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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
Just...got...back. still...in...shock, made it a double feature, I just had to watch it twice. Yoda fight...Windu fight....Annakin and the Tuscan Raiders, so good, so good...:drool:
[color=indigo] That is right, thanks for correcting me CWB...I forgot about the old NWA, I do remeber the days of Vinnie Vegas and Diamond Stud although I was not familiar with OZ or Steel...[/color]
[color=indigo] Nope, Ric Flair was in WCW before WWF. He went to WWF and then returned to WCW. Both Kevin Nash (who was Diesel) and Scott Hall (Razor Ramon) started in the WWF and moved into the WCW as the NwO. I don't think Booker T has yet to defect to the NwO, but I missed the last Raw, so I am not sure. By the way, the coolest Bill Goldberg match (look wise) was when he fought that small cruiser weight from Canada (I can't remeber his name but his slogan was "this is my house"). The guy weighed maybe 175. He did a finishing move right away, and turned his back on Goldberg to talk trash. Goldberg, obviously unphased, was crouched, waiting to spear him. When the guy turned around, SPEAR!!!, he was almost broken in half, literally. They showed it in slow mo, and the guy took the hit wrong. Goldberg didn't bother with the Jack hammer, he just put his huge hand around the guys face and pinned him bending over. The guy didn't wrestle again for a month![/color]
[color=indigo] Bah!! I couldn't get tickets for the 12:00 show...only radio tickets and a few extras were sold. But I was able to sweet talk the manager into selling me a pair of tickets for the 11:00am show tomorrow. I told him that I had camped out all night last night and I was 3rd back from getting a ticket. I am evil!! I didn't camp out, I just kind of assimilated myself into the line at 11:00am when the box office opened. Never under estimate the power of persuasion...[/color]
[color=indigo] I just want to point out that those of us who are Americans, need to quit pinning everything on our commonder in cheif, whether it s Clinton, Bush, Reagan, ect...Our country is set up on a system of checks and balances, we need not blame one group for the falicies of a nation or its agencies. Until we are able to reform the economics involved in politics in the US we will be unable to see the full effect of any political leader because they are constantly campaigning. Clinton campaigned more or less for the last two years of his first appointment, it looks like Bush will do the same. Final Flash, I hope you are able to get into the US, and that you are not alienated already. Are country is quite spectacular and despite what many people say, our public school system has some wonderful teachers. I am sure you would learn quite a bit here. [/color]
[color=indigo] Well, the US government contols Immigration Services, it is a government agency, and it is one agency that is constantly scrutinized in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, so I do tend to blame the government for its falicies. Unfortunatly, I blame, but I can offer no true solution to our dillemma...so what if I cast the stones, that is the best part of the US, we can freely and openly disagree with any aspects that we do not like.[/color]
[color=indigo]Xander is comforted that both Jedi returned unharmed, yet he is also ashamed that he failed to protect the ambassador. Xander: I am glad that you returned safetly. I have sensed odd disturbances in the force. i have never felt anything like it before. Craig: We were attacked by Sith's, Klarna and Razar. Xander: I take it that Klarna was easy enough for you to dispatch of, but what about Razar, I heard he is quite a talented Sith. Andrew looked down in shame, and Xander broke out in laughter. Xander: Ha, ha young apprentice, don't be discouraged!! I am sure you learned a valuable lesson, and it least it didn't cost you your life. You are in good hands with Craig, he will teach you well. Craig: Don't lecture my apprentice Xander, that is job is mine and mine alone, or have you forgot that you turned your back on the Jedi order... Xander: Usually I would not let you get away with saying such things Craig, but in this case I fear you may be right. Prehaps a better Jedi would have been able to protect the ambassador better. He was kidnapped by a bounty hunter, but we have no idea where he was taken... Craig: Well, we shall continue on our original course, the ambassador will have to wait...Craig and I are going to meditate and rest, Xander please make arrangements with the pilots. Craig and Andrew walk away, leaving Xander ashamed and depressed. Andrew: Master, why were you so cruel to Master Xander. Craig: Sometimes it is important to be cruel, young apprentice. Xander was a fine Jedi, he is very wise, a courageous fighter, and very in tune with the force. Text books have been written on his unique fighting style and his use of the lighsabre. His abandonment of the Jedi order, however, could lead to his downfall. It is imperative that we do not lose him to the darkside. Andrew: Why did Xander leave the order Master? Craig: You would have to ask him Andrew...[/color] _________________________________________ OOC: Would someone please plot the course from here...I am not sure what SS Trunks or Majin Vegeta have planned for our destination...feel free to manipulate my charecter (just don't send him to the dark side).
