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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]How did I miss this one...okay here it goes[/color] [quote] 99% of the guys here would be unable to say no if an attractive girl asked them out - and the other 1% is gay.--Wrist Cutter[/quote] [color=indigo]I agree 100%...I'd say yes.[/color] [quote]I believe happiness is the key to love.--TN [/quote] [quote]And maybe love is the key to happiness.--Cera [/quote] [color=indigo]And (if you are a consenting adult) sex is the key to both :p [/color]
  2. [color=indigo] Your eyes scorch my soul, they burn away my humanity and expose my heart engulfing it in Love's eternal flame.[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]I hate mind games...your first mistake was pouring your heart out to her, that is never a good move, at least until you have been seriously dating for a long time. Another thing I do want to point out was Erik is probably a friend that a)she doesn't talk to online b)a good friend or c)a made up person...she knew that you would try to contact her via IM, so she probably tried to make you jealous. Now, for the true problem...you have put the ball in her court, a guy never wants the ball in "her court". Now it is up to her to decide what she will do. This is how I would handle the situation. Call her on the phone (if you can meet her in person that is even better) and say "I think you are a really cool girl and I'd love to date you, but,if you don't want that kind of relationship, I'd still like to hangout some time and be friends because I really enjoy your company and you are insanly fun to be around..." This line puts the ball back into "your" court because there is very little chance the girl will say "no way! I don't want to be your friend!". This move also forces the girl to hang out with you at least one more time...the rest is up to you...[/color]
  4. [color=indigo] The rain beats on my roof pitter-patter, pitter-patter It stirs me whispering rumors and lies arousing my suspicions turning me against you. I know the rain pitter-patter, pitter-patter lies But does the wind also? For it bangs my shutter clatter-bang! clatter-Bang! screaming malicious gossip that it heard from a tree that saw you and he walking together. I know the rain pitter-patter, pitter-patter lies And the wind clatter-bang! clatter-bang! may be misinformed But I fear I have lost you because my most reliable source, the stars in the heavens, have not come out in many a night[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]My favorite quote of all times comes from the icon of American parenting, Homer Simpson..."Honey, when people don't like their jobs, they don't quit, they just go in everyday and do it really half-assed...that is the American way." A close second is this infamous quote from Caddyshack "Do you do drugs Danny?" "Everyday" "Good"[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Wow, I haven't posted a poem in a long time, but being in a melancholy mood today I think I will pencil some prose... I thought that your touch would heal but I must have been misinformed. For, in place of the pain which I no longer feel, I have been left with a void that is infinite times worse. Is this what love lost truly feels like?[/color]
  7. [color=indigo] Strong-Points 1. My Humor (while you might not think I am funny, I think I'm hilarious) 2. My easy going manner 3. Although I am not an intellectual, I do consider myself a fairly intelligent person Weak Points 1. I am a hopeless romantic. Because of this fallicy most of my relationships tend to be extremely short... 2. I work to hard...I haven't had a work week under 65 hours in two months 3. Although I am easy going, I am very suspicious in nature...I tend to expect the worst from people[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Here are several opinions that I would like to state regarding this thread. 1. I don't believe that the terrorists are martyrs...if they destroyed an army base, crashed into the statue of liberty, or bombed the white house prehaps I would concede that they were martyrs for their cause. All that they did was take the lives of hard working mothers and fathers that were about to begin their business day. 2. Osama Bin Laden is a coward amongst cowards...he talks the talk but can't walk the walk...he orders his own men to give their lives for a chance at paradise, but he is too afraid to sacrifice himself in his so called "holy war" 3. Of course the US wants the aide of Australia's elite fighting force, we also want the aide of Russia's, Britian's and Isreal's elite fighting forces to help us in Iraq. If we can gather a coalition of the best soldiers from all over victory will be swift and the casualties minimal...it is no different when other countries ask for America's aide in warfare...with combined technology and the best soldiers a conflict can be resolved efficently[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]I don't need to delude myself...I am the greatest, most perfect person in existence... To be honest (that is a phrase you [u]never[/u] use when you are talking about lying) I used to fibb to my parents when I was in highschool about everything...drugs, booze, sex...but I stopped lying to them when they stopped asking me questions.[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]Just remeber boys and girls, taking a depressant plus an antidepressant does not negate effects...it just causes bizzare things to occur in your body...such as a constant feeling that monkeys are hurling coconuts at your head.[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I think that Faye was the most misunderstood charecter in Cowboy Bebop, she always came off as a tough as nails chica, but throughout the series she became more and more layered.[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]Hmm... lessee..... who do you think would have done better with the situation we're in now? Gore or Bush?[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]This hypothetical is one of the worst phrased questions that I have ever come across (I am not saying this to be mean, just to try and illict clarification). What present situation are you refering to? The country in general? The economy? The war against terrorism? If you are asking the question "Would Gore have been a better president then Bush?", my first response would be to say "who knows". However, after a briefly analyzing the two men, I do not feel that Gore would have been a better president then Bush. He may have been as good, I think he would have handled the 9/11 situation in a similar fashion, but I doubt that he would have been better. Neither man has the ability to captavate the American public the way a great leader should. I believe that if Bush was a great orator (like Bill Clinton) he could be a great president...he has some very good ideas, he just has a problem conveying them.