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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. [color=indigo]I think Gundam is, hands down, the better show. While he original Gundam show was'nt that interesting, the 8th MS Team and Gundam Wing are two incredible sagas. I mean what is Zoids, they are like Machine Pokemon...Is the Lager a Robot or animal, it respons to what bit cloud says. I find Gundam's Mobile Suits to be stronger then the Zoids, the charecters much more heroic in Gundam, and the Gundam story lines are some of the most Facinating in anime...[/color]
  2. [color=indigo] I think the shows like that throughout the entire series, but there is just enough fighting to keep it interesting:sleep: [/color]
  3. [color=darkred][i][b]Hell Storm is soaring amongst the clouds, lost in his own thoughts[/b]...*I should have bee here the other day, duing the riots...*[b]Hell Storm flies over the Empire State building but stops, seeing two figures on the roof. He goes in lower, but the illumination of his flames gives him away....[/b][/i][/color]
  4. [color=indigo]I got ya there slick, I think its the same concept as time elapsed video, where they make everything look like it is moving real fast. BG I read somewhere that you are a senior, if you are still looking at college you should look at RIT (rochester, NY) it is an awsome school for photograghy and there are tons of opportunities for great internships, from photo art to photo journalism. My cousin is there for photography, and I think his advisor set him up with an internship with Nat'l Geo over the summer...:raspberry :rotflmao: :raspberry [/color]
  5. [color=indigo][i]Heaven awakes. As he leaves his tent, Kiara passes by...[/i] Heaven-Kiara where are... Kiara-You men are all alike, quit trying to socalize with me.. Heaven-Actually, I wanted to know where the others are, we have to continue on. [i]Heaven and Kiara go to join the others.[/i][/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Morimoto Rocks, I love the Iron Chef, Actually I like the food network period (except for Emeril and Martha Stewart)[/color]:D
  7. [color=indigo]Well Ihave a 15 yr old sister and I am 21, we are not anything alike but the older we get the more we get along[/color]:D
  8. [color=indigo] Form what I understand both Cartoon Network and FunImation have been getting loads of complaints on how the DBZ episodes are run. I went to the DBZ site and they have a memo up apoligizing for the wait. I am in the US and we aren't to far ahead of the UK in the Buu saga at all, they kind of just cutt it off in between two important episodes. I would try getting the tapes on ebay if you can't find them in stores.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo][i]Heaven is glad to have Zack's help. He and his men will be an invaluable resource. Heaven is very tired after healing Kiara and he tries to sleep, his last thoughts are of Kool, he is worried that she has too much pressure put on her and that he will not be able to protect her long enough...[/i][/color]
  10. [color=indigo]The story takes place in the eary 1600's after the battle of Sekigahara during the begining of the Tokugawa Shogunate. It does't really have any large scale battles, it is the story of a Swordsman trying to live by the Way of the Sword (following the example of the Art of War)[/color]
  11. [color=indigo][b][size=3]MUSASHI[/size][/b] [i]Eiji Yoshikawa[/i] I am sure that some of you have read this book already, but if you haven't and are interested in feudal Japan or just in kick-*** swordsmen then this is the book for you. It is a fictional account of the early life of Miyamoto Musashi. While the book is long you it is very easy to read. It is so good that I am reading it for the third time...:all: [/color]
  12. [color=indigo] Name:Jo Age:16 Position: Works the deep fryer[/color]
  13. [color=indigo][i]They hadn't walked far through the plains when they heard a shrill scream. Immediatly the three warriors took off running in the direction of the scream. They arrived to find an immense Scorpion-like creature with the face of a man and the horns of an ox. In one of his large claws it holds Kiara.[/i] Ash: Kiara...!!! Heaven: Ash wait!!! [i] Ash takes off on his feet with Heaven and cool quickly behind him. Ash is like a madman firing his shotgun at the creature and the attacking with his sword. His attacks, however, glanced off of the monster's thick skin. Heaven also attacked with his dagger, but to no avail. While the two warriors were distracting the creature, Kool freed Kiara from the demon's claw, and the they were both flung to the side.[/i] Heaven-Ash, Kiara is free, fall back and fight with your elemental magic. [i]Both Ash and Heaven fell back from the enemy and Ash unleashed his elemental attacks, using ferocious fire attacks to inflict damage to the enemy and following them with gusts of wind to keep the monster at a safe distance. The beast was starting to gain its footing, and Ash was growing tired. Heaven grabbed Ashes shoulder, and using his healing magic, renewed Ashes vigor. It wasn't enough, however, and the monster now loomed right over Kool, who was trying to wake Kiara. As the monster struck at her, Kool shrieked. A blue aura of energy engulfed her and then absorbed the beast. The beast bellowed in agony and burst into flames....[/i][/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~*fire maiden*~ [/i] [B]:flaming: ok this is kinda weird...as you know I am totally goth..well kinda. :rolleyes: I would definitally consider myself goth but not very "HARDCORE" [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, I guess I am kind of a prep and I never knew any goth people, especially my friends that I guess were pretty goth, could have an underlying hatred to me. It is pretty pathetic that you are judging people by the clothes that they wear. Punk and Goth (which are kinda the same) arose from people that didn't want any type of conformity. Now, however, a person either is conforming to look punk or conforming look prep. Who cares, I just wear clothed that are comfortable, I don't really care too much what they look like....:cussing:
