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  1. Well I had a break from doing everything I loved to do. And then I got Photoshop back after the millionth re-format. And I decided to create. [URL="http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs16/f/2007/214/7/e/Hardcore_by_tragicallymodified.jpg"]HxC[/URL] [URL="http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs17/f/2007/216/9/b/Kanji_Swirls_by_tragicallymodified.jpg"]Kanji Swirls[/URL] [URL="http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs17/f/2007/216/6/7/Digital_Evolution_by_tragicallymodified.jpg"]Digital Evo[/URL] - That's all for now. I completley forgot about a border around them though. But yes; more later. These didn't take that long to make; they were as always just for fun and when I was bored with nothing to do. But I quite enjoy them so any comments and critiscm is alwasy welcome. =]
  2. [SIZE="1"]Sorry for my late entry. No proper internet connection. I'll post my entry tonight. I missed the train or something >< But...I'm in. =][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE="1"]Emily sounds a bit more interesting than Binns to be perfectly honest. And a rather amazing sign-up for her as well. But nothing less to be expected from you of course. -- This looks to be quite interesting/entertaining/and fun all at the same time. The mix of characters looks good and considering it wasn't set back in 'Harrys' days then it will certainly be interesting to see what brand-new storyline branches out from the Harry Potter universe. -- This also looked quite good for a *cough* comeback *cough* so to speak. -- That's all for now; I'm perfectly certain I will have more queries at some point. [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE="1"][B]Name[/B]: Leon "Leo" Wilson. [B]Gender[/B]: Male. [B]Age[/B]: Fifteen. [B]Year[/B]: 4th. [B]House[/B]: Slytherin. [B]Wand[/B]: Williow, 9 and three quarter inches, Dragon Heart String core. [B]Appearance[/B]: Leo carries himself about more than his appearance. He believes that as long as he is confident then ultimatley he is beautiful. But that's not saying that Leo isn't well-looked after and essentially a 'pretty-boy,' that's definatley not what I was trying to describe. Although his appearance makes him look like he would rather straighten his hair than learn to use his wand, his strut certainly doesn't. His hair is perfectly straight; coming slightly down the back of his neck and fringe sitting perfectly at the end of his nose. His eyes shine bright green in the dark and look like tiny green stars sparkling in the light. Often he wears a dazzling silver chain around his neck with a small green cross dangling from it. He would also never be caught wearing anything than the finest imported hand-woven robes. By Leo's walk you can tell that he thinks too much of himself. That he thinks that no-one could possibly be better than him at anything he does. And to him, he doesn't just think this, he knows this. [B]Personality[/B]: Cocky, arrogant and charming all rolled into one quiet obediant teenager. His Charms teacher called him arrogant; his Transfiguration teacher called him shy. He can be your best friend for a split second, and then hate you within an instant. He loves himself more than he will ever love a single soul on the planet. [I][Will update][/I] [B]Classes[/B]: Transfiguration. Potions. Defence Against the Dark Arts. Herbology. Charms. History of Magic. Astronomy. Ancient Runes. Divination. //[i]Also plays as a Seeker (if that's alright) and is in the Duelling Club (again if that's alright).[/i] [b]Private Classes[/b]: Occlumency/Legilimency. [B]Bio[/B]: As a child Leo grew up wondering why plants grew greener and mroe colourful when he touched them, he wondered why 'Mummy and Daddys' friends wore funny hates and long robes. Once as a child he melted the plastic from the swings, and made the metal chains holding the swing up super hot, at the park because a big kid pushed him off. He never knew the wizarding world until he was 9. It was a whole new experience after that. Finding out that the bi-monthly visitor that daddy had over was the Minister of Magic; a head of a whole new Government that was just for gifted people. Amazed and shocked he eventually asked if he would be able to learn and be able to use this magic that he told he had. Mummy told him that he wasn't going to be taught in this country; but in a school named "Durmstrang." His father secretly told him when putting him to bed that he wasn't going to send him a million miles away and he'd be taught in the lovely castle of Hogwarts. He was told fantastic stories about a magical creature called a Basilisk and the fight between this giant and a small wizard only in the 2nd year by the name of Harry Potter. There were also stories that his father wouldn't tell him of a Dark Lord and his claim to power. He couldn't wait for the day that an owl would fly through his window to deliver a letter. Unfortunatley he was disheartened when his mother and father kept arguing about where he would be taught. Although he couldn't wait to be taught, he grew scared of what would eventually be made of him; Hogwarts or Durmstrang... And by the time the arguments had stopped; the excitement had gone, the fun wasn't there...but he still awaited the letter. -- The owl flew through the window; tall, proud and clearly at her best. The letter dropped securely on the mound hidden underneath the thick duvet. It wasn't for at least another two hours when the owl had returned and peck on Leo's head that he woke up to see her flying out of the window; as he stirred in complete consciousness and went to put his slippers on for the walk down to breakfast that he noticed the envelope sitting on the floor with the Hogwarts wav seal on the back of it. He smiled gleefully to himself; picked it up and walked downstairs; his mother Josephine was sitting