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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
[color=indigo] What do you mean its only a rank, you mean I didn't have I didn't have to be a slave fpr an Otaku while I was a Newbie, all that yard work was for nothing...drat. I honestly don't understand what you are talking about Blanko, people don't pay attention to what your rank is they just pay attention to what you have to say...the only reason I have respect for people with high post counts is because they have been dedicated to posting coherently and consistently for quite some time. I think that is why the staff gives them ranks, just to show that they appreciate their dedication...[/color]
[color=indigo]I don't understand...did he know you liked her before he started doing this? If not then it is not against that rule. Also, have you liked this girl for a long time and not done anything about it...If thats the case then you can't be mad because he has given you plenty of time to make your move...I'm confused???[/color]
[color=indigo]Finally Lady M has come back to Richmond:therock:....That Rocks Lady M!!!! Put in a shameless plug for the Otaku so we can recognize you on TV. I am so envious because you are gaurenteed to see the Rock and HHH and Jericho as well as Trish Stratus:drool: up close...I'll be watching on the 28th. If I see both you and Trish the same night I'll have enough dirty thoughts to last a life time. :wigout: Have fun!![/color]
[color=indigo]You noticed the orange glow on your neighbors porch and stricken with guilt you and your friends run over to confess only to find out that the fire in their yard is only from a cookout that they were having. Unfortunatly Your neighbors were international drug dealers and at that moment the turkish police came to arrest them. You too were also arrested deported drugged, and woke up in a turkish prison...good luck escaping[/color]
[color=indigo]Break it Down!!! that was hysterical, maybe one of the funniest dbz spoofs I've ever seen...[/color]
[color=indigo]I'd like to be a judge, but I'm a tough judge...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]shes broke up to go get married?!?!?!?!?! head probs. PPL ARE BASTARDS....... 3 words that u should tell ur m8. ppl will break up with him, hurt him, beat him up and rape him his whole life, y the hell cant he live with it?!? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] A round of applause...I couldn't have said it better myself:D [/color]
[color=indigo]Wow, I forgot you were getting married Seph...Congrats!!! Take pictures and post them on the boards when you get some time, I'm sure you'll be too busy to bother with the likes of us for a little while...hint, hint, wink, wink, say no more...hehehe...I'd wish you luck but you don't need it so Congrats again[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Back at the lab at Meteo city...A man is locked in a VR machine, he is trying to regain control of Nights body...[/i] Man#1-Sir, I am getting interference from the hosts mind as wellas two other entities. Executive-Try and fight them off, I am not ready to chalk this experiment up to a total loss. Man#1-Sir, there is no way we could have predicted this hybrid to have the talent to put us to sleep. Executive-I am aware of that. It just means he is all the more valuable to us. We must do everything we can to salvage him. Man#1-here come the entities sir, it seems as if all three are rising up to arrrghhh!!! [i]The VR machine self distructs taking the worker with it. The executive retreats to a corner, unharmed...[/i][/color]
[color=indigo][i]There were now two entities indside Nights mind. At first he was trying to fight both of them off, but he soon realized only one of them was trying to harm him. He reached out for the helping entity... Night-Who are you? Iris-I'm a friend of Chole, I'm here to help you. My name is Iris. Night-You have to help me, there is something else inside my head, it is asleep now but ot will be awake soon... Iris-I don't think you and I will be strong enough to fight it off. I am going to leave for a moment and get Chole. The three of us should be able to deal with your intruder...I will be right back[/i][/color]
[color=indigo][i] Daybreak....Chole, Faye and the rest of the group exit the elevator and return to the city streets. Little do they know that a hybrid with murderous intentions is waiting for them... Night's body is poised to attack Chole and the others. Locked in the cell of his mind Night realizes who is prey is. Chole!!! He knows that struggling to free himself will be useless right now, he has to wait. Nights body swoops down to attack Chole. At the same moment the true Night begins to sing, he feels his body falling asllep and losing its motor skills. He struggles to regain control of his mind and his body, all the while singing and putting his own body to sleep. His captors give up, unable to fight the power of Nights lullaby. Night falls 35 feet to the ground, landing unconscious at Choles feet. His mutated Hybrid traits begin to regress...[/i] Chole- Night???[/color]
[color=indigo] Wow thats a great drawing Asuka:haha: You guys just need to find somebody to take the rol of Bosley and you'll be all set:D [/color]
[color=indigo]I've seen them on Ebay before, I also saw them at A comic book store but they cost a fortune...[/color]
[color=indigo]He is angry that you have the same avatar as him, I think, but Gohan is about to be a member so he'll probably chose his own soon enough.... And who knows if you went to Japan for a couple of years and stalked the right people you may run into Mr. Toriyama and then get thrown into jail...It would more likely be better to send him fan mail...just learn how to speak japanese and write charecters...[/color]
