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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud
[color=indigo]Heaven-Kool are you alright... Kool-Yeah, what just happened... Heaven-...(how do you tell somebody that the fat of the world rests on your shoulders)... Ash-What do you mean what happened...you were off the ground, floating, and glo...uphff [i]Misha elbows ash in the gut Heaven slowly explains what happened to Kool, omiting the part about her extreme power[/i] Heaven-We should get moving, Zack will you be joining us?, I don't think our meeting was a coincidence. Zack-Yes, I just have to organize my men....[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B] :shifty: I hope you didn't think I'm a guy Neo. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Woody isn't a guy?(misleading name), now I understand the whole pinky question, Anyway don't trust dirty, filthy men on the internet...wait a minute, trust us, Trust Us!!![/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] :(...wait! This is turning into a love thread, isn't it? :shifty:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]No not a love thread, sugary feeling sinking in, followed by a feeling of inadequecy...I agree with[/color] [color=deeppink]Baby Girl[/color][color=indigo] I think you have no idea who you are really talking to because people tend to lie when there are no consequences... [/color]:bawl:
[color=indigo]The new smileys rule, especially this one:2women: and this one:flasher2: I am not an old dirty man just a young dirty boy[/color]
[color=indigo]I liked the pinky question...anyway I don't think online love can be real. It is possible that you find someone that you relate to well, but I don't think that you can really know someone well until you meet them. Although if you think you are in love with someone online and you get along with them incredibly well you should try to arrange to meet them:2women:[/color]this smiley rocks
[color=indigo][i]Heaven steps between Kiara and Misha, who are again involved in a trivial argument. And looks toward Misha[/i] Heaven-Please Misha, I beleive she is here for the same reason that we all are. Misha-And what reason is that, I was seeking Bastion the Dark... Kool-Well, then you were headed in the wrong direction entirerly... Heaven-please stop arguing, it is obviously fate that has brought us all together, I feel we all our warriors with purpose. Zack-I have no idea what you are talking about, but please, let us go into my tent, my men are getting uneasy, and please, Misha, bring your mutt, I don't want my men being attacked. [i]The warriors all enter Zack's tent. They sit around the fire when all of a sudden Kool is lifted magically in the air. Her body begins to glow with a strange green aura and a voice echoes around the room[/i] Mysterious Voice- Legendary warriors of Terragaurd, A great evil has been unleashed upon the land. The demon realm has leant it's power to Bastion the Dark. You have been chosen by the gods to dispell of this evil. The girl that we now possess shall be your guide. Her powers have not yet blossomed, but she is destined to be the savior of Terragard. Now go seek out Bastion's Demonic Minions, and drive them back into hell.... [i]Kool crashes to the floor[/i] Ash-That is something you don't see everyday....[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Zack looks at the group of travelers and thinks to homself that this could be trouble.[/i] Zack-(thinking)These men look like seasoned soldiers, even the girl looks like she could be a handful, I had better meet with them alone, I don't wish for my men to incite these wariors into battle. Zack-(to the party) Please, come into my tent, I have hot food, and you can entertain me with tales of your adventures. [i]The party enters Zack's Tent[/i] [i] Unoblivious to the rest of the party, as well as the Death Corpse soldiers, Kiara looks on silently. Kiara, however, is also being watched. To Kiara's suprise a large animal leaps at her from behind. Cursing herself for not paying attention to the heartbeats around her, Kiara throws the howling animal off her. She fires a disc from her cwellen, but the disc is intercepted by the crash of Misha's Axe. [/i] Misha-A real warrior never takes her frustrations out on an animal, it can be dangerous, especially if that animal is my dog...[/color]
[color=indigo][i]...No one suspects the spanish inquisition...[/i]--Monty Python Those crazy Christians do the darndest things, don't they. First they said that bands like WASP and Winger were pawns of the devil (come on, do you think the devil would listen to WASP and Winger). Now they are bashing anime. Granted, I am not a Pokemon fan, but the few episodes that I have seen portray the hero as a positive role model (although he imprisons his pokemon in really small balls). I can see why some extremist Christian groups don't like Gundam, its violent, but I don't think I have ever seen an episode that has witchcraft in it. These extremist Christian groups are beginning to piss me off. I think next sunday, I am going to commandere the church organ and play [i]Call of Cthulu[/i] for everyone:devil: [/color]
[color=indigo] This discussion gets better and better, exotic preformers, and now LM says she gives private shows...uhm...I just remeber, I forgot to do something....:flasher: [/color]
[color=indigo][i]The band of travelers continue through the forest. After a brief travel they see a billow of smoke rise out of the forest.[/i] Heaven: There must be a camp up ahead, let's see if they need any help...[/color]
[color=indigo]I saw O11 last week, it was most likely the most enjotable movie I have seen in a long time, I think because it had no value to it...ie:no moral significance.[/color]
[color=indigo][i]hmmm...I think I am entering this thread late, first it was about particular vanities, then James talked about creating a porn site, now Baby Girl is talking about being an exotic dancer:D [/i] :devil::blush: I guess my biggest vanity is about the vibe I put out. I used to be really shy, but in the last few years I have really tried to become more outgoing....[/color]
[color=indigo]Hmmm...Favorite Actors...here is a few 1.Sean Conory (I mean he is James Bond) 2.Harrison Ford (I have never seen him in a movie I don't Like) 3.Brad Pitt (he might be a prettyboy, but he is in some great movies) Actresses 1.So many beautiful actresses, but my all time favorite is Marylin Monroe:blush: :blush: :blush: [/color]
[color=indigo][i]Heaven feels a slight breeze zip by his head and hears Misha's Axe fall to the ground. He turns to see a girl standing in the brush with a weapon he is not familiar with. Heaven realizes that he is the only one who sees this masked warrior...he turns to see Misha unharmed, the axe was merely knocked from his hand. Heaven walks towrad the mysterious woman hidden in the recesses of the forest...[/i][/color]
I am not sure if these are new charecters but I know Kazua is in it but he looks half like devil. Also Marhall Law is supposed to be back in the game.
