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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo] [i]Aboard the Ambassador's ship...[/i] Xander: Ambassador, I sense a strange disturbance in the force, the two Jedi's may be delayed on Aldaron. Captain: Ambassador, I believe he may be right, the scanners are picking up several new ships in the quadrant. Ambassador: Do you think we will be attacked Xander? Xander: I doubt it, I don't think any of your enemies would attempt to attack you with the strong Jedi presence in this area. No they are after something else...[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]Well, with my rising interest in Star wars I think I'll give this RPG a whirl... Name: Xander Tell Age: 37 Race:Former Jedi Knight Weapon: A huge lightsaber, the hilt is 50% larger then that of a normal lightsaber and the blade/beam is 20% larger. It has a silverish glow and can only be weilded with two hands. Bio: Xander used to serve on the Jedi council. Several years earlier he decided to leave the Jedi order, becoming increasingly skeptical about all types of governments. He has become aware of the Tyrax threat and decided to go to the aid of the Jedi. Description: Xander has long black and grey hair that he wears pulled back in a ponytail, except a few loose strands that frame his face. He wears a long grey cloak all of the time.[/color]
  3. sorry, couldn't resist a Batman reference [color=indigo]The cries for vengance for them [b]I take to the street[/b] I am the Dark Knight[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]1) I have, but only because a few people on the boards disscussed it so frequently. Striving to eventually become a musician, I felt that it was my duty to at least check out some of the J-music on the boads. 2) The only J-music I have from anime is Cowboy Bebop which is J-Bebop I guess...(great soundtracks though) 3) I wouldn't mind hearing some more of there rock based genre, a few of the bands bordered on more of an Indie-Punk rock, but a lot of what I heard was more electronica based 4) They shock me the way Kiss or Alice Cooper shocked me, I don't find it disgusting or bizarre, just "shock rock" i guess. 5) Alright, I guess....different strokes for different folks 6) Not attrcted to her and for some reason I have the feeling I could qoute an old Aerosmith song 7) I like the band Buffalo Daughter(kinda Indie...I think a lot of you guys would like this band) and the other one that stood out was Lolita #18 8) Incredibly so, I am much more interested in Japanese culture then anime[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]Oh Ginny, I am so sorry,my heart goes out to you. Try no to beat yourself up over it though. No matter what you did say and could have said, you always feel that you didn't say enough or do enough for a person when they are gone. Just remember that your uncle will always be with you, looking over your shoulder to help guide you through good times and bad Also good luck with Dan, I didn't respond to the other thread because the majority already said what I would have said. I am sure he will fall head over heels for a cool chica like you.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]They all look at me with hateful, accusing stares [b]Destroying my soul[/b][/color]
  7. [color=indigo] My grades for this past semester were all W's as in withdraw, I kinda got sick of school and withdrew half way into the semester...throughout highschool I got mainly A's, an occasional B would slip by (I did almost fail a semester of English because I didn't write two papers, my teacher let me make them up for half credit so I got a B). College is kinda different. If I am interested in the class I make an A, if I am uninterested (which is what led me to withdraw this semester) in the class it just depends how much I happen to already know on test day or how well I BS on my papers (still haven't gotten under a C yet, boy am I lucky). [/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Einstein's comment was extremely profound. He didn't say "if" we have WWIII because he was speaking hypothetically. Situations like that are implied. About the Pearl Harbor thing, that reminds me of a topic I posted long ago. I asked whether people thought it was a conspiracy in which FDR [i]knew[/i] about the Japanese plan of attack, but failed to do anything about it so that the US could give the citizens an excuse to enter the war. What do [i]you[/i] think?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I believe FDR new that Pearl Harbor would be bombed. It was almost inevitable that Japan was going to attempt to destroy the naval bases in Hawaii and then attempt to occupy it. Japan needed to at least annhilate every base in Hawaii to halt the US's ability for a quick naval attack, and it really needed to occupy and hold Hawaii to give Japan and Germany an attempt to launch a two pronged attack on the US. Japan, Nazi Germany, and FDR all new that the US was going to eventually become a focus point in the war. Why Japan and Germany hoped that the US would take even longer then they did to get invovled, FDR had realized long before that the US had to get involved in both the conflicts in the Pacific and Europe before the War escalated uncontrollably and the US had to fight a war on our own soil.