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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo] Well I guess it is all relative to what you already know, but I would have to say English...from what i hear our language is a real toughy[/color]
  2. [color=indigo] I wish I could say something to contradict what James stated earlier, but, unfortunately, for the most part he is right on the money. I love my country, and therefore, when an attack on 9/11 was made I blindly rushed in to defend the US's honor. While nothing I said was untruthful in anyway, James is also truthful in what he said. The US mostly gets involved in conflicts that effect them for selfish reasons, and we do mess up quite frequently. However, about taking out the Taliban early on, here is why the US as well as countless other countries didn't take them out. The Taliban, until a couple of years ago, has been a very popular "orginization" amongst Afghanastan, they have also been a natural ally against Iraq and they have helped keep OPEC in check, which had benefited all of our nations, including Australia. And we do tend to support the common people, although we do mess up like we did in East Timor, the USA stepped in and gave tons of millitary support and aid to Morrocco, Kenya, the Phillipines, Turkey, and Madagascar in the last ten years. Unfortunatly we have also had a lot of half a**ed attempts like Somalia and Kuwait which stick out like a needle. As for Americans not knowing the falicies of there country, you must be mistaken. We are one of the few countries in the world that is slandered daily by their own media...as bad as the UK and Aussie papers destroy the US, our own Washington Post and New York Times do an equally "good job" on us. That is why so many Americans are disenchanted by there own country, we tend not to air that positives about ourselves, like the press does in Australia and the UK (they do, I know I'll glance at there papers on the net from time to time). [/color]
  3. [color=indigo] No I am sorry, I will not get over 9/11!!! I am glad you feel that a bunch of people heading to work got what they deserved on September 11, just because the Americans started a conflict. FYI...America didn't start the conflict, they were pressured into building millitary bases on Muslim Holy ground by the United Nations, and especially the UK. However, since the US is the major financial backing of the UN, the US always seems to be a scape goat. Another point to make is that although the US doesn't always make the best choices (ie: Veitnam, and backing Isreal to the extreme extent that we do) we always tend to go in and fight for the little guy that is getting oppressed by a corrupt millitary or dictator. Now, back to 9/11, before I talk about Bush, I could understand an attack on a government building or a millitary base, that ould seem justifiable. But crashing a bunch of planes into the world trade center and killing thousands of innocent hard working people is just plain cowardice. In my mind, the terrorists just gave us an excuse to occupy all hostile countries and exterminate every single terrorist. Now, on to Bush. No he is not a great President. But he has handled the country extremely well since 9/11. Unfortunately, in my mind, all of the presidents that we have had since 1980 have been pathetic. Reagan probably sold arms to Iraq. Bush was great at foriegn relations, but was so unpopular in America due to a bad economy, that he was laughed out of office. Clinton was a good president, and might have done some real good for our nation if he could have stayed out of scandal for a couple years. Thank god that Al Gore isn't president, with all of his millitary strategim, the US would probably be getting bombed daily. And one last comment on behalf of the US, say what you will, but people on average live a lot better then people elsewhere in the world[/color]
  4. [color=indigo] No they are all open to the public. During the flow of the museum you walk through one room that has shoes of all sizes and colors...some of the shoes are so tiny...that came Auschwitz. You also walk through a box car that the Nazis would load up with people. They had two small slants for windows and it wasn't uncommon for the "passengers" to emerge with broken ribs and arms after being packed in these carts for several days without food or water.[/color]
  5. [color=indigo] Yep...guilty of singing in the shower, I am also guilty of singing to the radio when I am alone in my car. I went on a trip earlier this week, and I would get stuck in traffic or at lights and people kept on staring at me why I was belting out lyrics along with the radio.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo] As Heaven neared the group he sensed that the fighting had halted for the moment. As he pressed on, he felt a presence draw nearer to him. He saw the vapor trail heading in his direction. A lone warrior approached, wearing a cloak that looked to Heaven like it hung stiffly in the breeze. Heaven halted in mid air as the warrior approached. A smile played at the corner of his mouth. The warrior stopped in front of Heaven, his cloak covering his entire body. The warrior looked into Heaven's glowing red eyes, and spit to the side with a look of disgust. Warrior: I have no time for this... Heaven: Prehaps you should make time! Warrior: My fault, you must have misunderstood me, I have to go train and the effort that I would waste on you in these next few moments wouldn't even equal that of a few push ups. The warrior smirked and flew past Heaven, whose anger was undeniable. Heaven took a couple of deep breaths and calmed himself. He turned and looked at the vanishing vapor trail. Heaven: Next time I see you cloaked warrior, you better be better prepared for battle... Heaven took off towards the other powers that he felt...[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]Well it does have an aea that has candles lit in rememberance, but it is a very large museum in Washington DC that serves as both a memorial and a learning tool for the Holocaust. But the pictures you saw may be of an exhibit at the museum...[/color]
