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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
[color=indigo]I just saw a terrible anime movie called Golgo 13. It was really really bad (except the ending was interesting). Has anyone else seen bad Anime. If so post it here to warn others off. Thanks HC:D[/color]
As of lately I would have to say it is a draw between Jurassic Park III and Dude Where is My Car...These were both horrible movies
[color=indigo][i]Night awoke in the morning and decided to go for a flight. He climbs up the fire escape to the top of hi apartment building...He is 84 stories above ground. Night leaps into the air rising at least an additional 20 feet. He spreads his arms and flies. He has never been sure why he can soar like he does...he has no wings or any physical attributes that would allow for this ability. It does take a small amount of concentration on his part, maybe it is a psychic ability. He knows that if he stops his concentration he could fall to his death, he has actually attempted this several times, but he always pulls himself out of the fall. Today, however, Night is not contemplating suicide. Instead he is thinking of that strange boy he met the other day, the one with the blood of a dragon...Chole was his name. Night had an eerie feeling that somehow there fates were intertwined....[/color][/i]
[color=indigo] It worked, pretty nifty....your topics misleading though, I thought this was about Koolieo the rapper, "Come along and ride on our fantastic voyage 'slide slide slippity slide...'" I guess That is Coolio though...[/color]:wigout:
[color=indigo]Awww...how cute:love: No I'm happy for you both:D :D Congrats Ice...You make a cute couple!!![/color]
[color=indigo]They kinda already have a justice league...The Avengers, pretty much every one has been a part of the team at one time or another. But If I could make a team this would be it... Silver Surfer-He is the most powerful hero in the Marvel Universe (with the exception of Adam Warlock) Spider-Man-While he is not that powerful he is extremly smart...and he always has the chance to be turned back into the "Cosmic Spider" (I think thats right, at that point he was the most powerful charecter...stronger then the surfer) X-Man(Nate Grey)-By far the most superior mutant of all time, his power rivals the Silver Surfer...If he isn't alive still (I'm not sure if he still has a mag) then Cable would do fine, not as strong but a better tactician Captain America-I don't like him, but he is the most capable leader and tacticians in Marvel Rouge-Can instantly absorb anyones power, nuff said Beast-Because I hate Reed Richards and the beast is probally the next smartest person besides Richards also he can take the role of the strong person[/color]
[color=indigo]The best movie of all time is [b]The Godfather[/b] but like Lady M that's not my fav...My favorite right now is [b]The Big Lebowski[/b][/color]
[color=indigo]Eddie Murphy is my favorite...."You know what she said to me Gus, she said Gooney Googoo"...[/color]
[color=indigo] Well Unless you really want to be all you can be you shouldn't do either. Use your powerfull ability of persuasion to get your parents off your back. If that dosen't work take TN's advice and move out, take some loans, go to school, or get a job. Regardless of what you do, don't worry too much, You are young and there endless possibilities out there:D [/color]
[color=indigo] My guitar is my favorite plaything, besides that maybe the computer....I really don't do too much of anything else...[/color]
[color=indigo] I'm gonna go old school on ya....Batman is the only person who could actually take on Superman...Why do you ask one He is much smarter and two he has Kriptonite...[/color]
[color=indigo][i] As Chole and Night go there seperate ways, Night thinks about the fireworks and how complicated all the prepartion must be. He doesn't walk far when he sees something coming at him incredibly fast. He leaps up in the air and barely dodges the speedy object. The sheer speed knocks Night back to the ground.[/i] (thinking-I hope Chole doesn't run into that thing....)[/color]
