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Everything posted by Perfection
[SIZE=1]Well my 'current' obsessive and probably over-'sang' song currently would be: [b]In The Jungle[/b]. Yes, sounds weird doesn't it, but I was trying to cheer my friend up and couldn't think of anything better than a random song, and that would be the first one that came to ym head. I've currently gotten over 30 people to join in with me at school. ... As for my [i]offically over-played song[/i]; I would be with James saying that [b]'Dissolved Girl[/b] by Massive Attack holds that spot. And funnily enough it was James that introduced me to it when we were talking about The Matrix films. So yes, [b]In The Jungle[/b]; and [u]Dissolved Girl[/u].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]So far all the sign-ups are loooking great! One or two little things I shall say, I don't mind if all the old members re-use there [b]older[/b] sign-ups, but I know we've all became far better writers since then. And I can guarentee this one shall be more active than the last one which died quite soon. A new chapter shall be posted every week on A [b]Monday[/b] or [b]Wednesday[/b]; Mondays will be for ahem...[i]special[/i] chapters which will involve...well you'll find that out. I shall post my sign-up Wednesday and we should be starting next Wednesday. Also; sign-ups shall be closed next [b]Monday[/b].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Well I've had my ears pierced for quite some time and had no trouble with them. They make me look so damn [b]hip[/b], [i]cool[/i], and [u]funky fresh[/u]. >>;; I also pierced my lip myself quite a while ago, but it looked as if it was getting infected so I took it out one morning and didn't put it back in, go me! I went through all the pain of a giant [i]sterilised[/i] safety pin for nothing. [b]Later that month[/b]; I got it pierced professionally. Whoo! [b]When I Turn 16[/b]; I'm getting my tongue pierced which shall be painful, but I like tongue piercings, no matter how much I must clean it. =D. If people are wanting to get any type of piercings, I do recommend getting it done professionally, bacterial infections are bad enough without any other diseases infecting your system.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][b]Perfection[/b]. No I am not implying that I'm perfect. But being perfect is not something possible to accomplish. So I am simply saying that I'm not very easy to deal with...I'm like Marmite, you either love me or hate me. No I shall not be changing my name to [b]Marmite[/b]... [i]P.S. It also sounds pretty-full[/i][/SIZE]
[b]And you know what that bastard did? The ****** shot him, right in front of my god damn eyes.[/b] [I]Woah, what a story?[/I] [b]Yeah it is, isn?t it. There, he left me with no family, and I was stuck to bring myself up.[/b] [I]Harsh[/I] [b]You bet my *** that it was?I was only 10 at the time[/b] --Flashback-- ?NO! Please don?t? my mother screamed, she ran up to the man, hitting his back softly, effecting him none, she began to cry. The panting of a dog vibrated around the room, finally a gun shot ended it, I screamed out, but there was so much commotion going on that no-one heard. I sighed from relief. ?Kill him?now? said a deep voice, a tear drop fell from my eye, hitting the wooden floor with a thud, swinging noises could be heard, and more grunting, they must be after my father. But I can?t stop it, I can?t do anything to stop them. Finally the swishing noises finished, and a loud thud, the bed bounced slightly, and I hid behind the wardrobe, keeping me away from the violence. And I can see his face, looking over at me now, but I can?t go out, my mother told me to stay here until everything was quiet. Blood was dripping down his face, eyes crying out for help, but sill telling me to stop and stay. I can?t bear it much longer, the pain, the hurt, what am I to do, apart from turn around and sob to myself, hidden from the chaos, only slight gaps. Sitting on my own, behind the barrier of wood and metal, protected in one way, but hurting in every other. The sound of a gun, it?s being loaded, and cocked, it?s so loud. But not, it?s quiet, apart from sobbing noises, I can?t go out yet, I just can?t, it?ll be over soon? --End Flashback-- [I]Intense?[/I] [b]Damn right, grown up on my own ever since?well not entirely true[/b] [I]Not entirely?[/I] [b]Yeah, Vince came into my life?great guy, shame I was made to kill him[/b] [I]Had to kill him?[/I] [b]He was my last target before I got out[/b] [I]Got out of what?[/I] [b]Let me tell you then, give me a chance, christ[/b] --Flashback-- ?Now, this guy has taken our stocks, he?s our target, and he leads the Tokyo Underworld, do you think you can take him?? The answer was obvious, if anyone of them showed the slightest hint of fear, or worry then they were exiled from the group, soon killed by a fellow member later. ?Now *** you and Vince have history, can you take him?? --End Flashback-- [b]I laughed and gave a nod, my mind was straining to shout out and confess to the group of what I had done, what I was planning to do, but I couldn?t, so I stayed quiet. Then killed Vince?s sorry ***, a job?s a job, and when I got paid I was on the last flight that night from Tokyo to Melbourne.[/b] [I]So, they came after you?