  8. [color=indigo] Heaven had never felt so many massive powers at the same time, and an excitement that he had never felt before over took him. He flew a little faster, but didn't extend himself to his max, he didn't want to use up too much energy. ' He felt one of the powers begin to rise. Someone must be getting ready to join the fight. A smirk emerged on Heavens face, he tried very hard to remain patient and focused, but his excitement was getting the best of him. He wanted to se how all of his training paid off.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo] Today, for the first time in a long time, I wept. I visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC this afternoon. Washington DC is one of the greatest cities in world, the architecture and the wealth of knowledge in the museums truly captures humankinds ability to achieve. It is only fitting that in a city that celebrates mans acheivements, a museum was erected to remind us of our darkest hour. It is the most emotional place I have ever visited. Being a history major in school, I thought I knew all about the Holocaust, I thought I knew the greusome details, I thought I had seen all of the horrific pictures. But I was wrong, I knew so little, and had seen even less. Although I have not the time nor the space to share 99% of what I read, saw, and heard today, I would like to share a story that I received in a pamphlet that I picked up during my visit. It is a story about a boy named Max Rosenblat. He was born July, 1939, in Radom, Poland. Remember, this is just one of over a million stories that could be told....[/color] [i]Max's parents, Taube and Itzik, first met as children in 1925. Taube was the daughter of a tailor who hired apprentices in his shop, and Itzik was one such apprentice. The Jewish youngsters fell in love and dreamed of getting married even though Taube's family frowned upon the match. In 1938 Taube and Itzik married. The couple lived in an apartment on 49 Zeromskiego Street in Radom, where Itzik opened a womens tailor shop. Max was born in July 1939. He had curly hair and blue eyes like his father. Two months after he was born, Germany invaded Poland. The Germans occupied Radom and evicted all the Jews from Zeromskiego Street. The Rosenblats had to leave everything, even Max's baby carriage. Radom's Jewish council assigned the Rosenblats to a shack, which was enclosed in a Jewish ghetto in April 1941. Max slept in a homemade bed of straw. He had no toys and little food. In August 1942, when Max was three, the Germans began rounding up and deporting all of the Jews in Radom's two ghettos who could not work for them. Max's father tried to hide his family in his shop, but they were caught in a roundup and Max and his mother were tken away. They were marched to the railroad and herded into a boxcar. In August 1942 Max and his mother were deported to the Treblinka extermination camp, where they were gassed upon arrival. Max was 3 years old...[/i] [color=red][size=3]For the dead [u]and[/u] the living we must bear witness[/size][/color]
  10. [color=indigo] I know it is repetitive but Happy Birthday Adam and James!![/color]
  11. [color=indigo] Hmmm...well I'm down. It seems like a cool principle.... Name: Xander Harp Age: 26 Sex: Male Weapon: Two Silenced Berrettas Brief Description: Xander was a member of the FBI's elite HRT unit, until he was discharged because of his temper. Specials Target: Incredible accuraccy within the short range of the Berretta Quickdraw: Xander grew up watching westerns and practiced the quick draw all of his life. He can have his gun out and fired within a blink of an eye. Rage: Xander has a horrbible temper that causes him to act irrational at times.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo][i]As day breaks Heaven heads back to his home in the forest. He thinks about what an incredible place earth is, and how fortunate he is to be able to live on this diverse planet. He walks through his small garden and up the stone stairs. As he opens the door he is brought to his knees. The power that he feels is incredible. Heaven realizes that there is not much time before this, this power arrives at earth. He turns and heads back to the forest to train, leaving the door to small home wide open...[/i][/color]
  13. [color=indigo] Working, like always. Maybe I'll get lucky and be able to do some more traveling...but otherwise nothing eventful is going on:([/color]
  14. Your soft hands and your soft touch are all that I need Your gentle smile and gentle voice are all that I feel Your kind heart and kind soul are all that I love And your dark eyes your dark eyes are all that I desire
