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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo] First---Before I get involved in this topic I hve to say one thing about Foriegn Aid, which Duo God of Death brought up as an example. The US gives Foriegn Aid out to as many countries as they can...we have never been repaid one cent. We do this for two simple reasons, one, to keep good foriegn relations, and two, to help ease the suffering af a few individuals. While the system is not the best or the most efficient, it is the best that the government can do att the time. Other countries including Great Britian, China, and Austrailia also have similar relief programs. Now on to the real debate. I am 21 years old and stuck in the limbo of becoming an adult. I have all of the responsibilities that an adult has but I still am struggling to find an adult perspective on the world. There is a huge difference between the knowledge that I have know as to that I had 4 years ago. I have come to relate with why some adults find children incapable of rational thought. They feel that their opinions are insignificant because tey lack the maturity and wisdom that adults have gained through time and hardship. I can respect that, however, I also respect that ideas are ideas, whether or not they come rom a fifty year old or a fifteen year old. And a good idea is a good idea. A lot of the time it is the younger generation that has the best ideas, unfotunatley itis the older adults that are able to implement their ideas.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo] Well on valentines daymy signifigant other wil be a bottle of Bushmills. So I gess I am getting it a glass of ice.:) [/color]
  3. [color=indigo] The egg was scary enough for me...if the hippos are scarier I think I will pass, thank you very much...[/color]
  4. [color=indigo] Noodlez is like 12???? He asked me if I was a lesbian and he is twelve??? That is unbelievable...how do you know wat that word means young man!!! (this was from another thread for all of those who are really confused)...YOu go staight to your room thisinstant and no video games for a week...And I am going to call Jonny's mom because I know that he has been a bad influence on you... Nw that my rant is over, nice pic Noodlez, I am shocked at how young you look/are though...[/color]
  5. [color=indigo] No, I am a guy and not a lesbian. But I think I will edit my post so no one else ges confused[/color]
  6. [color=indigo] Don't ever stop wearing you retainer!!! I wore mine for three years after my braces came off, and the dentist told me that I could stop wearing them...bad move. Three years later and my teeth have gone slightly crooked on the bottom, not to bad, but I notice...[/color]
  7. [color=indigo] So girls are evil...that really doesn't surprise me... I guess it actually makes sense in away considering that I have always been fascinated by evil people. No wonder I am so attracted to women, I'd rather be with a :devil: then an :angel: anyday...they are more fun.[/color]
  8. [color=indigo] I would definatley be a vampire, just for the beautiful women factor. In the movies, they always make the vampire just reek with sexuality...I think it is due to the whole ultimate predator angle...plus I am a night owl.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo] Well you have to think that there are maybe only 150 peole that post regularly, then another 200 that post once in awhile...I haven't been here for that long but I think it would be interesting t see how many people signed up and only posted a few times. But I agree the boards seem like a small town, where there are people who visit just once, neighbors that come and go, and people that you talk with on a daily basis...[/color]
  10. [color=indigo] 1. A ring that would grant me as many wishes as I wanted 2. I eatbugs ayways, they are tastey:tasty: 3. My own, or maybe beautiful woman, ghaa, what good would she be to me if I was dead?? 4. No, but if a woman did I might consider it. 5. It is a rehtorical question, the love of your life should be your best friend.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manick [/i] [B] Love may be an act of will, but as human beings we do not have free will. Any self-respecting psychologist would tell you that. -just something I remember from psych class. ;) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I generally respect Psychologists but I disagree strongly with the no free will thing. That is for peoe who cannot except responsibilities.[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] Dude, I may be 12 but I know ALOT of inofrmation on this. Believe me. Only about 4,000 americans are organ donors. When I am dead what am I going to need them for? Why not give the gift of life? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Uhm, you have been misinformed. only 4% of Americans are organ donors, that is still more then 4000. But why not give the gift of life...because the organs are mine an I am selfish....[/color]
  13. [color=indigo] This is a best and worst type case I guess. Well the most romantic thing I have ever done...hmmm, well last year, for no reason I surprised girlfriend at the time, during exam time. It was really stressfull for her because I was balancing a job and school at the same time and we weren't seeing each oter that much, so one night I played sick at work, picked up some takeout, some flowers, a movie, a bottle of wine and surprised her at her apartment. She was so surprised that she started to cry. Needless to say we didn't watch to much of the movie... As for the depression, I'm constantly depressed. Some days are worse then others but just keep on keeping on and when it is rally bad I dive into music[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]]Nice Pics, very well drawn. [/color]
  15. [color=indigo]Voodooknaka gets an 8 on my vote. The perspective is excellent. Asar, I couldn't get your pics to load. I'll submit later today...or tomorrow[/color]
  16. [color=indigo] Went once, never went back. I say good riddance the place was full of know-it-alls.[/color]
