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Everything posted by nekojohn

  1. just started part four and havent had time as much as i used to becouse of college :p
  2. Dot hack ledgend of the twlight was like what the heck and i still want more. when i saw the end of dot hack gift ending credits though all i did was :animenose [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Nekojohn, make sure to use proper grammar and spelling when posting in Anime Lounge to avoid having your posts moderated. Also, remember that this is a conversation heavy forum. Try to have a little more content in your post to feed the conversation. -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  3. who else loves cute anime :catgirl:
  4. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Times New Roman]"Take a guess where this is going to go.." Wow...That sounded ....So wrong... Edit: This is for those of you who cant see it..I can for some reason... I think it is because I visit the site then when I come back from the site it is there...wierd isnt it? [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]well i am going to make this a hentai , so kiddies please walk away now and liet the older kids enjoy
  5. most girls i know just think of me asa friend anyways ,im always the friend so please expalin that and ill explain guys but im a one of a kind guy :animesigh
  6. hi all , im 19 years old love anime well duh and manga duh , my favorite manga creators are clamp and love cardcaptor sakura, not the crudd that came out call cardcaptors. love video games and play rely just rpgs and am woring on dot hack part 4and ff x 2
  7. i only bought my copy becouse i herd it was good althoe my copy was free so i was like what the heck :catgirl:
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