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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [quote name='James' date='30 June 2010 - 08:42 PM' timestamp='1277944952' post='696235'] [font="Palatino Linotype"]Maybe we can start a Second Hump War? That might attract some attention. [/font] [/quote] [color=indigo]That is pay-per-view quality material. I'd come back for that.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]I finally earned my gold watch in [b]FFXIII[/b]. As tough as Vercigetorix and Attacus are I still think the two toughest fights in the game are the three Tonberrys and the two Rakravijas battles. It was stupid how many times I dies in those two fights. I also am going through the Special Ops missions in [b]Modern Warfare 2[/b] trying to finish all of the missions on a three star level. I'm not doing all that great of a job. Lots and lots of death people, lots and lots of death.[/color]
  3. [quote name='Magus' date='20 July 2010 - 10:14 AM' timestamp='1279635281' post='697513'] And then there's [b]Marvel vs Capcom 3[/b]. Granted that I've hardly played much of it, I'm a big fan of MvC2, or rather the whole Marvel and Capcom crossovers. I love how the game looks and the high-speed action looks great. That's it for now. [/quote] [color=indigo]I'm stoked for [b]Marvel vs Capcom 3[/b] as well but it still seems like a long way off. I guess the game set to launch this year that I am most excited for is [b]Call of Duty: Black Ops[/b]. I still play the Special Ops portion of [b]Modern Warfare 2[/b] when I have free time, and I think the newest release of this series is going to be chalk full of goodness. I'm also looking forward to [b]Spider-man: Shattered Dimensions[/b]. I have never really been interested in a Spider-man game before, but apparently this one is pretty highly anticipated and took several note from [b]Arkham Asylum[/b], which rocked.[/color]
  4. [quote name='CaNz' date='20 July 2010 - 09:51 AM' timestamp='1279633898' post='697510'] i have maintained relationships after i dated them and it didn't work, but after being rejected, i can only think of one person and i haven't talked to her in at least six months. how do you not let a rejection be awkward? i could use the help on that one personally. I usually stay friends for a while... but unless the girl changes her mind the whole thing usually dies on me. any advice on that one? [/quote] [color=indigo]I should clarify, there is no way rejection isn't going to be little awkward right away. However, it is awkward for both parties involved. If you are friends with the person that rejected you before hand then I think, as the rejected, you need to be the one to extend the olive branch. I do it through my typical lame attempts at making jokes. Maybe I'll jokingly criticize her on how horribly "cruel" she was (boy, not even a pity date, huh?), or maybe I'll pick on her for her delivery of the bad news. Whatever you do, you want to let her know (through your actions) that you are cool with the fact that she rejected you and you can move on from it. One important thing, make sure you want to be friends with the girl after you have been rejected. Rejection often can open your eyes and make you realize that the girl you are pining over isn't really all that cool, and that you liked her solely because you were attracted to her. [/color]
  5. [quote name='Magus' date='20 July 2010 - 05:43 AM' timestamp='1279619007' post='697494'] I got as far as episode 21 I believe. I want to say it's better than the big 3, but at the same time I can't really do that since it's hard for me to stay interested. I guess after putting up with One Piece, Naruto and Bleach for so long kind of wore me out. [/quote] [color=indigo]I never could get in to One Piece, but I understand what you are saying with Naruto and Bleach. Between the 5 minute intro flashbacks, the character look backs during the show, and horrible filler episodes it is surprising that anyone sticks with these shows.[/color] [quote name='Gavin'] I enjoyed it actually, it's a fun and funky kind of show with a good balance between drama and comedy. Pacing is decent, better than some, worse than others but quite watchable. Even the most obnoxious characters are still quite fun to watch.[/quote] [color=indigo]Cool, well I'll definitely have to watch a few more episodes at least then.[/color]
