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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
[color=indigo] Welcome to the boards...maybe I can shed some light on some of your questions. Although there is no clear awnser to your first question, my guess would be that dead fighters can still harness there power because they still have "lifeforce". When someone dies in DBZ they just mov on to a different plane, I think there are several planes, The home for Infinite losers (or hell), Snake Way (where the lesser Kai's planets lie, and the Great Kai's planet. Goku can keep his energy becaue he was allowed to keep his body after he died,and therefor he was able to keep the "lifeforce" in it. Vegeta finds out that the mysterious boy is his son, Trunks, after during the early fight with the androids. Hope that helps:) [/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo] Staring from heaven with an angry glare I open my mouth take a breath of air then shout out my fury scream it out loud and send down the storm from my post in the clouds. From atop my station I vent my wrath so be wary, tread lightly when you cross my path for if you cross me you spit in my face be prepared for hell when I put you in your place.[/color] -
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo] You whispered And you sighed You moaned and you cried and when you screamed out I died A thousand times[/color] -
[color=indigo] I never understood why people go o Myrtle beach for Spring Break...It isn't even very warm there this time of year. Well I guess I'm prejudiced because I lived near there, and I am used to it, but it is loads of fun:) My Spring Break was awesome, I spent all week at work and writing history papers for finals...one year I am going to do something cool for break.[/color]
[color=indigo] I am not sure if I have ever been in love before...I guess that means I haven't. I have cared deeply for a couple people, but things didn't work out. Oh well, it will probably come when I least expect it;) [/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo] Your dark eyes your sly smile the shine that plays in your cat like eyes your soft hair your soft touch the soft kiss you lay upon my lips. Its your smell Its your taste Its you presence that drives me mad When your near me So near me I go insane I need you bad So when you fall into my arms You feel my love You have my heart Without you Without you I think I'd die I'd fall apart[/color] -
Were you ever a loner in your life?
Heaven's Cloud replied to Guardian_Tidus's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo] I think I am very much a loner. Why I do have a few friends, I am quite content to be alone nearly all of the time. To be honest, as long as I have some good books and a computer, I am happy rarely leaving my house. [/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]Notre dame. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Heh...good joke, Anyways, fear the TERPS!!! They are going to win hands down this year. But I'll agee with BG, Gonzaga looks good this year and they got ranked badly so they hve something to prove....[/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
James Clavell "What is the sky but an excuse for clouds What is life bu an excuse for death" -
Everyone's Clouded Vision of Life....
Heaven's Cloud replied to Queen Asuka's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] Why is drinking good? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] The Americn Heart Association found that by consuming one glass of red wine a day you can drastically reduce the risk of heart disease, which as we all know, is the leading cause of death in the US The American Medical Association found that occasionally consuming an alcoholic beverage that contains a high carbohydrate ratio such as beer or a malt beverage in combination with tomato in its cooked form, helps reduce the risk of kidney damage and liver failure So why is drinking BAD???[/color] -
Everyone's Clouded Vision of Life....
Heaven's Cloud replied to Queen Asuka's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo] Wh is drinking BAD??? This is what I fail to understand...What makes it wrong??? People have been drinking alcohol for thousands of years...actually untill pasturization arose eveyone drank alcohol...[/color] -
Everyone's Clouded Vision of Life....
Heaven's Cloud replied to Queen Asuka's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo][size=4] Join the Dark Side!! Drinking is Fun, It Makes you popular...You aren't Cool unless you drink!!! Mwahhahha...[/size] sorry but I hd to try to peer pressure you guys into joining us:) [/color] -
Everyone's Clouded Vision of Life....
Heaven's Cloud replied to Queen Asuka's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo] Okay just a couple of things I'd like to say. First is that i have done stupid things when I have been drunk, but I have done millions of stupid thngs dead sober so I don't think alcohol is to blame. Second, please stop quoting bad "facts" about the effects of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. smoking cigarettes doesn't take an allocated time off of your life span, period. There was a myth that stated smoking a cigarette took seven minutes (not hours or days) off of your life, but it was never a fact. I think everyone knows the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and cigs...whether we care to acknowledge them or not is another matter. And one more thing, quit saying that peer pressure is abad thing, peer pressure is a double edged sword. Everything you do one way or another is based on peer pressure. [/color] -
Everyone's Clouded Vision of Life....
Heaven's Cloud replied to Queen Asuka's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Heaven's Cloud, I agree with your analogy, but you are 21 and of legal drinking age. I'm talking about the people ranging from ages 14-20 I guess you could say that are only doing it to be noticed and be "cool" in front of all their friends. I'm not bashing you because you are of LEGAL DRINKING AGE...just thought I'd set that straight before you formed some evil opinion of me...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I have absolutley no ill will towards you, Queen, or any other member of the boards for that matter (except for the few of you that IM me just to talk crap about other people, you know who you are:flaming: ). I got drunk plenty of times when I wasn't of legal age. Did I do it to be cool, to fit in, or was it the opposite of that, did I do it because I was uncofortable around people? To be honest I have no idea why I got drunk for the first time...it was just something new to try. I was with a friend and we just got drunk...as simple as that. I continue to occasionally get drunk because I find it amusing. Why did you get drunk the first time you did it?? I can guess why you didn't like it, but why did you ever do itin the first place?[/color] -
Everyone's Clouded Vision of Life....
Heaven's Cloud replied to Queen Asuka's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink]I've never drank alchohol or done drugs. I really have no desire to do so. And yes, I'm glad somebody besides me pointed this out... I remember the other day someone said "i stayed up five nights when i was high off acid", and it was all I could do to not yell at this person...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Why would you yell at this person. Did his or her doing acid effect you in any way?? I am not condoning the use of any illegal substance, but why does it make you angry that someone is taking an illegal substance. There seem to be much more pressing matters in the world then one kid being a moron and dropping acid...[/color] -
Everyone's Clouded Vision of Life....