[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]I definatly don't think that you are blowing it out of proportion. Depression can be an extremely serious issue, and, although it may not seem that serious right now, you may want to at least speak to your physician about it. If it has come to the point where you are staying awake and crying every night, then it may help to take some medication for a short while. Whatever you decide to do, just remeber that you wake up to a new day everyday.[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]Of course there wouldn't be wars...because this is what the dialoge between countries would be like. America: Did you see the way Asia was wearing her hair...she looked like such a little tramp England: God I hate Asia...her hair looks so horrible, and those dresses that she wears don't even fit... [i]Asia Walks in...[/i] America and England: High Asia!! You look so pretty today, we love your hair! Asia: Thanks guys, you are so nice... [i]America leaves[/i] Asia: God, I hate that stupid little America, she thinks she is everyones best friend. England: She can be nice sometimes...not like that moron France... See, no wars, all the countries would just talk about each other behind thier backs[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B]Wait a sec, if democratcy doesn't work what will? Another thing, you can't please everyone. If not democratcy, the only choise we have is communism. Is it not? [/b][/quote] [color=indigo]No, there are tons of different governmental systems, so communism is not the only alternative to democracy. Dictatorships and Oligarchys have worked in the past, and for a third world country that has a small population, they are not neccassarily a bad thing IF (and it is a big if) the leaders rule for the well being of the people.[/color] [quote][b]Things are getting out of hand, the usa is getting into war, several countries are getting mad at america... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]There are always several countries that are mad at America, who cares. I think that since 9/11 America has become more introverted (although it is very arguable that we have always been introverted, we just lend assistance when we find it beneficial) then it previously was, and care less about stepping on toes when it comes to foriegn policy.[/color] [Quote][i]posted by Saiya-jinro[/i][b]Look at all the companies, they just want money.[/b][/quote] [color=indigo] Of course companies just want money, it is a COMPANY not a charity...(and even they are greedy). The corrupt CEO's of Enron and World Com were overly greedy, but you cannot judge an entire nations economical system by a handful of companies. I would respond to the rest of your post, but I cannot decipher your post. Please try and post in a clearer mannor in the future.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]We already have a favorite charecter section, please post in that...also please read the forum Rules.[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Stay Awake All Night!! Why would I want to do that? Sleep is good...I wish I could sleep all the time, my dreams are much more interesting then real life.[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] I think Bush is doing a good job. I mean--at least an ok job, good enough to get by. I know that Bush isn't and will never be our best president (I think JFK was).[/quote] [color=indigo] JFK hmm...why? What did JFK do to make himself te greatest president? People claim that John was the best president, but what exactly did he do that puts him on par with Washington, Lincoln, or FDR? His potential as a leader was never realized.[/color] [quote]Anyways, look at the stock market--companys are rapidly going into bankrupcy and laying off jobs, the stock market is falling like crazy, and Bush is more worried about picking fights with the 'Axis of Evil'. Before doing that he could at least give the economy a boost. [/quote] [color=indigo]I doubt that Bush is more concerned with picking fights then trying to fix the economy. Bush is a pretty intelligent guy, and I am pretty sure that he knows that having a healthy economy is the best way to guarantee reelection. There is only so much that a president can do to effect the economy.[/color] [quote] Now I think these nations are bad (especially Iraq), but why fight when it won't change ANYTHING. Why have another sad, cold, war just for nothing. Because it's a common fact that there will always be someone bad, someone who wants to rule over everyone, and it will never end. I mean all of us are corrupted in someway or another--greed, hate...these are but a few. [/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Yes, but not all of us are fanatical, sadistic megalomaniacs. I think that different countries need different governmental systems...democracy doesn't work for everyone, but no government should be ruled through terror. If Saddam Hussien is removed, it may not solve Iraq's leadership problem, but it could. I think it is a chance that the UN should take (although they better not do it half-@$$ed).[/color]
  19. [color=indigo] Well, I don't think this conversation is going anywhere...I doubt that Sony tried to influence sales by placing a PSX in CB.[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]There is a save sphere in the area between the inn and Macalania Woods...I saved every twenty or thirty dodges and it didn't reset on me.[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]Thanks for the run down...I usually catch smackdown at the gym, but today all of the old men were watching the British open...Golf does not get the weightlifting juices going like wrestling does...[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Hey look at me, I'm Avril Levign, I'm going to make fun of a guy who is going preppy by writing a POP SONG! I know there is supposed to be a deeper meaning to this song, but even the "deeper meaning" is shallow and pointless. I think the rest of her songs are poppy garbage. She is just capitalizing off of the success of my fixation (more like infatuation), Michelle Branch (so hot....want to touch the hiney). Anti-Britney Spears Chic Rockers are the trend right now, unfortunately it is as bad a trend as boy bands are.[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]Damn US gets Simpsons episodes before us UK'ers, and please for gods sake put a spoiler on, now I freaking know what happens! *bangs head against wall in frustration* [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]That stinks Seph...I think you may have just missed that Episode though...it is over three years old here in the states.[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]I just finished watching the movie...it was okay. The dragons were really cool (especially when the bull is percherd on top of the castle). Plot wise, I thought the movie needed a little more development, especially since Christian Bale and Matthew McConaughey are both pretty good actors (although McConaughey's plug for his old movie during reign of fire was shameless).[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]A little tip, save every ten consecutive bolts...then if you get hit after you have dodged a ton of bolts, you can try again...[/color]
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