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Everything posted by animetruth

  1. OOOH HOW THRILLING! ill play too
  2. um wow...i never realy got the point of cybersex but if its somethin that seems right then do it ok...maybe one day you may be able to actually like this person beyond the computer screen. in either case do be careful i mean after all i wouldnt want someone to get hurt by another of the opposite gender or in any case hurt at all... :animeswea ... :animeangr -hits brother next to her who wont get away from keyboard- um ya im a nice person to as long as your not family Also thank you supervisors for reminding me of the edit capability
  3. wow um...-whistles- um ya that whole becomin kyle thing is well...im just gonna have to offer my opinion on this one. kyles wife deserves the truth and it should be told to her but on the other hand you becoming kyle to keep her safe and to help her kid remain in good hands well... wow...i am realy impressed with you being able to do all that especially for him and i must admit that i do feel as though you should try to carry on for there sake and in the name of kyle but on the other hand if they catch you well... :animedepr lets just say no docters gonna be able to save you from the womans wrath and not only that but keeping on such a lie is fairly difficult so...if you can realy do it i guess you kind of should but if you want to live your own life you should tell them...wow...thats what i call a true bond between you and kyle... BTW, could you maybe talk in a language that doesn't have to be decoded?[/QUOTE] sorry my brothers kinda weird like i said before so sorry bout that... if you know what she looks like and you like her you should give it a shot and whats the worse that could happen eh. of course if one day you could move there or she could move to you i think life may be pretty nice for ya. [quote name='wanderer87']hello doc i have a problem thats well i guesstypical i hope ummm im always worried about if i should say stuff as it comes to my mind or if i should bite my tongue . i have kinda been biting down for a while figuritively and i kinda need a push i dunno anways right?[/quote] sometimes it is better to bite down on your tongue if what youll say will be offensive or get you killed but sometimes it is also good to speak your mind and let others know what you think of things and pray that they think the same way or will respect you opinion and give there own as well...in other words speak your mind but dont say something like... (your standing behind a realy large woman and your waiting) while standing in line she begins to order a fairly large meal and somehow the server cannot understand her a)you could just say nothing and let time pass by b)you could help her by talking to the server for her c)or you could tell the fat cow to shut up and learn english a may take forever b may make her happy for your assistance c will make her step on you and make you wish you were never born either way as you may understand so far it is wise to say your mind but not to be offensive so i hope this helps a bit... [quote name='Raiyuu][font=trebuchet ms']As Tical said, animetruth, your post quality could do with cleaning up. Your advice is pretty useless if no one can understand what you're saying. Use Caps where appropriate, separate your sentences in sensible places and lay off the "ya da somtin dis".[/font][/quote] appologies sir but most of the time i tend to get carried away with my words and as for the ya da somtin dis...well thats kinda my bros way of saying something in his own words even though there kinda hard to under stand... P.S. sorry for multiple postings but i kinda has a bit to answer and i didnt want to mix 2-4 different people into one area with all there answers or possibilities. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed][B]EDIT:[/B] Woah hey, please do not double post, or quad post for your situation just now. Please use the edit button to cram in anything you may of missed out the first time around. [B]- Stuart[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. ...online love...well this is not my expertice so im handing the keyboard to my elder brother who is pretty much a matrix online lover freak of nature and by the way the scroll down is so he doesnt see this message... :p well an online love affair is fairly difficult to obtain and as for the pregnancy mind yous youd be getting in some majo crap but if you rely like er you outa go out and give it a try eh. i aint much into such but if you think it may be worth da shot you may wanta get a plane ticket eh and go see if shes like the person you could spend a lifetime with. just as well you gotta remember that in any case you gotta try not to offend her and also a long distance relation things a lil tough but if you got the balls you can get through it . just as well ya gotta remember that shes got feelings so if she seems a lil to...un goodlookin for ya you may wanta let her off slow. as for da baby thing well... i for one aint very good with kids truth be told ide perfer to scare the hell out of them then to care for them so thats kinda somtin your on your own with so i hope dis advice helps ye out even a wee bit ya and someone gimme sista hell for wakin me up. :sleep:
  5. [quote name='wolf Toboe']uh...well I feel like everyone hates me and I can' trust anyone because they'll just thorw me away like garbage. I feel like a nobody everyone hates, and just pretends to be me friend. Now I'm scared to get close to anyone.[/quote] it seems that you have a sadness in your heart that keeps you from trusting people. there was another with a similar problem but i do wish for you to know that you do not have to trust people fully and you may wish to make a support in case they do leave but if i were you i would risk it and try to get over these feelings of hate and try to trust people who earned trust and can be trusted with something in order to help you with such a problem. i remembered one day i didnt trust anyone including my parents then one day someone told me something like this and i tried to trust someone if not anyone. sooner or later well as you can see i trust the human race enough to share my wisdom with them so perhaps the reason you dont trust people is because you believe they will not understand your thoughts...
