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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo] Too many favorites....I can't decide what too post, overload, overload, overload...I'm sorry, I thinnk you should erase it...or put a poll up asking if people want it to be erased...that would be interesting, pointless, but interesting.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo][i] It is the begining of his second year on earth. Although he rarely ventures from his Moutian Dojo, Night decided it would be fun to go to the city for a day. Walking down the street he noticed that every body was in ahurry to get somewhere...[/i] Night-Maybe they would stop and look around if they realized how frail their existence really is. [i]Night looks up just in time to see an advertisement on the huge Z-TV screen. [/i] Night- A tournement? This could be fun, I think I'll enter. Since I have been on Earth I have felt several strong powers here. Maybe they will enter also, and I will be able to test my skills...[/color]
  3. [color=indigo] I'd like to join if it isn't too late. Name: Night Age: 21 Gender: M Appearenece: He looks like Gohan except he had whie hair and red eyes. He always dresses in jeans, aa t-shirt, reptile looking boots, and a snake skinlooking jacket. Both his jacket and boots create a gravitational feild 500 times that of earths around him so he is constantly in the heightened gravity. Bio: He is from a race known as the ancients. His home planet was destroyed but not before he escaped to earth[/color]
  4. [color=indigo] I only got to see the last half hour of Raw last night, so if you were on I missed you:( . I saw the line up though and it looks like you saw a pretty good show...You missed Kevin Nash coming back by just a few weeks I think, I was hoping Vince would bring out the NWO tonight, but he didn't....[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] is there anything cooler than seeing someone as manly as vegita-sama wearing a pink shirt? lol.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Idon't know about the original versions but in the dubbed version it says "Bad Man" on the back of the pink shirt. I want a pink shirt that says Bad Man on it that rocks!!! But Future Trunks by far rocks out the uniform. He looks bad *** when he has long hair and wearing the leather jacket.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]I read a Harry Potter book once, it was actually entertaining. Personally I am waiting for [u]Harry Potter and the Adventures of the Great Gravity Bong[/u] to be released. You know what is truly pathetic, I didn't even come up with that joke myself, I read it somewhere...god I suck...[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] (Which reminds me...I rear-ended someone today at school :eek:...I really didn't mean to...I wasn't paying attention. I feel so stupid...over a year and a half of driving, and that is the FIRST time that my car has touched another car unintentionally...poo...I suck :([/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Unintentional....bah! You know you hit that car intentionally, you snuck up on it nice and quite, just idleing your engine, and then, all of a sudden, WHAM!!! Your car pounced on the unsuspecting vehicle, your car ripping the back of the unsuspecting vehicle like a rapid tiger...I think I wen't over board with the "rabid tiger" thingy I mean a tiger is vicious enough, I don't think I had to make it rabid... Well anyways I like to go to the ocean during fall and winter, I can sit and listen to the waves crash and have the whole beach to myself...that is where I feel safest...during the summer I just lock myself in my room with a guitar, the beach is too crowded...[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Sorry Buddy but someone posted this several weeks ago:( [/color]
  9. [color=indigo]I have a love hate relationship with punk music in general but here are a couple of my favorite Punk Bands Social Distortion Pennywise, how did no one mention them yet?? The Sex Pistols NoFx "Old" Suicide Machine The Ramones Dropkick Murphys[/color]
  10. OOC: Don't Worry, We will get you guys into the story, but your part of the story line has been interesting...I say keep going with it and we can merge them later [color=indigo][i] Night was startled out of his sound sleep by several whispering voices. He noticed that Iris and Chole were looking at each other, friends that now seemed slightly nervous around each other. [/i]Night-*I think they have a crush on each other. I'll do Chole a favor...* [i] Night begins singing his lullaby, a smooth melodic toon, and it is not long before the entire group is asleep. Night looks at Chole and sees that he is now asleep, Iris is dozing next to him, her head on Chole's shoulder. Night smiles and soars to a nearby tree branch where he keeps watch over the party...[/i][/color]
  11. [color=indigo] I have astigmatism in both eyes also. My sight isn't quite as bad as some of you guys though. It seems that every year my contact perscription gets higher. i also wear glasses, but usually only when I have left my contacts in too long:eek: [/color]
  12. [color=indigo] Hahahah...that was the worst/funniest song I have ever heard...I won't kick Adam, but I will put a pair of headphones on him and make him listen to it over and over:D [/color]
  13. [color=indigo]OOC: I got ya Krillen, I've been gone for two days so I 'm lost here it goes. __________________________________________ [color=indigo]Piccillo speeds past Night. Night looks down and sees a lone fighter swearing, he lands near him... Night-You feel pretty strong... Mako-No crap, go away, I don't have time to deal with amateurs like you... Night-I might not be as strong as you but I am a quick learner, you souldn't be so cocky Mako-I'm not cocky, I'm just stronger then you are...If you really want to spar.. then lets go, but promise me that if I kill you you won't be upset Night- Sure *smirks* [i] the two take classic stances[/i]
  14. [color=indigo] Well I'll give you guys the rumors I have heard for these newer movies EXPECTED to be produced... First- The Second X-Men... I have heard rumors that there is going to be nightcrawler and Collossus...I think Collossus would rock with the liquid metal effect from T2 ...also angel may be in it Second- I've heard a lot of rumors for Marvel movies, everything from Daredevil to Ironman... I think they are waiting to view the success of Spiderman before they undertake producing anymore movies. Third- Batman Superman...Tons of rumors, I heard everything form Nick Cage as Superman to bringing back Micheal Keaton as batman. I wish that they'd bring back Micheal Keaton as Bats but Nick Cage as Superman....Not to sure of that one. Another interesting fact is that Kevin Smith wrote a screenplay for superman....hey it could be good he is an awesome writer and a huge comic fan[/color]
