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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
[color=indigo] It is upsetting when tragic things happen to the best of people...Maybe he will be fortunate and be able to fight back a little longer. But if that is not the case, at least his friends and family will remember him for the lives that he touched and the goodness in his heart. I wish him well and wish his family strength.[/color]
And the Patriots win 20 to 17
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]and when the Redskins won way back in the day! GO SKINS!!!!! WOOOO lol [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Ahhh TN is a Skins fan!!! TN you are the man!!! The Redskins rocked when Joe Gibbs was there head coach. Art Monk, Darryl Green, Brian Mitchell, Doug Williams, Mark Ripen, Joe Thiesman (I know I spelled his name wrong), god did they have some good players...[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I was going to buy it myself! I have enough money! *points to wad of notes in a bucket* see? But... I don't know which to get >_< is anyone here an expert on swords, and could they tell me if a Ninja or Samurai sword is better... [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I really doubt that it matters much if you get a set of Samurai swords, they should come in a pair, a short sword and a longer sword, the short for ritual purpose the long being the killing sword (although Miyamoto Musashi revolutionized the Japanese trend by developing a fighting style using both blades at the same time), or a straight battle sword. It doesn't matter because the quality will be fairly poor unless you are willing to spend quite a bit of money. However, if it is just for decoration buy the Samurai swords...they generally are better looking, and get a bokken or a wooden sword to practice with...[/color]
[color=indigo] That was one of the most F***ed movies that I have ever seen. I am scared of the guys mother...I had nightmares about here on the diet pills...the whole movie showed the horrors of addiction and what it can make people do....what a F***ed up movie though...[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Night sits awat from the rest of the group...there is something about Siren, something odd about her. He knows she is holding back from the group...everyone knows that. But Night is not sure where her alliegence lies. It isn't with the people who are trying to wipe out the Hybrids but Night doesn't think it is with the group either... Night- "She must have some ulterior motive..."[/color]
[color=indigo][i] night grabs Li's hand[/i] Night-What the hell do you think you are doing? Li-I'm trying to end this fight easily!!! Mako- Well your not doing a good job!! Li-I doubt you could do better!! Night- The fight isn't between us right now, we don't even know if there will even be a fight, but if there was any way to avoid it you just blew it with that attack of yours!!! Andrew- Calm Down!! There is no point to argue now! Look, the creature has already recovered!!![/color]
[color=indigo] Member Name: Heavens Cloud Member Since: October 2001 (really December) Current Status: Single:naughty: Favorite Forums: General Discussion, RPG Favorite RPG: Digistory: Meteo City v2 Favorite Threads: Whatever can be turned humorous Favorite Smiley: Duh!! :2women: Quotable Quote: Not the Face!!! Words of Wisdom: Take none of my advice!!! Wish to be remembered for: Please Forget me, I don't wish your subconscious to be scarred. Desired Epitaph: I told You I was about to die, but no you didn't believe me I will: I don't really have anything that you would want...Del can have my last bannana though...I think the government will claim everyting else...those basta****[/color]
And the Patriots win 20 to 17
Heaven's Cloud replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]Yeah, the rams looked like they woern't trying.....[/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I'm sorry, were we watching the same game?? The Rams were working their tails off, the Pats just kicked their defense into high gear. The Rams played excellent. They tied the game with 1:28 left in the fourth and the Pats had horrible field position. I was ready for the first OT in Superbowl History. The Rams played an excellent game, sure they had four turnovers, bit they were all due to excellent defense, not poor offense. The Patriots were just better then everyone thought they would be...[/color] -
[color=indigo] Well it was probably one of the Best Super Bowls I have ever seen in my life. A three point victory in the final seconds by the underdogs the Patriots. So what did everyone think? Who were you cheering for? Who should be MVP?[/color]
[color=indigo][i] Night soars into the air, he hasn't been to the sea since he was a small child. He soars uo into the air in his human form and punges into the ocean. The rest of the group is talking to Chole, but Night doesn't feel much like talking. Being a loner most of his life, he isn't comfortable being around people for this long. It is nice to be alone if just for a few minutes. When he surfaces he notices that everyone else on the beach looks distressed, so he swims to shore.[/i] Night- Whats Wrong? Liam- Selen is gone. Night- Did anyone look for her? Pi- Well Siren is exauhsted and can't fly, an you were in the ocean. Night-Damn...[i] Nigh takes off but he soon realizes that it is useless...Selen didn't leave any prints...she is long gone.[/i][/color]
Worst question you've been asked?
