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Heaven's Cloud

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Everything posted by Heaven's Cloud

  1. Although I try not to think of these things much, because it ruins the CARTOON (just kidding Sephiroth, I know its anime, now please put the sword down). But if you want to read into it everybody in otherworld also speaks one language. But then again the also have flying cars and dinosaurs so I don't think we should look into the weird parts of the show, we all know DBZ rules:box:
  2. Well, Ivoted for Launch, but it looks like 18 won"sigh". Darn those androids, they think they are so much better then us normal people with their super strength, cool manner, and perfect looks...oh-oh, I think 18 is turning me on:smooch: i better go:blush:
  3. I think you can beat him with one hit in his final form. I am not sure about the Omnislash finishing move, but Knights of the Round Summons takes him out immediatly. I have a question though, didn't the game play allow you to dictate who Cloud had a relationship with? ie:Gold Saucer Arena
  4. I agree with Kuja on this point. Although I thought Final Fantasy 7 was an incredible game, I think Square Soft used the FF title as a marketing strategy. I thought 9 was a return to the original concept behind FF, however it was not nearly as good of a game as ff7. Hopefully the new FF (10,11) will be the best games yet. I believe they have a powerful enough system in the PS2 to make them killer games :angel:
  5. That is a good point, I wouldn't want to wake up with an angry blonde Launch pointing a gun at me, but If I was a Z-fighter would it really matter?
  6. I never did understand the tail issue. My best guess would be that if the tail is cut off after a certain age it doesn't grow back and that is why Goku's and Gohan's tails don't continue to grow back, and why Vegita's doesn't grow back. This still doesn't explain why Goten and Trunks don't have tails, maybe Gohan and Vegita kept pulling them off. It was never explained, so I will try not worry about it anymore :babble:
  7. Metal Gear Solid 2... I bought the game, and while the graphics, playability, and story line rock hardcore, I did have some problems with it. The game is on the easy side, I beat it in three days. Also, the bosses aren't diffficult enough, even on hard mode (exception:fighting multiple Metal Gear). I like the story behind Raiden, but I really wanted more playtime as Snake. I also didn't like the end, but I won't spoil it-_- Overall the game is worth renting but personally, I wouldn't buy it.
  8. "...and the gods wept when man created religion, for it brought more suffering then good..." --unknown author I beleive that faith is a must, a belief in something or nothing is healthy, however, the older I get the more I realize that organized religions seem to cause as much seperation and bigotry as they do joy. I am not saying organized religion is bad, it just needs to be reevaluated.
  9. I voted for Launch, even though she is an old charecter she is the hottest in either moods:smirk: Vote 4 Launch!!
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