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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]Wow without the aide of drugs (including caffine, It shouldn't be considered a drug though) I doubt I could stay awake for more then six hours a day...I love to sleep. I don't know the longest I have ever stayed up...I did a lot of mind numbing drugs in highschool...A couple days ago I was on my computer for eighteen hours straight, and I was awake for anoter six or so...lots of caffine:wigout: :wigout: ...[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]Not only did I laugh, I laughed hysterically 5 seconds after the noise started, then maniacally for a full twenty minutes, then I brutally murdered seventeen people:devil::laugh::devil:.....just kidding...the test was really funny though...[/color]
  3. [color=indigo][i]Night was in and out of conscienceness. "They must have drugged me pretty good...If only I wasn't gagged the I could sing and put everyone to sleep until I can figure out how to get out of here. I wonder what they are going to do to me..." Night passes out again. He dreams about Heather. It was a painful dream. He lost her because he was a coward. Long ago he vowed that he wouldn't make that mistake ever again. But he hasn't kept his own promise. Through his dream he realizes that he has been scared ever scince Heather died. He will atone for her death, he swears to himself...[/i][/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B] the book good omens is pretty good...but u might as well wait bout a year 4 the movie [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I read Good Omens, it was probably one of the best books I've read in quite awhile, If you haven't read it you should...[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]Well since my hero/idol is Miyamoto Musashi (also known as the sword saint) I guess it is fairly obvious that I like the sword. I like it because something about it seems noble. Anyone can use a gun, but it takes years and years of discipline to use a sword with skill. When you are involved in a sword fight all of your energy, your athletic ability, your mental ability has to be in tune, strategy is the most important thing. With a gun it is just point shoot bang dead....[/color]
  6. [color=indigo] I read alot, and I am always on the look out for unusual books on just about any topic...except romance novels. Can anyone suggest a couple good books (if you don't mind include a blurb on what type of book it is)...the more interesting the plot the better....Thanks--HC[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]Does anyone no some really good anime pic sights? I look and look but all I seem to find is crap....[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Geez, Woody you always have very depressing posts. I feel sorry for your brother, maybe the girl rally does like him but is afraid to show it. I don't understand why someone would play such a mean prank. But being a misanthrope myself it doesn't really suprise me, but it seems wierd that anyone would be that deliberatly mean without having anything to gain. If the girl is really that mean, and isn't doing this b/c she has a crush on your brother or a reason to dislike him (or thinks she has a reason) then we live in a sad world....[/color]
  9. [color=indigo][i]Night comes too, but only for a moment. He is strapped down to a hospial strcher and gagged. A bright flourescent light is shining from the ceiling. Night hears a voice..."That sounds like Chole..." Night loses conscienceness again...[/i][/color]
  10. [color=indigo]I live near a theme park that has tons of awesome rides. I remember skipping highschool and going a couple of times every year...they had some great rollercoasters...[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tetsuo [/i] [B]Girls like to take advantage of my generosity, and so do thier friends they say stupid little things like "if you really love(or care) about me then you will do this or that, and take me here and there and pick up my friends and i and drops us off somewhere." i hate it its all an act. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Well I am a pretty easygoing guy and I would do just about anything for my friends (which sometimes gets me screwed over) But If anyone tried to repeatedly tried that with me they would no longer find themselves in my good graces. The next time a girl is taking advantage of you just say "hey, missy, go knit me a sweater" (I think I may have just caused all the girls in the forum to hate me). I think you need to find a cool girl who won't use you, and then let me know where they are all at (I'm generalizing here b/c I do know some really cool girls).[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Carren Heart [/i] [B]can i join ?? [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah post a charecter and join in [color=indigo][i]The group sees Alexanders forces battling Bastions Demon Legions. The Demons are beating Alexanders men...the party enters the melee....[/i][/color]
  13. [color=indigo][i]Night reaches Choles appartment to find it empty. "He must be at work". Night begins walking away, when all of a sudden he is hit from behind. Right before he slips into unconsciousness he hears voices.[/i] Man from Bar- Yeah thats the piece of S**t hat beat me up last night...[i]kicks him in the ribs[/i] ...Lets get him to the labs. He is a hybrid and we can get his DNA resequenced...[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B] [size=1]Are you drunk for most of the time?[/size] Voodookanaka, Heaven'sclouds want a hug? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]In my case, no, Most of the time I'm not drunk. While I enjoy drinking, I am very careful of drinking alot when I'm out with girls. Alot of time I end up having to take care of a drunk girlfriend...(that is not always fun 'cause most of the girls I know tend to be more emotional). By the way thanks for the hug:blush: [/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]i have to agree that all guys are jerks. and on that same note all women are b**ches who like to mess with your feeling co they think u dont have any, and when they find out u do, they test to c how much then f**k off with someone else whos got a big car!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I hear ya buddy, I don't have enough fingers on my hands to count the amount of times I have been hurt by women for fickle reasons...unfortunatley I have more then likely hurt my fair share of women too, although never intentionally, just cause I'm stupid[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]i'm sorry to say, it does not pick up. guys try to screw you even [I]more [/I] in college. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Being a college guy, I really hate to agree with Lady M, but she is right, most guys can be jerks alot of the time. You just have to find one that isn't to much of a jerk most of the time. But don't feel too bad, most of us guys have an equally hard problem finding women that we can deal with. I wouldn't go to college thinking that the guys will be better then the ones in high school. College freshmen are at least four times as bad as highschool guys...sorry:( [/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Ohh...They are both awsome, I espcially like the whipping smile, you should put a garter on it and make it a dominatrix:D [/color]