Heaven's Cloud replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo] The worst question I've ever been asked is "What is the Worst Question You've ever been asked" (j/k) Besides that I guess it is when people say "Sorry Charlie, ohh, hahahah, Sorry Charlie, do ya get it? Your name is Charlie, and like, I said, like, sorry Charlie, like, just like the old pun!" Of course I get the joke I've heard it eight billion times, if one more idiot girl bumps into me and Says "Sorry Charlie...hahah...isn't that funny?" I'm going to snap![/color] -
[color=indigo] It depends if the Chat room is going to have intelligent converation or humorous banter, If it is lacking one of these elements I am quick to exit. I do like to use IM just to say hello to people though, just to make conversation. [/color]
[color=indigo] The Real World is where seven strangers are picked to live in a house and have their lives taped...and then act all PC and talk out there problems...I swear they pick the most dysfunctional people to put on that show. But to awnser your question...The real world depends on your preception of reality...since my perception seems to be pretty skewed right now I am sure my view of the real world is much different then that of most people.[/color]
[color=indigo] Well most of the music that I listen to is pretty good for listening to when I feel down but here are a few songs I usually listen to... [b] Hey Jude[/b] The Beatles [b] The End[/b] The Doors [b]Superman[/b] Five for Fighting [b] Tear Stained Eye[/b] Son Volt [b]Georgia[/b] Ray Charles [b]Texas Flood[/b] Stevie Ray Vaughn [b][u]Eric Clapton Unplugged[/u][/b] and [b][u]Eric Clapton Blues[/u][/b][/color]
[color=indigo][i] Night is at a loss of at how to train. He has to surpass his advanced form. There are people much stronger then that on the planet. However, it seems that no matter how hard he trains he cannot power up any more, he can feel the level looming right over him, just out of reach. He decides that the best way to accomplish his goal is to meditate...he sits down and begins...[/color]
[color=indigo][i] Night and Mako fly towards the ship and see Piccallo and another warrior near it. They land to see a strange charecter exit the ship...[i] Mako-Uhhm...who is thatlittle guy??? Night- I have no clue...he seems really weak though. He is either hiding his power...which i really doubt, or he has some other plans... Mako- I hope he has some other plans...I really want to get in a good fight. Night- So do I maybe I can learn a few new techniques...Like how you go SSJ2? Mako- Hehe...keep dreaming. It looks like this guy won't even challenge me enough to go SSJ....[/color]
[color=indigo] [i]Night soars up into the air. He draws the raiders fire and dodges them easily. He thorws a handful of dirt directly at the raiders, temporarily blinding them. The others were quick to react. Iris unleashed a powerful psychic blast while Liam shot several of them with his M92. Chole weilded the knife well. The first wall of defense crumbled. Night swooped down again and grabbed Chole. They landed right in front of the retreating Raiders and attacked...[/color]
[color=indigo] CLOUD YOU ARE THE MAN... Ralph is the coolest name for a dog ever because it was the name of the canine muppet musician....Although it was pronounced Rolf... I also like Dr. Destructo Sammy and Sir Tipsey[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Ahh yes, but with the heart ring, you could make the other 4 give their rings to you, by toying with their heart and stuff... Heh heh.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Hahaha, I like your thinking. With all five rings I could conjur up Captian Planet myself. Wait, if I had all five rings why would I need Captain Planet...[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Who remembers that episode where all the evil people made their own 5 rings, and made Captain Pollution! That was cool! I mean.. Lame, yes.. Yes, very lame... :shifty: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] It is very disturbing that you know that. Very,very disturbing. Please tell me you looked that up on a web sight just to entertain us...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] But really, HC... Isn't making people happy the [I]best[/I] power of all? ;) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I don't know...having a ring that shoots fire is pretty cool...so is the wind one...yeah I definatly think I would rather have one of the other four rings. They are much cooler and then I wouldn't get pegged as "the nice guy". The nice guy always ends up bitter, I would have too shoot myself with the heart ring like 2 or 3 times a day...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B] You gotta be happy with a monkey...they're, smart, cheecky, cheery, and they always have a way out for all the trouble they get into...Trust me being a monkey is a good thing:D Oh I've got a banana...you wanna go halves:D [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I'd love to go halves but I replied to late...I bet you ate it all...::HC in small monkey form glares at Del enviously::...it is all gone and I am so hungry!!![/color]
[color=indigo] Acid Rain...All the powers of water and then some. Well it is still better then heart. I mean, jeez, HEART, jeez man...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]YOUR PPLS PROBLEMS ARE SO MINISCULE AND STUPID, IM FED UP OF IT, AHH NOBODY LIKES ME, IVE FALLEN OUT WITH MY MATES, I CANT GET A GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!! its so LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Man, that's just plain mean! Voodoo, Whatever you do man, don't get a prostitute...they tell ya that they love ya and they leave an hour later with your money. Yes a hooker broke my heart:bawl: Sorry man, your problems are pretty miniscule too, although probably not to you, it is all relative. Good luck with your mates man. Worry about them first, women second.[/color]
[color=indigo] Yes, finally Absolut Planet has come to the Otaku:therock: Adam, you are a genius man...no, seriously, if you create a Captian Planet Page you will wake up with a severed horse head next to you in bed. On a different note, wouldn't it suck to be the Planeteer that got stuck with heart? I mean there is Earth, Wind, Water, Fire and HEART??? What made them think of that, they should have put something cool like lightning...but no heart, I bet that guy ffeels like a winner "Hey look I can control fire with my ring...hahahah" "Oh yeah, well I can...I can...make things happy!!!" All of the other planeteers start laughing...[/color]
[color=indigo][i] Just as Iris is wondering where Night is she sees two bodies fall from the sky and land in front of her...[/i] Night-WOOOHOOO!!, I haven't had a fight this fun since I left the City Iris-Quit screwing around Night, yuor gonna get hurt. Night- I've been getting hurt since all this wierd stuff began...It is my turn to have some fun and release some aggression. [/color]