  17. [color=indigo] I just remembered something unique about me. I am the most gorgeous man in existence and women find my good looks and charm irresistable....I am also a pathalogical liar...[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantasy Freak [/i] [B] Babe,i am sick of being called 'stephie, tephie, steph, step-on-me' and all the others I can't remeber.. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]From now on all shall call you Phanie or Phan-Phan...yes phan-phan will do nicely *dodges the punches and smacks coming from Phantasy Freak* Well you said you didn't like Steph, Stephie, everthing seemed to have ste- on it so I figured that was the part you didn't like...[/color]
  19. [color=indigo] Birth Name: Unkonown Nickname: Heaven Age: 32 Height: 6' Weight: 180 Class/Rank: Arethrian Mage Weapons: A cheap rusted Iron sword that he found in a field Magical Powers : 1) Sharp Edge: A spell that forms an incredibly sharp, almost impenatrable barrier around an object. At first Heaven can only cast it arround his sword or fist 2) Terror: Cuases extreme fright in its victims, can cause insanity in some cases 3) Night Shade: Used in combination with terror, while the person is terrified the hands of shadow demons pull the victim underground, burying the victim alive. Without terror the victim is usually able to pull free, yet is still distracted. Appearance/Bio: Heaven has brown hair and illuminated green eyes. The light from his eyes radiates several inches from his sockets. He always wears a hooded cape, with the hood pulled over his head so that only a green light is visible. He wears his sword tied to his side. It is always left naked, and is dull and has chipped with age. He knows nothing of his past, except for the few spells that he has remembered. He has a feeling that he once knew many more spells. He also has a feeling that if he knew about his past he would probably be ashamed of his past deeds. He is trying to atone for things he cannot remeber. _______________________________________________ [i]Heaven walks along the worn and muddy trail. He looks like a man overburdened by greif, his posture is poor and his mood seems desolate. He was the perfect target for the thiefs behind him. He didn't realize they were there until the knife was at his throat.[/i] Theif 1- Hello lovely, all of your money please, and maybe we won't kill you Theif 2- No he is lying. We are going to kill you freak!!! What is wrong with your eyes? Theif 3- Don't worry we will find out after we cut them out. Night- You are to afraid to do anything, actually TERROR is a better word for it [i] In a brief instant the theives moods change form murderous to terrified. Heaven casts Night Shade next and watches the demonic hands pull the thieves underground, burying them alive. As he walks away he can hear there muffled screams coming from the soil beneath his feet...[/i] [/COLOR]
  20. [color=indigo] I am very strange. I have one of the most bizarre senses of humor ever...unfortunatly, I don't think I am overly exceptional at anything, except remembering sound blurbs from TV, comedians, and movies...[/color]
  21. [color=indigo] Haha, that is why I changed my name from slavemaster to Heavens Cloud...oh wait, I shouldn't have told you guys that... Well that was pretty tasteless of me, wouldn't you agree? But like TN said, I doubt this person is real or we would get flags about him or her on TV as well as the internet. It is probably just a sick rumor that someone started...And that someone is me...no it isn't, I have more of a perverted sense of humor then a sick or macabre one...[/color]
  22. [color=indigo] Well it is a philosophy paper so I guess you can approach it from several different angles. Here are a few suggestions. 1. Disscuss how love arose from the guilt that arose from sexual abuse towards women. In early times men needed to rationalize why they had the right to force themselves onto women. They felt that by explaining it through natural sexual impulses, they would be comparing themselves too closely to animals. This eventually became a way of thought, and later developed into an emotion. 2. You could debate that same fact except in reverse, saying that women created love as a way to rationalize their sexual urges and to rationalize them succumbing to mens sexual urges. 3. Another angle would be to disscuss love as one of the few instinctual emotions, and sight the several species of animals that remain with their mates for life. An example is the swan. I think the cool thing about this paper is that as long as you can provide a valid argument you are guarenteed a good grade, no matter how wacky it sounds.[/color]
  23. [color=indigo] You should feel obligated to tip at least 15%. If you go to a restraunt you should expect to include a tip. Servers are usually only paid $2-3 dollars an hour so they need the tip to balance their pay. If the server sucks then tip them 5% if they rock show them by tipping a little more. Don't stiff them though, thats just mean.[/color]
  24. [color=indigo] Wrestling is a great sport, but incredibly pysically demanding. Weight training is a must but so is building your flexibility. You have to make sure that you are flexible so you don't suffer any injuries early on. Once you tear an ACL or dislocate a sholder it is very hard to fully recover. Another piece of advice would be for you to get with an older wrestler who is experienced, and learn basic holds and reversals...especially reversals, because that is one of the best way to earn points...[/color]
  25. [color=indigo][i]As Night sits meditating he thinks about his destroyed homeworld and his power slowly begins to rise. A silver aura surrounds him. He thinks about his friends, all who were slaughtered like chattel, by an evil entity, he unknowingly transforms into his advanced form. His anger grows as he remembers his parents and his young wife murdered in front of him...his anger engulfs him and he transforms again...his silvery aura replaced by an eerie black one and the red glow of his eyes turns indigo. His entire mountain dojo crumbles underneath him along with the mountian. He has reached the legendary form of a caller, the level of a standard soldier in ancient ranks...[/i] Night- I am still not that strong but I did manage to maintain that phase at 500 times earths gravity....[/color]
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