[color=indigo][i]As they continue through the forest the party is continually attacked by the Medusa like lions, it is not hard for the warriors to drive them off. Misha focus's his ice magic while Ash uses various elemental spells. Heaven uses his healing powers to keep his comarades health up and to heal the occasional wound that these beasts inflict....[/i][/color]
The christmas one is great but it is lacking the fart joke quality of the two previous ones ::sigh:: ohh well keep the comics coming there hilarious:laugh: :bellylaug :bawl: :laugh:
[color=indigo] Jethro Tull is awesome, It is the only rock band that I know of that can successfully incorparte a flute into all of thier songs...Although they shouldn't have won the first heavy metal grammy award...[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Misha begins to reply to Ash's question when, all of a sudden the three warriors here a crashin sound in the brush...[/i] Misha-More Bandits..? Ash-I hope for their sake it is not...i encountered a few earlier...and well...[i]points to his sword[/i] [i]Heaven's Eyes begin to radiate with a red glow-[/i] No I fear this is a threat much more serious then the robbers that we encountered earlier... [i]All of a sudden a creature comes crashing through the trees. The creature looks like a gigantic lion, however, instead of fur it is covered in tough scales and its main is covered by living serpents[/i] Heaven-I have never seen a creature such as this before Misha-Well the odds are in our favor...lets put this beast out of his missery [i]Several more of the creatures come out of the brush and our heroes our greatly outnumbered[/i] Ash-well Misha, it seems as though these scaly creatures also believe in strength in numbers....[/color]
[color=indigo] Hmmm...i might be dense sometimes, but as you can see with my wity response I am as sharp as a tack at the moment...okay it took me an hour and a half to come up with that respose and it isn't even that wity, I guess that I am not only dense, I am unoriginal, and most of the time just plain stupid...:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: [/color]
I love its creamy egg-nogginess, it is so smooth and really quenches tour thirst after partaking in a sporting event...no seriously, eggnog is disgusting truly, truly disgusting...kind of like fruit cake....:cross:
The Vegita Saga was excellent because all of the fighters had battle time and it rocks when Goku knocks out the Saiyan General with one punch and then Vegita destroys his own partner. I also think that battle between Goku and Vegita is incredible.
[color=indigo]Okay I have one more drunken moment that I will share with you. During the summer I was at a really big party. There was tons of alcohol and I indulged in quite a bit of it. My friend in I somehow wondered across the street into a day care parking lot where everybody is parking for the party. All of a sudden a car swerves into the parkin lot almost hitting my friend. My friend is a big guy, 6'2 225 or so, and he goes up to the drivers window and says "sir, can you step out of the car". The driver believes that we are cops for some reason, and gets out of the car. My friend gives the driver a fake sobriety test and then tells the driver that he won't give him a ticket if he promises not to drive home at night. We let the kid go and burst into laughter. We continue stopping cars in the parking lot, and people just keep assuming that we are cops. This goes on for an hour until I tell a kid that he should go home because the paddy wagon is coming. Five minutes later a hundred or so people begin rushing to there cars, leaving the party. I stopped a girl that was walking by and asked her what was going on. She said that the party was broken up because there are two undercover cops in the parking lot and the police are on the way to bust up the party....:laugh: :alcohol: :laugh: [/color]
what are your most prized possessions?
Heaven's Cloud replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
I would have to say that if my house was on fire I would try to grab four things, my grandfathers communion necklace, my trumpet, a guitar (probally the twelve string), and my bag of smoke (because it would be such a waste for it to go up in flames and no one get any use out of it):raspberry :smoke: -
Don't quit drinking LM, I tried it once and the sudden boost that you get in your self esteem is just sickening:alcohol: