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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
[color=indigo]As for your one unawnsered question...you can get a lot of megalixars by capturing a Varuna in the Omega Ruins. After capturing him, bribe him with 1,200,000 Gil and he will give you 20 megalixers...that will allow you to equip a weapon with double AP (actually, you may only need 10, I can't remeber off of the top of my head) One added tip, use Lancet on Omega Weapon to learn Kimahri's Nova...[/color]
[color=indigo]I have a pretty funny story that only has a little to do with fashion, but I didn't want to start a thread about it. As many of you know, I am a assistant manager at Structure and I also used to work at Abercrombie. I am the only straight manager and one of the four (out of 16) straight employees, which doesn't bother me because all the people I work with are really cool (this is just a little background info that will be useful if you actually read my post). Anywho...(gosh that is catchy, I am going to have to start ignoring Anna and Queen Asuka's posts, I keep on wanting to use anywho...darn trend setters)...I was working today, when this scrawny 18 or 19 year old guy comes in. I approach him and try to do my job and sell him some clothes, here is the conversation that occured. Me: Welcome to Structure, what brings you to the store today? Kid: Nothing. Me: Well, just to let youy know we got a bunch of new stuff in for fall... Kid: I don't shop here, I'm not gay. Me: Excuse me? Kid: I am not a "bleepity bleep" (the words he used are a little harsh, so I censored them) Me: What does being gay have to do with wearing clothes from Structure...I am not gay, but I don't appreciate your language. If you don't want to shop here feel free to to leave. Kid: I ain't goin nowhere! I want to talk to a manager! Me: I am the manager on duty right now, and you should be thankful of that, because the other two would have probably sent you to the hospital. By the way what is your problem with homosexuals? Are you afraid to admit to yourself that you find men attractive... why do you have to bury your true feelings behind hatred? Why don't you just come out of the closet? (By this point, the kid was furious, and he probably would have taken a swing at me if I wasn't three inches taller and forty pounds heavier then he was). Kid: "Bleep" you man! I work at Abercrombie, I am gonna go over there and get my friends and we are gonna kick your "bleepin bleep" when you get off of work. Me: (as kid walks out) Okay, have a nice day, I get off at six, I'll see you in two hours. So, at six o'clock, I walk out of the mall, and guess who is waiting, my favorite customer, and about six of his friends from Abercrombie, along with three girls (also from Abercrombie). Unknown to him, four of the guys were my really good friends (from when I worked at Abercrombie) and I dated one of the girls for a while. Kid: Lets see you talk "bleep" now! Dan: Dude, thats Charlie...why do you want to fight Charlie? Kirb: Josh (kid's name), you are going to get your "bleep" kicked...you better apologize. Me: You guys know this "bleep"? Kirb: Yeah, he said some big guy was messing with him, and told him that he was going to beat the "bleep" out of him. Josh, Charlie isn't big. Jill:(ex-girlfriend)Josh, you are such a dingus (yes, she said dingus), I can't believe you were going to fight Charlie. What happened anyway, Charlie, why would you pick on Josh? I tell them the same story I tell you. Dan: Josh, you "bleep"...do you have a problem with gay people (Dan is Gay)you "bleep"! Kid: No, man that isn't what... Josh didn't get to finish, because Dan caught him with a nice hook to the jaw (Dan is huge, 6'3, 215...all muscle) and then was on top of him. We pulled Dan off of the kid, but as we pulled him off he said the funniest thing I have ever heard... Dan: You are one lucky "bleep"! Lucky that you fell butt down you discriminating little "bleep"! Anywho...(did it again) I thought it was a funny little story, maybe the funniest thing that has happened to me in a long time...[/color]
[color=indigo]A good series always leaves the viewer wanting more, and I think that is why the ending of Cowboy Bebop is so good. I think Spike is dead, I think most viewers believe that Spike dies in the last episode...but the viewer is not given definate closure. I think the final episode is compelling to watch over and over again because it makes the viewer look for definate proof that Spike did or did not die. I know that every time I watch the episode, I imagine Spike walking down the stairs, giving his famous "bang" line, and then returning to the Bebop to hook up with (ie:"Bang") Faye...but that would be a way to sugary ending for the series.[/color]
[color=indigo]I think Marvel has done a good job weeding through scripts for movies. I have high hopes for the Daredevil flick, especially since Spiderman was so good. As for Ben Affleck, has anyone seen Phantoms...he is the $#!^ in Phantoms (or so I have heard, I never even saw the movie...)[/color]
[color=indigo]I don't understand the fascination with Creed. Why I do think that Human Clay is an okay album, every single Creed song has the same hammer on, hammer off guitar riff...it is so monotonous. I think that need expand their creativity a bit, they have talent, I just don't think they have explored their abilities enough.[/color]