  15. [color=indigo][i] Floating in the air, Heaven streches and looks up at the night sky. The stars shine down from above, showering him with a silver light. Rarely able to sleep, Heaven enjoys training at night, the air seems cleaner and the songs of the night tend to bring him inner peace during his vigorous workout. He starts out by flying through the forest, wrecklessly darting in between trees and over hills. He speeds up, moving faster and faster, the trees are getting more difficult to dodge. Alll of a sudden a huge sycamore appears in front of him. It takes all of his strength but he pulls up vertical inches from the tree. He dodges each branch, one by one, leaves getting tangled in his long black hair. He breaks through the tree line, flying higher and higher, he is now above the clouds and is one with the stars. He stops, hovering nearly a mile above the ground. He holds for a second and then lets gravity take effect. He plummets, quickly reaching terminal velocity. He looks up to the heavens and, raising his hands high above his head he unleashes a ki blast, causing him to hurtle even faster towards the ground. He breaks through the clouds and sees his target, the huge sycamore tree. Taking careful aim he fires several thousand pin sized energy blasts, each welling up from the tip of his fingers. By the time he hits the ground a flurry of leaves is falling from the sycamore. Heaven looks up...the tree is unharmed, yet entirely leafless. Heaven gently touches the tree, unleashing a small amount of his energy and giving it to the silent giant, Heaven watches as new buds appear where the leaves were. By the time Heaven is finished with the rest of his workout, the tree is back in full bloom.[/i][/color]
  16. [color=indigo] Well, I enjoy it...I think it is a great site and the updates have been moving along quite smoothly. Maybe I'll quit being so lazy and draw a couple things to put up there....[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Darkness floods the city. It is a darkness that prays on the weak, the solitary, and the careless. A crime syndicate of unequaled power and resources have taken control of every aspect of the city, both legal and illegal. Under the leadership of the crimelord known Carlos Rivers, aka the Bullfighter, the syndicate has almost unlimited resources and has uncontested power over the city. Enter our hero. Perched upon a tall city building, he watches his enemies, as he has countless nights, just like this. But tonight is different tonight he will strike. The garage he is surveying is a known cocain warehouse. The cops refuse to raid it, afraid of inciting the wrath of the Bullfighter and his syndicate. But our hero is not afraid of the syndicate, and he is about to set into effect a chain reaction that will give his city their final chance for salvation. He checks the time. Only twenty seconds now, ten, five...four...three...two...one..... The explosion rocks the entire city block. The fire spreads quickly, and its roar is so loud that it almost covers the sounds of the screams of the workers trapped inside. The blaze spreads over the block, hungry, engulfing a small chinese restraunt and a small law office before the fire department is able to respond. Our hero leaves his perched, a smile playing in the corner ofhis mouth...[/color] TO be continued....
  18. [color=indigo] My Horroscope keeps telling me that I'm going to be attacked by a pack of rabid hamsters...I think we all know that will never happ....George?? How did you get out of your cage?? Do you need water?? Who are your friends....George, you're scaring me buddy...aahhhhhh...no, no....ahhh....you are almost breaking the skin....ahhhhhh....not the wheel...not the wheel!!![/color]
  19. [color=indigo] "...streches his arms in absolute content..." Well it has been a little over a day since I posted my last poem, lets see if there is any creativity left in me ;) I was born to ramble born to roam born to live my life on the road I was born to sing to scream out loud until one day my voice is found For who I am is what I was born to be and that is all that is me[/color]
  20. [color=indigo] To Quote the Great One himself...."Finally the the Boards have come back to the Otaku community"....and it looks like it is everything Adam promised and more. Looks Great!![/color]
  21. [color=indigo] I am a huge web head...so I am definatly looking forward to this movie. Personally, I think they did an awesome job casting. Toby McGuire is such a nerd, he makes a perfect Peter Parker. And the special effects put X-Men to shame...[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]] Well this is fifth day straight that our temperatures have topped over 95 F. That is hotter then most summer days here. It is uncomfortably hot right now and it only takes walking outside to build up a sweat. Fortunately, I don't have to depend on city thransportation, unfortunately my cars A/C is broken and work is a good 20 minutes from my house:( The scary thing is that it will probably get dreadfully cold next week...[/color]
  23. [color=indigo][b]A WASTED KEG!!![/b] you blaspheme chile!!! Anyways, I am glad you had rockin 21st...I would have to say that my 21st was also the most fun and drawn out birthday I ever had...unfortunatly I cannot account for most of the events because I was [i]ahem[/i] inebriated, annihilated, and totally sloshed...[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]Name: Heaven Age: 20ish Race: Phantom Appearence/Bio: Heaven is the combined form of the entire race of Phantoms. When his homeworld was created there were exactly one million beings on it, all the same sex and all shapeless. Instead of mating, when two Phantoms marry, they merge with one another and become one being. Heaven is the final product of his planets total mergers. He was drawn through space, to earth, where he took the form of a human. Heaven has long, jet black hair and red eyes that have no pupils. He has an olive complexion and wears black sleevless t-shirts and black warm up pants.[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]Darkness rolls through me I fear immaculate death [b]is taking a hold[/b][/color]
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