[/I] [b]Yeah, the bastard came after me, and I was ready, with my ?own? little group, they all had there personal piffs with his little ?Assassination Squad? the bastard got more than he bargained for[/b] [I]Please tell[/I] Kill Game is a role-play based off the film Kill Bill, based in the not so distant future, where our weapons now are weapons then. And it will show the story of a group of assassins who hate one man, and there want to kill him, and his group of professional killers. The man (who?s name has to be decided) ordered his group to kill a good friend of one of the killers, she did just that, and ran from the man, growing a burning hate for him, and deciding something should be done about him. Thus she created her own group, whom she named the ?Black Vipers? armed to the teeth with Japanese steel. This RP will contain the Black Vipers who plan on the assasination of the man, and his group, named ?The Tokyo Elite?. It?ll be down to the players to who prevails in this battle, I?m not going to push into a definite ending. The man and The Tokyo Elite can win, or the Black Vipers, it?s your call. Choose your role, and play it well. And to all of those who have seen this before; that is because the original poster of this RP is Sean who left the OB not long back; but has decided to return under the title of Perfection. And for the sign-up. What can I say, this will be a normal sign-up, but I have to beg you for it too be extremely detailed, I don?t know how many sign-ups I?ll get, but I want to be able to know your character, know the way the feel in situations. And most of all I want to pick it, if it?s detailed, I will want to pick it, simple as that. But I?ll get on with putting up the sign-up sheet. Name: You can keep your name private, and reveal it later on, if you wish. AKA: Your ?nickname?, what you?re name is when working. Age: 21+ Gender: Whoo! Anything you want, Male/Female/ It? Whatever. Appearance: A drawing/photo/.etc Personality: Biography: Your characters life up to meeting the girl, or your life working with the man. Weapon: Anything will do, as long as it?s a melee weapon. Alliance: Who you team with - Black Vipers/Tokyo Elite
[SIZE=1]Jar, Jar all the way...>>;; So then would you rather: -[b]chain-smoke 20 cigarrettes[/b]...[i]or[/i] -[b]chain-smoke 10 and kiss your current boyfriend/girlfriend[/b]. Kinda sucky, but ah well...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hm, quite an idea. I like this, you've seen your common day card games, but a card-based RPG...it sounds quite interesting to say the least. As said before, the images you've used for these two cards are just spot on. And as Gavin said, it would be interesting to see other 'types' of cards you've come up with.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Well this seems pretty entertaining for the early hours of the morning. So here we go...Hawthorne Heights. 1. Pick a Band or Artist: [B]Hawthorne Heights [/B] 2.Are you male or female: [B]This Is Who We Are[/B] 3.Describe yourself: [B]Light Sleeper[/B] 4. How do some people feel about you: [B]I Am On Your Side[/B] 5.Desscribe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [B]Cross Me Off Your List[/B] 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [B]Sandpaper and Silk [/B] 7.Describe where you want to be: [B]Ohio Is For Lovers[/B] 8.Describe how you love: [B]Silver Bullet[/B] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [B]Dissolve And Decay[/B] 10.Share a few words of wisdome: [B]Apparently Hoverboards Don't Work On Water[/B] 11.Now say goodbye:[B] Life On Standby[/B] [i]And another[/i]: 1. Pick a Band or Artist: [B]Funeral For A Friend[/B] 2.Are you male or female: [B]Sonny[/B] 3.Describe yourself: [B]Rookie Of The Year[/B] 4. How do some people feel about you: [B]All The Rage[/B] 5.Desscribe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [B]She Drove Me To Daytime TV[/B] 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [B]This Years Most Open Heartbreak[/B] 7.Describe where you want to be: [B]Hospitality[/B] 8.Describe how you love: [B]Drive[/B] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [B]Roses For The Dead[/B] 10.Share a few words of wisdome: [B]Red Is The new Black[/B] 11.Now say goodbye: [B]The End Of Nothing[/B] [i]All done...[/i] Fun, fun. >>;;[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I've had a go at it: [b]i)[/b] Knife Called Lust - by [I]Hollywood Undead[/I] [b]ii)[/b] My Eyes Burn - by [I]Matchbook Romance[/I] [b]iii)[/b] I Write Sins Not Tragedies - by [I]Panic! At The Disco[/I] [b]iv)[/b] Did My Time - by [I]KoRn[/I] [b]v)[/b] Target Audience - by [I]Marilyn Manson[/I] [b]vi)[/b] Language Lessons - by [I]Hawthorne Heights[/I] [b]vii)[/b] Annihilation By The Hands Of God - by [I]Roadrunner United[/I] [b]viii)[/b] Attack - by [I]30 Seconds to Mars[/I] [b]ix)[/b] Neo Geisha - by [I]Zeromancer[/I] [b]x)[/b] Death Said - by [I]The Summer Obsession[/I]
[SIZE=1]The way I see it. You get your 'stereotypical' emo, the ones that perhaps wear black, have there multiple pair of converse, wear excessive eye make-up (males included), wear several million safety pins on all parts of there clothing, cut themselves, and crave attention left-right-and-center. Then! You get what I call 'happy-emo'. It is all I describe above not including the cutting themselves and craving attention. They may listen to 'stereotypical' emo bands such as Dashboard Confessional and Matchbook Romance, but they do it because they want to, not because it's a fad to be 'depressed'. What I hate is, when you're feeling down for one reason or another, and you just wanna think, you'll always get the insult of emo thrown at you. I mean, how is such a label meant to be insulting these days. It's just a term used for someone in touch with there emotions. What I also hate is, even if you enjoy the music and you listen to it without wearing the clothing and cutting yourself then you're classed as being emo, why? Because even if you're wearing bright white and wearing bright white Nike trainers your craving attention by listening to the music but not dressing like a stereotypical emo. So much excuses.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Well, this may be my first post on the OB, but after reading this, it shows that the OtakuBaords has some seriously talented writers about it. You actually feel like your reading a 'murder thriller' novel. It's quite enthralling actually. I hope to be reading more of this quite soon, great job. The way you've developed your characters is magnificent, from a little bud you see the characters grow and develop into the flowers they are, and what they might become. Good job.[/SIZE]