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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
[color=indigo] Just a Reminder:) Name: Xander Race: elf Age: He doesn't keep count, thousands of years old, looks 30ish Element: Wind Magic: yes Weapon: battle sword (think Green Destiny form Crouchin Tiger...) that is a dull crimson color __________________________________________ [i]He has seen civilzations rise and crumble. He has watched as the world developed, religions form, gods crumble, and he has seen kingdoms collapse. He watched as famine, plague, and war destroyed the lives of parents and children alike. He has seen all of these things and more...much more, but nothing, nothing has ever disturbed him as much as the present situation. He has no memory of how he came to be here, this cursed battle field...no not a battlefield, a slaughterhouse. Xander looks around with his ancient eyes, seeing the impaled bodies on the stakes around him. Convulsions rack his body as he glances at the horrors around him. Then he steadies, his fear and sorrow replaced by anger. He is the master of the wind, he will find vengance for these poor lost souls....[/i][/color]
[color=indigo]No Angels!!!...I guess I'll be an elf then still thousands of years old...[/color]
[color=indigo]OOC: I'm kinda lost in what our charecters are doing but I will attempt to post...just erase it if it doesn't make sense Rico--HC ____________________________________ [i]Night, Chole, Selen and the boy land on the roof. Selen's ankle is swolen to twice its normal size. The boy begins to wake but Night sings him back to sleep so as not to alarm him.[/i] Night-So what do we do now Chole? I think we should find the mayor. If we can keep him safe there might be hope for us after all. Chole-I agree with you if we can find the mayor we might be able to get clued in about what is going on. Selen-What's the point of looking for the mayor, it will just put us in greater risk...the norms will be looking for us Night-The Mayor is a symbol in Meteo City, he has the respect of the hybrids and the norms. I doubt the general population of Meteo City is aware of what is going on, They'll listen to the mayor and support him...[/color]
[color=indigo]Right now I have a 56k, and it connects around 14.4 or At least it seems that way. At school we had a T3 and it was wicked fast...unfortunatly, to get a T3 where I live costs wicked money:bawl: [/color]
[color=indigo] # 1 Noryoko Angelcry "The Ultimate Gamer" # 2 Sepiroth " Cool" # 3 James "Smarter AND more powerful than you" # 4 Forte "..." # 5 kuja "Kuji - Wuji" # 6 Ginnylyn "Digimon Goddess, Watch out for her mod rod" # 7 Lady Macaidoh "One of Adam's Angel's" # 8 Queen Asuka "Otaku and all around nice person" # 9 Thimoc "Legendary Spammer" # 10 Newbie "My power level is higher than yours!" # 11 Shyguy "Sorry, you should have tried harder" # 12 Cera "The Cynic" # 13 Transtic Nerve "Gackt!" # 14 Babygirl "Jedi Master" I think this is the way it came out for two specific reasons one I'm not attracted to men, two I'm not attreacted to Gackt....Ohh who am I kidding I am attracted to Gackt :bawl: I've been lying to myself :bawl:...j/k no really I am just just kidding:shifty:[/color]
[color=indigo]"For Whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee..." Tomorrows the big day, or it might be today, (aren't you an aussie Seph) anyway, I can see the butterflies from here...have fun, you crazy kid, you...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]You know what? I'm gonna have to stickwith my childhood hero, the legendary, Immortal Hulk Hogan. Despite his age, Hulkamania is still runnin' wild brother. Plus, the man's got the 24 inch pythons that prove useful in tearing off tear away t-shirts! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] ahh the days when Hulkamania ran wild, it was a simpler time then...:therock: My hero is Musashi, an uncompromising swordsman that strived to perfect his spirit through the way of the sword...(Although I like Russell Crowe a lot because he aided in causing Meg Ryan to be single again...ahhh Meg, I don't care that you are old enough to be my mother, let me be your slave:drool: )[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]You dirty perverted man! Hehe...kidding :p [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]You're right I am both dirty and perverted, and you better watch out because the binoculars may be aimed at YOU!!! Although I might have interfence from all your other stalkers...ah...I mean admirers...:flasher: hehe[/color]
[color=indigo]I'd transform into a pair of binoculars that would be aimed at unsuspecting windows of beautiful women:flasher: [/color]
[color=indigo] Looks at BG's post...That is a strange post because immediatly after I read it, Cowboy Bebops intro Music started playing and the show is starting this very moment...I guess your probably watching it right now to though...[/color]
