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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]I don't think I am getting anything...Santa is still prettyangry at me for putting exlax in the Raindeer's feeders on Christmas Eve, despite that I called everyone in Maine and Vermont and apoligized.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]I saw it last night at midnight...it is unbelievable. I don't want to spoil thing for the rest of you, but it "is" even better then the first instalment, the special effects will blow your mind...[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]I once recieved green plastic army men from my uncles girlfriend...I think my uncle had failed to inform her that I was sixteen at the time[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]My mom grew up with big, bad Billy Han, the former assistant coach, so I have been fortunate enough to meet "scary Gary" several times. He is a really cool guy, I think you would truly enjoy playing for him.[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]It is kind of stupid to worry about the future of the boards and who it would be passed down to. theOtaku.com and otakuboards.com are Adam's creations (along with James, and a slew of others, help) and he will do what he feels is best for the otaku community and himself. Adam and James are both bright individuals...don't worry about the otaku community...it is in good hands.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]I would like to meet Heaven's Cloud because he seems so sexy and intelligent...:p I would like to meet a bunch of people from the boards, I think it would be neat to sit down and play the guitar with Lady Macaidoh, write some poetry with Rico and Raiha, discuss politics with James, watch anime with Seph and Rick Hunter, throw back a couple drinks with Baby Girl, visit Australia and go clubbing with Del...the list just goes on and on...if I had a bunch of money I would definatly follow through with Elite's idea and throw a big Otaku bash at a swanky convention center...it would be a pretty nifty event.[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B] I have realised that i'm not very approachable on the boards as I am in real-life, probably because i'm generally not the one make an effort to approach people and become friends with them in reality. Never had to, as people are just attracted to me (Trust me, it's not always a good thing).[/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I am attracted to you Del, and it isn't a good thing :p (j/k). I think I am pretty much the same on the boards as I am in real life. I am moody, cynical, and sort of a loner. I am quite gregarious, but I have few real friends, I enjoy it better that way, it helps to keep from spreading loyalties to thin.[/color]
  8. [quote]the supporting cast was left in the dust[/quote] [color=indigo]For some reason, I was not bothered by not having closure on the other two charecters in the final episode, I think the writers did a good job resolving their "sub plots" before the final two episdoes. [spoiler]Faye finally remebered her past and Jet resolved both the issues of his old love and his distroyed arm. That left Spike, the "main charecter", to finalize the story line. I am a huge fan of this series because of the ending...the hero loses his love and dies fighting his nemisis. Spike had his chance to escape his past, but he chose to reawaken his demons...an act that cost him his life.[/spoiler][/color]
  9. [color=indigo] The man with the Gun I played god the other day and weilded a .45 I shot old Mr. Gregory right between they eyes. He didn't cry He didn't scream when I pulled the hammer back. For he knew that I was god that day and that my mood was black. I sent his soul to heaven to visit his dead wife I let him buy his soul that day but the price he paid was life[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]If Jeff realizes that you are attracted to him he may be trying to figure out how he feels about you. If you have been friends for awhile, then he is probably weighing the pros and cons of dating you (or at least asking you out).[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]For far too long I bore heaven's weight upon my shoulders it is time to shrug off my burden and cast the stars into the sea, For isn't that where they truly belong?[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]I live in North Carolina, and very few of the people that live here have a grasp on the English language. Here is some redneckese Y'all- A group of people; [i]how y'all doin?[/i] fixin- Preparing to do something; [i]I'm fixin to go eat supper[/i] how nice- **** you; [i]well how nice[i/][/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]ME! Although I'm not a graduate.... yet... soon to be.... but I don't have any expereinces with girls ;) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I almost cried this line made me laugh so hard. 1337, I hate too tell you this, but you have yet to be in a serious relationship, even if you dated your former girlfriend for a year. It is impossible to Have a serious relationship at 15... By the way, Mnemolth, your post would be more true if it read[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth [/i] [b]Cos if you graduate from college without ever having had a girlfriend, then really, you're making your life [b][color=indigo]much [i]softer[/i][/color][/b] than it need be.[/b] [/quote] [color=indigo]It could also read "much more limp and flaccid"[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]Name: Charlie [b]Age:[/b] twenty-two...it is disturbing that I need a hyphen in my age [b]DOB:[/b] June 16, 1980 [b]Location:[/b] Winston-Salem, North Carolina [b]One Word:[/b] Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious [b]No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word:[/b] a$shole [b]Occupation:[/b] Manager at Structure, occasionally I moonlight in North Carolina's University System [b]Color:[/b] I like 'em all [b]Food:[/b] New York strip steak, well rubbed and seasoned, cooked medium rare [b]Beverage:[/b] Whiskey, Coke, Whiskey and coke (but only when it is cheap whiskey) [b]Alter Ego:[/b] My Ego is big enough, I don't need an alternate one [b]Dream Job:[/b] Musician [b]Self-Proclaimed:[/b] Romeo [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Too mixed to know [b]Extracurricular:[/b] enjoying life [b]Hobby:[/b] strumming my guitar [b]Dessert:[/b] My moms cheesecake [b]Musician:[/b] The Boss, Jimi, Sir Paul, Sir Elton, an Jack Johnson, Clapton...on and on [b]Group:[/b] Led Zepplin, The Doors, CSNY, Pearl Jam, and, of course the Beatles [b]Mac or PC?