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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo] Well I lost my huge opinion because AOL cut out on me but I'll try writing it as logically again. I find the "n" word to be the ugliest word in the English language. I don't think that any white person, myself included, should be able to use it, even in the slang sense. It is too clouded by hate and is too easily mistaken for hate when it is used, no matter the context. I do believe, however, that blacks should have the right to use it as slang if they wish, especially if they find comfort in taking the power away from it. In a way, it is good that the "n" word has resurfaced. It is a good reminder of the prejudice that occured on a massive scale in America just a few years ago. And by talking about the word and trying to understand its history, prehaps we will be able to better understand how to avoid such a horrible incident from ever happening again.[/color]
  2. :shifty: [color=indigo] I can't awnser this honestly "cough" so I will say that my second favorite thing to do is to play my guitar.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [b] Good, the NWO is doing there job well then. They are heels, its there job. So if you hate them, that's what the WWF is looking for. Get real...of course the Rock wasn't in that ambulance....they just staged that so he could go shoot his movie "The Scorpion King"...good lord... ~Stone Cold Steve Altron out [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Just to let you all know...big mistake with the ambulence that the Rock was hit in. In the ambulance he got into rght away...the writing on the back was red, the one that go run over had blue writing. Not that I think any of you guys thought that the rock really got hit[/color]
  4. [color=indigo] One word...Transformers....nuff said!! Oh ait don't forget He Man aqnd the Ninja Turtles....Kids in the eighties had the best toys![/color]
  5. [color=blue] The musicians name was Charles Flynn. He wasn't really a musician, just a freelance assassin who enjoyed moonlighting every now and again. Right now he isn't thinking of music, he is thinking of Gordon, and of how pissed he is that he had to follow him all the way to Laporin. "I should have killed him when I first saw him!!! DAMN! And what is that chic from the bar doing with him??" He knew his questions were falling on deaf ears, because he was all alone in the tiny shuttle his employer gave him. However, shouting released some of his tension. "I will catch up with you Gordon, and when I do I'll slit your throat from ear to ear for making me follow you through the galaxy."[/color]
  6. [color=indgo] [b]Feb 24, 2002[/b] Fot the first time in quite awhile I am scared. Not of the creeping shadows or a demon in the dark, But of the face in the mirror. Will My inner demons remain locked away Or will they be unleashed?[/color]
  7. [color=indigo] Feb 22, 2002 I flirted with her for over an hour while we had drinks during happy hour. She had a nice smile and a great body too So I invited her home and she follwed her que. She said " I see that yor nice And handsome as well But to get in my pants, You better be rich as hell." So I got a guitar and wrote a cheesy pop song I made lots of money And we made love all night long. I woke the next morning with her by my side I popped her the question Will you be my bride. She said "Hon you ask a lot, I know I'm a looker, But thats a bit much, even for a high class hooker"[/color]
  8. [color=blue][i] ...File 431 Target: Gordon Jennings Termination Date: Immediatly Reason: Poses a huge threat to project "Rebirth", a top secret government spy project. Is suspected of leaking information to hostile countries. Special Instructions: There is to be no harm to the target's cranial region and no drugs can be administerd to the target. It must be a clean hit.[/i] The musician put the file down and began to prepare for the hit.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo] Here is one for Feb 21, 2002 [b]Street Walker[/b] I walk the streets through the nights through the cold through the sleet. I beg for compassion through the day through the heat through the rain. What made me a pariah? Was it luck? Was it karma? Was it my own stupiditiy? I want to return to the world of men. To be treated as man and not as a domesticated animal always begging always begging. But you won't let me. Why won't you let me.[/color]