[color=indigo]Okay, anyone that is college bound, take some notes...here is a list of must have items for any situation. 1. A George Foreman Grill, small size. It only costs twenty dollars, and it is a savior from cafeteria food. They are small enough to use in any dorm room, a must have for an apartment, and they are easy to clean. 2. A mirowave or coffemaker. A microwave is ideal, but, if you can't shell out the cash, a coffemaker will still let you heat up water for soup, pasta, ect... 3. A small fridge...must have in any dorm room. 4. A small lockbox. Keep it in your dresser drawer. Unfortunatly, theft is a problem, even among "trusted" roomates. 5. A second set of toiletries kept in a travel bag. This is essential for any "late night excursions" ;) (keep it in your car, if you have one) 6. At least double the amount of underwear you had in high school (trust me...laundry sucks) 7. Old flip flops to use as shower shoes. 8. If you live in an unfurnished apartment, make sure you have a queen size bed. 9. A very large cup...almost every college town has a bar that has "fill your own mug night". 10. An extra comforter (or sleeping bag) and an extra pillow for friends that visit. ...extra tip...carefully remove all colored paper braclets from bars...you can reuse these to avoid door charges and ID checks... if I think of anything else I'll let you know[/color]
[color=indigo]...I thought it wasn't cheating if she was in a different zip code, but then again, I am semi-famous (more like semi-infamous) for my infidelity. Well good luck with your ordeal guys. I think it is pretty cool that you care about your girlfriends enough to remain monagmous for extended periods of time. [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B].... Cera.... look at the dot... and move back and forth.... you should see the two "rings" move like gears.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]...and, if you look at it long enough, two fish appear and start boxing...[/color]
[color=indigo] Wow, the Isrealis control the world media and the media in the US...all this time I thought that media was controlled by various independant or government orginizations. Wow, Isreal must have a very complicated agenda, spinning news in every single perspective...I guess they are trying to throw us all into a state of utter confusion before they take over the world...(please note the sarcasm in that paragraph) Parabola, it is hysterical that you can call Americans "Damn ignorant people", especially since you have yet to prove that you have the even faintest trace of intelligence. America may have its fair share of dolts, but we are still lacking a few...considering that you reside in England.[/color]
[color=indigo]I think that pretty much sums up CB, but if you need more info go here...[url]http://www.cowboybebop.da.ru/[/url][/color]
[color=indigo]It was time for him to leave. Corran hoisted the sack of water onto his shoulder. He looked around at his humble shack for the last time, it would not be missed. Corran left at midday, so that he would not have to long in the hot desert sun. He headed southwest, towards Vin Kartia. The days passed, and his water supply began to thin, but Corran's will never faltered. Instead, his hatred grew and so did his desire for revenge....[/color]
[color=indigo]I find it funny that so many of you think that you will be banned for voicing your opinions. If you have an argument about any issue, please post it. Not everyone may agree with you but, as long as you don't swear and present a rational post, you won't be banned. I think all of the Mods, SuperMods, and even the Administrators enjoy a good argument/debate. A difference in opinions should inspire us to learn so that we can defend our point of view or modify the stance we take on an issue. I am sure that every staff member would agree with me when I say that you should never be afraid to voice your opinions (again, in a rational, polite manor) on OtakuBoards. [/color]
[color=indigo]Well I jumped back into this topic a day late and a dollar short, but I will put in my two cents (please forgive all of the lousy puns, I am too tired to use my own creativity right now). First order of business, Parabola, your topic makes no sense. Did you come up with that ridiculous conspiracy theory on your own, or do you have an actual argument to support your theory? Second order of business, F5A, I hope we are still selling arms, we give so many away that it would be nice to receive some compensation in return. Finally, I don't think that the arguing in this topic is a bad thing, as long as it is rational, constructive debating rather than long stirngs of swear words. It is good to state your opinion and defend it to the teeth, just don't get upset when someone dosen't see eye to eye with you.[/color]
[color=indigo]A second Warning, I have already deleted several posts in this thread. There are several members that are spamming the heck out of it...for the sake of those who are posting poignant responses, please stop spamming this thread. Thanks, HC[/color]
[color=indigo] I thought it was a nifty movie, it was a little strange, but I enjoyed how they tied everything together at the end. They did an excellent job wrapping all of the charecter's personalities around the main charecter's dementia. The one thing that I hate is how people said that the movie was hard to follow...I thought it was pretty straight forward, it might not have been the greatest flick but it wasn't a difficult concept to grasp.[/color]
