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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo][i] Night was flying through the air on his newly spouted wings. His hybrid genes had taken over, but that did not disturb him. The feathers growing out of the cuts on his face had begun to itch, but that didn't disturb him. He had no idea what he had been poisoned with, but that also didn't disturb him. What disturbed him was that he no longer had control of his body. He was aware of what was going on, he just had no control over his body. Every time he tried to regain the use of his body he encountered a force, something that pushed his cosciousness farther back, into to the recesses of his mind. He was flying towards a group of people, and he was aware that his body wanted to harm these people, his mind was now programed to kill them. The more he fought, the more his mind was pushed down. Night now approached the town of Celes.[/i][/color]
  2. [color=indigo] I like it a lot. Its not nearly as cluttered, way easier to navigate:) [/color]
  3. [color=indigo] I'd have to say my favorite system was NES...I never remember being more excited then I was when I got SMB3[/color]
  4. Nickname HEAVENS CLOUD Age 21 Allowance (or income from job) A PALTRY SUM Favorite Smilie (from the boards) :2womwen: DUH Favorite... Umm... Power Ranger ^_^ THE GREEN ONE? Time of Birth I WAS HATCHED Do you think the teletubbies are demonseeds? (a simple yes or no will suffice) YES Favorite Cartoon Cartoon POWERPUFF GIRLS Favorite Japanese Anime DBZ Favorite Font WHAT EVER COMES UP FIRST What kind of pet do you have, if any? DOG, CATS ARE EVIL (If you said no to last question,disregard this one) What is it's name? WILLIE Favorite "Grown-Up" American Cacrtoon? (I.E. Simpsons, Family Guy, etc.) SIMPSONS IS THE BEST SHOW EVER How many wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood, and what did Peter Piper do with his pickled peppers after he picked them, in your opinion? ALOT OF WOOD, EAT THEM
  5. [color=indigo]I stand corrected[/color]
  6. [color=indigo] Well it seems to me that there are tensions rising on the Otaku today, even yours truly got a bit pissed, so here is a joke from Eddie Murphy's Delerious Stand Up in hopes to lighten tha mood a bit... A bear and a rabbit are taking a dump in the woods, The bear turns to the rabbit and ask's "do you have a problem with crap sticking to your fur" The rabbit says "no." So the bear wipes his butt with the rabbit[/color]:laugh: Well I think its funny anyways:raspberry
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [size=1]It depends though. If you copied a CD and gave it to your friend for free...while that is technically theft, I find it acceptable. But if you distributed on a large scale, I would object to that. That's the kind of theft which could really left companies out of pocket.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] On a large scale I understand that is theft, hence the end of Napster, and that is what would get Akito in trouble if they were liscensed in America. But on a small scale it is not illegal to make a copy and distribute it for free, hence give it to a friend, as long as you are not doing it for profit...At least I'm pretty sure[/color]
  8. [color=indigo] Now I don't find this anymore of a theft then I find making a copy of a CD for a friend...but maybe I just have messed up morals...[/color]
  9. [color=indigo][i] In the park Night lies unconscious, yet he feels the changes occuring to him. "They must have injected me with something." Little does he know that his hybrid genes are rampantly out of control. Wings have begun to sprout from his back, talons had srung from his fingers, and where the cuts on his face were from the glass, black feathers had sprouted. Also another voice was in his mind, shouting at him..."kill, kill, kill..."[/i][/color]
  10. [color=indigo] Alright, i have been trying not to get too upset about this topic but I think I will post my final thoughts on Will2x last post. Wll, I think you are lacking a lot of maturity and compassion. You have to put forth very little effort in taking care of a disabled child and the amount of love you would recieve is well worth a few sleepless nights. My advice to you would be to never tell a girl that you go out with these feelings that you have, because I know for a fact that if any woman (or normal person) heard your logic they would spot you as being an incredibly uncompassionate person...[/color]
  11. [color=indigo] The questions for that selector sucked but here are my results[/color] # 1 Quatre Winner # 2 Chang Wufei # 3 Dorothy # 4 Catherine Bloom # 5 Relena Peacecraft # 6 Heero Yuy # 7 Lady Une # 8 Treize # 9 Zechs Marquise/Milliardo Peacecraft # 10 Duo Maxwell # 11 Trowa Barton
  12. [color=indigo] I'm not sure anymore I used to be an avid collecter but I'm not sure what the most valuable is...I have Spiderman not (ASM) #1 with the Silver cover signed by Todd McFarlane, I also have a Spawn 1 signed by Todd McFarlane. I have at least the first five issues of every Image Comic title made until '98. Oh and i have the whole first Carnage Series. I guess nothing too valuable but I'm sure they total a little over a 200 or so...[/color]