[color=indigo]Goin back to school, goin back to school, I can't wait to go back to school....In college everyday is a party and beer flows from the water foutains like water, there are beautiful people everywhere...and you only have to go to class when you want, and sometimes the teachers decide that they don't want to teach so, no class...oh goin back to school, goin back to school...I want to transfer and go to this fictional college I just made up...goin back to school....[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Night stares at the fireworks. He thinks how spectacular they are, better and better every year. He wishes that the girl on his arm would just go away, he would rather be alone, watching the fireworks in silence while he was floating through the sky. [/i]"(thinking: What is her name again...Jill no Jen, something like that)" [i]Turning to the girl, he realizes how beautiful she is.[/i] "(thinking: I wonder if she is a Hybrid, maybe she has some deer or gazelle in her...) [i]He realizes that if he is going to slip away, he has to do it now or he'll be stuck with the girl all morning. Telling her (he still cannot recall her name) that he will be right back Night heads toward the restrooms in the crowded club. In the empty mens room Night heads toward the window. He opens the window and leaps out, gliding to the empty alley several floors below. Heading home he passes the statue of Raynor Dune. Not paying attention to where he is going, Night doesn't notice the skater and walks right in to him. [/i] Night-"excuse me..." [i] but the skater, who is already skateing away, doesn't hear him.[/i] "(thinking: He must be lost in his own thoughts as well)"[/color]
[color=indigo]I've played the trumpet for 16yrs. (e gads, thats longer then some of you have been alive...). I also play the piano (just a little) and the guitar (I think I'm gonna be a rock star....foolish ambitions::sigh::)[/color]
[color=indigo]I was supposed to go meet a couple of friends at a bar, but when we arrived at our DD's house we found him very :alcohol:. No one else wanted to drive and it was at least a twenty dollar cab fare one way. So we stayed at the DD's house and drank....But trust me hell has no fury like a woman who has been stood up at a bar....(I'm waiting for the dreaded phone call where she chews me out for an hour...):nervous: [/color]
[color=indigo][i]The party ascends up the moutain. It is not long before they reach a cave. Kool tells the others that this where they need to go. The cave is emmense, and as they head down the tunnel they hear the noises of battle...[/i][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Why does everyone hate Jar Jar so? He's actually quite entertaining. Mesa wish they had an avatar of the good ole' mascot. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Arrghh, die Jar Jar die, I'm so glad he is not in an avatar, it would throw me into a fit of depression everytime I visited the sight....[/color]
[color=indigo][size=4]Happy New Years!!!.....[/size] Wait a minute, I sill have five hrs and fifteen minutes, oh and by the way Final Flash thanks for ruining the Apocalypse thing, drat I was sure this year would be the year:flaming: :devil: :flaming: [/color]
[color=indigo] Iwould have to say Star Wars. I mean Return of the Jedi is a great movie...one of the greatest ever... episodes four and six were also incredible...bur Star Trek 2 Wrath of Kahn is a little better then Ep. One of SW(only b/c of JarJar I hate him, I wanted Darth Maul to kill him die JarJar die die die....)[/color]
[color=indigo] I'm glad your dog didn't get hit, you were pretty lucky. I've had to go after my dog dozens of times. When he was younger he was a runner nd would bolt out the door if someone opened it...he got better when he got older, but he had several close calls with traffic.[/color]
[color=indigo]HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!That is Hysterical, I would bid but i am sure I can get plenty of people to beat my *** for free...:blackeye: [/color]
[color=blue]FATE I travel amongst the tops of trees, an autum leaf caught in a breeze. To and fro tossed about the sky, no cares at all, no fears to hide. For if I fall to the ground my journey may end but my destiny is found. [/color]
[color=indigo][i]After the Briefing Xander heads toward his Gundam. He is a troubled young Lieutenant whose inner demons are starting to get the better of him. He is glad a mission has finally arrived, maybe now death and he will be able to have a chat. Lost in his own thought he doesn't realize that Monica, a young mechanic, comes running after him.[/i] Monica-Hey Xander Xander-Oh, hi... Monica-So I heard you got the Sniper Gundam. I'm glad, that means you won't have to worry about close range attacks as much. Maybe you won't even get close to the enemy. [i]Actually Xander is upset about getting the Sniper Gundam, he was hoping for a more confrontational weapon[/i] Xander-Yeah, that would be nice [i] hurries to get rid of Monica[/i] I'll see you soon... Monica-Be Careful Xander....[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]yep, if you wrote that you're drunk alright. have you heard "alcohol" by nirvana? it's the best alcohol song ever! [/B][/QUOTE] That song rules...It is 24 hrs later and my head hurts and the bad thing is...in 24 more hours I will be three times as bad off as I was when I wrote that poem