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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Unyielding is Six![/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Give it up Raiha, you are wrong...here is the proof...click on the link and it will take you to a dictionary [url]http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=unyielding[/url][/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]She moves seductively through my dreams, with bedroom eyes that sparkle just right in the dimly lit room. The soft crescendo of the blues music harmonizes with our breath and the smokey haze that egulfs the bar doesn't seem to touch her as I gently smell her sent, the perfume light but brazen, floods my senses and enlarges my appetite For a moment on the dance floor we are one, two lovers entangled in ecstasy that is impossible to match in the bedroom. We seperate hesitantly, knowing that our moment is over, yet clinging desperatly to the passion, a passion that is perfectly devastating. We smile, gaze into each others eyes and go our seperate way.[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]No, [b]fatiuge[/b] has two stress points. I checked in the dictionary. Fa-tigue.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Yes it has two stress points and unyeilding has three stress points un-yeild-ing. 3+2=5...so we are cool to continue...come on guys this can get really creative if you just give it a try:) [/color]
RPG X-Men: 2nd Evolution--EVE(sign up and play)
Heaven's Cloud replied to JessieRocket's topic in Theater
[color=indigo] Well I haven't participated in any RPG's in quite some time, so here is my return...By the way, Play nicely ladies... Name: Xander X-Name: Hunter Background: Xander is the son of Madeline Pryor and Logan (Wolverine) Muntant Abilities: Xander has Logans feral instincts, retractable claws and healing ability, but his bones are not adamantium laced. From his mother he developed a slight telepathic ability that is equivalent to Spider-Mans Spidey-sense. Description: Slightly taller then his father, Xander stands at 5'7. He always has a five o'clock shadow and wears his hair in an unruly fashion. He is a jeans and a t-shirt type guy and he has an impressive build...he looks like some that you would not want to piss off... __________________________________ [i] "I can't believe that my dad is sending me to this stupid institute. I know how to control my powers just fine...hmpf!!!" Xander knocks on the door to the institute. A bag of his possessions hangs loosely across his shoulders, and a look of contempt shadows his face...[/i] -
[color=indigo] That is how it's done, but i think I hid the haiku to start everyone off...it was at the bottom of my post....here it is again;) Rain from the Heavens Caresses my worn body Unyeilding fatigue [/color]
[color=indigo] This guy sounds kind of strange, and I have a feeling that it is probably due to one of two things. First, it may be because he wants to sleep with the girl and figures that if he can't do it on prom then it will be time to move on (I know that sounds strange but I had a friend that did that when I was a junior). Second, he is a complete jerk. If he likes you he shouldn't be putting you on the back burner like he is. From a guys perspective, it seems to me that this guy more then likely is just BSing you. He probably just wants to try and hookup with you then leave you blowing in the wind. I know I said that guys should be given a second chance, and if he dumped his girlfriend, I would tell you that you should definatly take him back. But with all of this new drama, I say Drop him...[/color]
[color=indigo] Here is a little game that I used to play in an English program I attended one summer. It is called the English Haiku game. As I am sure most of you already know, a Haiku is a three line poem that is set up by the number of syllables in each line. The first line has five syllables, the second seven, and the third five. Here is a quick example of an english Haiku. Flowing from up high cascading down the mountain Springs thaw brings new hope The way that you play the Haiku game is by utilizing either five or seven syllables and creating a new poem around them. You can choose any five or seven syllables as long as they are in sequence. Here are two examples from the previous haiku. [b]Springs thaw brings new hope[/b] To villagers in Song-Pei Dilligent harvest or Tears spring forth from child [b]from up high cascading down[/b] they wet tender cheeks anyways those are the rules of the game. I hope a couple of you decide to play. Please use the last haiku that was posted to build your poem off of. Also please put the line you used in bold face so we can see the structure of the poem. _________________________ Okay here is the first Haiku Rain from the Heavens Caresses my worn body Unyeilding fatigue[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]I am a tailgater V_V The sad part is, I don't even [i]realize[/i] that I'm following people too closely. I just think that I'm in a hurry and I kind of want them to speed up! Guess I should start paying attention to that...:huh: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I just had a mental picture of BG tailgating Goddess21, Goddess21 slamming on her breaks, and BG ramming Goddess21's car... Anyways, I thought of another pet peeve...people with bad breath...with all of the toothpaste and mouthwash and mints and gum on the market these days, there is no reason for halitosis...[/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo] I want to run through fields of green I want to feel blades of grass brush my heels I want the shelter of a thousand trees encased by the golden glow of the suns rays I want to sing at the top of my lungs I want to hear my voice echoing out I want to laugh at my own melody dancing in the feilds down by the river side I want to touch your soft smooth skin I want to feel your lips brush mine I want to taste and take in your breath just one more time on this sweet spring day[/color] -