  13. [color=indigo] i say beat the crap out of him...I assume your two guys. Every now and then guy friends need to beat the crap out of each other, it's natural. Me and my friends beat the crap out of each other every now and then and we are better friends for it. [/color]
  14. [color=indigo]Akito your a friggin Rock Star. Thats awesome, I can't wait until its finished. :wigout: [/color]
  15. [color=indigo]Wow, what a coincidence. I was just about to post a thread about this wierd dream I have been having... As many of you know, I used to have a wierd flying dream, This dream has been replaced. I have a huge fixation on Musashi, probably the greatest swordsman of all time, and I have been doing a lot of research on him. Lately I have had a reoccuring dream that I am a moderen version of him...because I am well versed in his fighting techniques in the dream I am an incredible swordsman. The wierd part of the dreams are that they seem to be proggressive...I think its because I enjoy them, and will myself to continue the dreams...I'll continue my sdtory later gotta run now...[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I'm afraid your terms aren't quite PC, Will. If you want to sound semi-correct, use mentally challenged...retarded is one of the biggest derogatory terms and I hate it. I'm trying really hard to not give my opinion on this because it is extremely one sided...of course I would keep the baby! Gah, ok, I'm not going to get mad...but don't be surprised if this topic gets suddenly closed due to ignorance of our fellow members.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Don't worry BG, I got incredibly offeneded when I first read the topic. I kinda lashed out and that was why I edited my post. While I think the question sounds very heartless, I don't think Will2x meant it to seem that way.[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Okay I'm editing my original post b/c it was way too personal, however i will say this, If my wife was to be pregnant with a child and found out early enough that there would be complications with the childs birth then I would support an abortion. If my child was born mentally disabled, would I put it up for adoption, no way in hell.[/color]
  18. [color=indigo] I'm glad you got the hang of it...My advice was too little too late...Such is life...[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]I always thought that the wing piolots were new types that was why the could pilot the Gundams and that was why only they could use the Zero system effectively...[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]I wonder if you'll get this info before you go skating. I have three pieces of advice for you about skating: 1. Don't worry about eveyone elses advice (except for coolkam007, worry about him), it was all very good, but it is like reading a book about riding a bike, you might know the physics in theory but it takes practice to be able to put the theory into motion. 2. Don't try too hard to break the fall, thats how people get hurt 3. Hold on to the boy you are with tight...if your not going with a boy, find a cute one that looks like he has some idea how to skate and tell him to teach you how....[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]I really liked [i]Blood and Chocolate[/i]. [The werewolf one.] [i]The Silver Kiss[/i] I still haven't had a chance to read....[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I read [i]Silver Kiss[/i] like eight or nine years ago so it is probably a good book cause I can remember the title...Thanks for all the book help, I'm keeping a list of the ones I haven't yet read and sooner or later I'll probably read them all (hopefully) If the book is really awsome I'll pm you a thanks--HC[/color]
  22. [color=indigo] Okay, I really don't know much about DBGT other then the Basics....I have a few questions about things I have heard though.... Here are My questions 1. Who are the supporting charecters....I know Goku and Vegeta are in it but who are Pan and Trunks (Is trunks Trunks son?) 2. I heard Krillen is alive, is he old like Roshi in DB? thats it--Thanks HC[/color]
  23. [color=indigo][i]In his haste, Chole forgot about Night, who was still lying on the bed. Night regains conscienceness just in time to hear someone coming up the elevator. He starts struggling, sensing that there is trouble coming, and manages to free himself from his already loosened bonds..."if i don't get out of here I'm in deep trouble..."Night thinks. Night sprints to a large window. Before he gets there he feels several lights on his back a feels the wind of something passing by his face. His pursuers are too slow though, he leaps through a small window. The glass shatters and cuts his face, he doesn't feel the dart enter his calf. As he glides away he begins to feel woozy. He glides slowly into the park, in a quite area before he is able to land he blacksout. He falls the last twenty feet to the ground...[/i][/color]
  24. [color=indigo]I never liked high school, love college though...I may never leave:D [/color]
  25. [color=indigo] Best Baddies 1. Sephiroth 2. Hiachi Mishima 3. Liquid Snake
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