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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo] Well I don't think I an offer to much advice because I know very little about the laws in the UK (I think that iswhere you are from). I am sorry things hven't imprved between you and your mother. My only advice is to follow you gut...I wish you the best of luck[/color]
  2. [color=indigo] I thought I would do my part in keeping all you youngsters away from alcohol....to see the negative effects of alcohol click this link[/color] [URL=http://www.madblast.com/oska/humor_warnings.swf] Click Here To See The Horrors of Alcohol[/url] [size=1] May be unsuitable for children, peopl with heart conditions, pregnant women, and people thatlack a sense of humor[/size]
  3. [color=indigo] 5 4 3 2 1 The countdown the moment all relies on precision on timing on mathmatics there is no luck only numbers 5 4 3 2 1 and never NEVER forget 0[/color]
  4. [color=indigo] Like so many people have already said, it isn't a word that is offensive...it is the stigma attached to the word...here is a short list of words I find offensive or "Bad" so please, refrain from using these words in my presence Responsible broke worthless whop dego Billy Bob Thorton Mature Pancake Thank you for your consideration:) [/color]
  5. [color=indigo] I enjoy playing the following sports: basketball, rugby, strip skiing, football, skeet surfing, swimming, ultimate frisbee using the blade of a circular saw, tennis, mud wrestling midgets, and golf....oh did I mention dynamite fishing?[/color]
  6. 1. You're part of an invasion force and your commander is a total nutcase (aka trigger-happy) about war. Would you rather follow his orders and die or just run??? [color=indigo] I don't know...are we supposed to take these people out?? If soI say "Just Bring IT!!"[/color] 2. Your in a room filled with hydrogen tanks and you hear one of the tanks leak. Would you try to find the leak and patch it up or would you light up a match (if you're a pyromaniac that is) [color=indigo]Well, I am pretty lazy...I would probably just walk away, forget patching it up[/color] 3. What's worse: an all-out assualt by the Gundams or the Valkyrie series from Macross/Robotech??? [color=indigo]I would probably say Gundam[/color] 4. If you want to get rid the worlds from all the dictators, who would you get rid off first and why?? [color=indigo]Saddam Hussien and his crazy sons...I would lock them up an lose the key...[/color] 5. What's worse: being persistent or being arrogant??? [color=indigo]What!!! Those are he two greatest virtues!![/color] 6. Another what's worse question and it's my last one. So what's worse: getting nuked or getting firebombed?? [color=indigo]Firebombed...it is over insantly when you are nuked, I would think that there would be a lot of pain included with being firebombed....[/color]
  7. [color=indigo] Did anyone see the new commercial that has ascreen shot of the Game Cube game??[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]I don't think the split wll last but a week or so before we see wrestlers encroaching n each others shows[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]Today Tommorrow Yesterday, What doe is it matter? Time is nothing nothing more then a bat of aneyelash[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [b]take what you've been given & run with it. take the leap, maybe you'll fly. no one controls your future but you. we all have the potential for greatness.[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Wow, I read this thread several times because I thought it was very insightful. I have to agree with your response to those lyrics, all we have is our own individual talents, what we do with it is up to us. Thank you for the insight LM, and I'm glad your back:) [/color]
  11. [color=indigo] I am passionate about my music, actually obssessed is probably a better word. I am constantly singing or playing an instrument or writing music...actually, most of the time when I am on the computer I am also playing my guitar...[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]softly slowly you enchant me smoothly seductively you try to tempt me desperately passionatly you try to steal my soul but promises from an empty hand fall on deaf ears you may be the devil but I have no fear this is my soul this is my life this is my life...[/color]
  13. [color=indigo] My friend lived in Japan for a year and he said that visitors there get the same vibe that visitors to the US get, it varys from person to person, place to place. Some people there often get annoyed with tourists and hate forigners, others are as nice and helpful as can be...[/color]
  14. [color=indigo] Can't get nothing you don't ask for. What A Good piece of advice in love in hate in life Can't get nothing you don't take What a good piece of advice in love in hate in life Can't get nothing for free What a good piece of advice in love in hate in life[/color]
  15. [color=indigo] I can play just about anything ('cept woodwinds) but I tryand keep my focus on the trumpet and the guitar.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]Now is your time Kittty Cat now is your time to shine don't fade befoe your time, don't waste your lives even though you have nine just sit down, lay back Watch the world follow its track purr away all your hate all your anger all your pain for being content is your fate. Now is your time Kitty Cat Now is your time to shine.[/color]
  17. [color=indigo] Okay BG, I retook yours as "failure" and only changed the coke/diet coke question and I got an 86....you must put tons of stock in your beverage selection...[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman Nation [/i] [B]Okay if a person has 11 cents in their pocket, with only two coin, and one is not a penny then what 2 coins do they have? By the way pm me with the answer so that every boady donesn't cheat!!K kan you figure it out? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Sorry to ruin the joke, but it is one penny and one dime. Only "one" coin isn't a penny...duh[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] However, best actor... it's an absolute SHAME that Denzel won for Training Day... the movie got terrible reviews and I don't think that role played by Denzel was even nomination worthy (he even said that himself) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Training Day was a great movie, and a very unique movie for Denzel, it was a very different role for him and he did a great job. I thought Russel Crowe did geat in A Beautiful Mind but he was no better then DW in Training Day. By the way Trainind Dayis a great movie.[/color]
  20. [color=indigo] Well I figured I'd create one even though I haven't scored higher then a 57 on anybodys test...[URL]http://HavensCloud.friendtest.com.[/URL] [/color]
  21. [color=indigo] Drip, Drip The Sweat rolls from my face The heat from steel against steel blade against blade will against will. Thrust and Pary Pary and thrust Fire Stone Fire Stone it is all instinctual Drip, Drip The sweat rolls from his face man against man man against mountain man against nature Thrust and Pary Pary and Thrust Fire Stone Fire Stone his fear is instinctual Drip, Drip The Blood rolls from his head flesh against steel life against death spirit aginst oblivion no Pary no trust no thrust no Pary no Fire Stone just a shoulder thrust his death is instinctual[/color]
  22. [color=indigo] It began with blood and a harmless joke, escalting beyond horror, beyond my comprehension. I couldn't absorb the words, And in that moment I felt a fraction, a FRACTION of what she must have felt. Alone, enraged, horrified, humiliated. I wanted to reach out, to make eveything better, but I froze. In my hesitaion I failed at a task I was unable to deal with. For that will I be damned? My bitter tears offer her no comfort, no protection, No blanket of support. But I hope she knows they were shed for her, to let her know that someone cares, that someone still feels...[/color]
  23. [color=indigo] It is my passion my obsession. All of my devotion all of my emotion poured into a few moments. If it is my true love, where do you fit in? Is it fair for you to come in second? Yes. For while it will always be my passion my desire my obsession, You, You are my inspiration.[/color]
  24. [color=indigo] There is beauty In drops of rain and the way light refracts from each drop unpredictable There is beauty in a flake of snow its indviduality its unpredicatabiliy truly unique There is beauty in a tuft of dirt tread on through the ages by heros and conqurers timeless There is beauty in your prose your playful innuendos and the way the tone cresendos to the climax and nevr falls[/color]
  25. [color=indigo] Never...sex is dirty...DIRTY!!!....you shouldn't even talk about it until you are married, and even then it is WRONG!!! you dirty birdies!!! actually, I think children should be taught young, when the are mature, about the fifth grade. After the teens hit, all focus in kids is lost due to those freaky chemical changes. Most fifth graders seem more mature then a lot of 13 yr olds I know[/color]
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