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo] I think electronic beats are great, and for those of you who like techno, more power to you. However, I do feel that you lose most of the artistic feeling when you electonicize beats. I can go to my neighbors, who has a small production studio, and create solos on almost every instrument...but it doesn't sound nearly as good as when I am playing my trumpet or wailing on the guitar, or when my buddy is going bannanas on his drum set. There is just a lack of INSTRUMENTAL (i want to make that clear because I am sure people like Paul Okenfeild are just as passionate about their music as any other musicain) passion.[/color]
  10. [color=indigo] Well here are a couple that I haven't seen awnsered Who was the leader of Spain during WWII: Francisco Franco Who was the leader of England prior to WWII (before Churchill I guess): Neville Chamberlain What communist leader takes over China: Mao Tse-tung Four leaders of the Munich Conference: Hitler, Moussolini, Chaimberlain, (Frances leader at the time, I'm probably misspelling his name) Daladier that is about all I saw in a glance that was blank (or that I knew off the top of my head...if you have anymore that you need awnsers to let me know....[/color]
  11. [color=indigo] Heaven pinned the warrior down, twisting his arm unaturally and pinning his knee behind his opponenets back. Heaven knew he had the definate upperhand, when he noticed that the hairs on the back of the warriors neck began to stand on end. In a blinding gold flash, Heaven was flung away from his opponent. A gold aura surrounded the warrior and his now gold hair stood spiked upon his head. Warrior: It isn't nice tackling a person why they are training, gut don't worry, it won't be nice when I RIP OUT YOUR THROAT!! Heaven was astonished, he had never seen such a rapid power surge before. [i]Heaven (thinking): I have to find out how he was able to do that...I have to learn that technique.[/i] Heaven points his finger at the warrior, who smirks with reproach. The warrior expects a ki blast, but he is mistaken. A formless black shape spews from Heavens finger and surrounds his opponent like a net. The warrior looks like a man covered witha black sheet, as the Phantom engulfs him. The formless black mass conforms to the warriors skin and enters every pore of his body. The phantom scans the warriors cellular structure as well as his aura, the quickly pulls away, as if in rewind, back into Heavens finger. Heaven begins to proccess the information on the other warrior. [i]Heaven (thinking): Hmm...it seems that for the most part this warrior's golden transformation is brought on by his ability to naturally evolve and digress. Curious, he seems to have a great amount of power, but it doesn't seem that he has evolved to anywhere near his full capacity. Regardless, I cannot increase my energy in exactly the same way. I may, however, be able to match my cellular structure so I can evolve similarly...but that will take some practice.[/i] Unfortunatly Heaven doesn't have any time. The golden warrior is quite pissed and heading right for him....[/color]
  12. [color=indigo][quote]Dr.Dre, Snoop Dog Are all bad examples of music.[/quote] Oh, come on now, these are pioneers of an industry...it doesn't matter if you like them or not (personally I don't care too much for most rap) but both are incredible artists...and both have brought at least as much to the music industry as Sum41 (who I DO like) and Greenday (ahh catchy, but it is about time they learned how to play there friggin instruments). [/color]
  13. [color=indigo] There are a lot of rumors about the next villian...from what I have heard Doc Ock seems to be most likely. About Defoe...I thought he had an outstanding preformance, the Green Goblin is a very over the top charecter, and when Norman Osborn had his mood swings it was portrayed very much like William Defoe preformed...[/color]
  14. [color=indigo] Sometimes his music (I shouldn't call it that but bah) is humorous...most of the time it's just kinda tasteless. I have zero desire to own anything by him but I do share his hatred of Moby...why, I have no idea, it isn't a justified hatred, just an irrational loathing...[/color]
  15. [color=indigo] Rico, Rico, I think you forgot the rules of the game;) Take a look at the first post...but we'll continue with your poem, since it was the last one... [b]To Become Famous[/b] Dances through all of our thoughts Misguided Daydream[/color]