  15. [color=indigo] I'm sorry to hear what is happening to several of you. While I am a broke college student who lives paycheck to paycheck while at the same time juggling loans, classes, and two part time jobs, I am fortunate because my family is doing okay financially an I only have to worry about me. I wish you and yours good fortune, much luck, and eternal happiness...hopefully everything will work out...[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Renee [/i] [B]Do you have any pets? If not, what would you want? I also have German Shepherd named Willy. [/b][/quote] [color]I have an English Collie named Willy!!! He is actually sitting right next to me right now. I love animals period, the only animals I am not to fond of are beetles, especially roaches, but I only know one person that has kept a roach for a pet...(My old bio teacher kept tanks of Madagascar Hissing Roaches)...[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Stop it, you're making me randy :shifty: Damn...this girl needs a man quite badly...:cross:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]WHHHOOO!!!!! :::runs around his living room cheering::: BG you just made my night:D :D :D Too bad I live several states away, I'd come and sweep you off of your feet...but, what should will never be ::sigh:: well I guess it is a good thing, if I did the death threats would start rolling in from every guy on this board:D [/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Ahh, I'll be doing the same...only my streak has been going for 17 years, rather than 14 ;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]i got you beat...21 years in a row...I have never been dating a girl during valentines day...I was close once but we broke up during the month of febuary. But to awnser the question, I will probably get dragged to a bar by one of my friends and his girlfriend. They'll bring out some girl that has a crush on me (yes, there are poor girls that like me, strange isn't it) and I will drink myself under the table to ease the pain of being with someone I don't really want to, and then I will reflect on one of the several cool girls that I let go (cause I'm a moron) and the depression will sink in and I will drink more and then I'll wake up the next morning with a hangover and swear that I won't drink again for awhile...c'est la vi...[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Once you get a car with no air conditioning and heat that doesn't function properly, a car that takes 12 minutes to go from 0-60 (okey, an exageration...) and makes horrid rattling noises whenever you start it up in the morning...THEN you will start to care about what kind of car you have! Heh, believe me...my first car sucked big time...I just described it above :p[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I think you have just described my first car, ohh, wait my gas gauge didn't work either...that caused some problems...[/color]
  20. [color=indigo] I just don't like sleeping in the nude, unless I'm with a beautiful girl...but if we were both nude I hope there wouldn't be much sleeping going on:eek: But even then I like to get up afterwords and put on some pj pants and brush my teeth....and a tip for all you young guys who are off to college next year or who haven't already done so (This works) buy an oversized cashmere sweater for your girl to sleep in...it is considerate, sexy, and oh so soft...[/color]
  21. [color=indigo] Britney Spears:drool: Ohh, you said favorite female singer, not favorite fantasy.... I think Alicia Keys is incredibly talented, I also like Michelle Branch, she can sing, has a good choice of guitars (although I prefer Takoma myself) and is sooo good looking :dools: uhohh I'm drooling again...[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]one day, i'm going to have a black & gold new lexus with a six cylinder engine[color=indigo]*yep*[/color], a goddamn red corvette[color=indigo]*mmhhmm* [/color]with one of those suped up engines (manual, of course[color=indigo]*of course*[/color]), & a black 4 X 4 that's raised as high as is legal with big *** tires[color=indigo]*WHOOOHOOO!!!*[/color]. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Okay, due solely to your preference of cars I think you and I should get married:D I only have a couple of conditions. First, the goddamn red 'vette has to be candyapple...and preferably an older one aorund the mid '60's (although I wouldn't mind getting matching cars one from the mid-early sixties, another brand new). And second, we have to live near the coast, so we can take the 4 X 4 off road on the beach. We can decide on the type of 4X4 later, but I was thinking a an original Ford Bronco, you know, one of those monster Broncos with the drop top that can come off so you can smell the salt air and the sand... if those conditions are agreeable then we can work something out:D [/color]
  23. [color=indigo] I want to be a musician that has enough money to eat every week:D But it would be nice to be filthy rich!!! "...whoever said that money doesn't make you happy doesn't have any, Look at the smile on my face..." Ben Aflec, Boiler Room [/color]
  24. [color=indigo] Use a free service like proboards first, and then when it grows look into getting a service...[/color]
  25. [color=indigo] Maryland Rocks!!! Don't bad mouth Maryland's educational system, it is ranked very high in the country. Actually I think you may benefit from there educational system. You may learn how to use your wit to create an insult instead of expressing your distaste for it by saying it is "gay". And what exactly do you mean by stating, "In maryland we have to take these special tests all the time because maryland is the state of the country..."? Yes Maryland is a state of the country, so is Pennsylvania and Idaho, what is your point. You should be thankfull that you attend public school in Maryland as opposed to attending else where in the country. I moved from Maryland, that has one of the best school system in the country, to North Carolina, which is ranked forty-eigth in the country. I read the same books in the ninth grade in NC that I did in the sixth in Maryland. Sorry to attack you so badly, I just want to let you know what you should be thankfull for. But don't feel bad, at first I thought you were going to badmouth the Terrapins in there game tonight. If you had done that you would have truly felt my wrath:devil: GO MARYLAND TERRAPINS!!![/color]
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