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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
[color=indigo] I'm a monkey...I'm not sure if that upsets me or not. I mean I'm not cool like a dragon or a tiger, but atlest it isn't an ox or a rat. And I guess a monkey fits my personality the best. My westeren Zodiac sign is Gemini....that means there are two monkey me's running around...anyone have a banana?[/color]
[color=indigo] D*star, you must be one of the coolest people ever. It is awesome that you adopted the cat...most people I know would have left it or just taken it to a vet or shelter. You are a rock star!!:excited: [/color]
This has probably already been asked, but...
Heaven's Cloud replied to Quatre's_gurl's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo] It really just depends on the day of the week, the weather, or my general outlook for that day...[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]I'll bet anyone here a bag of potato chips that it's Austin vs. Triple H at Wrestlemania. There's no way that they'd trust Jericho for a solid buy rate. That's my opinion anyway. Right now, Triple H won't be joining nWo. He'll be their main adversary. Outsiders should be getting a tag title shot though. I really want to see Rock versus Goldust if anything! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I'll take that bet...Jericho and Angle are the heels right now...they are going to keep HHH as a fairly good guy though. Here is my figuring for nWo in the WWF. McMahon starts the nWo with members like Nash and Hall, Triple H joins them after he breaks up with Stephanie. I also forsee DDP joining up with them, they have been giving him some billing time and the other day he exited through the crowd. Why this whole nWo thing is neat, it doesn't satisfy my one need...the return of GOLDBERG...goldberggoldberggoldberg...[/color]
r u an only child or do u have some annoying sibiling?
Heaven's Cloud replied to a topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Renee, why don't you tie the little brat to a tree in your backyard...when it's about to rain...during the night:naughty: ....she might learn not to mess with you...and you would be blamed for something you actually did do. Or you could make a trap for her, so that when she goes in your bedroom, a basketball or a bucket or something will hit her in the head...or you could put real-looking fake spiders in her bed and schoolbag...If non of these work...just ignore her.:D Just a few sugestions [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Del wants Renee to practically destroy her little sister. The only suggestion she didn't bring up was for Renee to make a Tiger Trap and have her sister fall in it and impale herself. I mean just the other day she got my little sister to beat up yours truly. Del, two words ANGER MANAGEMENT...I'm still walking with a limp, jeeze...you have all of this pent up rage, I live on the other side of the world and I am terrified of you:nervous: [/color] -
[color=indigo] Just ask the boy out. It will undermine all of your so-called friends,they will go crazy with jealousy, and they will wan't to do stuff with you more because you are dating the boy that they like. Don't worry about it i'll be your friend...can I borrow some anime?[/color]
OOC: I knew I entered one of these dbz rpgs that had been around for awhile and I knew that I just posted a day or two ago. I just read half the pages of Battle Feild Aeustus Tournament, and I was looking for the post because it was in the middle of a tournament in that forum...gilly I'm a moron. Just so you know here is my charecters stuff: Name: Night Age: 21 Gender: M Appearenece: He looks like Gohan except he had white hair and red eyes. He always dresses in jeans, a t-shirt, reptile looking boots, and a snake skin looking jacket. Both his jacket and boots create a gravitational feild 500 times that of earths around him so he is constantly in the heightened gravity. Bio: He is from a race known as the ancients. His home planet was destroyed but not before he escaped to earth _______________________________________________ [color=indigo][i]Night jogs to the top of the mountain. It was only a short distance, but along with the gravity enhancers, it is a good exercise. It is time for him to spar, and since he doesn't have a partner, he uses himself. First, he creates a ball of energy. Then he throws it forward and runs past it to block it upwards. Next, he flies upwards to agian block the ball. He does this excercise for an hour and then stops to meditate. After his meditation is over his real workout begins. Night powers up to his advanced form. A silver Aura surrounds him and his eyes glow with a red light. His hair spikes like the quills of a porcupine and his muscles tighten. (this stage is similar to that of a super saiya-jin and is as powerful as Freiza's Final form) He then splits into two, leaving two forms both as powerful as he once was. Then one of the forms powers back to normal. They begin to spar, and surprisingly, neither have a great advantage on the other. They take turns swapping the advanced form. It is several hours before they both collapse from exhaustion, Falling into each other and making a single entity once more.[/i][/color]