[color=indigo] I just realized what my biggest pet peeve on the boards is. It is when people post a thread exprssing their feelings about how immature and stupid that the members of this board are and how it is a piece of garbage... What is up with people these days...this is an internet message board if you don't like it here you can click on your mouse and go elsewhere! Sorry, but right now that is my biggest pet peeve...that and people IMing me and telling me how horrible the otaku is...quit IMing me!!! Again Sorry, but those are myu most recent pet peeves.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sexyjessie4 [/i] [B]Let the "I told ya so's" start rolling in........I don't know how one person can hurt me so much.....if anyone has a cure for tears and a broken heart.....tell me.....:bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Well you are a Dewitt High School Girl, aren't you?? Go out and party with BG this weekend, hang out, get drunk, find a man, go dancing, do something...I guarentee there are probably a dozen guys who desperatly want to go out with you, pick one and have a good time[/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]All I have forgotten haunts me late at night for if I had not forgotten I know I'd make it right And all I never will know dosen't worry me but all I have forgotten Is all I could ever be[/color] -
[color=indigo] I think that I would cast the Jet Li's Nemisis from Romeo Must Die as Goku...he just looks the part[/color]
[color=indigo] I hate it when I go into clothing stores and hangers are facing opposite directions...I guess I have been working in retail too long[/color]
[color=indigo] I stayed away from Jin at first in T4 but once I learned a few of his moves I realized how nasty he was in this new game. Seph, learn Jins new moves...he can wreck shop[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I like how these religions of many year ago to these civilizations are now considered mythology.... do you think that in future year, Christianity and all other religions of our time will be considered... Mythology?.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Haha!!! You and I are on the same page TN. When I first saw the question, my immediate response was going to be that I found Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism to be the most fascinating of all mythology...then I was going to sit back and watch the flaming of yours truly begin;) But, I guess I enjoy the tales of Ancient Greece and the Norse myths more then any others[/color]
[color=indigo] Well, I roam around the Carolinas, back and forth between the peidmont and the beach (quick geography lesson, North Carolina is boardered to the west by mountians, east by the Atlantic, and in between are the foothills known as the peidmont ). As for my age, well I am 21...it is all downhill from here...[/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo] I kiss your eyes at night to cover up the screen the horrors of the evening news may give you a bad dream. Baby boy don't shed a tear it is only make believe find somewhere to hide away it is only make believe on the evening news tonight...[/color] -
[color=indigo] Well besides Mongolian Carnival midgets (which I am terrified of, as I have mentioned before) I have the biggest fear of getting stuck in a job I don't enjoy, I have to many friends that are already lost in Americas work force...[/color]
[color=indigo] I think our heads explode if we use more then 10% of our brain...[/color]
Elven Name The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is: Firnlonn Another masculine version is: Firnlonnion Hobbit lad name Harding Bridger from Combe Dwarven Name Drór Ironpike Orkish Name Grúbdug the Smasher[color=indigo] Hmm...That was nifty....According to that book dealy I am a Tragic Dark Elf[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink] Though it has caused some adverse side affects...since I do drink behind their backs...and sometimes lie about where I'm going...and have spent the night at guys' houses...and all of that they have NO idea about. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] They do now....(in a sing song voice) someone sent this post to Baby Girls Parents na na na na na, Now someone is going to MSU instead of California....:blackeye: ow, I was just kidding BG, you could have at least taken off that ring... Anyways, be glad your parents are overprotective, at least you know they care about you[/color]
[color=indigo] Here is a little advice from someone that has been in and and out of various bands. Being a vocalist, make sure you already have several songs (lyrics are fine) written, or at least some ideas for songs in your head. Next, you have to find like minded musicians to play with...always start with drummers, a good drummer is the hardest thing to find. I disagree with Piro on joining an already established band, especially iif you have never been in a band before. Once you have preformed a few times then moving on to an established band may be a good idea. Finally, practice constantly and learn how to play some rhthym guitar or some basic keyboard. Good Luck!!![/color]
[color=indigo] Forget all of our advice and just go back out with the guy. I thought about it and realized that us guys are pretty ill-equiped at handling relationships right the first time. Give the guy another chance, maybe it will turn out to be the love of a lifetime or maybe not, c'est la vie...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sexyjessie4 [/i] [B]That is a good point...I do trust him though and I honestly think it will be okay...I hope so at least!! *crosses fingers* [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Well, if it feels right then you should dive in head first:D [/color]