  6. [quote name='Magus' date='20 July 2010 - 09:31 AM' timestamp='1279632696' post='697506'] Yes, power rankings is the last thing you want to think about, HC. They're all over the place and you'll only come out either pissed or brain damaged. Yami and the 0 thing... Let's see. I forgot how long it's been since that reveal but I'm still not onboard about him being the strongest. Perhaps in terms of raw power then maybe, but I just don't see him beating Ulquiorra. [/quote] [color=indigo]Didn't Ulquiorra pretty much admit to being the strongest Espada because he could do a second stage release, or some convenient plot device like that? Regardless, it does hurt my head thinking about why so and so defeats so and so in Bleach. It is almost like DBZ...the power ups have become way too immense.[/color]
  7. [quote name='CaNz' date='20 July 2010 - 02:49 AM' timestamp='1279608567' post='697488'] the worst that could happen is more like, she says no and is now so uncomfortable around you that she cant be your friend anymore, meaning your probably not going to ever get a second chance... normally you can tell if that kinda event could happen by paying attention. if you are unsure of her feelings, maybe... but if she looks like she is uncomfortable with the setting, wait for another time. [/quote] [color=indigo]I disagree entirely. In my thirty years I have asked out plenty of girls that ended up not being interested in me, and I have been able to maintain friendships with most of them. Really, it is only an awkward situation if you let it be. You know what sucks though? Not getting a girl because you waited to long to ask her out and she ended up seeing someone else. That sucks far worse.[/color]
  8. [quote name='Allamorph' date='19 July 2010 - 11:35 PM' timestamp='1279596950' post='697478'] [FONT=Calibri]Time to find an apartment and search for some job openings.[/FONT] [/quote] [color=indigo]I don't envy anyone in the job market right now, good luck! Unless you are looking for creative positions at "A" rated ad agencies. if so die...I have enough competition already! Seriously though, good luck![/color]
  9. [quote name='Raiha' date='02 January 2010 - 12:48 PM' timestamp='1262450911' post='688725'] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"] Did you sell out and get a subscription just so you wouldn't see adverts ever again? [/FONT][/COLOR] [/quote] [color=indigo]Never. One thing about Pandora that irks me is that every now and then they'll throw a song or artist onto your station that clearly doesn't fit. Sorry, but if I am listening to a station created around The Shins, it should be fairly obvious that I don't want to hear Led Zepplin, especially not Stairway. Don't get me wrong, I dig Zep, they just aren't really aren't terribly similar to The Shins.[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]I've been listening to a couple older indie albums that are new to me. The first is [b]Oracular Spectacular[/b] by MGMT, It is a fantastic album with a few pretty interesting tracks. "Time To Pretend", "Youth", and "Kids" are all damn good songs. Their more recent album, [b]Congratulations[/b], falls short of [b]Oracular Spectacular[/b] and definitely doesn't live up to the hype of the first album. The second album, [b]Mean Everything To Nothing[/b] by Manchester Orchestra is a brilliant follow up to the bands first album. The band does such a great job of blending riffs that sound familiar (their drumming is reminiscent of the "Who" and the guitar riffs almost seem to play tribute to early punk) but create something entirely their own. [/color]
  11. [quote name='mryekcim' date='19 July 2010 - 01:24 PM' timestamp='1279560290' post='697458'] Sorry for not posting for a long time. I turns out she wanted me for moral support when she had to take her senior portrait which was at 10. I got there really early but she did not show up until 30min after i did. I had a really good time after we went to eat and she left at around 12. I manages get the to go to the movies with my friends and I to go see inspection. I forgot after i asked her that i forgot she dose not really know my fiends that well. How should i treat the movies? Just like after the portrait ? [/quote] [color=indigo]No, don't treat it the same. Definitely try to cop a feel during the film. If you don't get to second base by the end of the date you'll never get anywhere. It is in the "Girl's Handbook", seriously, page 22 states "if said guy doesn't try to get some play during the second date dump him, he is a follower". Honestly, just have fun at the movies with her and your friends (don't exclude her). But afterward be a man and ask her on a real date, the worst that could happen is that she will say no. [/color]