produly in the living room as the house-elf scurried about in the kitchen preparing food. She turned around quickly finally noticing as Leo walked down the stairs, she frowned as she knew what the letter in her sons hand would contain. She downright refused to let her son be shipped off to a school where they were aloud to teach muggle-borns; but her husband pushed argued with her until she finally agreed. It was only the night before the letter came that she agreed to the outrage that was happening. But when Leo sat downside beside her and opened the letter she couldn't help but smile. "Mudblood lovers..." she whispered under her breath. Leo ignored her and quickly read the letter our loud and ran over to his father to show him. He patted him on the back; gave him a hearty smile and said "Good job son; one day you'll become the most powerful wizard to grace the land." Leo laughed and disagreed; his father and him argued until they came to the agreement that he would be the most powerful wizard in the household. -- He ran back down the the hall and joined his fellow Slytherins; he laughed and joked with first-years around him and couple of Prefects patted him on the back. He knew he was welcome. He knew he was home. The year passed by quickly; he made new friends, almost forgot to write home to his parents every month, he was a kid having fun. The second and third years passed almost as fast. Summers came and gone. Lessons were learned and occasionally forgotten. Friends were almost always kept. He couldn't wait for his fourth year. // Hope that's alright for you. I will update the Personality to contain a wee bit more. If there's anything at all that you don't like then just let me know =].[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]A few dreams of mine have came true; no nightmares though. Silly dreams as encountering people on the way down to my bus; andhaving conversations on MSN and what-not. I had a recurring nightmare a while back; I'm sitting in a shed [which has a bed in it] with my [ex]girlfriend when I look out the dusty window which is covered in cobwebs to see a friend from mine at school. But as he's looking in his face starts to deform and more-or-less melt into this old hag like woman with really droop skin. Well she just lunges at the window and starts trying to claw through it; and well I wake up. I had that nightmare for about 2 maybe 3 months one after the other. Needless to say I didn't sleep much at this point. But at a friends birthday party when we were staying over; my best friend [who knows about the dreams] who was talking to me when I was asleep apparently; appears in the dream outside of the shed and goades me on to get out the shed; so I do. And well I wasted it; and I never had the nightmare again. I was quite thankful.[/SIZE]
  6. [CENTER][IMG]http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/590/meandthelampostsv8.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name[/b]: Sean.[/CENTER]
  7. [SIZE=1]Jamie; my dear...I can honestly say that you have surpassed yourself by a bucket load (comment: I couldn't think of something bigger to say, perhaps a boat...aye). Yes, remembering back to when I saw your drawings and colourings of Imric I was amazed; but this is amazing. I think you've gotten the colours just right; and Byakuya's little "I look all depressed but I'll still kill you" look is just spot on. And need I go onto the colouring, it really is astounding, you've gotten the shading (in my opinion) perfect and it really does look like it's came straight out of the anime. So once again I'll say; you've hit the nail right on the head for this picture. Congrats. And I hope to see more Bleach fanart m'dear. P.S. Byakuya is my favourite so I particularly love this. =][/SIZE]
  8. [CENTER][SIZE=1] As the world adapts to the coming of new technology and specific biological advances; scientists have come to conclusions that miracles are not just ?luck? they are the work of a much higher being than we could never comprehend. Souls do exist; and they have paths to take once they are no longer needed in their mortal shells. In fact souls have a much greater purpose to their ?life? than to live in these shells until the shell is corrupt or forcefully taken from them. Once a soul has departed from its shell it is presented with four jobs in which it can choose one of them. Once a soul has chosen one of the four jobs it can not choose again until the soul wishes to return to a new-born shell where it will then forget everything it once knew until it discovers it deep inside its mind. This is where past-lives come into hand. Once a soul joined with a new shell then they could go through their entire new life without discovering their old self. But on quite a few occasions the soul in the new shell will discover their old life and become atoned with new talents they never once had; and perhaps magical abilities they never once used. Currently a soul only enters a new shell approximately three times at most. Most souls continue with their career after their second time of entering a new-shell. The four jobs include: A shade; A reaper; A reaver; and a guardian spirit. [I]A Shade[/I] - This job is more for souls which are not exactly evil but are not the nicest. They are Hells assassins; they can attach themselves to people with potential magical ability and help them gain what they want; a shade is also a well-known participant in ?haunting? houses and causing misery to mortal shells. [I] A Reaper[/I] - The Reapers? job is to make sure that when someone dies; they die. Most natural disasters occur when reapers go on ?strike? seeing as no-one can destroy the shell and let the soul free then natural disasters occur to even it out. [I] A Reaver[/I] - This is for the evil spirits that depart from their mortal shells. These reavers pull souls out from their mortal shell before the time is due so that they can be used in power bindings or rituals of Hell. [I]A Guardian Spirit[/I] - A job for the kind-hearted. When a spirit leaves it?s mortal shell it can choose to look after another spirit that is in a mortal shell. All in all research into souls has brought upon a great deal of knowledge into what happens in the afterlife. The afterlife can be a peaceful and tranquil place to rest and visit old relatives. But it can also be a battlefield. A war-torn hell-hole. All-in-all; heaven and hell aren?t exactly there, you have the shadow of the afterlife: Hell; the fields of gold: Heaven; and everything in-between.