  18. [color=indigo][i]Night knows he couldn't have done anything, yet he feels like a coward..."Chole is right, this isn't over by a long shot..." Night glides to a nearby club, looking for someway to vent his anger. Tomorrow he will get in touch with Chole and vent his anger... Night wanders into a club. He sees a pretty girl dancing with what has to be her boyfriend. Night waits until the boyfriend goes to get drinks and makes his move..[/i] Night-Hello, there, pretty lady [i] at first the girl seems alarmed, but she looks at Night and realizes that she is very attracted to him. Night has always had this ability with women. The girl kisses Night...Right as the boyfriend comes back. The boyfriend, who is a very big guy, takes a swing at Night, who dodges and hits him hard in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. Night then leaves the bar. "I shouldn't have instigated that fight, but the guy had a quick temper.. and I needed to let out some aggression...[/i][/color]
  19. [color=indigo][i]Night is gliding over the park toward the club district when he sees a bolt of lightning. It is pretty close so he decides to land. Once on the ground Night looks up to the sky and sees that there are no clouds. He hears voices through the brush. Chole and the boy he is with are surrounded by a group of masked figures. Night shudders, he knows he can do nothing to help Chole so he hides in the bushes. He watches the men take the boy and knock out Chole, then leave in a hurry. Night waits fifteen or twenty minutes beore going over to Chole. He is very afraid that the men will come back.[/i] Night-Chole wake up, man...CHOLE WAKE UP!!! Come on man we gotta get outta here...!!! [i]Chole snaps to, and immediatly is on top of Night, Snarling with anger[/i] Night-(thinking, wow Chole is incredibly fast if he doesn't snap too I'm a goner) Chole it's me, Night, stop man, Its me Night... Chole(a look of realization in his eyes)-Oh night, god I'm sorry... I was attacked...the boy was taken Night-I know, Iwas in the bushes...::ashamed::..I couldn't help, I'm Sorry...[/color]
  20. [color=indigo][i]Night glides through the air. He notices a figure following him from the ground. "It is that mugger, he must be afraid of me IDing him. Well, someone should even the score of that mans death." Night lands on top of the roof of an office building. He looks down at his stalker, knowing that he is not a physical match for him. Night knows his stalker can see him fine through his hybrid eyes, and he beckons him for a confrontation on the roof. The stalker seems all too happy to oblige. Night jumps to the top of the antenna on top of the building, knowing it will take his adversary will follow him up. Night begins to sing. It isn't long before his stalker shows up on the roof, Night continues to sing as the hybrid climbs toward him, his needle sharp teeth glistening in the moonlight. Night can tell the song is working though. His adversary is very sleepy now. With in a few feet of Night the mugger falls asleep and begins plummeting to the roof. At the same time Night leaps from the roof. He is aware that his attaker won't be too hurt if he falls off the antenna. Night grabs his assailent as he falls and swoops to the edge of the building...[/i] Night-Wake up you Son of a [i]Nights assailent wakes, and night releases him. The last thought the mugger will have as he plummets to his death is "Am I still dreaming... Night glides toward the club district...[/i][/color]
  21. [color=indigo] Krillen, just thought you'd like to know, you can use the new paint shop pro...or an older one, to add color to your pics, just ink them, scan them, and fill in. It works great, by the way your other two pics are also excellent...[/color]
  22. [color=indigo][i] Night Glides into the park, and lands in a secluded area. He walks out of the bushes and sees a man being mugged.[/i] Night-Hey, leave that man alone!!! [i]The attacker turns toward Night and bears a hideous set of teeth and a pair of yellow eyes. "Oh great", Night thinks, "I'll be lucky if I don't have to go to the emergency room tonight. I wish I had health care." The Hybrid leaps at Night lashing out with his teeth, but Night dodges and thejumps over his assailent kicking him in the back of the head. He then grabs his attacker in a headlock, and shoves his face into the trunk of a nearby tree. The attacker is quick to recover, however, and dashes into the twilight.[/i] Night-We got lucky on that one, are you okay buddy... Man-Ohhh..... [i]Night notices the big gash in the mans stomach, he realizes the man doesn't have long.[/i] Night-Don't worry sir, your badly wounded, I am going to take away your pain, just listen to my song... [i]Night begins to sing, the man quickly falls asleep, he will not wake back up. "At least I could ease his suffering," thinks Night, I guess I should the police and let them know what happened..."[/i][/color]
  23. [color=indigo]Whoa those are excellent pics man, I'm very impressed...[/color]
  24. [color=indigo] The hardest part of drawing DBZ (any anime charecter) lie in the proportions of the head. If you pre draw in stick figure form the heads of many of the charecters are very triangular in shape, so I would start with that. Also, most of the charecters have very large eyes, so practice the expression by just drawing the eyes and nose. If you want to just look at a picture and copy it, look for key lines and how they lie in the overall proportion of the body. Drawing the body of a DBZ charecter is no different then drawing the body of any other comic charcter. Use an opposing looking stance and sketch the body out first in stick to view its proportions. Hope this helped a little...[/color]
  25. [color=indigo] I mean horrible, I don't watch anime for cartoon porn[/color]
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