[color=indigo][i]Night, Siren, Selen and Roux. They walk through the market and see the raiders selling strange items from all around the globe. Night and Siren notice that Selen is looking around nervously...[/i] Night- Are you okay Selen? Selen- I'm fine. Siren-Good, because I don't want you running off. If you try, I'll send Night to find you. The people here won't look twice at a man carrying a woman and a boy on his back...they'll probably want to buy you. Selen-disgusted-I never was thinking of bolting. I just thought this place seemed familiar.[/color]
[color=indigo][i] Although Night was glad to see that Mako had transformed once again, he had no idea how the transformation occurred. It troubled him, because when he pushed himself he could only get bulky, and while his strength increased, his speed decreased considerably.[/i] Night- *Thinking*Maybe I can get Night to transform again...and observe how he does it...No, I don't think that will work this time. I think I will remain in this heightened state until I can get stronger. Night- Hey Mako, you really improved in their... Mako- I did? Night- You didn't realize your increase of strength at the end. Mako- I did, I just don't know if I can do it again. I am an embarassment to the Saiya-jin Race Night-Whoa, what are you talking about. The only reason it was hard for you is because we were sparring. Hey, I know I couldn't beat you in a true fight right now. Mako- Really? (Smiling) Night- Yeah, but don't worry I'll catch up soon and become a more worthy sparring partner. Mako-Grins- Yeah, and I'll keep training too.[/color]
[color=indigo] Congratulations to all of you that have decided to go chaste until you get married or find the right girl. When you finally *ahem you know...do it* be prepared for disappointment, especially you ladies. It takes a lot of will power to remain chaste until you are married...so I respect you for your decision. Personally, I'd take experience over chastity anyday... But I guess this topic isn't about chastity it is about sleeping in the buck...I think you already know where I stand on that one, my roomates still won't sit on the couch:naughty: [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B]This is a public announcement brought to you by Panny:: the school is putting me back in my right grade!!!! I repeat, the school is putting me back in my right grade!!!! I was a sophmore but now I'm a junior!! Yay!! At least that's what I thought...until they told me that I had to take a test called the GGT(Georgia Graduation Test)!!! I need help!!! Anyone know anything about Chemistry, Algebra 2 or American History please respond!!!! If you passed the SAT, please respond!!! If you go to a smart rich school(ex. like Harvard or something), please respond!!! I would be appreciative!!! :D [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Uhmm, I know the basics of all of those subjects but I only go to a regular state college, sorry! You can AIM me if you need help...by the way you don't pass the SAT's you get a score on it...[/color]
[color=indigo] Cups--Mans best friend. If I did not take advantage of the cup I would not have any family jewels to protect. I was playing hockey a couple years ago and I got out of position on the ice when a hockey puck nailed me. The cup saved my Jewels, throwing itself in front like a secret service agent. I had a dull pain afterwards, the cup, however faired worse. It was fractured in three places. Besides that incident, the most dangerous sport is Ulltimate Death Frisbee. The Rules for the game are simple. First you use a Frisbee Golf Disc. Second you must be ina long narrow hallway. Third, the rules are the exact same as ultimate frisbee, except you can tackle...We used to play this in the dorms in college, it gave my roomate a broken nose and a kid down are hall a fractured wrist. We had to stop playing because we broke a fire alarm...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baby Kiwi [/i] [B][color=crimson]I think mine is around a 125...I feel dumb around you smart people! If you want to test your IQ, I think there is an IQ test on EMode.com. Im not positive, but i think there is. :p [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I got a 157 on the emode IQ test...I am a visionary philosopher...or at least that is what it says...some of the patterns were kind of tricky[/color]
I think I got it resized, I also think it is still animated, but I am not sure, we'll find out in a second....Nope...I'll try again
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]planes are awsome!...your week sounds pretty bad...bwhaha...beware...I just got my drivers liecnse...and am working on my piliots liecense and after that...my boating one! *grins eilvy* all shall fear my wicked driving/pilioting *cackles* [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Why do need a boating license? Are you trying to use the boat commercially? If you live in the US you only need a drivers license to operate a boat...although it is helpfull if you already know how to operate one...[/color]
[color=indigo] I'm way below average, I think I am like a one...oh who am I kidding I am like a negative 132....I actually think mine was really high. My SAT score was awesome too, but I never do that good in school. I think it is because I am only motivated when it comes to watching TV, jamming on my guitar, drawing, and messing on the computer...school is like my fourth or fifth priority, somewhere behind memorizing every line from [b]Caddyshack[/b]...[/color]
r u an only child or do u have some annoying sibiling?
