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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo] I know, I know:wave: !!! It depends if you decide to go to college or not. Either way you choose a card and it give you a fixed salary. If you go to college you have to get a prommisory note to pay 20,000. You hit your payday in the first three turns usually...[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Well if he does have a reputation for being a pimp, then I don't think loyalty and trust are in his vocabulary. If your head is telling you that he is cheating then he most probably is. And asking him over the phone isn't really going to help much, unless he tells you that he is cheating and he wants to break up. I don't mean to be harsh, but he doesn't seem trustworthy, and living faraway from you it seems unlikely that he is going to be loyal either. Anyway good luck:) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]ouch!! That one came from experience I bet. Being the looker that you are Delian I think that guy must have been a moron Anyways Panny,why do care what people say about him. If nothing that he has done has led you to believe he is messing around then don't be suspicious. A lot of times people slander others due to rejection and jealousy.[/color]
  3. [color=indigo] I never heard that riddle and I was racking my brain for a third word, but there are several but that is not the awnser bah I feel like a moron, wait I am a moron.[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]I am not sure what a good leader is, do you mean a leader who has my respect or just a good overall leader??? Here is Both [b]top 5 leaders[/b] Adolf Hitler-used the bad economy to his advantage. He built a small empire by creating hate in a down trodden people. He nearly accomplished an insane goal and almost wiped out an entire faith of people in Europe Alexander the Great-possibly the greatest leader ever, conquered the known world by the time he was 23 Julius Ceaser- there is no need to talk about Ceaser, He established the greatest city ever. An entire empire was built around one city... Thomas Jefferson-he should be known as the founder of democratic societies...no country would be democratic without his ideas that were borrowed from an incredible amount of sources. Joseph Stalin-The exact opposite of Jefferson...although he didn't found communistic ideals he did show the only effective way to rule a coomunist nation is by using fear [b]Most respected leaders[/b] Ieyasu Tokugawa-He was the wiliest leader of all time in my opinion Thomas Jefferson Abe Lincoln- He rejoined the union, freed the slaves, and is the greatest American president of all time Henry 8th- Made protestantism known, because of him religious tolleration will eventually occur...hundreds of years later Nelson Mandella Martin Luther King Junior- I cannot write enough about these two men. There efforts were among the most noble of any human on earth[/color]
  5. [color=indigo] I lit a candle for your friend...hope she is well soon, let her know that many strangers are wishing her luck...[/color]
  6. [color=indigo] Hmm...it looks like I'm going to be the difficult judge, but don't worry Krillen, I think overall ypur picture is excellent. It is a great overall picture, and i will base all further entries on it. The place that you lost points from me is in originality. The first is that I have seen that picture of Gohan before, which means it wasn't your own "stance" I guess thats how i'll word it...did you draw it from a pic? Second, is that it is too DBZ for me, I know that is harsh, but it seems that you were trying to hard to copy the artists style (however I think everyone is going to be hurt by me in this catagory). Your picture is excellent though and it will be very difficult to top , especially due to the difficulty of drawing well in perspective ( which you pulled off very well) and the difficulty of drawing Gohans clothing... ...I'll give you a 7, but doubt anyone will get a ten from me, and i gaurentee it will be hard to top Krillen...[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia [/i] [B]:sighs: Ya'll BETTER let me post in this!!! I SAID save me a spot!!! [SIZE=1]I forgot to post my chara. in there . . . I haven't been on too![/SIZE] So you better let me in!!! I'm gonna get pissed if you don't let me in, ~!*Selen*!~ *~*~~`` [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]OOC: Well it isn't up to me but I would say go ahead and post your charecter and play...Carren Heart can get it erased if she needs too :)[/color]
  8. [color=indigo] Chole-Night, why don't you check and see if anyones following us. Night- Sure *glides into the air* Rev- Chole, why do think someone is following us? Iris-Yeah, I don't sense anyone... Chole- I don't know, I just have an odd feeling that we are being watched. Night-Nope no ones following us. ....[i]Back in Meteo City a sinster man watches Chole and his friends on a monitor. His eyes is a large imaging satillite in the sky....[/i][/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]hmmm nitrous oxide? as in laughing gas? as in the stuff they use to give cars a little ahh... boost.... OK OK Deus's turn, what is carbon trihydrogen chloride? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I'm glad I don't have anymore chemistry classes left, the only thing that pops into my head is acetate but that is CH3CO I think...ohh well???