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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]Happy Birthday, and drink merrily:laugh: [/color]
  2. Heaven's Cloud


    [color=indigo] The moon's light radiates it cascades over the hills. Hues of blue dance upon the black nightscape Tiny Dancers piruet across the darkened field. They celebrate their creator, the Harvest Moon [/color]
  3. [color=indigo]I don't think that the government would make a mech/gundam type of weapon. I think it would be hard to keep stable and extremely difficult to manuver....but I think an armored suit that gives a person added protection as well as speed and firepower is not unreasonable for the gov. to create...[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Umm I have to say Duo Maxwell is an awesome charecter, I mean he is lighthearted and humorous, but pilots the Gundam Death Scythe (irony rules!!) I also enjoy Zex (milliardo) b/c he is an ideal warrior/mentor[/color]
  5. Heaven's Cloud


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stormwing [/i] [B] cold as winter, solid as stone i face the darkness all alone the silver warrior; a reflection a mirage; a recollection no return; no going back the past is gone the, future, black i view my world through the eyes of others black and white; there are no colors between the lines i see a grey everyone will some day pay i look down upon my broken youth a shattered mirror shows a shattered truth -robin powell [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][i] That one is really good, I have an idea, why don't you make this a game, you know, have people post poems that they make up on the spot...anyway here is another on[/i] My shattered dreams flowed upon the streams of a darkened mind that had grown unkind to the harsh reality of the worlds formalities and existence's trivial nature But a ray of hope helped me cope and through the mist arose tears of bliss As I came to see that there were many like me And I was not alone in my pain[/color]
  6. [color=indigo][i]Xander was getting back on his feet when he and Night Shade heard the gun fire. They fly off towards the direction of the shots. In the air, Xander sees a Hunter running away...[/i][/color]
  7. Heaven's Cloud