[color=indigo][i] Night is perched on top of one of the buildings in Celes. His body is asleep, whatever is controling him knows his body needs rest. Night is awake, however, and he thinks he's figured out a way to break free of his captors. He knows that he can escape his prison while his body is asleep, but every time he tries something pushes him back into his prison. He wonders about the song...will the song be able to put his body as well as his captors to sleep long enough to free himself. He tries but the entity controling him was ready for it and pushed him back into his cell. Night (thinking)-I have to wait until my they are otherwise occupied ...daybreak, the thing is waiting for daybreak. That will be my chance...[/i][/color]
[color=indigo]jeez, woody, your life is like a never ending soap opera. If I had to put up with the stuff you do on a daily basis I'd go insane!!! As for your problem...I would call up anyone who has seen him or talked to him to make sure he is okay, like friends or family that lives close to him. If he doesn't live close to you tell his friends that do live close to take him out and occupy his time. The less he thinks about it the better...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]For my Christmas Vacation, I whent to visit my dad up in IL. I Met this girl on new years eve, and I can't get her out of my head. I can't stop thinking abut her. We converse by e-mail, and normal Mail, but not much, Has anybody ever had this happen to you, I know some of you have had to, unless you have no life, or just haven't had that happen yet. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I've had similar things happen to me several times, especially because I tend to travel a lot. I'll meet a girl and hit it off with her, but I'll never see her again. It is hard because you can't do a lot about it, but she'll be on your mind all of the time. Unless you are able to see her every now and then it is probably better that you don't communicate with her that much...[/color]
[color=indigo] i'm tired of women using me for their pleasure. I'm not an object, sometimes no means no ladies.....uhm I think I was off topic...no Woody I guess I have an idea of what you mean, in high school, I had a friend who was really good looking, used to model for CK. We would go out and all these girls would ask me if he was single and so on, it really pissed me off....so I stopped hanging out with him as much and began hanging out with hideously ugly people so in comparison I looked very good looking (j/k)...[/color]
i hate bein a newbie at school
Heaven's Cloud replied to Guardian_Tidus's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i] [B]Take advantage of the fact that you're in a new environment, be the person you'd like to be (but don't change your personality). Start things off in a fresh way. -Adam Im Not Insane:worried: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigio] I fully agree with Adam here, be the bully, be the druggy, be the jock, be the hooker, just don't be too normal or you'll be boring j/k, good luck with your new school... ...looks at Adam's Avatar "Well its better then M. Bison Anyways" again just joking I think its a riot, no really i do[/color] -
[color=indigo] My only advice is to be your self. If you are going to form a relationship with someone, be it friendship or otherwise, you should act like you normally act. If you try and act like someone you aren't it will eventually turn around and bite you. The only things I find to be in bad taste are when people I first meet swear profusley. Its alright to do it a little, and once you get to know a person you shouldn't worry about swearing around them, but its ba manners to swear a lot when you first meet someone...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Yep, I knew that. But I think he'll go to Vince Machman's side, and be with goodie old Kurt Angle and Booker T..... :toothy: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Nah, Stephanie is gonna come back with HHH, there is no way he'll go back to McMahons Side right away. He and Jericho will battle it out...[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Back in a laboratory in Meteo City two men sit at a VR machine[/i]... Man #1-It seems we have complete contol of the Hybrid we tagged the other night. Executive- How has his mutation effect him...did his hybrid traits mutat like we thought... Man#1- They seem to still be mutating, the parasite chip we injected him with has made it to his brain. We nearly have complete control of him... Executive- How long until we have complete control? Man#1- Well we should already have it, but somehow the subject has managed to hide in a corner of his mind, but we will route him out eventually. Executive- What test mission did you give him. Man#1- Standard, his missin is to kill the last hybrid he saw and take out all other hybrids he encounters. Executive- And what were the traits of the last hybrid he encountered? Man#1- The hybrid seems to be Dragon, sir. Executive- Will our subjest be able to complete his mission, Dragon is rare blood, it runs strong. Man#1- I have no doubts that our subject has more then enough in the ways of capabilities to take out his target. He should also be able to take out a fare share of hybrids before he is terminated...[/color]
[color=indigo]He is coming back tonight, THE GAME, TRIPLE H!!! is anyone else as excited as I am....:wigout: :wigout: :wigout: [/color]
No one has to answer this question, but...
Heaven's Cloud replied to BondFanatic's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo]Well I think they are all insane fanatics. I think this is a hard topic to reply to so my response may not make much sense, and it realy doesn't awnser the topic, just expresses an opinion. I think the shear magnitude of Stalin's and Hitler's crimes outweigh that of bin Ladens just because of the numbers of people that were murdered. But I still cannot seperate any of their actions in my mind.[/color] -
[color=indigo]I think there are a lot of chances for Goku to finish off fighters throughout the series, but he seems to dumbfounded to do it. It never made much sense, but it really makes the battles good:D [/color]