[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]Geeze, I tell u guys something cool, and u dun care, last time i ever post something that only very few ppl know of. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I care i just didn't see the post till now...don't whine Akito :bawl: "no one appreciates me wahwah" no I'm just joking around I really do appreciate all of the info that you give us her at the otaku, it seems like you find out something nifty every other day or so :D Any may a 30 gig CD would be great, I could put all of my music on a couple CD's. I have three cases now in my car each with 50+ CD's in them...and I have boatloads more in my house...CDs are all over the place, I am so disorganized[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I probably wouldn't let it affect me because I would deny that anything was wrong with me. Denial is a powerful tool...[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]Well I believe in both a creator and evolution like many of you, but as for a purpose, I believe that humanity's purpose is the same as any other creature on the planet...to evolve. We must evolve to our highest evolutionary form, and I think I am one of the few people that think humanity is actually not doing such a bad job of accomplishing that goal...I don't think it is nessacarily a bad thin if the planet is destroyed if it needed for the process of evolution...survival of the fitest baby!!![/color]
  13. [color=indigo] I have had too many very bad days...days that seemed so bleak I wondered if things could get any worse. But I'll spare you guys the details of those and just post one funn y bad day. This day takes place in a 24 hr period starting at 8:00pm one night and ending at eight the next (it was the same day Cartoon Network first aired DBZ's Garlic Jr. Saga...I don't know why i remember that but I do.) At 8 I went to a buddies house and had a couple beers then I went to a party. A friend drove my car to the party, but then got incredibly drunk. Being miles from my apartment, I decided to drive home seeing that I hadn't had anything to drink for several hours. I got stopped at a check point and was given a sobriety test by an officer b/c my friends were drunk in the car. Th officer let me go but as I was walking back to my car I was stopped by a senior officer and asked to take a breathalyzer. I took it and blew a .02. Because I was underage I was arrested for a DWI and I was taken down town. Another friend picked me up at four in the morning. When i got home I was so angry that all I did was drink. The next day my roomate and I went to a huge concert. and of course I was already drunk, having been drinking all night. At about 5 oclock I got tired of being drunk and went to hail a cab so I could go home and get some sleep. It was at that same moment that the cops pulled up with a paddy wagon. I was the first person they saw and an officer asked me if I had been drinking. This was a mundane question considering that by this time I smelled like a brewery. They arrested me for consumption of alcohol underage (remember all you people outside of the US, you have to be 21 to drink anything in the states, and NC is very strict about that law). So I was arrested twice in one day for drinking...does anyone see the loophole here...they can't charge you twice in 24 hrs for being drunk, which they did to me so I got off of the second charge (even though I deserved both of them) and just had to do community service and pay a large fine. To this day my friends always joke about that day as the two in one special...I laugh now, but it really sucked then:alcohol: [/color]
  14. [color=indigo]Happy Birthday, I'm glad you got down from that tree...happy twelfth...gosh there is a wide variety of ages that come to this site, I feel old all of a sudden:( [/color]
  15. [color=indigo] I think everybody has given you really good advice. I'll try and add just a little bit too it because it sounds like your problem is similar to one of mine. I have been struggling with my parents for quite some time, trying to please them in my life especially my mom. I always would bottle up my anger and turn the other cheek when they hurt me. Two years ago I finally stood up too them, and when they were yelling at me one day I just said "Mom, dad I love you, I'll always love you but I'm tired of you guys being mad at me for not living up to your expectations, and if you don't make an effort to change, I'm gone." And it was as simple as that. Although things aren't perfect between us, they are considerably better and they make a conscious effort to not give me so much crap for no reason. It didn't seem worth it to them not to change because they new I was serious when I told them that I would leave...[/color]