  16. [color=indigo] I definatly agree that countries such as Austrailia, the UK, and even Japan tend to find the latest trends in music before America does. They also have a much bigger electronica/techno following then America does (I am not a fan of either, so it really doesn't bother me, but I do know that fans of the music tend to pay high prices for CD's because they are hard to find here). Right now the US has an incredible underground rock scene though...and it is slowly pushing it's way into the mainstream. The more mixed rock singers (I'd like to say "less talented" but that wouldn't be nice) like Pete Yorn (whose so so) and Jay Farrar (incredible) are pushing there way to the mainstream. Just give it a few years...America always has some down time (like the disco era in the late seventies and the super hair bands in the late eighties) but we always bounce back with originality (the punk movement and the grunge movement). Plus, music shouldn't be labeled to countries or be considered derived from certian countries, it should be considered universal. And, unfortunatly, I think everyone would agree the universally mainstream music bites right now.[/color]
  17. [color=indigo] When I grew up in DC, we used to play basketball at my freinds house everyday until highshool. The only thing louder then the sound of us playing was the sound of police sirens in nearby neighborhoods, and the echo of gunfire every couple of days. It is a miracle that all of us survived growing up there. My friends and I grew up getting beaten up by hoods and then getting our bikes and jackets stolen so they could pay for another fix ( I don't really know what they were using our stuff for...I do know that my mom forced me to go to the local precinct several times to describe someone that beat me up and took my bike). By junior high the bullys stopped, but the violence in our area never did. So my parents finally packed up and we moved to NC. [/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B] Actually he does get his web powers when he gets bitten by the spider. He makes the web cartrideges when he starts to lose his web powers.:babble: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] No, in the original comics, Spidey only had "web powers" when he mutated into eight armed spidey and his final spider mutation, and when he was linked with the symibite (he might also have had the powers when he became cosmic spidey, but I don't remember off the top of my head). When Marvel started making alternate origin comics, one of the issues gave Pete the ability to shoot webs...but it was a fake origin...[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]hmm, trying NOT to get a stiffy in a strange situation, lol.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I wish I could say that I've never had that problem, but i'd be lying...[/color] [quote][color=deeppink]I have always wondered how guys manage that...I can't imagine trying to control such things in certain situations [/color][/quote] [color=indigo] Doing mental math, picturing a funny picture like A man falling in a toilet, and, of course, the infamous tuck...c'mon guys you know you've all had to do it before...[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]I step out of the shadows and cast out all reluctance from my mind. Inhaling, my body shudders with anticipation Exhaling, my head dizzies with hope. As I approach, the moon plays at my back and the stars sparkle in her eyes. I speak, and she responds And we dance as the fairy tale unfolds.[/color]
  21. [color=indigo][b]I don't want to know[/b] Why you abandoned our love With reckless malice[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]As Heaven was approaching the powers, he saw a huge ki energy ball form in the not so distant sky. He watched it bounce around and explode on someone. There was a sudden decrease in the power... Heaven: That is strange...I only sense one power over there but someone is definatly getting attacked.... Heaven flies toward the battle. He sees a lone warrior hovering in the sky, and a gigantic ki blast headed right towards him. The warrior was standing open on all sides, with no visible defenses. Heaven quickly grabs the warrior and shoves him out of the way of the energy blast. The huge ki blast hits the ground and a deafening explosion occurs. Heaven: Are you Oka.... Heaven is unable to finish his seentance. The warriors fist connects with his jaw and sends him tumbling to the ground. The warrior follows Heaven to the Earth in a fit of rage. He grabs at Heaven, but is too slow. The ki blasts have taken a lot out of him. Heaven notices the hesitation and grabs the warriors damaged arm and snaps it back. The warrior howls in pain....[/color]
  23. [color=indigo] Dan Castellano, the voice of Homer, Grandpa, Krusty, Barney and a slew of others, was on a radio program a couple of mornings ago and said that there are no plans to end the show anytime soon....[/color]
  24. [color=indigo] Well knowing very little about your tastes, I would think you would like the Dune chronicles... And here are the last four books I read that I will recomend 1st to Die James Patterson Doomsday Conspiracy Sidany Sheldon The Dream Catcher Stephen King Twilight Eyes Dean Koontz[/color]
  25. [color=indigo] Saw an early showing on thursday...I thought it was the best comic based movie I had ever seen (or at least tied with Batman). Willaim Defoe did such an excellent job as Green Goblin, and despite a lackluster preformance by Toby McGuire, the acting was solid...and as for the special effects...whoa![/color]
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