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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]You know how your parents remember exactly where they were when JFK died? Well I remember exactly where I was when I heard about Kurt Cobains death...I was eating a peach, going to the dentist, when I heard the news on 94.5. Now many of you may say that Kurt isn't nearly as important as JFK. Well to me he is way more important, so eat my shorts!!![/color]
  2. [color=indigo]Ginny, I am truly sorry to hear about your problem. The only small bit of advice I can give you is that you should seek help if you go through normal periods of feeling low, ie: being in a down mood all of the time and feeling that it is normal.[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]Well, I am still not over the puppy-crush that I have for Michelle Branch, what can I say, I love girls with guitars. I think it would be cool to meet Eddie Vedder...I guess I never grew out of my grunge phase.[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Have you ever thought that you might make your friend so uncomfortable that she feels that she has to like the same things as you in orderfor you to accept her? Betcha never thought of that! Why don't you try and be more sensitive to your friends needs you ignorant shmo!! Nah, I'm just kidding, I hate posers to...::goes and hides in a corner, hoping no one noices that he is being hypocritical about hating posers just to fit in::...[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Thats what I think makes someone gay. The sensual attraction of love to someone, not just a physical attraction of what "looks sexy" to them. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]That is what I have been telling people for years. I mean, just because I find myself attracted to, well, myself, doesn't mean I am gay. I am not sensually attracted to me. Therefore, I am not gay, I am just really, really shallow and narcissistic.:p[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]As much as I think that the law stinks, a high school has the right to ban clothing that distracts others from learning. While a debate over Bush being a terrorist could be deemed part of the learning process, a math teacher might not find it so constructive. By the way, you can call Bush a war monger, a self promoter, even a harbringer of the apocalypse, and I would say that you could have a valid argument, but a terrorist is going a bit far. [/color]
  7. [color=indigo]There is a line from Stephen King's [b]The Body[/b] that says something to the effect of "you never had better friends then when you were twelve." I believe this has to be true because I was always involved in fistcuffs with my buddy's when I was twelve, and we always stayed good friends. So my awnser to your question would be "fighting over nothing"[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Dude, lay off the herb. It is making you dwell way to hard on an issue that man cannot yet comprehend. But, for arguments sake, I will ask you a couple questions. If the universe is expanding, how can it be infinite in size? If it keeps growing, it has to be expanding past finite boundaries. And if you are the center of the infinite, the that means that infinite space has a designated begining and end, or shape.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]Here is a question for all of you die hard fans...What did homer make Bart do to his bacon...(hint, it hurt his heart).[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]I believe I talked to you about your brother when I first joined the otaku boards. I was going through a rough time when I first joined, and you helped me get some stuff of my chest, ghosts that I never really cleaned out of my closet. I am eternally grateful to you Jenna, and I will always be in your debt. My deepest sympathies go out to you. I have a younger sister and I could not imagine what it would be like to lose her. I hope this passage brings you comfort, for it often comforts me when I think of love ones that I have lost..."When I am saddned by thoughts of my fallen brothers, I gaze to the stars and listen to their whispers of reassurance whistling through the wind." Again, my deepest condolences Charlie[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]Well, I was always considered nerdy because of my grades. The other stereotype about me is actually true. I'm a pale, red-haired Scot-Irish lassie who can drink any man under the table... heheh... [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Bring it on!! I have never been sober enough to remember a woman drinking me under the table!! About stereotypes, I am sick of white men being considered uncool and dorky. I'm hip, I'm cool, I can do the Macarena, I'm so trendy that I could be the first white Richard Roundtree.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo] Smiling she shys away from the camera always styling her profile is that of Aphrodite with a slightly better complexion and darker hair the color of a Raven Jet Black as black as her soul she is a heart attack waiting to happen a man eater death's greeter both temptress and grim reaper a fortune 500 company wrapped up in a neat little package.[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Looking back, if I could have done one thing differently in high school I would have dated a girl named Casey Frost my sophmore year (she wasn't hot then but by the time we were juniors, oh boy!!), but if I could have done something else differently, I would have not worried so much about the relationships that I was in during highschool. You get way to depressed worrying about girls that you can't even get past second base with. A cruel fact is that you will think about every girl you ever dated (or even liked) once in awhile for the rest of your life. [/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]Piro, that is extraordinarily intriguing... It scares my friends when I am perky and giddy. They give me sugar at parties and laugh at me. o0[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Just the idea of seeing Sara perky and giddy scares me, a cynical and hyperactive persona all wrapped into one is not a pretty site. I wouldn't worry about being the black sheep of the family, I live a perfectly productive life and I am outcast by everyone that I know, including myself.