  12. [color=indigo]I just finished episode 278 and I was pretty disappointed. Kyoraku and Ukitake got owned way too easily. It doesn't make sense that Soifon and Toshiro could defeat arguably more impressive Espada (I know that Stark is Espada numero uno, but Barragan was far cooler) and while the two senior captains got beat up in one-shot "surprise" attacks. Really, it isn't like Wonderweiss came out of no where, why would one of the most experienced captains get taken out so easily? Really, does anyone take Ukitake or Kyoraku seriously at this point? I was also disappointed at Yami going from Espada 10 to Espada 0. Really? This is the same character that lost his arm to a lackadaisical Ichigo. Again, it just doesn't make sense.[/color]
  13. [center][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/70/Code_Geass_-_Lelouch_of_the_Rebellion_R2_-_02_030_0001.jpg[/img][/center] [color=indigo]Yeah, I know I am a horrible person. After all, no one else chose a crippled character as their "most hated" anime character. Still, every time Nunnally Lamperouge made an appearance on [b]Code Geass[/b] I prayed that Zero would use his abilities to have someone push her wheel chair down several flights of stairs. Unfortunately, it never came to be. So why do I hate her so much when [b]Code Geass[/b] is full of other easy to hate characters (Nina and Yufinia both come to mind)? I think it is because that, even early in the series, it is fairly obvious that Nunnally is going to screw up Zero's plan big time. Once I realized that Nunnally was going to be Zero's undoing I just wanted to scream at my tv everytime she made an appearance. Really, it is too bad that Rollo didn't take her out.[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]I just finished the fourth or fifth episode of [b]Soul Eater[/b]. I'm not sure if I like it yet or not...I do like the cartoon-ish animation, and the premise is fun. So far the plot is a little bland though. Has anyone made it through this series yet? If so, what are your opinions? [/color]
  15. [quote name='Cat' date='18 July 2010 - 06:56 PM' timestamp='1279493802' post='697438'] I have another new computer. I far to happy right now! [/quote] [color=indigo]Nah, getting a new computer (or computer related product like an iPad, smart phone, or game system) is better than Christmas. Actually, it is like being Jewish but having Santa Clause stop by your house to give you a gift just so that you can rub it into all of your other Jewish friends' faces because they only got Chanukah gifts.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]I can't really think of a time I drank to chase away depression or even just a hard day at work. I usually prefer to drink in celebratory fashion. Sure, I may just have a beer to toast the end of a hard day of work, but it is still a happy drink. I do have a theory that once you catch a buzz you have greatly improved the chances that your evening (or day) will be truly awesome or truly sucky. That isn't to say that you cannot have awesome or sucky experiences sober, just that alcohol's tendency to lower inhibitions often subjects you to outliers a little farther away from normal than is, uhm, normal.[/color]
  17. [quote name='Nerdsy' date='12 July 2010 - 09:56 PM' timestamp='1278971784' post='697196'] [color="deeppink"]I don't like the way they're phrasing things in this Alpaca commercial. I mean, "[i]when[/i]" I decide to raise Alpacas? At best it's presumptuous, at worst it's ominous.[/color] [/quote] [color=indigo]Uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but every American is now required to raise at least one Alpaca in their life time. It is in that new health care bill, I think it was one of those concessions that Rhode Island required to push it through. Don't worry, I hear they only spit at people they don't like.[/color]
  18. Yo, like the new digs. I have a feeling that the punctuation in my screen name screwed with my account being transferred when the site was updated. My screen name was Heaven's Cloud (damn apostrophe, you always have to spoil a good time). Now I think I am sort of mashed in under the name [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?/user/395-clouds-heaven/"]Clouds Heaven[/url][/] and have inherited a goatee and now live in British Columbia...on the bright side I am now only 21, so legally consuming alcohol in the US in still a new and shiny feeling. I'd sign in and change the information but my old password isn't jiving and I have no clue what ancient email address is connected to my old account. Anyways, I was wondering if there was a way to salvage the old profile? I know I don't visit very often, but I have my nostalgic moments when I like to come back. look around and post.