[color=indigo]I was thinking of a funny situation. Say a beautiful girl is walking down the street on a cold day. She is wearing a water bra and one of the cups freezes, expands, rips through the material, and slides down her shirt onto the floor, leaving a perfect imprint of her breast for passer-bys to see. Even more embarrassing is the fact that one of her breasts is twice the size of her other one....ee-gads...[/color]
[color=indigo] Hmm...it depends what I'm doing, right now I'm thinking about whether I want to drink a beer or a Coke...choices...usually I think about stuff that I have to do the next day.[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Night arrives at Meteo City right as dusk falls. He lands in the last place Choles transmitter went off...the middle of the Tech industry section of the city.[/i] Night-Looks like I'm back to square one...all alone, I think I'll glide around the city, play super hero for awhile... [i]Night glides around the city hoping to catch a glimpse of Chole. He stops a gang of muggers but otherwise it is an uneventful night. Night decides to go back to his apartment and figure out what to do next[/i] OOC: Arrgh!! I have writers block!!![/color]
[color=indigo] Stag night tonight...I wonder why all of your friends are wearing wolfish grins...hmmm. Well have fun with the booze and the babes, its your one last time to run around without a ball and chain (but you'll probably be thinking of her all night) so have fun...And congrats again!!![/color]
What's the scariest thing that's happened to you?
Heaven's Cloud replied to D. Dark's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo]When I was ten I was in the woods with two of my friends. We were not allowed to go into the woods because it fed from a neighborhood known for violence and drug use. Well, we were walking through the woods when I heard some voices...I told my friends to be silent, but one of my friends started yelling obscenities not believing that there was anyone there... Needless to say we ended up being chased through the woods by several men that were most likely drug dealers or addicts or just really shady people. If we weren't ten and small we wouldn't have gotten away, but we hid in some bushes and they didn't find us, We didn't go into those woods again for several years...[/color] -
[color=indigo]I don't think Hollywood has lost any of its creativity. Movies have been made from books since the begining of film...It is the directors wish to take a book and express it on screen, which is often very difficult to accomplish...many of the best and worst films of all time have been adapted from a book. For example, The Lost World was a good book but a hoorible movie, The Godfather, on the other hand, was much better on film. I think the biggest constraint hollywood has with turning books into movies is the time constraint...It is very difficult to take a 600 page novel and condense it into a 2hr time span without losing valuable content.[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Feeling well rested, Night leaves the Celes bed. Wandering around the city Night takes out the transmitter Chole gave him. "Thats odd," he thinks, "It looks like Chole is heading back towards Meteo City...? He's moving pretty fast...?" Worried, Night leaps in the air and heads back to Meteo City, "I wish I still had my wings, I'd be making much better time...Hopefully I am overreacting though..." Night looks down at the homing signal Chole gave him. It shows that Chole has already reached Meteo City...All of a sudden the homing device stops working....[/i][/color]
[color=war] War is, unfortunately, a neccasary evil. Defense is a part of every orginism that we know of on the planet, and defense breeds war. I think there are three kinds of people in the world there are those who use and support violence and intimidation, no matter what the cause, there are those who do not use violence and intimidation except when it is justified, and there are those who are absolute pacifists that would never adhere to violence. While pacsifsm is the ideal school of thought, it is an ideology that is impossible to acheive due to nature. The only thing the human race is able to do attempt to form a harmonious planet is to take the middle ground and pray that when we are forced to wage war, that we do it for just cause and try not to use violence and intimidation to rule or thoughts[/color]
[color=indigo]I got 51% corrupt...I didn't feel like finding out what that meant though because I know I'm holding onto my sanity by a thread[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][B]Who is Dave Matthews? Some kind of rock/pop band thats about to strike the Uk and make millions of girls get into a non stop sweat? Or some cheesy person who has never had any musical experience in their life?[/B] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]No Dave Matthews Band is actually very talented, they have extraordinary musicians, and have the best drummer of any band out right now...Not really my type of music though, its good every once in awhile. They aren't a tiny bopper band either...so you were wrong on both guesses...sorry...[/color]
