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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
[color=indigo]I hate to sound mean, but it doesn't seem to me like you LOVE either of these girls. If you did, it would be an easy choice to make, [i]neh[/i]? I think that you have a crush/slightcaseofinfatuation with one of the girls but you are comfortable in the relationship you are in right now. It really doesn't matter which one you end up dating, decisions like this usually occur with relationships that last for a brief moment...[/color]
[color=indigo]Oh Seph...I forgot all about you. You definatly get an honorary seat, just because you are so gosh darn likeable. I can't believe I left you out...guess I need to lay off all the crack :p[/color]
[color=indigo]I think I remember studying a type of depression (and I am pretty sure it was a bi-polar condition) that had symptoms that occured only during bad weather and was more frequent in winter. The treatments (for the majority of people) are lithium and and a special lamp that simulates sunlight (a patient sits under the light for an hour a night). That probably isn't your problem, but I thought it was a nifty piece of info.[/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]Well it is a new day...so here is a new poem... Raiha, Rico...please come back and post! Forever is not so long briefer then a whisper quicker then a blink But a moment can last an eternity if your soulmate for forever sends a kiss goodbye on the autumn wind.[/color] -
[color=indigo] Fortune fades away My bowl of rice is shallow Yet I am content[/color]
[color=indigo]Of course I WOULD!! Strange awnser, huh? Well let me do some explaning. If it was true love, and I mean absolutly and unconditionally, I would trade anything for just one moment with that person...even if I had to risk losing them again. This is why. I would want to tell them all of the things I left unsaid and just let them know that I loved them, unconditionally, one more time.[/color]
[color=indigo]We had an old thread that was a haiku game...but it was old and this is new...so here it goes Dead leaves fall from high discontent in the autumn they seek springs escape[/color]
[color=indigo]Ouch...sounds like to days from hell. Hopefully you can pick up the pieces quickly. Remember to prioritize. Take care of your job first...then worry about the server problem...and don't worry about women, they are all insane anyways. One minute they hate you, the next they love you, the next minute they are dirty dancing with some meathead looking guy in a frilly blue tux at your best friends wedding reception.[/color]
[color=indigo]I fail to see how someone that states "I respect everyone" truly respects no one. In some cases this may be true, but I think you are making a broad generalization. I'll give you brief example. A person could say that they "respect" everyone's posts on the boards. That statment doesn't necassarily mean that they agree with what they say, value thier opinion, or even believe that the poster has the right to exist. It could just mean that person respects everyone's post for different reasons...or at least respects the person for taking the time to post. Maybe that is not the greatet support for a point, but I am quite tired right now...prehaps later I'll have a better example.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Battlepoop [/i] [B]Here's a pretty easy one if you think about it: A man walked into a bar and asked for a glass of water. The bartender pointed a gun at him. The man then said thank you, and walked out. Why? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]My guess is that the gun goes squirt instead of bang.[/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]I missed the last train it left me standing with my hands thrust in my coat's pockets sleet pelting off my damp hair. I missed your death it left me crying with my hands clutching my cheeks tears cascading from my chin I missed my life it left me breathless with my hands grasping the heavens life slipping away from its vessel I missed the last train it left me standing with my hands pummeling the pavement destiny clutching my finger tips[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GoldScorpion78 [/i] [B]I've attempted suicide no less than 100 times. 120 to be more exact. And I've smoked and drank, and yes i know im only 13. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]tut...tut, it seems like you are unable to finish what you start...I bet you had a tough time with long division. [size=1](ps. my post is a joke...an untasteful, unsympathetic one, but a joke none the less...please don't go kill off killing yourself because I made a snide remark)[/size][/color]
[color=indigo]I have great respect for everyone on the boards, and all of their opinions...no matter how off the wall or stupid they may seem. There are a few members, however, that I truly must thank...although some I have never even communicated with (via IM or PM). Cera: Although I have never written to you or talked with you via IM, I have read nearly everyone of your posts since I joined the boards. Your wirting style is incredible and your wit and sarcasm never cease to amaze and humor me. Justin: You are a good guy...what more can I say...errr write. From the few times that I have talked with you (via PM) and the hundreds of your posts that I have read, I have come to realize that you are the kind of person I wished I could have been at your age. Your passion, knowledge, and attitude combined with your ability to admit when you are wrong (which is a hard thing to do) has earned you my respect. BabyGirl: Who else could read the deranged rants of a lunatic (that lunatic is, of course, yours truly) for thirty minutes at a time? For your patience, your humor, and your coolness (yeah, that is a bad word, but I couldn't think of a better one) I send you my fondest wishes and I raise my glass to toast you happiness and success. James: Although I don't always agree with you, I always enjoy your opinions and I respect the way that you run the boards...I think that without you the boards would fall into chaos and be ransacked by one-eyed corsairs. RickHunter: You are the only person that I enjoy talking to at three in the morning. Thank you for the late night conversations, your knowledge of anime, and for your knowledge in general...which I think is vastly under appreciated and over looked by many members. Delian: I don't know why I see you as a kindred spirit on the boards...maybe it is because I joined at roughly the same time you did, maybe it is because we are both the same age. I don't know...but thank you for being you. LM: Where are you? I miss you incredibly. I know that you may never read this but you are my favorite flame-haired guru of all time. I hope that someday soon we can sit down and bust out some blues licks togther. Until then I wish you creative dreams in swirly, trippy themes...for I think that is what would please you the most.[/color]
