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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo] Take it easy Kevin, we apperciate your contributions to the otaku. YOu did an awesome job. By the way Adam and James, the suspense is killing me, finish your "special" project already...[/color]
  2. [color=indigo] Well I am not sure what kind of personality the guy has, it must be a good one if you want to go back out with him. But you should take into consideration that he went on a date with you why he was going out with a girl...what is to say that he won't do it again? Just make sure that you trust him before you take him back, and make sure that his girlfriend is long gone.[/color]
  3. [color=indigo] Hmmm...I find some anime charecters very attractively drawn, but I am not attracted to them...they are only drawings...[/color]
  4. [color=indigo] I'd like to be like Spike from Cowboy Bebop, He has a rockin ship, is an awesome martial artist, and, besides that, has a very similar personality to that of yours truly...[/color]
  5. [color=indigo] I am blacker then night blacker then hate blacker then starvation blacker then greed blacker then lust blacker then death I am love, the blackest of all emotions. I have launched a thousand ships Started a thousand wars and destroyed immeasurable lives, yet I am the emotion cherished above all, curious...[/color]
  6. [color=indigo] I've been trying to hit up the gym about five times a week for at least 2 hrs lately. Lately I've been getting a little belly (too much taco bell and Guiness beer) so I have been trying to go extra hard. I also try to play a fair amount of basketball but I was schooled pretty badly today and my pride is hurt...[/color]
  7. [color=indigo] My parents really don't trust me much anymore either. I always wanted to be independent, but after I made a couple mistakes and didn't fess up, my parents lost a good amount of trust in me. You have to remember though, as hard as it is for you to not have your mothers trust, it is probably ten time harder for her because she can't trust you...[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] [font=tahoma][size=1][b] LOL! That sounds exactly like something I would do! The deliverer went into your apartment?? Is he allowed to do that?[/font][/size][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Well he thought that I might be dead considering he was ring the doorbell and beating on the door for five minutes, and he saw how out of it I was, so he went in and made sure I was still breathing and left...[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]Definately my guitar and my music. I am also addicted to beautiful women...it is a very one sided addiction though:confused: [/color]
  10. [color=indigo]Well, growing up in an art community, I grew up with many friends that ended up being homosexual. They grew up exposed to the same things I was, yet they find the same sex appealing. Why is that?? It is because it is somehow genetic. Nearly every gay man or woman that I know says that they knew that they were gay at an early age, not that they decided that they were gay. So how could something that is more then likely genetic be wrong or bad??? [/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I pace back and forth, back and forth, stepping lightly on the floors so they don't hear them creak. Oh, I know that they are watching, that they are listening. They hear everything, they SEE everything, but they don't know everything...at least, not yet. I have secrets, secrets that I don't even know I carry, and they need them. They will get them unless I can figure out a way to hide, a way to dissappear. I tried leaving my house, but a man in a black rain slicker followed me, so I went into the corner store and bought a pack of gum. When I came out the man was gone, but they hadn't stopped following me. I saw a man with a suspicious dog walk past. They can't fool me, I know that underneath the fur, the dog was a tangled web of wires and circuts. No, I can't leave my house, it is too dangerous, but I can't stay either, for it is only a matter of time before they come for me. No there is only one option one escape. I wish I knew what they wanted from me, what secrets I held that they desired so badly. No, they will never use me, never...BOOM. And somewhere far away a man in a black rain slicker laughs out loud.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo] I was entranced by her smokey eyes and her smokey voice. She beckoned me to follow and, like a fool, I did. I should have turned away I should have run away, but it is to late now I am doomed Cursed by the Siren With the Smokey eyes and the Smokey voice[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Evil-Sheep [/i] [B] 1. What's worse, drinking problem or gambling problem? maybe both of them are just as bad ? 2. What's better (finally a "positive" question :laugh: ) being merciful or being generous? 3. Who//what will you take along If you have to travel to a far island all by urself? 4. what do you prefer, Anime or sit coms? (comedy series) 5. If you had tons of money, what are the 5 first things you would have bought? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]1.A drinking problem, because when you have a gambling problem you can at least turn to drinking for comfort. 2. I don't know any people who are generous but not merciful, but still, I'd have to say merciful 3. A lot of books...I've had it with people... 4. Well...the Simpsons is a sitcom, and the best show ever made, but, EXCLUDING the Simpsons, I would say Anime 5. A Nice Car A House On A beach in The Cayman Islands An Apartment in Manhattan A House in the Mountains of NC A Music Studio in New York[/color]