[color=indigo]Thats really creepy....not the picture, just the fact that you have a photograph of my bedroom, who gave you that? By the way that was my old roomate, she looks better with her makeup on.[/color]
[color=indigo]Sounds Prophecy like, I'm in... Name: Xander Race: Angel? if thats alright if not i'll be an elf Age: He doesn't keep count, thousands of years old, looks 30ish Element: Wind Magic: yes Weapon: battle sword (think Green Destiny form Crouchin Tiger...) that is a dull crimson color [/color]
[color=indigo] Best Friends of the opposite sex(or good friends of the same sex, or both depending on how ya swing:D)...During our lives, most of us will have to deal with having good friends that we become attracted to. This can be the sharpest double-edged sword of all time. Some people swear that thee truest loves come from good friends. Others say that a relationship with a good friend can only lead to heartache and trouble. My few experiences in the matter lead me to lean more towards the second school of thought...but before I present my case let me define a "good friend". Since most romantic relationships begin as friendship, having feelings for a "friend" doesn't usually mean trouble (actually most guys become friends with girls because they are interested in them). It is when you develop romantic feelings for a "Good Friend" that toubles can arise. A "Good Friend is someone that you often hang out with, that you confide your most intimate feelings with, they know the REAL YOU. Now many of you are probably thinking "Well, HC, if you are dating someone seriously they should also know all this, doesn't that make them 'Good Friends' too". In my opinion, no, because they wouldn't know this unless you dated them. So now that is cleared up on to the meat of my post. [b][u]Why I Don't Date Good Friends Anymore[/u][/b] [b]1. It ruins relationships with your other friends.[/b] Because your going out with a Good Friend, who inevitably hangs out with the same crowd as you, you have no escape or free time to hang with your friends, an when you have that time be careful of what you say because there is telling whose side they will take in the matter. [b]2. Lack of discovery.[/b] One of the best things about being in a relationship is learning new things about a person. If you have a relationship with a Good Friend there is usually nothing new to discover about the person. [b]3. Fear of Intimacy.[/b] Unless you have been "friends with benifts" for sometime, it is akward the first time you kiss or...(you get the idea). This is my kid sister/kid brother theory. You know this person so well that, at first it feels like being with your sibling (sort of anyway) [b]4. Worst Break Ups Ever.[/b] "They always end badly, if they didn't there wouldn't be a break up"--Cocktail Prehaps the most valid reason in my mind. When you break up with a Good Friend there is way too much crap to have to put up with. 1st There are the friends. It is hard to hang out with your friends while worrying that your X will more then likely be at the same function. 2nd The jealousy. Unless your X moved far away then the chances are you will get to see both her and her boyfriend on a regular basis (unless you ostracize yourself from your friends) this brings pent up feelings, especially if your friends all like his/hers new catch. 3rd The Loss. You have just lost one of your best friends, that means that one of the people that would help to ease your suffering at this moment is not available to talk to. More then likely your relationship will never be the same. Well give me your opinions on the matter. Would you date a Good Friend???[/color]
[color=indigo]Your friend has broken the rules, but you are slacking off by talking too us...call the girl up and ask her out right this moment...I don't mean this to sound harsh, but quit worrying about your buddy and go after the girl. Your buddy already broke a rule of friendship, don't let him steal the girl you like. Ask her out right now, the worst she can do is say no...Go Get her Kiddo![/color]
[color=indigo]Chole-I think we killed whatever was in Nights head. Iris-Yeah, I don't detect any trace of it, he also looks alot better. Chole-Yeah, he still is not completely back to normal though he has talons on his fingers, and his hair is now completely feathers. Iris- His wings have gone away, and the feathers on his face have all dissappeared. Night-Di-Did we beat it? I can use my body again....::passes back out::.. Iris- I just think he needs a little more rest and he'll be fine.[/color]