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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. I didn't know there were an Akira books, I guess it must be much more in depth. Please let me know where I can get them.:mrt:
  2. My Least favorite subject would have to be...Science or at least any physics or chemistry. I wanted to be a Vet until I had to take my first College Chemistry course...it was hard, I almost failed :bawl:
  3. [quote] [i]originally posted by SSJ3 Trunks[/i] We should all get drunk and pass out that way our dreams won't bother us, even if it is for a little bit. [/quote] I got really drunk last night but I had the same flying dream, different situation though, so I can't remember what I did last night but I can remember my dream.
  4. [Font=Courier][color=indigo] Okay, if you have ever seen Hi-Fidelity, (great movie, I recomend it), you'll know where this idea came from. I love Top 5 lists and, being a newbie, I think it is a good way to find out who else has similar likes/dislikes. So I decided to post this list and see what kind of response it gets. If alot of people respond I will post a new and different topic every week. Hopefully, I can start out pretty broad, and later, depending on the response, create more specific topics. At the end of the week I will sift through responses and compile a list of the five most popular picks. Please pm me if you have any suggestions or ideas for topics.[/font][/color] This weeks Top 5 list is [b] FAVORITE MOVIES [/b] remember your favorite movies are not necessarily the movies you think are the best (ie: I think the Citizen Cain is the best movie ever made but I know of at least five movies I enjoy watching more) but the ones you enjoy the most.:lecture: [b][color=crimson]My Top 5[/b] 1. Caddyshack 2. Payback 3. Dazed and Confused 4. Goldfinger 5. Enter the Dragon[/color] :raspberry :raspberry please respect others lists, it is okay to discuss them but please respect others opinions and please, no fighting :raspberry :raspberry
  5. [color=indigo]I always get pieces of mail from the electric company and the phone company and the cable company with an amount of money on it. And every month the amount more then doubles. I guess they just don't have the money right now so they keep promising more. I wonder if they will ever pay me....hmm my power just went off...:help: [/color] By the way, just for the record, I like hot lesbians too.
  6. [color=indigo] Wow. that's an incredible discovery. I can't even begin to fathom the possibilities. :genius: [/color]
  7. I think a multi-colored eye has the same voice as Jerry Garcia did. Are you Jerry Garcia resurected? If so, Voodoo, can I be your Roady?:drunk:
  8. Weirdest thing about me is..uhm I chew on everything, especially ice and the tv remote. I also have to shower right when I get up even if I am going to the gym first thing.
  9. yeah, that chick does rock hardcore, any friend of Angus is a friend of mine!
  10. [color=indigo] I want a prostitute, a bottle of peppermint schnapps, and some nose candy LOL no just kidding, my parents are sending me to Europe for my present and I am ever so excited[/color]
  11. [color=indigo] While my parents have also shown me nothing but love, I feel that I am a constant disappointment to them. I guess they mind-F@%^ me when I was young or something. However, I guess I am lucky to not have abusive parents[/color]:shifty:
  12. [color=indigo] I have a love hate relationship with these commercials. On one hand there are some incredibly good artists covering a very good song. On the other hand, they are exploiting it commercially, I think they are using it to exploit American's feelings toward Sept.11 during the holiday time. Anyway, I thought I would post this poll to see how others felt about this ad.[/color]
  13. [color=indigo] I have only seen the first three movies, and I liked tree of might best because it shows Goku destroy 4 other fighters at the same time. I reaaly want to see the rest of the movies (uncut) but I don't know where to get them[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]I used to wrestle in high school. It was very damanding phisically. I am 6'0, 185lbs now and I remeber my senior year wrestling people over 200lbs and having to weigh as little as 168lbs. but to set the record straight, I have tons of respect for pro wrestlers. Most of them have more technical wrestling ability then many college wrestlers, and, despite that everything is scripted, it is by far one of the most physically demanding jobs on earth[/color]:therock: [quote]if you smell what the rock is cookin'--the people's champion[/quote]
