down into a cellular level, it isn?t hard to fathom that, every organism is the greater whole of a smaller swarm. As a human, our cells have incredibly short lifespan, yet they follow predetermined rules that have been programmed into their genetic code from past generations. The greatest example of swarming cells is the human brain?and I believe that is where I will end my rant, for my grasp of this theory ends here. However, I think many of you get the gist of what I am hinting at, on a micro level evolution constantly takes place, not necessarily due to a ?survival of the fittest? rule but rather a direct relationship between the symbiotic and swarming properties of matter[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][color=red][size=1] But I want a definite answer in my mind. I want to be able to not flinch or fall back when someone asks me if I do believe in God or not. I don't think it will be like that for a long time, though. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I don't think that I'll ever have that definite awnser in my mind. My view of God, evolution, and the world has become such a jumbled up mess of theorys and guesses that it is hard to remember which way is up. My base view always remains the same, that something had to create the universe, and, although we may not be the blessed beings we think we are, I tend to belive that there is someone watching...[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]I think this is a really cool idea, especially if you get a lot of fics.[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]The ironing is delicious. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Yes I too salivate when I see freshly pressed clothes. Semjaza, that is he funniest thing I have read in a long time...[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]Ahh Haaa! It is a trick question. Notice I put ORIGINALLY in all caps to draw attention to it. The actual answer is galvanized iron. The term g.i./ galvanized iron was stamped onto the iron canteens and eating equipment that calvalry soldiers let dangle from their saddles. It was on history channel, the show mail call, with R. Lee Ermy. I trust them, plus, the term as used above, pre-dates the General Issue usage of the word which was picked up at the being of ww1 or ww2. (not sure) So remember that little piece of trivial knowledge. I also want to ask you if you know what was the city that Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assasinated in? and what was the first country to declare war as a result... and who did they declare war on? These aren't tricks but they are history questions any self proclaimed genious should know off the top of their head... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I always find it funny how little I am noticed...considering that I posted the awnser last night on the previous page...Lost Prophet, I gave you a cheat sheet, but you failed to use it...[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B]That isn't just stupid or ridiculous, that's... [i]weird[/i]! How do they think that if they don't drink French wines, France will ultimately have to bend to US goverment's will? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] No, they don't think it will cause France to bend to the US's will, they are demonstrating their right to passive protest. Don't get me wrong, I think it is incredibly stupid to rename foods because you are displeased with a country's foriegn policy, whats next? Are they going to start calling Cous-cous Liberty mush because it sounds Arab?[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Huh, tough one 1.Bruce Springstein: Thunder Road 2.Pearl Jam: Black 3.Led Zepplin: Ramble On 4.Rolling Stones: Can't ya Hear Me Knockin 5.Stevie Ray Vaughn: Mary Had A Little Lamb 6.Cravin' Melon: Undone 7.Wyclef Jean: Apocalypse 8.Mad Season: River of Deceit 9.Stevie Wonder: My Chere Amore 10.Miles Davis: Someday My Prince Will Come 11.Jimi Hendrix: Purple Haze (Live Blues Edition) 12.Grateful Dead: Uncle John's Band 13.The Beatles: A Day In The Life[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]History was (one of) my majors in college, so I guess I am a little bit of a history freak. I tend to enjoy the history of Asia a little bit more then the rest of the world just because they have had such a different outlook on life in general. I am especially fascinated with the rise of capitalism in Taiwan, especially the interwoven American and Chinese gang relationship. Unfortunatly my school was limited in Asian studies so most of my classes focused on the Civil war, Antebelum America, and so forth... By the way, GI came from the term "galvanized iron"...it was then transposed to "government issue"...[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]I'd choose the baby...the other two are old enough to fend for themselves, plus, one of them probably got the baby involved in the life threatening situation. As for the second question, of course I'd risk killing myself! A million dollars is a ton of money.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]Slyly, spryly, sneaking and peeking, the phantom cat glides through the room, its rythm sheik, unique, it sambas and mambos as the fiddle fills the air. The felonious feline twitches its nose stealing the music's scent, it relishes its crime. The coy kittie purrs and grins disappearing in a languid strech.