  19. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium] I actually like the general streamlined feel of XIII. The game just keeps pushing forward, it doesn't generally feel like there's too much unnecessary crap going on. For me, that's a great thing, but I know that some hardcore Final Fantasy fans may not like that.[/font][/QUOTE] Once you hit a certain point in the game the world opens up and there are a ton of side quests and tough mini-boss fights. Also, Vanille gets much more tolerable as the story progresses. I agree about the streamlined feeling of the game though. Even undertaking side quests doesn't really seem as though you are moving too far from the plot.
  20. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]I've already started to hear impressions from friends who have bought this - has anyone here got FFXIII yet? I'd love to see a review posted here![/font][/QUOTE] I don't think anyone has posted a review because this game is like crack. It is absolutely by far the best Final Fantasy game yet. I'm about twenty hours into the game and I am still being introduced to different aspects of the weapons system and battle system.
  21. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Calibri]I have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy the works of Ian Fleming (and his capable successor John Gardner) despite the massive fan base of James Bond, and the recent movie with Robert Downey, Jr. and Jude Law has certainly not dimmed my love for Sherlock Holmes just yet. [/FONT][/QUOTE] I had actually never read any of the Bond novels until recently. The old one's are wonderfully misogynistic and definitely wouldn't be considered close to PC today. One of my favorite bizarre lines was a scene where Bond basically rapes a girl. To paraphrase it went: "...she resisted at first so Bond twisted her arm sharply behind her back and took his reward". And then, of course, the rest of the novel she fawns over Bond until she is tragically killed by a henchman.
  22. I picked up [b]Friendly Fires[/b] self-titled album a few days back. It is a pretty fun album, and some of the tracks (most notably "Jump in the Pool", "Paris", and "Skeleton Boy") really make you want to get up and dance around. I also bought [b]The Beatles[/b] remastered collection a few weeks back. It is pretty phenomenal.
  23. [quote name='AJeh'][size=1] lol I didnt say it was new, I said it was a song by a newer artist (by which I meant he's only recently dropped his debut). W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E remix, so didnt count that). [/size][/QUOTE] I really enjoy Wale's "Attention Deficit", it is probably one of the more solid hip-hop albums to drop, most of the tracks are really good (I really like "Prescription", it is an insanely well produced track). I think hip-hop has really stepped up its game in the last two or three years. I grew up with guys like Snoop, Tupac, Biggie, and Dre, and as good as they are the production/composition/sampling today blows their stuff out of the water. I think we are living through the "Beatles" age of hip hop right now, where the pioneers have laid down a great foundation but artists are really taking the musical aspect of their art to the next level.
  24. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]What Sara said. (I'm not sure that Australia ever had the pleasure of Beanie Babies. Should we be concerned that we've missed out on something major here?)[/font][/QUOTE] No. You didn't miss a thing. They were toy animals stuffed with plastic beans. They limited production on each toy animal they made which led to them becoming collector's items for a little while. Other than that there was very little remarkable about them, I would even say that they lack that unique/iconic design aesthetic that a lot of truly collectible toys have.
  25. [B]HC[/B] [B]Who:[/B] Member since 2001. Former mod and (lamest ever) theOtaku.com anime news writer [B]Where:[/B] In the suburbs of Cleveland, OH [B]What:[/B] Currently kicking corporate America's *** [B]When [i.e. Back Then]:[/B] I'm kind of at a loss on this one. I don't think I was ever part of a clique or a group, though I have made a bunch of killer friends over the years thanks to this place. [B]Why: [/B]A combination of boredom, insomnia, and nostalgia [B]Favourite Things About OB: [/B]At times there are brilliant discussions on topics that range from stem cell research to the Iraqi war to Voltron. And, unlike many message boards aimed at "intellectuals", the opinions expressed are often well written, poignant, and occasionally thought provoking. That, and through this place I have made a lot of interesting friends.
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