  6. [QUOTE=animetruth]aids is merely a term of life and thus if you do have aids the only partner you will ever have is one that truly cares for you and loves you and just as because of such even though you have a shortened life span you should live out your remaining years in peace and happyness and by such you should just live life to the fullest while you can and dont be ashamed of them for there just a disease, a de-evolved lifeform that uses the human body like a playpen or house and even if you do have them just live life and try to protect your partners. P.S. i did see the Just kiddin part but aids is a lil problem i though i should pinpoint with my own opinion so thanks for bringing that information up form me thus reminding me of that topic. P.S.S. for those who do have aids and are mocked and riticuled perhaps you should try to laugh it off with the people laughing at you thus do to you having fun over there jokes they wont have a way to make you feel like crap or so thats what my bro did when he got it. he turned it into a joke and he lived a pretty happy life from my perspective. P.S.S.S. he atracted it from sex not birth[/QUOTE] ____________________________________________________________________ thank you 13th man and as for your question about your purpose the real question is are you seeking a purpose for you see in order to have a meaning in life you must seek out the existance of such and find the truth of your purpose and who knows you may have a grand purpose but in order to find it you must spread your wings and soar above the clouds of possibilities to find that answer. P.S. i wish you the best of luck finding your dreams in life and your purpose of living onward. ____________________________________________________________________ seems people have stopped asking for help but i will not fall and i still have the desire to help so plase come with any concerns in life you may have or PM me.
  7. [quote name='NekoSama101']I have a lot of friends, but a few of them get hurt because they WANT to be the person to help me if i get hurt, but i can help myself. i find it very easy to have friends, even if i don't trust them.[/quote] trust them or not be happy to have them for one day you may fall and not be able to get up without some help. its happened to me once and i pray that it will not have to happen to you. in another word i guess you do not have to give them your trust but be sure to give them your friend ship in return for theres
  8. [quote name='NekoSama101']I have trouble trusting people. I don't even trust my best friends but everyone i know trusts me because i've never told a secret or broken a promise.[/quote] yes it is hard to trust people but you must remember that without trust there is no such thing as a friend. before i didnt even trust my parents friends or even my dog for that matter and all i was was lonely but after a while i began to put my trust into some people and look at me now. im popular around school i got good grades and im happy and givin other people advice in there lives from my experiences. it is true that it is hard to trust people but the less you trust them the harder it will become to show respect or get respect for yourself so ask yourself do you want to trust some people so that they will trust you and thus enjoy life or will you let your fears of being betrayed stop you. either way it is your choice and though sometimes someone may say something that may seem to betray you but by such comes the terms of forgiveness. i dont trust people fully but i will put some of my trust in my friends and my family.
  9. [QUOTE=Momiji Love][CENTER][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Well. I'm a little hesitant, especially due to your lack of proper grammar (the correct term is 'more fun' rather than funner) but... You see,I have this friend. We'll called him Joey.Joey goes to a boarding school too much of a haul (and bus fare) for me to visit him. It has been about 9 (getting close to 10) months since I have seen Joey, and I really like him. A lot. He has promised to call and used to email me on an almost daily basis.But these days, he hasn't emailed me for the past 2 and a half weeks. And, his promise to call was made about a month ago.And as you can probably guess it hasn't been fulfilled. I know its selfish to take his time up because he has to keep up with his studies and with his mixed martial arts, but is this some sort of sign? [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT][/CENTER][/QUOTE] it may be a sign but truth be told if you have feelings for someone you should make it your responsibility to tell them and the worse they can say is that they dont love you back but it is worse to never know the truth on what may have been
  10. [quote name='Ziggy Stardust][COLOR=Sienna']Should I have macaronni and cheese or should I deep fry some french-fries for lunch?[/COLOR][/quote] perhaps you should have a plate with it them both set side to side and enjoy the great tastes of them both at the same time. :animeswea [CENTER]-------------------------------[/CENTER] hmm well i do believe that business is picking up as i have found a few souls in need of guidance and i pray to help more in a near future [INDENT][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen] I merged your two posts together animetruth. Please do not double post. If you wish to add something please use the edit button in the lower right hand corner of your post. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~*SunfallE[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT] ------------------------------------------- i guess no one needs help in the world...even during these time i see we are realy not so helpful to people...
  11. i see that you truly have trouble times ahead and i have a theory on this. i believe that you are plucking this flower far to fast from start and have decided to quit when the petals began to fall but you must not give up leon for if you truly love this flower of your eyes then your must pluck her with a tender and gentleness to such but be forwarned that if you takes this flower from its depths to slowly it will wilt never to be seen again. I would know for it has happened to me when i loved this one boy. i tried to pick him to fast and he backed away but by the time i was ready to take him by his stems it was to late as his life passed on to another land far from my home. I often wonder what would have been if i chose to take him at the right time but also remember that if you arnt careful with what flower you choose your fate may lie in ruin and hatred or peace and prosperity. i would say not to give up after all she is your friend and as a friend she must understand your feelings for her that may last for ever or a few months. after all teens like you and me always get sidetracked with beauty or grace and forget the meaning of entertaining ones self with something as simple as a talk or learning of one anothers past. Get to know her or if you feel as though you know her enough try again and when she agrees to go on a date with you do what you can to make it magical as true love should be. i pray that you truly have found your dream girl as if you have so soon i see you as a wonderful man with a nice wife living a happy life in the bahamas or paris or even the U.S. so i wish you luck in your dreams and desires.
  12. well yes as your may or may not know i am animetruth but realy my name is jade and i wish to provide assistance in matters of your life that you find are fairly obscured. In other words i desire to help you make a decision in your life that will make it easier funner and more enjoyable and thus any questions you have i shall read upon and provide a possible answer or suggestion to what you can may or might do. simple terminology for you i help you with life. also do not worry because everyone has a problem or two in life and if you desire to keep if confidential then you may email me at any time and i will get to you when i am able. for those who read all that have a nice day and for others...have a nice day i guess. hehehe
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