    [color=indigo][b] The Cloud Drops its Tears They Fall from the Heavens High Provide us with life The Heavens now shout Lifes Resounding Song of Joy The Rain Falls Anew--[/b]HC[/color]
  8. Santa has a naughty list...no wonder he hasn't given me any presents since I was three...Santa, I didn't mean to leave the fire going in the hearth, I mean you won the lawsuit already, whatever happened to forgive and forget...
  9. I got a Harry Potter book, I didn't want a Harry Potter Book at all, I hate Harry Potter....:flaming: what can I say, parents just don't understand...
  10. [color=indigo]My advice is probally no good, so my only good advice is probally not to take my advice but I will give it to you regardless)... 1. I think that depends if girl A likes the guy or not. If girl A likes the guy then girl B is out of luck for the time being. If girl A doesn't have a thing for the guy and wants to see girl B get the guy, then she should let him go (but that doesn't mean the guy will like Girl B automatically)... 2. I guess she could go to or call the US embassy...I don't understand the situation though, is she with family or something?? [/color]
  11. [color=indigo]Wow, that pic is fantastic, talent and beauty, you've got ot all LM. And, as I know you already know, Vegita Rocks:D [/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Darkness Bu [/i] [B]do you know where I can find that? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] The book is available just at just about any large bookstore, you may have to ask them to order it. And Justin, I think you would really like this book it is extremely bloody, Musashi is known as the "Sword Saint" in Japan, there is an account of him taking on the entire Yoshinoka school of fencing at once (between 20 and 40 people). [/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Heaven-We have to figure out where to go now. Kool, take my hand and concentrate, figure out where we go from here. [i]Kool takes Heavens hand. At first, nothing happens, then Heavens eyes light up and a beam shoots out of his eyes. At the end of the beam are the Kincaid Moutains....[/i][/color]
  14. [color=indigo][i]Xander and Nightshade were enjoying their usual game of up and down during their run. Nightshade decreases the gravity around Xander, sending him flying up in the air, then Nightshade would increase the gravity sending Xander plummeting toward the ground, about twenty feet from the ground Nightshade would deacrease the gravity around Xander once again causing an up draft, allowing Xander to land safetly. Something distracts Nightshade, causing the bird to miscalculate how far Xander was from the ground...Xander hits the earth hard. Nightshade circles around Xander and lands. Xande slowly gets to his feet....[/i][/color]
  15. [color=indigo]I get pestered by my parents about getting rid of my comics every month or so. I keep on resisting them, but I know one day I will come home and mom and pops will have tossed my entire collection.[/color]
  16. [color=darkred]Hell Storm-My name is Hell Storm, Who is your friend in the shadows??[/color]
  17. [color=indigo][i]The suns rays peak over the horizon. As the group gathers to continue their journey, they see A small yet well armed cavalry heading towards them from the west. As the group nears the party sees the war banner of Alexander the Holy. As Alexanders men approach, Zack's men arm themselves, ready for a fight. The cavalry halts, three riders approach the camp and dismount.[/i] Captain: All kneel before the rightful ruler of Terragard, Alexander. [i]None of the party kneels, nor do Zack's men. The Captain begins to draw his weapon but is halted by the king[/i] Alexander-While our army is much larger then there's, Captain, if you draw your sword I doubt any of us would survive the attack. Hello Heaven, it has been some time. Heaven-Yes it has. Alexander-And you must be Zack, you are the leader of the DeathCorpse, I must talk to you. Zack-Yes come in private, Heaven will you join us. Heaven-yes. [i]After a long discussion, Alexander confides in Heaven and Zack that after Bastion's defeat he plans on turning the government over to the people. He then leaves the tent, leaving Zack with a shocked look on his face, and Heaven with an uneasy expression.[/i] Zack[i]exstatic[/i]-This is too good to be true I can't believe it Heaven-Don't[/color]
  18. Could I email this notice back to him 15 times and not be charged???
  19. I am so angry....If this email is in my box I will just loose it. I have 2 hotmail accounts, and I have two for a reason...One is for my friends and family to get in touch with me the other is for the 300 pieces of junk mail I get due to diffrent sites I go on. No matter how many times I block senders I get more junk mail...I checked my email 1/2 hour ago and it wouldn't surprise me if it already has 20 new messages of junk....and for the last time, I don't need to get out of debt, I have never evcen been in debt arrgh!!! If Bill Gates wants $50 dollars from me he can have it...I'll send him a check that I wiped my *** with!!!!:flaming: :mad: :flaming: :mad: :flaming: :mad:
  20. [color=indigo] Wow, it feels like I am a day late and a dollar short on this topic, I don't know how I missed it before. I won't elaborate on my reasoning on why the writer of that email is an ignorant-*** b/c it has been said already. I would like to say that I feel sorry for the few Muslim families that live in the same backwoods area of North Carolina that I do...they were discriminated against here before September 11th and now all of the gun toting, KKK card carrying, inbred yokels believe they have a reason to play Green Beret because there is a person who is not a die-hard southern baptist amongst them (by the way, I have nothing against Southern Baptists, everyone where I live seems to be a southern baptist, whether they are extremly intelligent or feeble minded inbreds. And if any Muslims skirted from the general public, who could blame them. I mean, would you want someone to harrass your child at the playground for his or her religious beliefs or have news people constantly accosting you to ask if you know any terrorists (that happened to my sisters friend)...[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B]You are in a war with your best friend. After a battle, you decided to take a break and fall asleep by a tree. When you wake up, you see a man with a knife walking up to your friend (who's sleeping on a rock nearby). On the other side, you see 2 little kids playing and a soldier of the enemy walking towards them with a machine gun ready to shoot them. What do you do? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]If I was still tired I would probally just go back to sleep...zzz...zzz:sleep:[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Human Name: Xander Gender: Male Age: 63 Element: Gravity Appearence: Xander's skin is as black as night, he has a white beard and hair and always wears a black kimono witha white obi Weapon: Staff Animal Name: Nightshade Type: Giant Raven Abbilites: Claws, beak, can increase decrease gravity Appearence:Duh, it looks like a giant blackbird[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]Yo, Son Goten, that Pic rocks, I just printed it out! :D [/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kakkarot ssj4 [/i] [B]i beleive the super android saga, bebi saga, n shenlong saga should be split up into three seperate movies. cause in a series it sortta sucks. movies r always drawn better then the series. know whatta i mean??/ [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]yeah, this would have been ideal, all of the series could have there own seperate movie...but it is too late, oh well:( [/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I guess there are some pretty classic lines, but because of the dubbing the trash talking just drones on and has alot a pointless talk[/color]
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