[/b] Don't really care [b]Nics:[/b] Charles in Charge, Charlie's Angels, Charlie Batch, online: HC [b]Blog:[/b] What now? [b]Home Page:[/b] None [b]Religion:[/b] Charlieism [b]Book:[/b] Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa [b]Collections:[/b] Pez Dispensers, Comic Books [b]Sport:[/b] Basketball [b]Won't Eat:[/b] Cuscus [b]TV Show:[/b] The Simpsons, SNL [b]Words to live by:[/b] Trying just leads to failure [b]Addicted to:[/b] sex, drugs, and rock and roll...actually just porn [b]Comic:[/b] Spiderman, X-Men [b]Movie:[/b] Caddyshack, Anything by Kevin Smith [/color]
  15. [color=indigo]So tired of being tired I just want to get some sleep I had a shaman cast a spell on me but it just made me weep. He said it would send the sandman he said it would give me dreams instead he sent a mongolian carnival midget IknownothingrhymeswithmongoliancarnivalmidgetbutIamterriffiedofthemandIwasn'tfeelingcreativetodaysoblah! the end[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]I don't exercise my right to vote because I never feel truly educated about the candidates that are participating. I know what 80 percent of the general public knows, media advertisments that mudsling and spew venom, usually because of an incident that happened in a candidates distant past. Anyways, in North Carolina the main event is for the Senator Jessie thankgodtheracistignorantbastardisgone Helms former seat. Libby Dole...yes, Bob Dole's crazy wife is running against democrat Erskin Boles. Libby pretty much destroyed the Red Cross so I am hoping she dosen't win, however, I know so little about Boles I am afraid to go cast my ballet and vote for him...[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Pot is sooo yesterday. Now the drug of choice is heroin...anybody got a belt? The best advice I could give you is to not do drugs at all...although it would be hypocritical advice. [/color]
  18. [color=indigo]Duh, outer beauty is, like, so much more important. I mean,like, wow, wouldn't it suck to be, like, ugly? I mean, like, then you couldn't participate in, like, all the cool things that us beautiful people, like, ponder...like should I drink tab or diet pepsi, I mean, like, tab is soooo much better but diet pepsi is, like, pepsi and Brittany Spears drinks it...like how cool is that?[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]I have always considered myself a fairly intelligent guy (not brilliant, mind you, but a few of my brain cells have eluded the carbonated poison that saturates my blood stream every friday and saturday night), but now I realize I am a dolt, a mere simpelton that has no ability or right to function in moderen civilization. I don't care for fighting, but I have fought before and, if put into a situation where I find myself being threatened with physical harm, I will fight again. It is unrealistic to say that you can avoid any or all possible conflicts...a man could walk up to you in a bar and just hit you for no reason, it has happened to me before. When it happened I defended myself and struck back. Although I didn't win that fight (is there ever truly a winner in a fight? In this case there was, and it wasn't me), I protected myself as best I could, and I don't think I was stupid for doing it.[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]Ask her if she can cast a spell that will make me $50. I could really use the money after my Holloween weekend of barhopping. At least ask her to travel back in time and put some asprin in my pocket so I don't have such a wicked headache.[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]Normal is conforming with a mass group in a given situation. For example, if everyone at your school shops at wear clothes from American Eagle, listen to Eminem, and eat ham sandwiches for lunch...then that would be "the norm". A better example would be a "normal" member of the boards. The average member is between 13 and 15 yrs old, has had a DBZ avatar, and mainly posts in three forums (rarely posting elsewhere). That would be a "normal" member.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Don't worry, I'm not either...although I didn't really expect to be...I was just hoping. Apparently I am a lot like Anna? I really don't see that one, unless Anna has turned really shallow and cynical. I took it again and changed one of the awnsers that I was iffy on and found out that I am also like...WristCutter...yeah, right...[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]Fields of wheat whisper Secrets of the Harvest moon Our plate bountiful.[/color]
  24. [color=indigo] Watch out for the man in the corner the one with the shifty eyes. He has the devils temper and black coals for eyes. He says his name is Lucifer but that is just a lie. He has no power to take your soul but he will still skin your hide.[/color]
  25. [quote]Hot Head, I think they are talking about the author, Dickens. Um well, I haven't actually read anything of him but a few pages I guess. I tried David Copperfield but couldn't get into that. Then Moby Dick, couldn't get into that either. It goes on and on. I just can't get into his books for some odd reason.[/quote] [color=indigo]WOW! I never realized that Moby Dick was written by Dickens! All this time I have been giving credit to that jerk Herman Melville. Hey Melville, don't put your name on the cover of books you didn't write! I do like or dislike Dickens. Oliver Twist and a Tale of Two Cities were slow reading...but I did enjoy Great Expectations immensely (I think I have had one too many Estellas in my life). You have to respect a guy who takes forty pages to say "the ocean is blue" in a descriptive way.[/color]
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