[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Go away to school...I moved from DC to NC when I was 14, and I still hang out with my childhood friends quite frequently, they are still my best friend;I think, no matter what, I'm still Charlie from the block. True friends stick with you longer then stupid songs :p[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nightwing [/i] [B]I got a question? Why can't Magneto control Colossus in his metal forum? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Magneto's abilities allowed him to control and twist Colossus in the X-Men Comics, at least they did...Wolverine killed Magneto over a year ago. Magneto never killed Colossus using his abilities because Magneto never needed to exert that kind of power (if that was the case he could have simply pulled all of the iron molecules in a persons body together and catapult it through their brain like a bullet). There are several cases where the X-Men were caught trying to ambush Magneto but by X-Men #1 (not uncanny, just x-men) Collosus would remain in his flesh form during direct fights with Magneto (and later he switched to Magneto's side). As far as favorite X-Men, my fav was always a tie between Cannonball and Archangel.[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]Well, when you are a truly narcissistic entity, the thing you enjoy most about life is yourself. And since I am the human embodiment of narcissism, I love me. That love is not limited to my physical attributes, although they are quite astounding. I love the simple things I do, like the way I wash my face, the way I tie my shoes, and the way I inhale when I step outside on a crisp winter day. It is incredible to be me, so incredible that I actually envy myself.:p[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1] There is nothing more disgusting than breasts that sag.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Yeah, but there is nothing more attractive then a girl that has nice firm round breasts with nice pert..well err, you get my drift, and if you are under 16, you should know better than to read my posts.[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]My cousin, who is into all sorts of bands I have never heard of, gave me a burned copy of Trompe le Monde (I think I spelled that right) last summer and it is one of the few CD's I can listen to in any mood...I really like Sad Punk and I Believe (which I think is actually Space, but I don't have a track list for my CD...I'm sure Semjaza will let me know)... Thanks for the brief bio, I actually didn't know anything about the Pixie's and I would appreciate any info on which one of there albums I should procure next.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]I like pretty, athletic built girls. My dream girl has to be in good shape, I also tend to like it if their shoulders are slightly broad...not super broad, but I don't like stick girls. I also like girls to have average size cleveage; I don't want to climb any mountians, nor trample any molehills, but I do enjoy a handful (well two handfulls, one for each hand...one handful would be odd). Hair and eye color doesn't matter so much...I tend to like darker haired girls better than blondes and I like girls that have a little bit of a tan...not unnaturally dark, but a little color. Everybody knows that I am super shallow, so, obviously, personalty doesn't matter much :p Just kidding, I'd like a girl that was intelligent but had a different view of the world then I do. Having to much in common causes arguments over the most minute things. Plus, hot, intelligent, opinionated women are incredibly sexy (and if I had one, maybe she could help me get rid of my annoying ... problem ).[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]I had to split this up into two groups one Alt/Metal Rock and one Blues Rock... [b][u]Alt/Metal[/u][/b] [b]Lead Singer:[/b] Eddie Vedder- he is so versitle, his voice can shift easily between depressive alt ballads and trasher rock [b]Guitarist:[/b] Kirk [yeah, I accidently put kurt, my bad] Hammet- I don't care if you hate Mettalica because they destroyed Napster, Hammet can flat out play [b]Rythm Guitarist/ Vocals:[/b] Jerry Cantrell, Alice in Chains former lead is an excellent guitarist and has pretty decent vocals to boot [b]Bassist:[/b] Les Claypool...'nuff said [b]Drummer:[/b]Dave Grohl...yes he is good, why is he good? Because he knows when NOT to play [b][u]Blues Rock Band[/u][/b] [b]Lead Singer:[/b] Ben Harper...he has an incredible voice and is very versitile [b]Guitarist:[/b]Jimi, who else [b]Rythm Guitarist:[/b] Keith Richards...he is the best rythm guitarist ever, his chord selections are incredible [b]Bassist/vocals:[/b] Paul McCartney...what would an allstar band be without a memeber of the Beetles [b]Drummer:[/b] Carter Beauford...I am not a Dave freak, but you would have to be a moron not to realize the Beauford is one of the greatest drummers of all time[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]Trivia: The Who's concert made Springfield vulnerable to an attack of what?[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I was also disappointed by Raw last night...I thought the show card was pretty interesting, but the matches that I was looking forward to ended up being very disappointing. I thought that the Booker T/Steiner match was pretty uneventful and the tag team hardcore match was way too uneventful. I also was unimpressed by the Rock/Austin showdown. The rock shouldn't be scared of Austin...no matter how much of a heel he is. But, with the guarentee of a Rock/Austin Wrestlemania, things do look electrifying.[/color]
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