[/CENTER] Hello all; and welcome to Revelations. This RP does have a back-bone; a story to it. Yes it does. But we need people to take up roles in this RP to make it work. So here we have the sign-up. Name: Anything Job: Mortal; Shade; Reaver; Reaper; Guardian. Origin: Hell; Neutral; Heaven; Earth. Appearance: Anything with a human-like stucture should do. Personality: Give me a little information on the character. Biography: What they do/did for a living; why they chose their job. If there is any 'secret' information you want to put into your sign-up but don't want people to know about then send me a message. =]. And also if you have any more questions about the RP then please direct them to my inbox and I'll be happy to answer your questions. Thank you.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Oh; this one is easy. [b]Iris[/b] by The Goo-Goo Dolls comes in easy at first for me. [b]Rooftops[/b] by Lostprophets at a numero two. Both these songs are exceptionally pretty. And two of my favourite songs.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Me, I'm an amateur freak. I love listening to amateur and local bands more than most other bands. Be it Death Metal, Emo, Heavy Metal or Punk. One of my favourite 'amateur bands: [URL=http://www.myspace.com/foreverxendsxtomorrow]Forever Ends Tomorrow[/URL]. Now for my exclusive favourite genres'; well I change my music quite a lot. Sometimes I'll have a Chimera playlist; sometimes an American Hi-Fi playlist. It all depends on my mood. If I need enthusiasm I tend to listen to bands which are fast and lively, such as Dragonforce, and if I just want something to listen to then it would have to be the [b]emotional hardcore[/b] section for me. Oh! Then you get my band! We rock [b][u]TUH[/u][/b] socks off, know why? 'cause we're the worlds first air band! Woop woop woop![/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][I]"A city of evil."[/I] [B]Song:[/B] The Beast and the Harlot [B]Artist:[/B] Avenged Sevenfold [B]New Word:[/B] Concious[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][I]"And all the cyanide you drank."[/I] [b]Song:[/b] To The End [b]Artist:[/b] My Chemical Romance [b]New Word:[/b] Cute Well that was easy; I know that song [[and all MCR songs]] off by heart, heh.[/SIZE]
  13. [quote name='Jakehammaren']In my opinion, Metallica was great until the Black Album, which was only alright, and every album since has been downhill utterly and completely. But they used to be great.[/quote] [SIZE=1]I would agree with you here; Kill 'Em All, Ride The Lightning .etc were there best albums but as they progressed and brought out new albums they got worse and worse. The Black Album is the point where this mainly started, look at St. Anger compared to Kill 'Em All. How is it possible to go from KEA to St. Anger... I haveb't disowned Metallica because of this, but whenever I listen to the newer material it just gets me annoyed to know they went downhill so badly.[/SIZE]
  14. [b]Chapter VII: Dark Bat meets Sakura Flower// More Than An Introduction.[/b] [i]?Stand up, you know you have the right too.?[/i] Sidearm turns his head to the man in charge muttering under his breath. [i]?What was that, you know who?s in charge, and you know you failed to destroy the target. She?s on her own just now, you better get this done, so help me God.?[/i] Sidearm smirked at Kurokawa's voice, replying [i]?No simpler said than done.?[/i] Sidearm picked himself out of the seat and walked to the door, the cold breeze blowing underneath the door, swinging it open Sidearm walked out into the cold streets of Russia, the tickets were already booked, he was going back to Japan to finish off the job. [b]Characters Involved[/b]: Sakura and JJ [b]Posting Order[/b]: 1) JJ, 2) Sakura [b]Rules[/b]: This battle will not kill either one of the competitors, JJ's character has history with Sakura's character in the world of Kill Game, this history will revealed later on. But, no-one dies, Sakura can you please leave it somewhere where either of you could die. Thank you. [b]Location[/b]: Tokyo, Japan Sakura you were in Japan for 'unknown' reasons to everyone, and JJ is in Japan to terminate you. So let us begin with Chapter VII, Dark Bat meets Sakura Flower.
  15. [quote name='GoldScorpion78] It isn't a disease, or a mental illness, it's just [I]there[/I] and it will always be there. There's no medicine that will make me feel comfortable as a female. But there [I]is[/I'] medicine that will make me more of a male, and that, my friends is testosterone. Which, I'd like to announce, my doctor and psychiatrist are trying to find a way to put me on.[/quote] [SIZE=1] Why do you wish to be hairy? o.O;; This may be a [i]serious[/i] topic we're talking about, but as Retri has pointed out, you're physically and biologically female. Whatever is going on in that mind of yours differs from your biological self. And, in no way is there anything wrong with wishing to be the opposite sex if you feel it is right, but you were made to be female. Testosterone is a big step, and I really don't see why you should be taking testosterone...you may feel like that you are male trapped in a females body, but taking testosterone won't help the matter one bit.[/SIZE]
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