[color=indigo]OOC: Okay, here it is...again "sigh" The candle light danced on the dank walls of the old monestary. Musky smoke from lit incense wafted through the air, mingling with the smell of mold, freshly baked bread, and cheap wine. Behind the sparsly decorated alter an ancient monk finished cleaning a beate up wooden chalice with an old silk rag. A tall, brooding man knelt in front of him. Man: "Thank you for recieving me so late father. I hope I have not inconvienenced you." Monk: "You are never an inconvienence, Mackalic. I only wish that more of my flock were as devouted as you." Mackalic: "How can you praise my devoution, father, knowing that I am unable to turn the other cheek...I am unable to do our lord Jesu's bidding. I hunt and kill. No that is wrong! I stalk and murder! I only wish I were as devouted as you or Friar Domingo!" Monk: "Dear boy, you are walking the path God has chosen for you. You protect your flock, as both I and Friar Domingo do...you just hunt the wolves instead of scare them away. Never doubt your destiny boy. Come, let us give you some hot food and a soft bed, tomorrow you will have a busy day."[/color]
[color=indigo]Name: Mackalic Desired Races: I really don't care Weapon: Throwing knives (no hilts, just small blades) Alignment: Army of the People Bio: Mackalic is a tall, dark, pious man...I'll reveal more about his background as the story unfolds...[/color]
[color=indigo]I guess this is a late entry but what the hey... Name: Mackalic Desired Races: I really don't care Weapon: Throwing knives (no hilts, just small blades) Alignment: Either... Bio: Depends on race...[/color]
[color=indigo]Anger...rising...rising...RISING...falling..........RISING!!! Heaven's Cloud Angry!!! Want to smash puny clicking site...Roar!!! During all of that clicking I accidently destroyed my mouse in a fit of rage, time to email that site to all of my gullible, unsuspecting friends.[/color]
Sign Up Tekken-The King of Iron Fist Tournament
Heaven's Cloud replied to Sephiroth's topic in Theater
[color=indigo]I rarely participate in these anymore, but I figured that the players and the story seems intriguing (it also doesn't hurt that Seph created it)...so, I guess I am the tenth entry for the up and coming King of Iron Fist Tournament, hopefully the sign up won't get saturated with more entries and I will be able to play. Name: Tyson Caige Age: 34 Fighting Style: Jeet Kun Do and Kejitsu Country of Origin: America Bio: Tyson Caige's father, Johnson Caige, was a Corpral in the US Marine Corps. During Tyson's childhood and adolesence, Johnson was stationed in Taiwan, promoting peace and, at the same time amassing great wealth in the black market. During his highschool years, Tyson also became quite active in the black market, and by the time he was twenty, it was assumed that Tyson would move to main land China and become the next Tai-Pan. The crumbling government in Taiwan, however, destroyed Tyson's aspirations of becoming the next Tai-Pan, and he and his father returned to America. Tyson was a true entrepreneur and he used his savvy business skills and his father's millitary connections to create the largest arms manufacturing company in America. Lately, however, Tyson's weapons projects have been sabotaged by members of the Mishima Zaibatsu. Tyson decided to enter the tournament to seek revenge on Hiachi Mishima...[/color] -
[color=indigo]I don't know if what you did was right or wrong. So he was late for practice, so he lied...big deal, if (and this is a big if) he only did it once. He made a mistake and tried to cover it up, in my mind the best thing to do would have been to sit down with the actor and tell him that he needs to get his priorities in order. If he is not going to be dedicated you need to know so that you can replace him, however, if this is a one time incident, you guys could let it slide...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Love for one's self (not in an arrogant or egotistical way). You can't get too far without that.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]C'est Vrai. Piro, you and I must be on the same wave length. As soon as I read the first post, I thought to myself "well, to truly love one's self is the most important thing of all"...[/color]
[color=indigo]You can purchase all of the Cowboy Bebop Soundtracks on Amazon.com. Sometimes Suncoast carries "OST 1" and "Blue", But it is a rare find...youy may also be able to buy them at [url]www.cowboybebop.com.[/url] Happy Hunting...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B][COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, that is great =) I can see those hidden weapons in the third picture better then the other two *looks around to make sure no one thinks he is serious* . . *shrug* Oh well =) [/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I thought you were serious. I didn't read your entire post and I ...ahem...went back and looked at the picture again. I guess I need to quit hanging out with Spiccoli and the gang (kudos to you if you get that joke :P)...[/color]
[color=indigo]Well, it seems as though I have awnsered a number of threads regarding my hobbies...so most of you already know my main intrests, so here are some other things that I enjoy doing in my spare time (what little of it I have). I enjoy surfing (although I am by no means good at it), fishing (strictly catch and release, although I rarely catch anything to release), going to the gym, playing basketball, shooting pool, playing all types of video games, watching tapes of stand up comics, watching old and new episodes of the Simpsons, and, of course, sleeping (which I haven't had anytime to do lately). [/color]
[color=indigo]If I hadn't read the posts by other male members, I would have agreed with the qoute that CWB posted...men don't have friends, they have chums, buddies, mates, ect. I guess I sound like the stereotypical male when I say that, but I think that the few people that I talk to regularly online would have a hard time believing that I am like that. I guess I find it a lot easier to bear my soul to people that I will, more than likely, never see. Now, on to Mnemolth's "When Harry Met Sally" ramble. I think that heterosexual men past the age of fifteen only have female friends that A) they are or were attracted too, B) had or have a friend that they are attracted too, C)have had that friend throughout childhood [/color]
[color=indigo]I've been playing the trumpet since I was 4...which, now that I think about it is longer then most of you guys have been alive, a little over 18 years. Although I don't play that much anymore, occasionally I'll go play at the "free jam" session at the local jazz club, Leon's. I also play the guitar, an instrument that I have become insanly frustrated playing, because I always think I am getting better and then I realize how little I know. One day I am going to pull a Pete Townsend and smash my guitar to bits...hopefully I'll have enough money to buy a new one.[/color]