[color=indigo] I wish that Mara Jade got involved with Corran Horn. They both had a unique outlook of the force and their child would not only have been bred to be a kick butt pilot, but he or she would have had both Mara Jade's traditional Jedi powers as well as Corran's unique abilities. By the way, I hate Yaddle...we all know that Yoda never gave her the time of day, he was a dirty, old, green imp that womanized young, buxom beauties.[/color]
[color=indigo]Corran examined his mechanical claw. His first bunk-mate at Solace Prison, Otello, grafted it onto his arm. That was right before the shifting quake and the attack of the Sand Fiends. Otello had been a master bioengineer at Tri'lek labs. He crafted all types of weapons for hume Monster Hunters, but Corran's laser claw was his finest creation. Otello created the laser claw to enhance Corran's already swift hand speed. He grafted the bio-cables to Corran's muscle and bone, and encased his elbow and shoulder joints in Bio fibres, so that Corran could evenly bear the load of the claw. The most amazing aspect of Otello's creation is its ability to assimilate other weapons and tools into it. Otello was creating various tools and contraptions for the claw when the Sand Worms attacked. They came from the North and nearly obliterated Solace Prison. During the encounter Corran was badly injured, and passed out. When he came to, the Worms had left...and Otello was gone. Ever since then the fiends have become increasingly hostile around the prison. Corran knows that he must try and escape, before he shares Otello's fate.[/color]
[color=indigo]I asked for any members that awnser your questions to put Spoiler marks on their postsfor two reasons. 1. The Movie has yet to be released for sale in most of our home towns 2. Your questions deal with the general plot of the movie Now Here is a Quiz that is not imposslible but not to easy either 1. What was VT's full name and what was her husbands full name and occupation? 2. What color was Abdul Hakim's hair before his face was reconstructed? 3. What did Vicious kill to save Grim's life? 4. What did the chemical in the Space Warrior's warhead do? 5. What is the name of the Song that plays during the credits of Jupiter Jazz (part 2)[/color]
[color=indigo]Oh man, I hate so many people...narrowing it down to five will be difficult. Who I Like 1. Han Solo...the man 2. Yoda...he was cool as a crippled imp, even cooler as a kick butt imp 3. Luke Skywalker before [u]Return of the Jedi[/u] 4. Chewie 5. R2-D2 Who I Hate 1. Jar Jar 2. The rest of the Gungans 3. Luke Skywalker after [u]The Empire Strikes Back[/u]...I don't know why, he just annoys me 4. C3PO 5. Lando Calrissian[/color]
[color=indigo]Not your girlfriend!? Well then, it seems that your friend is blamless. You just have to get over it and find another girl, maybe next time you'll act quicker...[/color]
[color=indigo] Actually, Heart Disease and Lung Cancer have not been positively linked to Marijuana, It is just assumed that it can lead to these things because it contains many of the same carcinogins that tobacco has. Most doctors agree that Marijuana is not too likely to be the direct cause of these ailments because of the incredible amount that a person would have to use. There is an old, glaringly false statistic, that states 1 joint = 20 cigarettes in terms of toxic carcinogins. This statistic was long ago disproven by both Duke University and UCLA. I am not saying that pot is a healthy thing, actually, I think if it is used habitually, it is infinitly worse then cigarettes. The toxins, especially THC, in pot can cause severe memory loss, contributes to ahlstimer disease, and rapidly destroys brain cells. In general, it makes people stupid, fast. Now, back to the original issue. I am against this law for one reason and one reason only. It segregates a particular population in the school systems. It only effects those students that participate in extraciricular activities. I don't think it targets the true problem...why segregate one group of students from the others, why not make the law apply to all high school students.[/color]
Mnemolth's Misguided Guide to Girls
Heaven's Cloud replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo] Jeez, thanks for nothing! I read that whole post and didn't learn a thing about girls. The only rule is to be yourself, because if you try to be something your not, they will find out. And remeber there is someone for everyone, but if you can't find that person don't ask for my porn library...start your own you envious pig![/color] -
[color=indigo]Well, I am not sure if I understand the situation. You said that you were "falling" for the girl. Were you dating her? If not, then I think your friend is slightly justified (although he still deserves a tap on the jaw). He could also be attracted to the girl. If he hooked up with her, then she is obviously attracted to him and you missed your initial opening...although you could steal her back and he would have to accept it. If you were dating, then give your friend a nice crack in the jaw, what is a little tap between two friends? As for the girl, while you could just dump her, don't you think it would be fun to get a little revenge;)[/color]
[color=indigo] Just a little bit of info, for you Yoko Kanno fans. She has composed many songs for various anime, but I think that if you enjoy the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack you will probably also enjoy the slightly more classical Escaflowne soundtrack[/color]