  15. [color=indigo] I have also died in dreams several times, however, I always am floating aroud like a spirit in the dream, or am resurected somehow[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]Uhm...what kind of soap are you trying to compare and on what kind of level? Regardless it will be a tricky experiment to do. [b]you should just do the glowing pickle experiment. This experiment shows how sodium ions conduct electricity. Run an electrical current, I am not sure how strong off the top of my head, through a large dill pickle and it will glow, it looks pretty nifty[/b][/color]:genius:
  17. [quote]Also, it wasn't really so much of flying as it was gliding at high speeds. Ok, maybe it was a mix between the two.--NorykoAngelcry[/quote] Now that I think of it, my dream did have kind of the feeling of gliding more then flying. It isn't an unpleasent dream, it is just that I have it often, weird,huh?:wigout:
  18. [color=indigo][b]I have been having this weird occuring dream that I can fly...sort of. In the dream I will be flying well and then it seems that I come to a realization that I am flying or Gravity is effecting me and I just plummet. I still have control over the fall, I am just not hurt or anyhing. It is a weird dream and I keep having it over and over. Maybe I am just watching to much anime. Has anyone else had weird flying dreams or will anyone give me some sort of interpretaion?[/b][/color]:nervous: :worried:
  19. [color=indigo]Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the district attorney would definitly charge the person with murder, although it is doubtful that the person would be convicted. No matter what the person would probally be charged with both attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. These are both serious felonies, and if convicted s/he would serve some jail time (5-10 yrs.)[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]I remember my first trip into the Ghaunton Rainforest. Our platoon had been whitled down to five due to dysentary, land mines, and venerial disease. After five days of marching through grueling heat, snake infested bogs, and untraveled terrain we began hearing noises. At first we thought insanity had taken us over, but soon we realized that an unknown enemy had surrounded us. That night they attacked. It was a frenzy of brown and red and black and white fur. Some of the creatures were nearly 9 inches long and all of the were equipped with large flat teeth, that didn't really have the capability of breaking through skin, just bruising it. When the onslaught had finally ceased I saw that the Hampsters had spared only my life. Ever since that day I have been living amongst them, learning their ways. But I have been plotting, ever so carefully, and one day, not far from now I will exact my revenge on theHampsters...gwahahahahaha :flaming: [/color]
  21. I am going home to work during X-mas so I have money to buy people gifts and buy myself:alcohol:and on new years I will be :cool: while I am :alcohol: but I won't get any :butthead: but maybe if I am lucky I will get a :smooch: I tried doing the charecture message but its just too complex...arrghh
  22. [color=crimson] I think I will let my kids choose their own kind of music, I think it is all right to let your kids be around the music you like but I doubt very much that it will have much of an impact on your kids. I don't know what kind of parent I will make but I do know that I will allow my children to be individuals and to make their own mistakes. And when I think they need help I will give it to them and when they ask for help I only hope I will be able to be there for them.[/color] [color=dark-blue](however, I don't like rap either) all hail the Lizard King:flaming: [/color]
  23. [color=crimson]The Sayia-jin race was a proud warrior race that enjoyed combat. Vegita was the strongest warrior from the planet until he lost to Goku. As he watched Goku and the Gohan surpass him in power it ate away at his pride. At the same time he enjoyed a fellowship in arms with Goku and Gohan, being the last of their race. I think it is just his princely pride that gives him his "bad attitude" but it is also his pride that makes him such a great warrior :devil: [/color]
  24. Gohan+Goten=Gotahn that sounds like the name of a transformer:D What if Piccolo and Gohan fused, I think that would be pretty cool looking or maybe Piccolo and Tien, that could give you a three eyed green man:genius:
  25. [color=crimson]I think the video (as well as the song) for Chop Suey Rocks, If you want to see a truly scay video watch Micheal Jacksons new video, just looking at him scares me to death[/color]:nervous:
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