  14. [color=indigo] I am not a huge fan of either and, to be honest, I only enjoy them during two occasions. I really enjoy both when it has a heavy, super fast, dark beat (something that a fight scene could be choriographed to) when I workout. Second, I enjoy them at raves or clubs when beautiful girls are everywhere, dancing their rears off.[/color]
  15. [color=indigo] One night I fell asleep ordering a pizza. When the delivery guy came, I apparently got up, opened the door, took the pizza from the delivery man. And closed the door on the delivery man. I woke up the next morning on my couch with a whole pizza and no idea of how it got there. Around ten that morning I got a call from the pizza place asking if I could please pay for the pizza I took. I talked to the delivery man, and he told me that my eyes were barely open and after he rang the doorbell several times he came in my apartment and saw that I was asleep on the couch. [/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]I agree i dont think they would be able to tax weed.But i dont think they should legalize those other drugs like cocaine and heroin that stuff could mess u up bad.I only smoke weed and i wouldnt think of trying that other stuff.I profer smokin weed than smokin ciggirits(cancer sticks).:D Because weed is all natural.:demon: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Hate to inform you, weed is also a "cancer stick" sorry to burst your bubble, 1 joint= (rooughly) 7 cigs...[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Asar and Pastbyer, you both did [I]very[/I] well. Congratulations. Basically, most people only believe in what they can see. The ironic thing is that they can't [I]see[/I] who they are. I mean, look in the mirror, but that image isn't really you--the true person is located within. Basically, people forget things like this and rely too much on what they see. In addition to what you both said, it focuses on looking beyond what is laid out in front of us. My philosophy is that we all create our own Heavens and Hells--our own limitations and lifestyles. [/B] Well, you can interpret it anyway you want to. That's the thing I love about reading other peoples' work. The reader can create their own story based on how they percieve things. Maybe the man didn't have faith to begin with and now he's on a journey to find it. Perhaps he did indeed lose it along the way, and now his soul is void of all happiness. You can draw the conclusion based on how you see fit, because you two have already uncovered the underlying meaning. Sadly, it's not all about a cat though. That would have been too obvious, lol. If there's anything else you guys don't understand, just let me know and I'll clear it up. Oh yeah, and um, here's your cookie. It mysteriously looks like a pokeball though...:ball: I really appreciate anyone's time who read it--even if they didn't completely understand it. It makes me feel happy that you felt it was worth reading. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Ohh, I ge it now, so it wasn't a riddle...ahh, well okay, I think I understand the point now...I thought that your awnser was tangible, not philisophical...oh well...[/color]
  18. [color=indigo] That episode was great, especially when the drug dog bit Homers crotch and slung him around... As for th legalization of Marijuana, to be honest, I could care less whether or not it was legalized. It would be very difficult to tax it though, not because it is already on the streets, but because it is easy to grow. Unlike Tobacco, hemp will grow nearly anywhere...[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by VampireHunter J [/i] [B]Congradulations to all the peots here, but this thread is getting kinda full. I think we should probably create a new thread and post our new poems in it. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Why would we want to create a new thread? This one is working great and you can look back at the older poems. Sometimes I stare at the sky Wondering when The Heavens will plummet crashing through the clouds into the soft earth causing an end both to paradise and misery and leaving us in the sweet oblivion which is neither black or white or any other color for all you can see in the abyss is nothingness surrounded by the infinite[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]The Wind Spirit Screamed, then sighed, whispered, then cried his incantation casting me to far of lands, valleys of fire, mountians of ice, over sea, unders stone, onward with the breeze. I am exhausted from my travels yet what am I to do? I am just a cherry blossom enchanted by the spirit that blows the gusty breeze[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] Don't worry, I'm not insane......everyone else is...... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Well I truly have only one guess...a drop of rain...but I seem to find faults with that conclusion...if no one awnsers it correctly then please pm me the awnser...[/color]
  22. [color=indigo] I constantly dream tha I can fly but i am not very good at it....[/color]
  23. [color=indigo] I don't know how to awnser your question because I hae never felt like I was ready to marry a girl. I think the most important thing in thinking about marriage is not love, but your own ability to deal with the world and your own life in a responsible manner, because if you are unable to handle your own life the stress of someone elses can break you[/color]
  24. [color=indigo] I think about death sometimes. I wonder what happens when we pass on, hopefully curiosity won't kill this cat;) [/color]
  25. [color=indigo] I don't remember my 21st birthday, from the pictures it looked quite fun though...I think you should avoid allowing your frends to tell the bartender what to make your shots out of...Kahlua and Whiskey is not a good shooter, oh and don't take anything wth red bull, it keps you awake and allwyour friends to feed you more ghastly concoctions...[/color]
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