  10. [color=indigo] You guys are all putting up very convincing reasons on why public schools shouldn't be able to interfere with the policies and practices of private and home schooling. But now it is time for me to play Devils Advocate... Here are some reasons why it is logical for a state school board to have some control over the regulations and cirriculum of private and home schooled students. While the public education system in America is not beyond criticism, it makes a very valid argument, both towards private and home schooling. Here is the reason why private schools should be, in some way regulated by the public school system. A child that graduates high school from a private school has a much better chance of recieving enrollment into a State or Private University then a public schooled student that recieved both equal grades and SAT scores does. However, a private school is not required to teach their students the same cirriculum as public schools do. Therefore, it is possible that the private schooled student could have the same grades, yet only have covered half of the material that the public student did. On the other end, the Public School system is concerned about the quality of the teaching that the home schooled children recieve. While some children do very well with home schooling, because their parents are good teachers, others do very poor because their parents are very bad teachers. This especially becomes the case in a home schooled student's high school education, where in many cases, the parents are learning along with the children. Well those are just two things to think about when you make your argument...[/color]
  11. [color=indigo] I am not sure how many of you are aware of this, but right now there is a huge debate occuring within America's educational system. The debate is over whether or not private and home school students should be regulated by the public school system. In other words, the ciriculum that private and home schooled students use must be approved by the public school system. This will create a standard for learning in both privte school and home school situations. So my question for you is SHOULD THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM BE ABLE TO REGULATE LEARNING IN BOTH HOME AND PRIVATE SCHOOL ATMOSPHERES? I am going to play devils advocate for awhile before I post my opinion and reasoning...[/color]
  12. [color=indigo] I have a shirt that says grabherbootie&pinch. Everynow and then I'll wear it when I work at Abercrombie...it gets plent of oddlooks...[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B] I'm would never be mad at them for changing and putting up a new "style" of clothes, but I am mad at them for hating me just cause I didn't go along with them....I am mad at them because they say if I don't dress this way then I am; stupid, idiotic, gay, (no offense of coure TN)a *****, a ****er, a bastard you name it they called it...I just think its really incredable STUPID!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Stupid is definatley the right word. From your first post I thought something entirely different was happening. However, I think you should just find new friends and ignore your old ones until they grow up a little more.[/color]
  14. [color=indigo] Well its after midnight...so here is my poem for Feb 20, 2001 I know I am not as smart as everyone says I am. If I was, I would have realized that when you swore your love you were looking at me but not speaking to me. I know I am not as smart as everyone says I am. I always wore the mask of a great Noh actor, impressing everyone, but never you nor I. We both saw past the facade. I know I am not as smart as everyone says I am. Or I would have learned to live without you long ago, instead of being haunted by my own spectre. I know I am not as smart as everyone says I am. If I was I would have found A way to forget The way I was, The way you were, And I would figure out who I should become...[/color]
  15. [color=indigo] I hate to burst your bubble, but everybody forms a initial impression due to appearence, even the most open-minded of people. Conforming to a trend is not always a bad thing, as long as the person has a valid reason for doing it. For example, it seems that your friends are trying to fit a certian image. Prehaps it is because they want to fit in with a group or prehaps it is because they enjoy aspects of the trend. You shouldn't be angry with them for doing it, they are the same people that they were the other day, they are just expressing themselves differently. You may not like their trends or even understand them, but that shouldn't change your frendship with them.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo] Well, I guess I can understand why your brother is angry...but forgive and forget, right? But in relationship to wat James was saying, do your brothers also frequent the boards or wereyou just clearing the air about past remarks?[/color]
  17. [color=indigo] Hahah....*HC picks Kuja up with one arm.* HC- "Ha ha I have you now Kuja, now that I know your true size I have no need to fear you..." Kuja kicks HC in the shin and beats the crap out of him using :modrod: power... HC- "Darn, never underestimate the little guy...ghaaaa!!!" falls over unconscious... Sorry Kuja, I just always pictured you as being a big guy, really fast swimmers tend to be fairly big. Oh, well...[/color]
  18. [color=indigo] Yeah I remember how hard cheerleading was. I was a young girl, barely 13 wenI started...wait a minute, I was never a cheerleader...wait minute I'm a guy. Wow, I wonder why I hve that memory, hmmm, strange. Anyways, I have been a member to a gym for several years. I love going but I have a big persona workout flaw. I'll go for awhile an get in great shape and then I won't go for several months. This wouldn't be so harmful except for the fact that I ave horrible eating habits. Well right now I am back in the gym, hoefull this time I won't slip back into my old habits:D [/color]