[color=indigo] Wow, this is two posts in a row that I agree with James whole heartedly...Amazing... Whatever happened to "[i]Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.[/i]" That is the inscription on the Statue of liberty...now it should read [i]"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door[b] AND SEND THEM BACK HOME!![/b][/i]" Flash is only 14, and he is visiting his father!! It is ridiculous that our country will not grant him a limited visa to see his father. As proud as I am to be an American, if I could get a visa to New Zealand and had a good job lined up, I would hop on a plane right now...from what I have heard the country is as close to paradise as you can get, it is having its golden era like the US did in the early twenties and in the early sixties. Although no country is perfect, I think the US has unfortunatly past its prime... hopefully I will be proved wrong. [/color]
[color=indigo] I have to agree with James almost fully (which is kind of odd because we seem to have slightly differing opinions most of the time). When people see things that they cannot fully rationalize and understand they tend to classify it as "mystical" or "paranormal", but if the events are explored in a more indepth mannor there tends to be a rational or scientific explanation. [/color]
[color=indigo] Xander felt the explosion before he heard it or saw it. Focusing in on the escaping ship, he fired both his guns in an attempt to stop it. Unfortunatly, Xander's aim was screwed up by another fighter that engaged him. The laser blast bounced harmlessly off the escaping [i]Idiots Array[/i]. Xander cursed as he engaged the last of the fighters. It took him only a few moments to destroy them, but the fleeing ship had alreay jumped into hyperspace. Heading back to the damaged star ship, Xander pondered the attack. How could he have been so careless, was he again relying too much on his Jedi ability?? Entering the flight deck, an attendant grabbed Xanders attention. Attendent: Sir, the Ambassador has been kidnapped... Xander: sigh...I thought as much, our are communications down? Attendent: Yes but it should only be a short time before they are up and running. Xander: Good, as soon as they are working inform me. I must get in contact with Craig and Andrew....[/color]
[color=indigo] My dream match right now: Brock Lesnar vs. Bill Goldberg...How awesome would that be? Just a shear, unadalterated physical match. Anyways, I'd expect he Rock to return shortly, but, unfortunately for fans of the great one, he will only be an off again on again player. [quote]That segment was taped and the ambulances were switched. [/quote] And, as I have said before, the ambulances were different colors, so the WW(E) did mess up slightly;)[/color]
[color=indigo] Yeah, us US citizens are damn set in our ways, we won't even convert to metric b/c we are so friggin lazy... But if the Apocalypse is upon us, I say we should live it up and party like we did back in 1999;)[/color]
[color=indigo] No, the original version did have the Rat Pack (who are the coolest cats ever) but it didn't hold a candle to the remake. The original one had the most horrible acting ever, and the story was similar but blah...[/color]
[color=indigo] Heaven awoke. His head throbbed and his body ached, but he barely noticed the pain. He realized that he had to train, and train hard. He walked back into his small cabin and found the gravity suit. When he was hurdeling through space, Heaven had ussed his gravity suit to help propell him through space. Heaven had an entirely different use for the suit this time. He turned it up to its first setting, roughly 30 times earths gravity. Starting at a slow jog, Heaven began to sweat, he realized how much he nneded to improve so he could evolve...and get more powerful...[/color]
could sum1 gimme sum advice??
Heaven's Cloud replied to sailor stardust's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]i suppose U wuldnt Mind if i typd liK this then... ...bcuz we git that alot. uNfOrTuNaTeLy.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indgio]BG, I bet it took you ten minutes to write that post. I could picture you trying to perfect the pathetic writing style that some posters have;) (although my grammer isn't always stellar) Oh, SailorStardust, if you really want to find out if he likes you or not, just stick your tounge down his throat (ie: give him a great big smoochie)...you'll be able to tell right away:D [/color] -
Are clothes a big deal at your school?
Heaven's Cloud replied to Amphion's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo] I hate clothes, which is pretty much a laugh considering that I have worked retail at clothing stores for three years. In my high school it didn't seem that clothes mattered so much for popularity, but it did help to classify you into a certian click. I always just tend to buy what I like and what is comfortable...I guess I have never been terribly fashionable...[/color] -
[color=indigo] Weaving through space, dodgeing in between fighters, Xander was begining to feel a bit overwhelmed. It seemed that every time he took out one ship, two more would take its place. He accelerated, shifting his thrusters into a vertical position, he climed, causing two fighters to crash into another. The starship's guns fired on. Xander new some ships were slipping by him, he only hoped the guns were taking care of them...[/color]
Anime Anime Fans are isolated...Opinions?