Heaven's Cloud replied to Queen Asuka's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]There's something that's totally been bothering me lately that I've noticed on the boards more and more. What is up with people thinking it's so COOL to do drugs or to drink when it's totally illegal? I've already seen on here twice where people were like "I was totally drunk when I posted that" almost like they are bragging or something. Were you RAISED to think that is the right and "cool" thing to do? If you have to lower yourself to that kind of level so people will look up to you then you're not a very strong individual. I know someone has to share my opinion on this. I just want to know what goes through you people's minds!!!!! I'm not trying to be all goody-good, because I went to a party ONCE and got drunk and I must say, it was NOT a fun experience and I didn't think it was "cool" in the slightest. But the way people are influenced nowadays, it seems the way to go. I thought it was only like that down here in Redneckville, Georgia, but this a re-occuring issue all over the place...I think it's getting way too much out of hand....[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Well, I am probably one of the people you are talking about so I shall write to defend myself. I posted in a different thread that I was surprised that my post was coherent because I had been drunk. I was stating a fact, not supporting getting drunk in any way, although I do find it quite enjoyable to go out and get hammered every once in awhile. It is also not illegal for me to get drunk because I am 21. I also care very little on how people look at me. If you think I lack morals because I get drunk, then you and I have different moral values. I don't get drunk to be "cool" I get drunk because I find it amusing, just like I find the computer amusing. I'm sorry that yo didn't hve a good time when you got drunk. Some people just don't enjoy getting drunk, you are probably one of those people. Here is a brief analogy for you, maybe it'll help you to understand my thought on drinking. You have a bowl of vanilla ice cream. Personally, I like to put chocolate sauce on my ice cream every now and then, I like vanilla ice cream well enough, I just find i more enjoyale with the chocolte sauce. You may not like chocolate sauce on ice cream, thats fine, I still enjoy it. But dn't tell me that I am a bad person for liing chocolate sauce, it doesn't hurt anyone so back off... By the way you compare the vanilla ice cream to hanging ou with friends and chocolate sauce to drinking.[/color] -
"The Dating Game" or "Why I Have No Money"
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo] Wow, I was really drunk when I posted this thread, so I am surprised my original post is even slightly coherent. I don't really think I was clear on stating my problem, so hear is an attempt to clarify my situation. Right now I am juggling a full load of classes plus two jobs. It seems that in y free time I am either on the computer or...well actually I am pretty much on the computer. But I tend to rush into dating because I have so little free time. It is easier for me to "schedule" a date to fit into my free time then it is for me to pal around with a couple girls for several months just to decide if I want to start a relationship withone of them. Well, I apprciate your advice, especially LM. I think I will try the phone thing...although I have a bad habit of playing my guitar while I am on the phone...It seems like a good way to get to know the other persons personality.[/color] -
[color=indigo] I know that the title of this thread suggests a Rocky and Bullwinkle theme, my dillemma has more of a bad sitcom flavor. I am trapped in the dating game, and have gone on more dates then I care to remember in the past two weeks. I have taken out five girls, and have had five horrible dates. I think my problem is that I am attracted to girls that have the personalities of pet goldfish and the brains of hamsters. Now, I know I'm no prize either, but it seems that I am looking for all the wrong girls in all the right places... Well my question to you is, should I ask any of these girls out again? Should I look past the first date an see if the second date is better? Or should I just date around more and keep dessimating my finances?[/color]
What do you find so mindboggling about the opposite sex?
Heaven's Cloud replied to Ryan's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo] lots of guys shaved their legs for swimming...I was never quite that hard core though...[/color] -
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo] I was Lost I couldn't find a path No hope No chance to find my way And there you were The one to guide me back From empty black You took my hand And brought me home [/color] -
What do you find so mindboggling about the opposite sex?
Heaven's Cloud replied to Ryan's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo] I find everything about girls mindboggeling, maybe that is why I am so unsuccessfull at getting into serious relationships. It just seems that 80% of the girls I take out are morons yet they seem intelligent when I meet them...[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B]... [i]really[/i]. There's only one awnser here... ... ...... ......... Billy Conelly should have played bond dammit! How cool would that be... the first... scottish bond. I think he wasn't givin a shot 'cause he was scottish, damn Hoolywood. I blame society... ... ...... ......... *Walks of mumbleing something about sueing God* [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]..::cough::...excuse me but isn't Connery a Scott?? Well Sir Sean is by far the best Bond...he was the best womanizer, and he portrayed the charecter perfectly... Roger Moore was in the best movies, but he was a shabby looking Bond and his acting was horrible. Timothy Dalton just sucked...he ordered a friggin bud wth a lime in it in his fist movie for heavens sake. Peirce Brosnon makes a great Bond but his movie plots have been lacking and he sems to depend on his females for support...sorry ladies, but the sexism in Bond movies does add a lot to the plot.[/color]
[color=indigo] I saw the Lion King in London several years ago and it was awesome, I wanted to raid backstage and steal some of the masks. Les Mis is still my favorite out of all of the shows I have seen.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by goddess21 [/i] [B][color=deeppink] Haha.... this is funny because out of all of my friends I got voted "Looks most like a Carnie!!!!" Are you scared of me now? :demon: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Only if you are also Mongolian and a Midget, if you are all three then I would be absolutly terrified of you...actually I just wet myself thinking of a Mongolian Carnival Midget, I better go clean up[/color]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo] You do not know me, know my pain, know my torment. You do not know what keeps me awake at night, what eats away at my conscience, what tears at my soul. All of your suggestions, all of your advice, it is all worthless. You do not know me, you don't understand me. please go away.[/color]