  19. [color=indigo] Hehe, that was pretty funny. I wonder which member of the boards wote that one. Come on, fess up...your lack of punctuation and your horrible grammatical errors destroyed any chance that you may have had at playing a good practical joke. Also, by writing this message you have participated in a fraudulent act and by passing it on to the owner of the website you have participated in utterence, both of which are felony offenses in the US. If I were you, I would give up trying to pass these fake documents and forget that this ever did happen. Oh, and by the way, if this does happen to be a real company, you have zero recourse and you really need to look into hiring a better attorney to handle these matters. We all know that a company as big as Bird Studio would hire an attorney that was well versed in American law before they ever sent a threatening messege. Internet laws, being what they are in America, as a company you would have to seek civil action in this case, which means no one would be arrested. So next time you want to try a prank at least make it sound professional or plausable :) [/color]
  20. [color=blue] The Musician awoke te next morning wih a pounding headache. He poured himself a Stolis on the rocks and topped it of with two asprin. Afte the Stolis and a hot shower his headachehad vanished. "As good as new," he thought. He left his house and walked through the park. The rain had momentarily ceased. Dark clouds rolled through the sky accompanied by the low rumble of thunder. He knew he only had a few minutes before te rain picked back up again. The Musician sat down on a nearby bench. He wasn't alone for long. A man in an overcoat took the long bench behind him. They sat back to back for several minutes before the file was passed. A momet later the man in the overcoat was gone. [/color]
  21. [color=indigo] Febuary 19, 2002...erased the second one I wrote today b/c it was horrible. [b]Lament of a Sightless Man[/b] I wish I could see the way you smile the way you laugh the way you toss your hair. I wish I could see the way you frown and your mood when you are angry lost in rage. I wish I could see the way you cry the way your tears fall from your face in intricate streams. I wish I could see you just one time face to face beath to breath, to see if my dreams even come close to equalling your beauty. [/color]
  22. [color=blue] The Musician smiled at his house guest, and took out two cigarettes. Lighting them both, he hands one to hi guest and takes a drag from his own. "So, you got a job for me?" the Muscian asks. "Yes, your target will be a young man. He is tied into the city's drug syndicate and is wanted by boh the police and the FBI. Our employer think it would be better if we got to him before the authorities. I left your file in the usual place." "Gee, thanks. So do you have some free time?" "Do you have some rye?" "Of course" "Then I have all the time in he world." The guest pulled out a harmonica from his coat pocket. The musician grabbed a guitar and they started to play...[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Gahh! ::kills first person within killing distance:: ANOTHER PICTURE THREAD! ::dies:: Someone save me from going insane [/color]:worried: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Hmm, maybe if I post another pic thread BG will go insane and lift the restraining order...::Laughs hysterically, but in a very evil way::....But Chi Chi, wow, just get a restraining order on menowso you don't have to go through the same problems that all the other girls on the board go through.[/color]
  24. [color=blue] The Musician walked down the alley. A musky smell filled the air, and a light mist of rain was steadily falling from the heavens. It alway rains in the city. He climbs the dirty fire escape and enters his dingy old apartment. He turns to see the man sitting is his arm chair....[/color]
  25. [color=indigo] Being a guy, I really find this a hard topic to relate to. It is an issue that could effect me in my life, however, never in the same way that it would a woman. If the debate is about when a fetus becomes a living organism, I would have to say it would be immediately upon conception, when the sperm and egg have joined, it is then a microrganism. I think the bigger issue is whether or not the baby is aware as a human being is aware. I think that will be a question that we my never know the awnser to. Personally, I have nothing against a woman getting an abortion if she is doing it fo one of the following reasons. She cannot take care of the child, and cannot find suitable parents to adopt the child. She is afraid that there will be complications that arise from the birth that could harm her or the baby. She is an avid drug user. She was raped or sexually assaulted. Besides those reasons I think it is wrong for a woman to have an abortion, but I don't think that it is really murder, instead it is just pointless killing. But again my opinion on this issue is kind of wishy-washy because I am a man and it could never effect me the same way it would effect a woman. [/color]
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