Heaven's Cloud replied to sandramaxwell06's topic in Otaku Central
[color=indigo] Wrist Cutter, I am starting to think that you like to post arguments just to hear yourself talk. When I was in high school I can guarentee there were not ten people in my entire school who liked anime in general. Sure, there were probably ten people that had seen one anime movie or TV show and liked it, but there were not ten people who enjoyed it on a broad scale. I know this because at the time anime was not big in the area that I live in. I went to a very small school, knew everyone that I graduated with in highschool, and there were very few people that had any interest in anime at all[/color] -
[color=indigo] Seems like a good day to break out a tide dyed Grateful Dead shirt...the colors appease everyone:blackeye: [/color]
[color=indigo] Heaven reached the heart of the dense forest. Dark foliage surrounded him on all sides and cast a permanant shade over the sun. He stood thinking underneath the canopy. Heaven: That sudden rise in energy, how can I compete with that? I was only roughly equal in power to him before he transformed. I have to match his power, if I match his cell patteren and vary it slightly I may be able to duplicate his transformation. Heaven referenced the phantom that had mapped the golden haired warrior's cellular structure. He varied it slightly and systematically began varying his DNA structure. As the evolution began, Heavens red eyes glowed intensly, his skin also began to glow red. Veins poked up on his forehead, and to a human, he would have looked like Lucifer emerging from the depths of hell. Before he could complete the transformation, exhaustion set in, and Heaven passed out...[/color]
[color=indigo]OOC: Sacred Warrior, fall back into the sediment pool or something...SS Trunks posted as much in his last reply, if you don't you may end up having the quickest death of any player in an RPG.... __________________________ Xander was on edge. The disturbances he was feeling in the force effected him mentally, phisically, and emotionally. He had never been conflicted like this before, nor had he ever been so intune with the force. As he sits meditating he wonders if this is how some of the oldest Jedis feel all of the time. Xander's meditation is disturbed by the captian hailing him on the intercom. Captian: Xander, our scanners have picked up several small fighters headed this way. Xander: Do the ships bear any familiar markings captian? Captian: No, all six are different makes, prehaps mercanaries hired to assassinate the ambassador. Xander: Alright, captian, inform the Ambassador that I shall deal with these vessels. Heading to the starships hanger, Xander fired his small ship's engins via remote. The small Courasant made fighter was not as trustworthy as a typical Jedi fighter, but, with the aid of the starships guns, it would do fine in this battle. Xander climbed into its small, sleek cockpit and blasted off in to the starry space...[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Since leaving the Jedi order, Xanders ability to remain patient has begun to wane. He paces the small starship, waiting for the two Jedis to return. His senses tell him that something is not quite right on the planet below and that Craig and his apprentice are in for a fight. Xander knows that Craig has trained Andrew well, and between the two of them they can take on almost any threat. His nerves, however, are still not calmed. If it wasn't for the ambassador, Xander would pilot his small fighter to the planet below and check on the two Jedi.[/color]
[color=indigo] Now c'mon guys play nice... Well, back on topic, Adam your reply was was hysterical. My suggestion to you is to make one hundred xerox copies of that letter and then you have an unofficial document to use as toilet paper. I find this letter truly hilarious for one reason...the FTC is saying that your old site is innapropriate but no one will do a darn thing about the smut mongers IMing me every friggin five minutes to announce that I have been approved for a credit card, or a new porn site has been opened. The stupid aol blocks don't work and I hate turning on my away message. It just goes to show you the perpetual lack of common sense and decency our government agencies have. Anyways Adam, hurrah for your reply, it was the funniest thing I have seen all day...[/color]
Dream Theater or The Juliana Theory anyone?
Heaven's Cloud replied to Cora Jane 2's topic in Noosphere
[color=indigo] If you are talking about Dream Theater the band, I have heard of them...I think they play fringe metal...and If I remember correctly they are quite talented.[/color] -
[color=indigo] Heaven knew that he was no match for his foe as long as he maintained his "golden state". He realized that he needed to escape and regroup very fast. Then it hit him, when the phantom that he sent to scan his opponent returned he had realized that he could not transform because of his bodies limitations, but prehaps he could produce and intensify the golden light that hi opponent generated. Heaven concentrated hard and transfered all of his ki energy into pure light. He admitted it all at once, temporarily blinding his opponent. Heaven then let gravity drop him to the ground, where he made off on foot headed to safety. After three hours Heaven was pretty sure he had lost the warrior.. Heaven (thinking): I am no where near strong enough....[/color]