[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]I am not going to post a long reply, instead I'll sum it up in one brief statement...most men cannot be best friends with someone they want to sleep with...[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]..::using his best Clint Eastwood drawl::..The real question is how lucky do you think you are? Can you change the domain before I pull the trigger? That is agood question, isn't it? So do you feel lucky, punk? In other words please don't change the name, pleease, puleaaase, puh-lease![/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Okay, one more time for all of you understudies that have not been paying attention to the situation in North Korea for the past half century. Ever since the US's involvement in Korea ended, North Korea and the US have been engaged in a political pissing contest. Everytime the US gets inolved in a skirmish (for example Bosnia), North Korea makes idle threats in an attempt to gain concessions and recognition fom the international community. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. They have been relativly unsuccessful with China, however, they gained huge ground in concessions in trade with Taiwan during Desert Storm. North Korea's political regime is just desperatly and idly threatening the US in order to maintain their current government.[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]That is what I like to call a "rookie mistake". Let us review where you went wrong. First off, instead of telling her that "Surprise that would change her view of Valentines Day", you should have said, "well, why don't you and your friends join us and we'll have an anti-celebration together". Your next mistake was throwing the flowers away...roses are expensive. You should have given them to her later and said something like, "I know you celebrated an anti-valentines day, but I think that every girl should get roses on Valentine's Day." If that would have made you uncomfortable, you could have given them to a random girl at your friends party and said "Here, take these roses, every pretty girl needs flowers today and the person that they were meant for isn't here" (boy, that would be great introduction, gotta remember that one). But enough of your mistakes, this is how you rectify the situation. Ask her out again, and make sure it is just you and her, not you and her and friends. If she accepts, take her somewhere nice and ask her how her valentines day went, apoligizing that you gave her such short notice about your friends party. Then have a good time and be yourself. Good luck.[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]I have heard tons of rumors about a new outlaw star series/movie and I think it is a good idea. Jim and Jean still haven't made it "big" yet and McDougal is still out there. But, for arguments sake, the end of the series was quite gratifying for me. All of the mysterious origins were revealed, and all of the situations were rectified, you can't ask for too much more then that.[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]As I have stated many times before, Akira was my first exposure to anime (besides Robotech in the mid-eighties), and I immediatly fell in love the the genre. Akira is such a versitle anime. It has a very involved Sci-fi plot yet they go in depth into charecterization. And the ainimation, boy oh boy, for the time this was as crisp as they came...Akira is almost Disneyesque in clarity.[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]Always happy to oblige the ocean wanders the sea bleeds the pied piper plays his reeds all the king's horses and all the king's men could not stop the children from following his hymn through the mountians they ramble east after the man who is truly a beast they come to ocean and the piper feeds the ocean wanders the sky bleeds.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Happy Valentines day everybody! Despite my garrish, festive appearence (today I am wearing a pink dress shirt and a red, flowered tie to work) I am the Ebaneezer Scrooge of Valentines Day. I think that old St. Val missjudged the strength of his arrow when he shot yours truly in the rump, for today just seems like one big pain in the *****![/color]
  23. [color=indigo]The old man stood by the sea as waves trumpeted their songs and salt filled the breeze. The old man stood by the sea as the world slowly died and heroes fell to their knees. The old man stood by the sea as the sky caved in and the fires ran free. And the old man stood by the sea pondering if heaven was all it was cracked up to be.[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]I don't really think that people view lesbians any diffrent then male homosexuals. Most men aren't even aroused by the idea of two women getting it on, they just enjoy the thought that maybe those two women will give them an invite (at least that is my take on it...by the way, if you are one of two attractive lesbians involved in making out with another attractive lesbian, feel free to give me an invitation...on second thought, don't; I have enough trouble dealing with one girl at a time :p).[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I think the old saying "blinded by love" should be replaced by "blinded by my need for love". I think you just wanted your knight in shining armor so badly that you tried to form that *** Mike into Prince Charming. I don't think this is uncommon or anything you should feel ashamed of, I always try and make the people I am dating seem like more then they are. Deb, you have the soul of a romantic, and it isn't a bad thing. You seem to be an attractive, charming, charismatic young woman. You can and will find true love, but don't make to much of an effort to find it...to quote the bard "If you look for love it is doubtful that love will look for you." Just enjoy being single, the right guy will pop up soon enough.[/color]
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