  15. [color=indigo]Name: Alexander Dumas Alias: Hell Storm Appearence: He is a man of 30 or so with an impressive build and a rugged complexion. His hair is entirely white and his eyes are entirely black. Abilities: Hell Storm can create fire as a whim, he can also fly. Bio: Hell Storm was a former member of the SAS. During a campaign in the Baulkans, he was exposed to a nerve gas that nearly killed him. While he was being treated in the hospital there was a reaction between the gas and his medication, he immediatly burst into flames. Since he has been released from the hospital he has been trying to come to terms with his powers.[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B] If it's within the country, than it won't cost that much. What about one person from U.S and the other from Australia. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I guess they would have to arrange to meet. Depending on their age this could be hard. If the person is under 18 he should just forget about it. If he can afford to go to Australia, he should go there as soon as possible, meet her, find out if she is all he thinks she is and vice versa...It might seem like an expensive thing to do for such a big chance, but it could save him from heartbreak later on. And if it didn't work out at least he got to go to Australia...[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]my favorite commercial for awhile now has been for volkeswagon, i think. it shows this girl getting ready for a wedding. then it shows a guy in a tux speeding to the church w/ this dramatic music playing & you think he's late for his wedding. but then it shows the priest saying "speak now or forever hold your peace" & the guy from the car comes busting up in the church w/ this love-stricken look on his face. i think she should go w/ him, he was a lot hotter than the groom! (he's also on judging amy, which i started watching just to see him.) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]That is one of my favorite commercials of all time. It is such well made commercial, it looks like an Art majors project. I also like the commercial for Audi (it could be for Volvo or Volkswagon I don't quite remember)where a man is talking on his cell phone and says "yeah yeah I know, cash only" . It seems like a Mafia scene but he ends up just picking up a pizza.[/color]
  18. [color=indigo] [i]Misha starts heading in a different direction then the others...[/i] Heaven-Misha where are you going, we need your help. Misha-My quarrel is not with the demons, it is with Bastion, I shall kill him byself and return to my home.[i]walks off Heaven turns toward Ash...[/i] Ash-I am not going anywhere, I haven't had this much fun for a long time [i] The party heads southwest, soon leaving the forest and arriving in the plains. After a short walk the ground beneath them caves in...they all manage to jump back in time. A huge insect like beast appears before them...[/i][/color]
  19. Arrgh... I want to play the game now, I hated the system in ff9 I cant wait for ten....so much better:frog:
  20. Wasn't Vincent also Lecricta's lover?
  21. [color=indigo]Ash speaking to Heaven in a low voice... Ash-Maybe you should be the leader, I mean you already know where to go. Heaven-We are not following my path. Ash-What do you mean I saw those beams fly out of your eyes. Heaven-That was not my doing, it was hers, she has unimaginable power, she just doesn't realize it yet.[/color]
  22. Hmmm...I like Wicked City alot as well as the Demon City Shinjuku, I saw Ninja Scroll and that was entertaining but the best by far is still Akira:blah:
  23. [color=indigo][i]The party steps outside. Everyone turns to Kool. Heaven pats Kool's arm sympathetically. Upon contact with Kool Heavens glowing eyes flare with light, his head snaps to the southwest and a blue beam of light flashes ahead for miles...[/i] Ash-I guess we are heading that way...[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]Yeah, I guess so, it depends on how much you two seem to have in common[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B] there's nothing special about the pinky question, I don't know why you guys make it so complicated. HC, you're a guy? Too much confusing :huh: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Yeah I'm a guy, I know my names a little misleading. When I was younger I used to draw comics, and my favorite charecter was Hell Storm, the guy was one bad dude, I am kind of the opposite, pretty easygoing , so I puned the name Heaven's Cloud, the opposite of a Hell Storm. And us guys tend to make things complicated because it makes it seem funny :drool:[/color] I had to edit this twice, god is my punctuation horrible
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