Heaven's Cloud replied to a topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]You are mean...If I was your sister I'd beat you to the ground until I knocked some manners into you:p Lots-A-Luv;) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Ow...Ouch...I was..ow...reading this post....ouch....and my sister was....not the face....reading it behind me....owww!!....and she took...quit it....your advice....if you hit me one more...owww...stop...thanks a lot...god that hurts...Delian...Owww, that hurt worse then the face[/color] -
[color=indigo] I guess I'll give it a 6.5. It is a good drawing and I really like Krillens expression. [/color]
Anime ssj2 vegeta during cell games ?????
Heaven's Cloud replied to ssj4Vegeta's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B]kinda like goku reaching ssj b4 him, even tho bejita was more powerful. :whoops: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Uhmm, just to point out your mistake here, Vegita was not more powerful then Goku during the Frieza saga, Goku was levels above Vegita, and then the rage sent him SSJ4. Actually, I don't think there ever is a point in DBZ after Vegita and Goku meet that Vegita is stronger then Goku on his own. In the Vegita Saga Vegita is only stronger when he goes ape and in the Andriod saga, only when Goku is sick...[/color] -
[color=indigo] IN THE ROST [i] Night and Mako are sparring ferociously. Every now and then Mako seems to gain the advantage, his strength and speed overwhelming Night. But Night always finds some clever way to rebound. Mako stops...[/i] Mako: Okay, now the real training begins (Mako goes SSJ) Night:??? [i] To Night Mako has vanished, all of a sudden Night is hit from behind and sent flying. He is hit again and again. Night (Thinking) He has increased his power drastically with that manuever...I have to try to duplicate it[/i] Night-AHHHHHHHHH Mako-(laughing) you idiot, you have to be a Saiya-jin to transform [i] Mako's laughter turns into a look of shock. Night develpes a aura around him, not a gold one, but silver, his eyes glow with a red light.[/i] Night-Wow I did it!, but I don't look the same as you. It must look different on Ancients? Mako-?I thought only Saiya-jins could...? Night- Transform? All you did was boost up your energy, enhancing your form. I just copied your technique...I sill think you are slightly stronger then me though. Mako- Of course I am and now I will prove it. Night-Maybe you are stronger then one of me, but you are no match for two of me Mako-What? [i]Night splits into two forms while staying in his heightened form.[/i][/color]
[color=indigo][i] Night gave the cell to Pi. And flew off again to scout ahead. He lied to Pi, well didn't tell her the whole truth anyways. Why he has had the cell for sometime, he couldn't recall where he got it from. He flew farther, lost in his own thoughts, when a powerful burst of energy knocked him to the ground, unconscious. Chole, Iris, Pi, and the rest catch up to see him lying on the ground...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]I got tickets to W-Mania 18 fool!!! Toronto, Canada, foo!! The biggest spectacle in sports entertainment. I was also at No Mercy 2001, but if Jericho goes in Wrestlemania as champ I'll be stoked...but I want Jericho to make a face turn, he isn't as funny as a heel. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Jericho will still be the champ and they will play off HHH's injury as vengance. Don't be surprised, however, if Nash is back and helps out HHH. [/color]
[color=indigo]Well, after reading this thread last night, I realized that I hadn't slept "Au Naturale" in quite sometime. So I slept in the buck...My roomates were quite upset when they found me the next morning. I guess I shouldn't have done it on my living room couch...without a blanket...hey, it was warm last night...:eek: [/color]
r u an only child or do u have some annoying sibiling?
Heaven's Cloud replied to a topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo] I AM THE ANNOYING OLDER BROTHER!!! I humiliate my little sister constantly. I always do stupid impressions and bother her for no reason. She is 16 and has a lot of friends that are seniors in high school, when they come over I always do my best to embarrass her if I am home. Several of them have crushes on me so I twist it around and flirt with them in front of my sister and tell them stupid things about her. It makes her really angry, because she feels that she has to impress these girls because they are older then she is...it really is quite mean, now that I think about it...I guess that is why I find it so funny, like this one time at band camp....[/color] -
[color=indigo] I have a long board that I tool around with, but I don't have the coordination for true skateboarding. Personally, I enjoy surfing more, but to each his own. I do recomend one skate video, it was made two or thee years ago. It is by the Osiris team and it is called [b]The Storm[/b].[/color]