  16. [color=indigo] I didn't get in trouble all throughout highschool period until the second to last week of my Sr. year. I left campus to go out too lunch with some friends (you can't leave the campus at my school) and I got caught because the principal noticed my car was gone...because my parking space was next to hers. Now you say, HC how stupid can you be, why would you take your car when it was right next to the principals. My awnser is that I did it every day for nearly two years before I got caught and my parking space was always next to hers. She is just really unobservant...[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pastbyer [/i] [B][color=indigo]Hm... A lot of Aussies around here. I am... 100% Chinese. Born in Beijing (the capital city), P.R. China. Came to a somewhat unknown country called New Zealand almost 4 years ago... Right now I'm in a place called Auckland (in NZ of course).[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]New Zealand Rocks, once I am rich (yeah right) I'm gonna move to NZ, it is so beautiful... I am an American mutt. Every time A family member traces our genaeology(sp) they get a huge chart that spans Europe and the Americas, so I consider myself 100% American Melting plot. My traceable European blood: Irish, German, Italian (sicilian), British, French Native American: My great Granfather was Cherokee, My great Grandmother on the other side was Navajo.[/color]
  18. [color=indigo] Well my dream is to wander the country as a songwriter, just me and my guitar set out to take on the world. But I'll have to wait two more years until i have finished college and made enough money to support my dream. If for some reason I am unable to make a living as a musician (its a hard life but someone has to attempt to revitalize the music industry) I'll probably go to work in an advertisement agency so I can continue to do something creative:D By the way BG, like the picture;) !!![/color]
  19. [color=indigo]ahh..yet another link to add too my favorite places[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] I don't get it... C - Carbon H - Hydrogen N - Nitrogen... maybe I missed the question or joke or whatever the thing was... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I was looking at this earlier too and I figured I must be retarded because that was all I got too, but since you seem to share my confusion...Ice, give us a clue man!!![/color]
  21. [color=indigo] Ahh the glory days...I am a bit to old to sneak out now, however between the ages of 15 and 17 I used to sneak out every saturday night with my nieghbor. When we were fifteen we used to sneak out and run around my neighborhood smoking cigs and bothering people, occasionally we would sneak out in what was soon to become my car (before I got my license) and go to my old girlfriends house. When I was sixteen I discovered alcohol, me and my meighbor would take scotch bottles from our parents and drink them in my neighbors yard. When I was seventeen we would sneak out and smoke grass. Now that I am able to do all of those things (except smoke pot) I really don't enjoy them like I used to...ahh the forbidden fruit, how it tempts thee...[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji v2.0 [/i] [B]I think hardcore masturbation sums up my night pretty nicely... Shin [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] This line just deserves to be put in quotes, I mean it is a classic. Shinji, put this in your sig:laugh:... Well since I've gotten that out of the way (*notices the reader looking back at the quote* no there is no double meaning there you sickos) tonight I have only one thing in mind...sleep...[/color]
  23. [color=indigo][i]Xander sees a group of people standing not far from where he is. He heads towards them, only to find them all on gaurd with their weapons drawn[/i] Xander-Why do you stand ready to fight without knowing who your enemy truly is? [i]Ash tenses. There is something in Xanders eyes that frightens him...he mistakes it for evil, but if he was older he might have recognized it for what it really is, age almost to a timeless extent.[/i] Ash-You...you are responsible for this aren't you Zylik-Ash...don't!!! [i]But it is to late. Ash leaps at Xander, sword drawn. He slashes at Xander, but only hits air. His attack is paarried with a swift kick in the rear. Ash rises, incredibly angry. He raises one hand and flames leap out at Xander. Xander stands still and concentrates, a burst of wind snuffs the flames before they reach him, but goes no farther then that. Xander thinks, "Incredible, this boy has such power, my gust was cancelled out by his attack..."[/i] Zylik-Ash, stop, can't you see that he is not an enemy!!! Ash-Well he sure has a funny way of showing it. Xander(laughing)- that is a firey temper you have there Ash, it reminds me of, well me....but Zylik is right I'm not here to fight. I hasve a feeling that we are all in the same situation right now... [/color]
  24. [color=indigo] Ahhh!!! thet is way to much to ponder this early in the morning. As for common sense, I'm not sure if I agree with you entirely. I don't think common sense can be catagorized like you have it...ie: intelligent people, artistic people, people with common sense. I think common sense is a seperate entity all together. I would like to think that I am pretty intelligent and that I have a fairly good amount of common sense, however I know a lot of people that are both smart and complete idiot all around the spectrum that have no common sense whatsoever (and usually those people are really annoying).[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I believe in fate in sense. I feel that every person has at least one brief moment to truly do something truly extraordinary. A lot of times, however, a person only has that one chance, and if they pass it up or screw it up then they won't get another one. I think it is that one decision that has a greater impact on our lives then all of the rest of our experiences combined...[/color]
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